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MD 66: Titus vs. Showtime

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Showtime faces off with Titus in a highly anticipated match. Showtime denied Rogers another match, while Titus was able to convince Barbosa into a match of their own. Will Titus gain momentum going into All or Nothing? Will Rogers or Barbosa have a say in this match up? Or will Showtime steal the spotlight once again?

Deadline is Tuesday, December 6th at 11:59 PM EST.
Scene opens at Ascension 40. Showtime David Cougar is seen leaving the arena after the show has ended. He is in the parking lot walking towards his limo. A group of young fans approach him asking for his autograph. Showtime does not slow down as he tells the children he is unable to sign their pictures and magazines.

Cougar: Sorry kids, my wrist is sore from tonight and I don’t seem to have a pen on.

Cougar continues walking towards his limo. Standing beside his driver, who is holding the door open for Showtime, is a young hot blonde bombshell wearing a very revealing red dress. Showtime stops right in front of her and within moments whips out a pen from the collar sleeve of his sore wrist and jots down his phone number on a small piece of paper that he rest on her chest. Showtime smiles at her as he quickly slides into the limo before any of the children can complain. The limo drives away. The camera shows inside the limo where Showtime has already raided the mini bar. Showtime pours a tall glass of Scotch, and then drops two white pills into the drink. Showtime swirls the drink around a bit before taking a sip. He smacks his lips together a pit, tasting the Scotch. Showtime relaxes in the limo as he takes two more big sips. After downing the beverage lights shine in the passenger mirror opposite of Showtime and what appears to be a car accident has occurred...

These are dream sequences from Showtime's past.
At Meltdown 21​

We see David Cougar march angrily through the curtain, showing the slightest bit of limp in his step and a developing black eye under his left one. He looks ready to explode at any moment as Johnny Klamour approaches

Klamour: Showtime, Johnny Klamour here. Glad to finally meet you.

Cougar: No autographs.

Klamour: No no, of course not. I just wanted to ask you a few questions.

Cougar: No interviews either.

Klamour: Now look kid, I know your upset, but it's my job to interview the wrestlers and that's what I'm here to do. Now, I just wanted to ask you about your promises you made last week?


Cougar then fakes a punch at Klamour, holding back at the last second as Klamour falls to the floor. Klamour gets up and starts running as Cougar grabs a chair and throws it in Klamours direction, coming up short

Cougar: Yeah you better run Klamour. Turn that fucking camera off. Give it here.

Cougar violently grabs the camera from the camera man and throws it against a wall. The lens cracks and static lines shoot across the screen.

This one starts as an interview with Becky. Then imagine it shooting back and forth between the interview and matches from Showtime's past.
Becky: I'm here with...

Cougar moves his finger in front of Becky's lips

Cougar: No no, sweetie. Introductions won't be necessary...

David grabs a nearby Kendo stick and cracks himself over the head with hit. He proceeds to swing at anything else in the room until he finally breaks the stick...

The viewers at home are aware that they are tuned in to the only thing that's worth watching on today's TV's...

Cougar uses the trash can that he has in hand to inflict yet more damage to the head of his opponent. Milenko crumples to the floor once more as Cougar gains the advantage once more. Cougar grabs the belt like item and begins to whip the back of Milenko, as Milenko writhes in pain at every crushing blow that sends a clapping noise high in to the arena.

The greatest thing since the dawn of time...

Camera cuts to Drake Callahan walking in another part of the backstage area with the EurAsian Championship around his waist. Suddenly out of nowhere, an equipment trolley slams into Drake against the wall, taking him out...

From nowhere, Showtime appears behind him and the C4 from the top rope, Final Act! The referee stands in the middle of ring stunned as Showtime covers Drake...

Yes I'm bigger than the birth of Christ...

Chambers suddenly blows the fire extinguisher in his face, blinding the ref temporarily as Cougar returns and hits Chambers in the back of the head, knocking the extinguisher out of his hands. Cougar then grabs Chambers by the head and slams Chambers’ head into the back window of limo, shattering the glass. Chambers lays in the window as Cougar pulls him out and throws him to the floor with his opponent now busted open with glass in his face...

Santa Claus...

Reidar starts crawling towards the chair but Cougar reaches out and grabs the chair before Reidar can get to it. Cougar swings the chair and it connects with Reidar's head, giving a sickening crack!

The Declaration of Independence...

Cougar goes through Karnage’s legs onto the mat. He climbs up on the top rope behind Karnage, and hits a modified version of the Final Act, with Karnage hitting the mat face first!

The Superbowl...

Rogers musters all his strength to pick Ale off his feet and slam him with extreme amounts of power. The toll of the move takes its effect as Rogers back off into his corner to recover. However, “Showtime” tags himself in and uses a Showstopper on his own partner! Cougar crawls to the cover on the devastated Ale...

