MD 73: Steven Kurtesy vs. Celeste Crimson (Non Title)

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
After Ty Burna suffered the loss against Celeste Crimson and Steven Kurtesy on last week's Meltdown, he has decreed that the teammates must face each other in the main event and if they refuse to compete, Ty will strip Kurtesy of his World Championship and remove Celeste from Team WZCW. Both competitors have recently come to terms and created an alliance so if things get heated between them, the partnership has the possibility of fizzling. Can these two battle each other without any consequences arising from the contest or will Team WZCW break at the seems?

Deadline is Tuesday, May 1st at 11:59 PM Central Time

It's the only word that I can really use to describe everything that has happened in the last fifteen minutes as I slowly walk down the halls behind the scenes of Meltdown, sweat dripping from my forehead and my championship hanging across my shoulder. The match I just wrestled contained an event that I haven't been able to wrap my head around: the fact that the almighty merciless leader of the Chaos Ty Burna sacrificed himself to the one man he would never want to lose to in order to save a man who he has butted heads against, Chris K.O. One could understand the purpose of trying to win back Chris to the darkness... but to put themselves through the mental disadvantage and humiliation of willing losing to my hand? Why?

My thoughts get interrupted as I pass a group of staff members, some clapping their hands and others nodding their heads. I smile back, as any courtesy man should... to which I happen to be the epitome of, literally. I guess I could say that's at least one thing I have as an advantage of Ty... ugh, the closer I get to Kingdom Come the more my thoughts are consumed by that monster of darkness. He is inside my head and I cannot remove his presence... I would have never believed that someone as broken as him would be able to penetrate a complex psyche such as mine, despite being a master of psychology. I don't like the feeling it gives but at least with every second he continues to seep in, the more I know it feels to be like him: understanding his advantages and disadvantages... maybe if I can find someone to unlock them for me I'd be able to harness that power. I should give Sandy a call: she's insisted many times to give me mental check-ups heading into this match, I should humour her and take one prior to KC.

Once again, a clapping sound stops me from pondering... but it doesn't sound one of congratulations: more of a sarcastic or demeaning clap. I look up and see a smile across the face of Stacey Madison; my favourite journalist. I decided to withhold any response until after she says something.

"Congratulations Kurtesy, you've finally slayed the beast! You have finally defeated Ty Burna in the center of the ring, pinned him for the three count to win the match. Yay! Although it was a tag team match where your partner is seemingly flirting with Ty's partner who Ty pushed out of the way at the last second and almost begged you to take him down and not your World title match... you should be proud of yourself to accomplish something that may not happen again. How does that make you feel?"

She never lets up, does she? Its like she can't get enough of out interactions... and its like she never learns, neither. Like always, I put on a big smile and beam at her, seeing the complete opposite reaction to what she expects although it isn't a surprise to her.

"Thank you Stace. I couldn't have done it without your guidance. I'd also like to take this time to thank my mother, the academy and the big guy upstairs for making this all happen."

I put on some fake tears and pretend to wash them away, over-reacting the situation to put myself on the level of Stacey. The look on her face after I one-up her is priceless and this time is no different. The screwed facial expression is enough to send me in proper tears of laughter but I contain myself.

"Very funny, insert name of a generic actress who wins an award. I wasn't coming here to tell jokes and light up a camp-fire to tell each other war stories. Hell, the only reason why I'm here is due to my contractual obligations..."

I chuckle for a couple of seconds, interrupting what the bleached blonde was going to say.

"That's what you always say. I'm curious: what is it that you like about me? Is it the fact that I wear a different aftershave perfume every day? The way I'm always dressed nicely? My smile? I'm quite fond of my smile."

And there is that signature blank stare across the face of Madison. Predictable ol' Stacey. I might have to switch it up and start annoying Johnny. Come to think of it, when was the last time he interviewed me?

"Oh please, don't flatter yourself. You're not even close to being on my improbable list... but as I was saying, I have a slot in the next issue of WZCW Magazine where I'm supposed to interview either the champion or the challenger for the Kingdom Come World title match. Since I have no idea where to find Ty, it looks like I'm going to have to interview you."

All I can do is smile at the idea. Having been featured in two consecutive issues wouldn't be a bad way to continue gaining publicity.

"Lovely... I just hope it doesn't turn into another duel commentary with Leon and Ty joining us. That might get a little rough for a little lady such as yourself to handle."

