MD 73: Everest vs. Alex Bowen

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Revenge is on the mind of the legendary Everest this week as he takes on the man who screwed him over last week in the form of the returning Alex Bowen. This match is scheduled to be a simple singles contest but don't be surprised if these two create a little Mayhem of their own during the contest. Will Everest show Bowen the reason why people shouldn't mess with him or will Alex continue the dominance he left behind when he was Mayhem champion?

Deadline is Tuesday, May 1st at 11:59 PM Central Time
The scene opens up, with Alex Bowen, and another man at a gym. Alex is just laying into a punching bag. The other man, a much smaller specimen, is standing behind it. He is getting pummeled by the 100 pound bag, it recoils into his chest, hitting him after every power punch. The man lets off the bag, to take a rest, and notices a camera man by a pillar in the Gym. The young man points to Bowen, and then to back of the gym, in the general direction of the camera man. Bowen shakes his head, and plants his back foot. With the speed of lightning, he throws a kick into the bag. The sound could be described as a shot from a twelve gauge. Bowen, sweating up a storm, starts to take off his fighting gloves. He flips out the Velcro, and pushes them on the belt of his MMA shorts. Walking to the camera man we can hear some banter.

Young man- Jesus, Alex, that was a good session. Your handwork has improved so much. My dad is impressed, James always talked about you. But I never thought a Pro wrestler could be so fluid in his movements. You're going to be a monster this next match. I just know it, dude.

Alex nods his head, and with a sly grin on his bearded face, he walks to the camera man. Leon Kentsworth isn't far behind. Leon needs no introduction, and with a rather large smile on his face, he walks to the former Mayhem champ. His hand extended, Leon looks as if he is seeing a ghost. Since leaving Wzcw, Alex has turned his life around. What was once a man who scoffed at training, Bowen is now something of a gym freak.

Leon- Wow, champ. You really are getting big. You've changed a lot, that can only mean big things for you.

Bowen lets out a small laugh and throws up his arms. Biceps that were missing for years, are now showing. James' son pats Alex on the back, and walks away into the gym.

Alex- Oh, I'm a changed man Leon, yes it's true. I can still fall back on old tricks, but unlike an old dog, I have learned new tricks. New ways, that can help myself and my new found friends out. It's nice to feel great about yourself, I always was proud. I'm sure you saw some of it at the Lottery.

Leon- You looked impressive at the Lethal lottery, it was an all right show. You just had a bad break of luck. Nothing wrong with that.

Alex- Lethal lottery was only a test, a small drop in the water. I have no reason to go for the world title. The brass in the back saw fit, to end my reign of terror. Fine, I'm not angry. When I did come back, I was offered something, something that only a crazy man would ever deny. More time to train, and more money to do it with. Ty really does speak the language of the masses. I know I will not let him down.

Leon- But only last year, you were saying you hated Ty. He came close to ripping your face off with a barbed wire bat!

Alex- Times change my good man, and they are turning in favor of the chaos. I sat back for over a year, and was tossed scraps as the mayhem champ. Ty Burna has respect for me, as I now have for him. I promised him after that match, that I would pay him back. My pay back was quite noticeable at Lethal lottery. Even my new friends, they couldn't stop their master from riding the lightning. That wasn't a game of who can do better. That was a simple message, and it was a good one for me to make. The master of chaos, and the King of Mayhem. The perfect choice to round out his team. If he couldn't represent it, who could better bring more chaos to the team?

Alex Bowen looks around the room. Only to look back at Leon, he points one finger up and pounds it into his chest.

Alex- I made my message clear at the Lottery, I was coming back. A new man, for new times. I haven't been in this shape since high school. In this shape, there isn't a man or woman on Team Wzcw that can stop me. Nothing else matters to me at the moment. It's sad, how we have to put the relics of this company down, because they just can't come to grasp with what they need to do on their own. I've re-invented myself, for good. They are the same people they were in 2007. Nothing has changed in that group outside of Gordito, who has been the same person since he started.

Leon- All of the men on that team, and the woman. Have been in title matches, and basically the main event since coming back. Titus was just world champ not to long ago.

A loud voice makes it's way through the room. The camera turns around, just in time to see the leader of chaos turn the corner. With the reprogrammed S.H.I.T at his side.

Ty- Leon, Alex doesn’t have to be in anything to be in this match. Your services are no longer needed here today, find something to do. Maybe you can work out?

Ty opens out his arm, as to show Leon the gym.

Ty- This isn't a contest of who is higher on the card, this is the final lullaby for the men, and the woman, who stand aganst me. Alex was the final piece to the puzzle. Yes, he did pay me back at Lethal lottery. But I believe I got the last laugh. You work for me now, Bowen.

Bowen meets his new boss across the room, almost nose to nose. A tense heated moment is shared, as the whole room starts to look at the pair of men. The camera gets closer, and the only thing that is separating the men is the brim of Ty's baseball cap.

