MD/AS Megashow: Blade vs. Chris Beckford (Eurasian League)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management

The battle for second place in the Eurasian League heats up as Blade takes on Chris Beckford. Blade showed his true colors as Titus's other attacker. Who will claim victory and get closer to that ever so important spot in the KFAD match?

Deadline is Tuesday, February 2nd at 23:59 EST.
Bliss hits the speakers and a chorus of boos errupt in the arena. Blade struts out on stage, grinning ear to ear. He stops at the top of the entrance ramp and he takes in the crowd's reaction.

Harrys: Ladies and Gentlemen, please welcome, Blade!

His grin is still plastered across his face as he looks around, applauding himself. He moves down the entrance ramp, gets up onto the apron and getsinto the ring. He walks around the ring a few times, looking totally smug. The announcer hands Blade a microphone. He walks to the middle of the ring, looking out at the crowd. He raises the microphone to his lips, then lowers it with the crowd still booing viciously. He takes in the boos for a few more seconds before again lifting the mic to his mouth.

Blade: It was all... Too... Easy.

Blade smirks again as the crowd seems to find a second wind, booing even louder now.

Blade: I fooled each and every one of you and each and every one of the guys backstage.

Blade puts his hands together, applauding for himself yet again.

Blade: I'm sure you're all wondering how it all happened. Luckily for you, I'm going to bless you with my presence for a few minutes longer. The tale of my demise and rebirth is an epic one and I wish to do it justice.

He looks out at the crowd again and spots a small kid holding a sign that says "WHY, BLADE, WHY?"

Blade: Destiny throws some curveballs sometimes. It all started with the series of screwjobs that happened weeks ago. At first I was enraged by them, but they turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to my career. So, I got screwed by the men behind the scenes when Rush was replaced by Sanna. I'd been preparing for Sanna, I knew all his moves and weaknesses. But instead, I got Old Man Rush, someone who I wasn't prepared for. I'm good, but I'm not a miracle worker, I wasn't ready to face Rush without having scouted him. And Rush beat me. I didn't let it get to me at first, I shook his hand and walked backstage. When I got backstage I found out that everyone knew Sanna had been replaced by Rush.... Everyone knew, apart from me of course. The change had been made days earlier but I hadn't been told. So I got angry and like any normal person, I took out my anger on the people who'd caused it. I destroyed the locker room and it felt good. But as I walked out of the room, Titus caught up with me.

The crowd cheer wildly as Titus is mentioned. Blade grinds his teeth until the crowd grow quiet again.

Blade: He talked to me about what happened. He sympathised with me. And he did the most insulting thing he possibly could... He pitied me. Well, that just pissed me off more. While I pretended to be grateful for his sympathy, I decided he was going to pay for being such a condescending prick. He walked away, and I followed him. He turned round a corner, and I picked up a pipe to hit him with. But when I turned around the corner to attack him, lo and behold, he was already being attacked. By Karnage, as you all know.

The crowd boo heavily for Karnage as Blade nods knowingly.

Blade: Well, it was lucky for me. Titus wouldn't even be able to fight back when I hit him. So I pushed Karnage aside and, as the kids say, 'went to town' on Titus' ass in a fit of fury.

The crowd start to boo again, and a few pieces of litter are thrown into the ring in an attempt to hit Blade. Blade shakes his head and takes out a cigarette, which he lights up.

Blade: Now, now. Settle down children, we're about to get to the best part of my story. Well, as you people may know, Karnage is a bit of simple man. Intellectually. So when I started attacking Titus with him he assumed I was on his side. The moron said he'd be joining the rWo after hurting Titus and he said he would be able to get me in too. I didn't expect the big oaf to be so trusting, especially towards me. But I knew that if I didn't join up with the rWo, they would surely tell everyone that I attacked Titus alone, have me take all the blame. And at the same time, I knew Titus would find out that I was the other attacker sooner or later, as unlike Karnage, he is mildly intelligent. But I wanted to make sure that if he found out, he'd find out on my terms. So a plan formed in my head, and I shook hands with Karnage, telling him I'd be honoured to join the rWo.

The camera shows a close up of some audience members who look angry and shocked.