I think I tampered with some nerves as I see the face of Stacey become quite shocked and appalled at my statement.

"Don't tempt me."

And just like that, Madison storms off down the corridor. Wow... I didn't think referring to her as a small child would be the thing that sets her off. Maybe that's the reason she's so uptight. I might record that down should the day she comes to my office for psychological help arises. No matter, I'm probably capable of remembering something like that. I should give Sandy a call, tell her to meet me for lunch tomorrow at a cafe or something. First off, I should have a shower and get out of her before Larry the security guard starts doing his last rounds. He's a nice guy but if he stops and talks, you won't be home until sunrise...


The following day, Steven Kurtesy can be found sitting at table for two on the sidewalk just in front of a cafe on a not-so-busy street. The garden and foliage is lovely and full of bright colours on a nice, sunny day. People are happy just like the day although the only person who has yet to forge that smile is the champion himself, despite his casual clothing depicting otherwise. He remains the lone unhappy person until he sees his guest arrive, making him happier than anyone else present. Sandy Deserts comes up to Steven and the two embrace, exchanging greetings and pleasantries before they sit down at the table.

I've taken the liberty of ordering us some beverages. Iced tea okay?

As long as it's peach. So, what is really important that you and I had to have brunch at a lovely cafe such as this?

Since when did me asking you to have something to eat and catch up refer to being something relative to news?

Sandy smirks at Kurtesy, indicating to Steven to cut out the small talk and get straight to the point.

Alright. There are two things I need to ask/tell you about.

That's better... hit me.

First one is the better of the two: I know you've been pestering me about coming to see you for mental and psychiatry reviews heading into Kingdom come but I've thought about it and I think I should take you up on that offer. My mind hasn't been in the right spot it needs to be if I'm going to compete on such a grand stage so would you mind taking a look into my brain?

Sandy smiles as she finally gets to help Kurtesy on his road to KC.

No problem, Steve. You never have to ask for my help: you have done so much for me and I have yet to repay the debts I owe. This is the least I can do. And Steve...

Sandy puts a hand on Steven's, clutching his very tight whilst she looks straight into his eyes.

I will always be here for you.

The moment is interrupted when the waitress brings out the drink Kurtesy ordered: the Iced tea for Sandy who thanks the waitress and a scotch or a whiskey for the Professor, who seems a little pre-occupied for a moment but shakes his head and thanks the waitress. The two take a sip of their beverages before they continue the conversation.

And what was the second thing?

Oh yes... you're not going to like this.

Kurtesy is very hesitant to tell Sandy.

I'm facing Celeste Crimson on Meltdown in a singles match.

The once bright smile on Sandy's face turns to concern and anger for her friend Celeste. She almost considers throwing her drink into his face but decides to hold back. Steven expected the worst and squints his eyes for a slap but nothing happens. He opens his eyes to see Sandy pointing at him.

If you dare hurt her I am going to come after you and punish you ten times as worse! I swear if you touch her...

Calm down, Sandy... you're making a scene.

Most of the customers of the cafe are looking solely on the two. Sandy realises what she did and apologises to everyone. She then turns back to Steve with just a look of concern.

You must'n compete.

But I have to Sandy and its not by choice. Believe me, I hated the idea when I got told this morning by Vance. After what Celeste and I did to Ty on Meltdown last night, he's ordered us to fight each other. If we don't, the both of us are removed from Kingdom Come and Ty get's his World title and the company, just as he wants. I physically can't not compete otherwise WZCW is doomed for: we can't have the two people leading the charge be taken out just because we don't feel like competing. Do you know how much moral and momentum we'd lose if we left?

Sandy's facial expressions show that she is in conflict with herself.

Why would he do this?

It's a win-win situation for Ty: that's why he is doing it. If we don't fight, the Chaos don't have to do anything come the PPV and they can do whatever they feel like doing. If we compete, we'll be wearing each other down enough for the Apostles to make an ambush before the PPV and we won't be 100% for our matches. In all honesty, I'd rather be 20% ready than not be allowed to be ready at all. I'm not losing this title on a technicality and Celeste is definitely not backing out now after all she's been through to get here.

I just need to promise me one thing: don't hurt her.