The Dark Knight movie...

Ty looks on disgustingly and begins to leave, though as he’s heading up the ramp he’s intercepted by Showtime Cougar who begins to unload rights on him and slams him back first into the ring edge.

They continue brawling up the ramp as Titus and Vengeance are still laid out, they exchange rights and lefts up the ramp as the referees try to separate them but the brawling continues on the stage, moving dangerously to the end. Ty shoves Showtime away and then tries to kick him off with the Consecrated Banishment but Showtime dodges it and grabs him with the Final Act, taking them both off the stage onto electrical equipment with sparks flying as the fans look on in shock...

I am the Show... and that's all you need to know.

This one is 3 dreams and the only one that should be read before continuing
Leon is waiting by Showtime's dressing room and quickly walks up as he sees Showtime coming around the corner. David quickly throws a hand up in front of the face of Leon and walks by him as he enters the room. He closes the door on the camera man and turns around to see another camera man waiting inside the room. David sighs, grins, and walks up to the camera.

Cougar: You all want to see me do something, say something do ya. Ya wanna see me do something they'll talk about? Do ya? Okay.

Showtime snatches the camera and throws it against the wall and starts kicking it. The camera man outside hears the commotion and enters. Showtime is trashing his dressing room, knocking tables over, throwing chairs around, and causing quite a ruckus. He finally settles down for a moment as he turns to face the mirror. Suddenly he runs up punching it, shattering much of it. Blood runs down Davids hand. He pants heavily, exhausted by the match and the tantrum he just threw. He stares at the broken mirror. Some of the chunks of glass still occupy it. Trent Stonewalls face suddenly appears in the reflection on the mirror.

Stonewall: The show must go on, Showtime. The show must go on...

The crowd counts down from 10 and yell Happy New Year. Everyone sings Auld Lang Syne. Two girls kiss David on the cheek and hand him a glass of champagne.

Cougar: You know I never got that song before. I'm not sure I still understand it now, but I think I'm going to follow it. Should all acquaintance be forgot? Yes they should, and never will they be brought back to mind again. I don't need any of you jealous critics putting me down ever again.

David chugs back the champagne and hands the glass to Leon and walks away. David walks into a small office and sits behind the desk. He pulls out a bottle of Scotch and pours himself two shots. He doesn't even hear the door open as a sharply dressed business man walks in.

Stonewall: Showtime, hi I'm Trent Stonewall, and I am going to be your new executive producer for The Show and we're going to take your show to the next level. You'll be seeing a lot more of me on the set. Here is my business card. We expect big things from you in the new year. 2010 is going to be the year of Showtime David Cougar.

David looks over the business card.

Wait, who are you and how did you...

David looks up but Trent Stonewall is no where to be seen...

Doctor: Mr. Cougar you might find it hard to believe this, but you are suffering from a disorder called Schizophrenia.

Cougar: What, like “A Beautiful Mind”?

Well that depends Mr. Cougar. Do you simply hear voices or do you also see figures.

Wait, hold up. I have not admitted to having a disorder yet.

But you and I both know that this has been going on far longer than last October, Mr. Cougar. It’s only just accelerated.

What are you talking about?

I’ve taken the liberty of reviewing your extensive collections here in WZCW as well as your family history. Your family has a deep history of depression and personality disorders. You displayed disorganized speech and thinking in many of your promos, probably throughout your awkward childhood and adolescents. Being left alone by your Dad most days of the week, lacking the ability to make social contact in the new town and country you two moved to. You probably had many imaginary friends. Talked with them and acted out your imagination and dreams. They were there to listen, but then you started getting more creative. You talked about hanging with executives you met through your fathers work, the fact is your dad barely worked at the studio and had no connections.

Your wrong, I saw my old friend Dwight Chamberlin just the other day. Been an executive down at Studio 69 for years now. Known him for years.

You’ve seen him. Oh dear, Mr. Cougar, David. I have to tell you this and hopefully you will accept it. There is no person named Dwight Chamberlin. Just as there is no person named Trent Stonewall. You’ve been hallucinating them for years.

That can’t be.

It is real Mr. Cougar...

????? It is very real indeed... my client.

Showtime snaps awake. He is still in the backseat of his limo, which appears to be driving just fine and no signs of any car accident. Seated at the end on the limo is no one, but to Showtime there sits the man he first saw many years ago, his “agent” Trent Stonewall.

Stonewall: Care for a smoke.

You’re not real.

I know... and you’ve done a very good job of repressing that.

I mean... I know you’re not real... so why are you here?

Well you see... you can wish that I disappear... and you can take meds that help stop your hallucinations... as well as slow down your motor skills... as we’ve seen from you in recent months.