Blade: I knew Ricky would be much harder to fool than Karnage, so I pretended to be as loyal as possible to him. I said I'd get close to Titus for him to act as a spy, but, as you all have probably guessed, I wanted Titus to trust me for my own reasons, so he wouldn't suspect me. So as I got on Titus' good side, I watched matches being made for Kingdom Come. Big Dave and Karnage were shooting to the top of their respecting leagues. Ricky was trying to deal with both Titus and and Bratchny at the same time. This was part of my plan, I knew that all members of the rWo were good enough to get into big matches for Kingdom Come. This meant that when I revealed that I was not part of the rWo, they'd all be busy with their opponents. Similarly, Titus would be busy with Everst when I told the world I was the second attacker, so he couldn't come for revenge. Sometimes I'm shocked by my own brilliance...

Blade laughs loudly, then heaves a deep sigh, appreciating his own 'brilliance', exhalling the smoke from his last cigarette drag.

Blade: So, now it just came down to how to tell the world that I was the other attacker. As usual, destiny was on my side. It was announced that Titus would be facing Ricky in a lumberjack match. Ricky would have his rWo behind him, including me he thought. I'd done my job of getting close to Titus, with Ricky thinking I was doing it for him, so I was named as one of Titus' lumberjacks. Do you see have perfect the opportunity was?

More litter starts to fill the ring, as a cup full of beer narrowly misses Blade's head.

Blade: And you know the rest... The match began, I sent a message to Titus by taking out his two minions, while at the same time forcefully declining my position in the rWo. Proof beyond proof, you ignorant morons, that fate is on my side. That my destiny is special.

Blade closes his eyes for a moment, smiling.

Blade: Unfortunately I did have to sacrifice my place at the top of the Eurasian league for my plan to come together, but now I'm set to enter King For a Day. And, of course, win. Unfortunately there's a worm that stands in my way who goes by the name of Chris Beckford.

There's a pop for Beckford as Blade walks around the ring, nonchalantly flicking his cigarette butt at a random member of the audience.

Blade: Now this guy has been bugging me since he got here, pulling out fluke wins, having his stupid little speeches where he tries to appear deep. I'm absolutely sick of him. So, on the WZCW megashow, I intend to put that little weasel in his place. I want to show him what happens when you deal with a real wrestler, not a wrestler like Rush, who's years past his sell by date.

The crowd boo Blade for his insults upon Rush and Beckford.

Blade: Thank you, thank you. Yes, and speaking of Rush, apparently the old fossil is my only threat for a KFAD place since I'm going to decimate Beckford. But come on,seriously, what has he done in the last year or so? I mean, apart from soiling himself regularly. He's pathetic, and he will not take my place.

Blade shakes his head angrily.

Blade: You see... Ladies and gentlemen, everything is falling into place. Things are finally starting to make sense, my destiny is finally starting to make sense. While there may be people who try to interfere, Karnage, Titus, whoever, I will always persevere. So in closing, as I look to the future... I must close my eyes. Because that's how bright my future is.
Scene opens with Leon Kensworth looking directly at the camera. We appear to be in a hallway backstage at WZCW.

Kensworth: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to this exclusive interview only for, in a short while I am going to be interviewing my friend Chris Beckford, the man who just missed out on top spot in the EurAsian league after coming up short against Big Dave last week, and the man who this week goes up Blade the guy behind the devastating attack on Titus. But first I'd like to recap how we got to where we are between Beckford, Blade and Rush in the EurAsian league.

The first two pointer match at Meltdown 32 involved Beckford and the Elite X league winner and No1 contender Karnage after a fantastic bout future RWO member Karnage picked up the victory with the Solitary Confinement while Rush picked up the victory over Blade due to Blade expecting to face Sanna. At Meltdown 33 Beckford locked horns with Rush in a closely fought contest with Beckford picking up the victory with the Cross Drop while Blade fought and came up short against eventual EurAsian League winner Big Dave.

At Meltdown 34 Beckford faced of with the English Enigma Scott Hammond, eventually besting him with a fantastic Cross Country to go to 2-1 while Blade took advantage of Frankie Smiths attack on Zander in his League two pointer match to go 2-2 and Rush lost in a close encounter with Big Dave after Big Dave hit the Checking Out to go to 1-2.