It's really hard to try not to considering that this is a wrestling match and the circumstances... but I'll promise that I will do everything in my power not to injure her. Other than that, I'm going to go out there next Meltdown and I'm going to take her on like she is a normal competitor. If the match gets intense, then I'm going to crank up the intensity... whatever the match requires me to do to win, I'm going to get there and pray that that's what it takes to get the victory... and besides, having a one-on-one match with someone I trust the most right before the PPV is a great way for the both of us to prepare ourselves for the test that's ahead. Celeste is an amazing competitor and if I beat her, or at the very least take her to her limits, I'd be pretty safe in assuming I'm ready for Kingdom Come.

I know she's your friend but this is not an option. I have to compete... and I'm going to do my best to win. I'm sorry for anything that this could cause.

Sandy takes a moment to take all of this information in and process it, finally getting a nod in agreement from her. Steven looks relieved that she understands and the two sit in silence for a while before Sandy looks at Steven.

Just promise me this.

Steven looks up as well.

When it comes time to face Ty: give him hell for me.

Kurtesy smiles.

I promise.

Both smile at each other for a while, staring at each other until the same waitress comes back and asks for their orders. They pick up the menu's and begin browsing/ordering their food as the scene ends.
What do we see when we look into a mirror? Is our mirror image a reflection of ourselves, or someone that we pretend to be? The mirror shatters, leaving thousands of glass fragments embedded in the mind’s eye. There is tension, as the anxiety begins to rip it apart. Who am I, really?

Celeste gazes into the mirror, as she downs another pill. Lately her anxiety had been steadily crawling to an all time high. What was it? Why was she so paranoid all of the sudden? It was as if everywhere she went she could feel someone… or something looking at her… it was unusual and disheartening as she rather enjoyed the public spotlight. She was a people person by nature.

She had been sitting in a hotel for the past couple of hours; a quick stop before the last pay per view before Kingdom Come. It has been one of the wildest weeks of her career… she and Steven Kurtesy scored a massive win over Chris KO and Ty Burna in a tag team the previous week; what followed were several days of interviews, photo ops, and autograph signings.

She had gone days without a good night’s rest; and the dank, dreary looking hotel rooms she had been bouncing back and forth across had not made things easier. She had passed out right after check out; she hadn’t even bothered to change her clothes. She awoke several hours later… it was close to midnight, and she suddenly felt like shit. She suddenly felt homesick… she wanted to see her husband and son… she wanted to see them so badly.

She walks over to the bedside table and picks up her cell phone; she’s surprised to find five missed calls, three from her husband, and two from her father.

‘What in the world is this all about? These calls weren’t from that long ago…’

She hits redial and calls her husband; Laxus picks up on the fourth ring…

“Hey babe, yeah sorry I didn’t get your call. I’ve been so busy the past few days that I haven’t gotten much sleep…”

She listens as her husband’s tone turns serious; her facial expressions turn from joy, to worry, and then to horror.

“What! Are you serious! I-I… are you okay? What about Nero?”

She begins to pace back and forth across the room; this was bad, really bad…

“Did you make it out of the house? What do you mean you weren’t there?”

Her nerves were on fire, and she was starting to sweat. She was sure that she was yelling loud enough to wake everyone else on the floor.

“I’m coming home, Laxus! Work isn’t important right now; I’d rather be with you and Nero. We’ll talk about it later…where are you staying? Right…”

‘That must have been why my father called…’

“I will catch the first flight out, and I’ll see you both soon. I love you so, so much.”

She closes the phone and ends the call. She swears in frustration, collapses on the bed, and bursts into tears.

She finally had the opportunity of her career… a match against the WZCW champion. Even though the title wasn’t on the line, there was no greater honor than fighting the top guy in the company. She respected the hell out of Steven Kurtesy; his convictions, morals and character were all something to be admired. The man was very much like her, as they both fought to preserve the right to stand up for themselves and others to take a stand alongside them. They were the first to confront Ty Burna and his poison… and so far they had provided the antidote so that others could find the strength to follow the same path. She was planning on facing him with honor and giving the fans a show they’d never be able to forget.

But all that had changed… her family needed her now. She would call and leave a message for Sandy in the morning. Steven would understand if she wasn’t able to make the show… he always did…

She does her best to dry her tears; she needed to pack. She quickly calls her agent and requests him to book her a ticket for a one way express flight back home to Sacramento. Her nerves were now shot, and on top of everything she was starting to get a headache.