The robot wrestler turns, And places his metal hand on Bowen’s chest. He turns his head slowly, a fearsome snarl is painted on his head. The Robot pushes the former mayhem champ away from the harbinger of chaos.

S.H.I.T- I believe you have a match to look forward to. Fighting with our leader does not compute.

Alex- Do I need to open you up like a can of tuna again, robot?

S.H.I.T- If you wish, I don't believe that will help us at Kingdom Come though.

Ty- I believe you should listen to our robotic friend, Bowen. This isn't Kingdom come, and I don't take to kindly to losses, on my team. I know you have no love loss for anyone on team Wzcw. But I understand that you have had a personal goal of taking out Everest for a few years now. I am proud to have you on our team, but this is our test. You must win against him, at all costs. You have a match, just like I do this week. I'm expecting you to help this team by example. You are the oldest member on it, and I know you know what you are doing.

The robot, S.H.I.T, walks away from the scene. Almost comically, he walks to a lat pull machine, and pushes the man using it off. He sets down and tests the weight, pull after pull, he just continues to focus his time on something.

Ty- I never understood that machine, Alzhazred was busy today. Apparently if he leaves him at home, he comes back, and every bird in the neighborhood is dead.

Alex shakes his head, and looks at Ty with a questioning face. Ty puts up one hand, to wave off any questions.

Ty- I have no clue, and I don't want to ask. But I must say, Alex. You do look to be in better shape. I didn't really get to see it that much at the Lottery. But I see it now, and Everest should fear you. This is something of a treat, I was expecting the old Alex Bowen, still tough. But this is more than I could have ever asked for.

With a grin, Ty extends his hand. Bowen, looks down at the hand, and looks cross at Ty for a moment. He tilts his head back, and extends his hand out, shaking the main man in Wzcw's hand. They exchange a quick shake, and both nod.

Alex- This union, it will spell the Karmatic armageddon to this company. Alex Bowen Joining forces with Ty Burna. The hourglass is allmost empty. As I said a few months ago, I am the man who will mince Wzcw's strongest. The only question that anyone will ever ask, how did this happen, and how come we couldn’t we stop it.

Ty- It is justice for you, Bowen. I know you have struggled over the years. But stick with me, and your problems will fade away. I won't ignore you, and I won't treat you like Chuck Myles did. I am the fairest man this company has seen. I'm glad you've seen the light. Take care of your match with Everest, rough him up. As I know you can, take care of business.

Alex- You know I can do that better than anyone in this company. You did pick right, I won't let you down. Thank you for this match, it is justice. It's justice for all the times he was placed higher on the card than me. He's done nothing, for the longest time. I fought, I defended, and I won. For the last year, he has just been taking up space, and selling t-shirts. While that might make you money, I desire something more. I desire to better myself, and after this match, and Kingdom Come. Alex Bowen will be back on the map. He can say all he wants to about me, but the scariest thing in this company, is a determined Alex Bowen. Amplecti Chaos, Ty Burna.

Ty- I made the Chaos in this company, Bowen. Amplecti Chaos, it is. Good luck in your match.

The harbinger of Chaos points to his robot companion, and as if he hadn’t been working out at all, he stands up. Walking over to the master of Chaos general direction, he scans the room with each step. Stopping at Bowen, he walks to the former mayhem champ.

S.H.I.T- You may have your own agenda, Bowen. But a victory here, could throw Everest off his game at Kingdom come.

Alex- I know this robot, and that is what I plan to do. I might not have weapons at my disposal, anymore.

Bowen puts up his two fists, he shadow boxes the robot. Throwing quick jabs, and ending with a quick power throw. Bowen laughs.

Alex- But, I have these. I know they are more than capable of taking down a relic like Everest.

S.H.I.T nods, after Bowen's last statement. He turns and walks to Ty, the both start to walk out of the Gym as the screen fades
The scene opens up with a huge Everest Logo transfixed to the side of a beautiful brick building. As the camera pans out we see the outside of the gym. A few seconds pass and the scene switches to inside. High end weight machines and treadmills are seen all over the room, but the main attraction is the full sized WZCW sponsored ring that is nestled into the corner of the gym. As the camera moves past the people working out and toward the ring, the audience can see several people gathered around the ring.

Once the camera gets to the ring, the audience can see that the two guys in the ring are unknowns who are working on refining their skills. The voice off screen though, can be easily heard barking directions and the voice can be recognized as WZCW’s resident superstar: EVEREST!

EVEREST: Not bad, not bad at all, but Jimmy, you’ve got to hook that leg before you send him over on that suplex. Just snap it over. It’s has got to be quick and decisive.

With that another recognizable face comes strolling through the crowd that had gathered to watch the sparring. With microphone in hand, Becky Serra has appeared to pepper our beloved Everest with WZCW related questions.

BECKY: Hello Everest, would you mind answering a few questions?

EVEREST: Well Becky, since Meltdown is right around the corner and it seems I’ve got a match at said show I figured you might stop by. Hold on a second ….

Alright you two, that’s enough for today, hit the showers.

So Becky, I’m assuming you are here about Meltdown and Alex Bowen?