Last week at Meltdown 35 it was win or bust for Beckford as he faced off against League leader Big Dave, in a hard fought match where neither man refused to die, Beckford went for a springboard dropkick and turned into a devastating spear from Big Dave who then covered for the 3 count, Blade had his work cut out for him when he faced Scott Hammond. Scott was looking for his first win in the EurAsian League but Alas it was not to be and when Blade hit the Halo he picked up another win to get to 3-2. Rush however beat USA in his two pointer match to join Blade on 3-2.

So as it stands going into the megashow Blade and Rush are at 3-2 Beckford is at 2-2. If Beckford can beat Blade and Rush loses to Hammond Beckford will go through due to wins against Rush and Blade. Blade can only go through if he beats Beckford and Rush loses against Hammond while Rush can go through to the King for a Day match if he beats Scott Hammond. So with all that recapped follow me as we get a few words with Chris Beckford.

Leon heads towards a door the camera looks at the door to reveal ''Chris Beckford'' written on the front. As Leon goes to knock on the door we hear some commotion from the room beyond.

Beckford: (Shouting) WEASEL...........WORM. I'll SHOW HIM WHO THE WEASEL IS.

We hear the sound of glass smashing Leon gathers himself after hearing the commotion and knocks on the door. Beckford yanks the door open.

Beckford: (Shouting) WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT LEON.

Kenswoth: Whoa Chris, no need to shout I just wanted to get your thoughts on the decisive match up this week, to get into the King For A Day match you need to beat Blade and hope Hammond beats Rush.

Beckford: (Stops Shouting) You really think I don’t know that Leon, all week all I have had to think about is how to beat Blade while all the time hoping that a man with no wins so far in the EurAsian League can beat Rush a guy I only just bested. So yeah my thoughts are a little all over the place this week, what do you think Leon, do I have any realistic chance here?

Kensworth: Well to be honest Chris I think you do, you’ve shown that you can hang with the best here and-

Beckford: Hanging with the best? I spent a few minutes in the Lethal Lottery before getting tossed out (Beckford motions for Leon to enter the room) I lost to Karnage when I had him beat and last week lost to Big Dave due to my own mistake. I shouldn't be making these mistakes Leon I didn't hang with the best I just paddeled with them.

As Leon enters the room he notices the room is a mess, Beckford’s locker is wide open with aftershave smashed on the ground, chairs over turned, his I-pod damaged on the floor and his mirror in the room is smashed as he notices Beckford’s hand is bleeding

Beckford: No disrespect to Scott Hammond but Rush is very hard to beat and with Scott having not won yet its not looking very good for me here is it.

Kensworth: What....what happened to your hand?

Beckford: My hands fine I just saw what Blade had to say about me and needed to vent unfortunately the mirror took the beating. Did you see what he called me Leon? He called me a worm and a weasel. That hurts, I've done nothing to him, I have barely even spoke to the guy and he has the audacity to run his mouth and call me that.

Beckford looks directly into the camera

Beckford: Blade I don't try to understand what you've gone through over these past few weeks, and I don't really want to, you've made your choice and now you have to live with it. But calling me a weasel is so far off the mark......its unbelievable. Who is the weasel here Blade, a man who looks straight at his opponent in the ring before engaging in contest or a man who attacks a defenceless man in a parking lot or a man who picks up somebody who has been knocked out by somebody else before hitting his finishing manoeuvre on said person? Yeah that’s right I went toe to toe with Scott Hammond that night, you hit the Halo on Zander after Frankie Smith did the damage. You see not only are you the ''weasel'' but your a coward.

You attacked Titus because he pitied you? He didn't pity you, he wanted to help you get out of the flunk you were in, he offered support and what did you do? you beat him up from behind in the parking lot. Well come the Megashow when I'm looking at you face to face in the ring, I'll tell you to your face that I pity what you've become, and I can't wait to see what you're going to try and do about it.

With that Beckford walks out of the room, Leon beckons after him

Kensworth: But what about Rush and the EurAsian League?

It's too late as Beckford has already left the hallway. Leon turns to the camera

Kenswoth: well folks you saw it here, Beckford looks to be fired up for this final EurAsian league match you can find out what happens by watching the Meltdown/Acension megashow this week, for now this is me Leon Kensworth signing off.

Camera fades to black
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