Celeste didn’t sleep the entire flight home; she wanted to, but her mind was forcing her body awake. She found herself staring out the window, her mind blank of thought. She barely registers the plane landing; the jostling passengers breaking her out of her trance.

She heads towards the terminal; her husband was already waiting for her at the baggage claim. Without a second thought she rushes over and leaps into his arms. The last six hours had been rough on them both, and all she wanted to do was return to her father’s house and sleep… but there was something that she needed to do first.

“Laxus… I want to see it,” she says with a hint of sorrow in her voice.

“Really, don’t you want to rest first?”

She shakes her head, “No… no, this is something that I want to see.”

He nods, as Celeste grabs her bags. He loads her suitcase into the trunk, and the couple drives to their house. Celeste sits in silence as she continues to stare forward. Her husband shoots her a look of concern.

“So I saw on the WZCW website that you’ve been booked in a match against the world champion this week, that’s got to be pretty exciting.”

She cracks a small smile, “It’s a dream come true for me. Kurtesy has been a friend to me these past weeks, and I owe it to him to bring my best game possible… but after this I- I don’t know…”

Laxus opens his mouth to speak, but he decides against it. Whatever decision she wanted to make in the next few days, he was going to support it. Their family would get through this, but he couldn’t blame her for being such an emotional wreck… after all she had already been through this ordeal as a child….

The sun was starting to peak up over the horizon as Laxus pulls the car into the couple’s driveway and up next to the house. Celeste feels her jaw drop; she couldn’t contain her shock. It was worse than she thought.

Her husband had called her late last night to inform her that the family house had caught fire in the middle of the night; firefighters were only able to salvage about half of it. The roof was gone, and it had collapsed on top of the living room. A series of giant tarps had been draped around the outside to keep the water out.

“Oh God… how did this happen?”

“It was an electrical fire that started in the attic and spread. Nero and I weren’t home, and the neighbors called the fire department,” he explains.

Looking at the house Celeste couldn’t help but think back to her youth, when her childhood home had caught fire and nearly trapped her inside to burn to death. She received severe burns in the process and had to undergo intensive skin graphing surgeries for several years. Flames were more than just a gimmick to her; they were a vehicle. They symbolized her tenacity and will to survive; they also symbolized her love, her hate, her mercy, and her anger.

However the fire had also left her traumatized…her paranoia was also birthed inside of those flames. She never thought in her wildest dreams she’d have to go through this again.

Laxus steps forward and drapes his arm around her, pulling her close to his chest…

“Are you alright? I know this must be hard for you.”

She nods, “Honestly I’m just so relieved that you and Nero weren’t here; I don’t think I could bear to see him go through the same things that I did.”

This whole ordeal had really thrown a monkey wrench into her plans for the week; she had the biggest match of her career taking place in a few days and she couldn’t even enjoy it. At the moment she didn’t care if she won or lost, she didn’t even care about the Apostles or Ty Burna. The only thing that mattered right now was her family.

“Are you ready, Celeste? We should be getting back to your father’s house; you need to get some rest.”

She nods and offers him a tired smile; hopefully she would feel a little better tomorrow. And the healing process could begin.


Hours pass, but the sleep wasn’t bliss. Just fourteen hours of deep sleep in a dark void. Celeste wakes up to find herself in her father’s guest bedroom. She takes a quick glance at the clock; it was after nine and it was night once more. She throws back the covers, and walks down the hall to the top of the stairs. She follows them down to the kitchen; she hasn’t eaten anything since the day before.

She finds her husband seated at the dining table with a pile of paperwork in front of him. “Hey, you’re awake,” he’s says with surprise.

She nods, and starts to make herself a sandwich.

“Are you feeling better? I was worried about you.”

“I think so…I was shocked to see something like this happen again.”

Shocking was kind of an understatement. On one hand it would seem like karma was against her for some reason, but seeing that house brought up allot of old feelings that she’d long since suppressed. Surviving that fire was almost like a rite of passage for her; it had been proof that she was capable of surviving anything… even the chaos brought on by Ty Burna and his followers.

She grabs her sandwich and moves over to the table, Laxus clears away some of the papers to make room for her.

“So what are you working on, work stuff?” she asks.

He shakes his head, “I’m trying to figure out how much it’s going to cost to repair the house…”

Turns out that the house was in worse shape than he’d thought; the roof would have to be completely replaced, and the living room would have to be repaired as well. The walls, gutters, and the brick on that side would also have to be replaced, and the electrical would have to be rewired. It was a mess.