BECKY: Yes Everest I am. It seems that Ty and his Apostles have singled you out this week as a threat, what

EVEREST: Let me stop you right there Becky, the Apostles haven’t singled me out this week, they’ve singled me out for weeks! The sneak attacks, the beatings and the attacks on my teammates and I have become as expected each week as Manzo cleaning out the local Hong Kong buffet. Truth be told it’s getting old and thankfully very soon it will end.

But for now there’s Meltdown and my match against the self proclaimed “Changed Man” Alex Bowen.

Our last encounter probably wasn’t as surprising as some might have thought, at least not to me. You see when I looked over and seen him standing there, I had my doubts. And as the video will show it seems I was right. Alex has been appointed by the Ty almighty to take out WZCW’s Legend. I hate to disappoint Alex and even Ty but at Meltdown our little singles match isn’t going to be ending the way that they hope it will.

Alex talks about being “A changed man” and it can be seen in the guy’s physique and his new found dedication to his craft. He talks about helping the Apostles take out Team WZCW for good and running our great federation into hell.

Thing is at Meltdown I’m going to go out on a limb and say that my match against Alex Bowen probably isn’t going to be a one on one contest for long. I’m guessing here but I imagine that it’s probably going to go somewhere along the lines of all the other matches recently that have involved the Apostles which means 4 on 1, with a side of sneak attack, served up with a glass of steel chair. So I’m thinking maybe I’ll just forgo the wait and bring a little “Mayhem” with me to the ring.

BECKY: Are you suggesting that your match at Meltdown be a Mayhem Rules match?

EVEREST: Becky, I’m not “suggesting” anything. I’m just saying that it’s about time to even up the score with these guys. If all they want to do is go all Four Horsemen on the rest of the company then maybe it’s time to bring the fight to them before they can get the upper hand. I know Team WZCW is seen as the “Good Guys” but it’s well past time that we show these wastes of space that others can play the game just as well. The inevitable end to this feud is coming and it’s coming fast but at Meltdown I’m going to enjoy teaching Bowen a little lesson on Mayhem. I know his history and his previous accomplishments but it should also be noted that I’ve had my share of success in the Mayhem world as well. On Meltdown the world will be treated to a little relapse, a little bit of history if you will as 2 of the greatest Mayhem division competitors of all time get into the ring together.

As much as I hear all this talk about over the hill and washed up, it seems that the Apostles are still pretty fixated on making sure I don’t screw up their plans. I haven’t been sitting on my ass at home watching re-runs of Big Bang Theory while eating bags of Doritos like some people might have you believe.

Actually as you can see I spend most of my time here, training, working out and preparing the future of WZCW. Preparing the guys who will take up the mantle from guys like me, Titus, Gordito and Steven Kurtesy.

BECKY: So do you think Team WZCW can finally put an end to Ty and his Apostles?

EVEREST: Not only do I think we can win, I know we will win! But what else would you expect me to say, I don’t think we have a shot? Becky, if I can take a line from a personal friend of mine, “We have to win!” If we lose, we basically just helped Ty get a stronger hold over what was once a great and proud company. If we can’t turn back the Apostles then, well, ………..I'll tell you what Becky, why don't we save that conversation for later.

It doesn’t matter, we WON’T lose! The collection of talent that has been put together will do what needs to be done, starting on this Meltdown when I put down Bowen.

By this time 2 other future superstars have been in the ring for a few minutes as a trainer is standing ringside as they grapple. The trainer is giving a speech about paying attention and being on top of your game at all times. The two wrestlers feign listening but continue to go at each other sort of pushing the trainers words aside. Everest excuses himself from the interview for a moment, and in an instant slides under the bottom rope, grabs the first guy, spins him around and without even a hesitation picks him up, torques his body around and slams the kid down to the mat hard with a Rockslide! Everest turns to the other kid, gives him a few simple instructions that can’t be really heard. The youngster is wide eyed and taking in every word now, unfortunately he also seems a bit awe struck which makes the Rockslide that Everest administers to him seem just as shocking. After Everest surveys the carnage he hops through the ropes and returns to Becky’s side.

EVEREST: You see Becky, a lesson has been taught here and a warning can be administered as well. Bowen, it’s time you and your pals start looking over your shoulders. It’s time you began worrying about what’s lurking around the corner, or behind your door. It’s time you spent YOUR matches looking back at the ramp wondering if you were even safe in the ring.

But I don’t want you to worry too much Bowen because like I said, at Meltdown I’m not coming at you from the side, or blindsiding you with a chair, no sir, I’ll be standing in the ring right in front of you, so you can see the beating coming.

Thanks Becky for stopping by, but I’ve got to run. It seems the folks need me for some more promotional work. Feel free though to stick around and use the facilities as long as you like.

BECKY: Hey, what are you implying?

With that Everest turns to leave through the crowd, he is signing autographs as he heads toward the locker room door leaving Becky standing there kind of ticked off at the implied message she thinks Everest might have been sending.
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