“…the house is in worse shape than I initially thought. This might set us back a bit.”

“How much do you think it’s going to cost?”

He sighs, “Around thirty grand, maybe more; redoing the roof and attic is going to take twenty, and the southern wing with the living room is going to cost a couple thousand. Then the gutters need to be repaired and the electrical wiring needs to be redone.”

She pushes her finished plated aside and rubs her temples, “We should be okay after I get my paycheck from the Kingdom Come pay per view, but I would really hate having to perform just for the benefit of making money. I don’t want to be that person again.”

“And you don’t have to be that person; I just want you to be happy and continue to wrestle because you love it, not because you’re using it as a vehicle to get money and fame.”

“I really was hopeless years ago wasn’t I,” she muses. “I had forgotten what really made the business special for me, and more importantly I nearly forgot about us.”

She leans over and kisses him; in times like this it felt so good to have Laxus around. Was she so arrogant that she felt like she was the most important person in the world? Would it have killed her to have called him those nights she spent traveling on the road; whenever she got lonely. I guess she really couldn’t blame him for thinking that she had cheated on him… she was never truthful with him during those times.

“But we made it through didn’t we,” he responds. “And now we have Nero; he was the rock that solidified our foundation.”

She smiles, “I remember when I found out I was pregnant. I realized that the person that I saw in the mirror wasn’t the kind of person that I wanted to be anymore… I realized that I wasn’t the most important person in the world.”

“So are you okay with all of this… the house?”

“I haven’t completely gotten over it yet, but it’s not going to stop me from going back to work.”

“Just don’t push yourself too hard.”

“I’ll be fine; besides I have friends that are watching my back this time, so I owe it to them to be as professional as possible.”

Laxus gathers up the papers and puts them into a manila folder, “It’s getting late and I’m going to bed. Even though you just got up, do you plan on sleeping again?”

She shakes her head, “Probably not, I’m probably just going to meditate for a while then I’ll work out. I’ll keep things quiet so that you, daddy, and Nero can sleep.”

He stands, and places the folder on top of the counter by the medicine cabinet, and leaves her alone with her thoughts. Celeste takes her plate and puts it into the dishwasher… perhaps clearing her mind might help her to see things more clearly, and to make some sense of the haziness she’d been feeling lately.


The night didn’t offer any repose as she struggles to find what was smothering her inner self. Every time she tried to listen to her inner core she could only see the same two swirling masses; a golden hole on the right, and a black hole on the left. The two holes were starting to merge on top of each other… what did that mean? It could be a symbol for her anxiety pushing down on her like a giant weight caused by stress.

It wasn’t the Apostles or Ty Burna that had caused this; lately she just didn’t feel like herself anymore. It was as if the person she had been over the past few months felt like living inside of a dream, and she was beginning to wake up.

What did it mean? She was still her, nothing was going to chance… but she just couldn’t shake the feeling that the person she was now wasn’t the real her. Why was she suddenly so cautious? Was she afraid of what the future was going to bring?

It was that…it was just she didn’t feel like she was in control of her destiny any longer. Like something was trying to reach out from the darkness in her soul to give her direction once more. She was so close to being in a situation of power… and soon Ty Burna wouldn’t be there to get in the way. She was beginning to doubt whether or not this path of righteousness was truly genuine or not.

That’s why she had to seek out and find her real self, in order to develop a truly compassionate heart. And then the solution hit her… the black hole was the yin of her personality while the yang was the golden hole. Through her meditation she could see the two beginning to merge, but the black hole was starting to swallow the light from the other. That must have been while she felt so empty all of the sudden.

But first she had to face her friend Steven Kurtesy…

Even though the match was important, it was still only an exhibition; non title. It was a way for the two of them to kick back and have some fun and to entertain the fans. If Burna thought this match was going to drive a wedge between their alliance, then he was wrong. If the Apostles thought that the two of them were going to beat each other silly so that they couldn’t perform to their best potential at Kingdom Come, then they were wrong. The odds of an Apostle run in were high, but that would mean that Ty foresaw the two of them not beating the crap out of each other. Such a thing would be an act of cowardice; it would be proof that he feared the two of them… because they were going to put a stop to his reign of terror.

And for one fleeting second all seemed right in the world…
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