But... when you go and take something like alcohol and... say those pills you slipped into your drink... your mind will lower its guard and become more acceptable to influence. I.E. me... here in this limo with you.

Showtime holds his head... now beginning to feel some amount of pain.

Oookay alright. So what do I owe your return visit here Trent.

I’m here to help resurrect your career.

Please... my career is perfectly fine at the moment. The last thing I need is your help.

Really? Well tell me. Where do I come from.

Ummm... my disorder.

Yes... but I also was created from inside your head. Your mind... that’s what created me. When you wanted some respect from the people at WZCW... well that’s when you created me. And together... we built your Showtime empire. When you decided to embrace the fans and go at it on your own... that’s when you shut your mind to me. But I was not impressed with your performance. Perhaps I should say... you were not impressed... so I came back in the picture. But I was not amused... so I decided to play a little game on you. And all of WZCW... thought you had completely lost your mind. I imagine some of them still do.

Tell me what you want.

The same thing you want... to become WZCW World Champion.

Tell me how......Tell me...

Hahaha... Showtime if it were that easy... we would already be champion.

Tell me... tell me now you son of a bitch.

Yelling at yourself again... you have no idea who’s who or what anymore do ya. Oh wait I already know.

Quite playing games and tell me!

The limo comes to a screeching halt. The door opens and Allen Lewicki is standing there in the rain.

Allen: Mr Showtime... it’s good to see...

Showtime jumps out of the limo and grabs Allen by the collar.

How do I know that you’re real!?! Tell me something I don’t know! Tell me... quit lying to me.

The driver hears the commotion and gets out of the limo.

Driver: My Cougar... please let Mr. Lewicki go. I am aware of your condition... and I swear to you that he is just as real as you... I... or this limo that we drove in is.

Showtime stares at the limo. He lets go of Allen and grabs a bag from inside the limo.

Real eh... explain the car accident.

There was no accident.

Then I guess I'll have to take your word... come along Allen.

Showtime and Allen leave the limo and enter the hotel where Showtime is staying.


A few days later.​

Showtime is scene sitting in his hotel room in front of a lap top. He has not left the room since that faithful night. He’s been plagued with nightmares. Visions of his past have been haunting him for days. The door opens and Allen Lewicki enters.

Allen: Thank god you’re well. I figured there would be wild drawings and theories written all over your walls.

Showtime looks at Allen and shakes his head. He takes the coffee from him and hands him a pad of paper and a pencil.

Since... by some strange coincidence... you seem to be the only person who everyone swears is real... as well as the only one who seems to be able to tolerate me... I need you more than ever to write down my thoughts and keep me on some level of sanity.

How come you never told me about your schizophrenia?

Please Allen... another time okay.

Alright Showtime... I’m ready when you are.

Stan Rogers... I’ve thought about your request and you will have my official answer this week inside the ring. Rogers represents the past and that is something I wish to distance myself from here on out. Rogers represents the failures that I have had in my career and I will correct those mistakes and create a new beginning. One where I will reach my full potential and become the best that I know I am.

And speaking of the past... this week I face a relic of WZCW. The former face of WZCW... Titus Avison. Now... a lot of people call Titus washed up... over the hill... his better days are years behind him.

What many of those fools don’t understand is... his better days are far, far better than the best days that guys like Scumm and Matt Tastic have ever hard or ever will. Those guys can’t hold a candle to Titus and what he has done and accomplished in his career. A former WZCW World Champion. One of the longest reigning Elite X champions. The guy has been honoured for his acting and praised for his abilities. Titus is not an opponent I would take too lightly for. However... despite all that he has accomplished, despite all of the people that he has beaten... he has never beaten me before... and that is because I am better than him. His best day... I’ve topped on more than one occasion. The difference is he did his when the World Title was on the line. I was... how should I say... preoccupied with myself. Well no more of that mistake. I don’t need to force feed myself the truth about how good I am. I know it... the fans know it... the wrestlers in the back know it... Titus especially knows it. I have beaten every wrestler worth mentioning in that locker room and I have held every single title in this company... except for one, The WZCW World Heavyweight Championship.

Titus... don’t think I am not aware of what you’ve tried to do so stealthily under the radar. Your mouth says you want to fight Ty Burna and Big Dave, but your eyes tell me you’re only after one thing, the WZCW World Heavyweight Title.

That one title has eluded me for far too long and once I have discarded the weight of my past in Stan Rogers... and rid WZCW of its past in Titus this week... I will look to the future and claim my prize... the one that was meant be around my waist since I first debuted in this company... the WZCW World Heavyweight Championship

Titus why else would you have positioned yourself to be in a feud with Barbosa... the man who holds the KFAD Title Contract. It didn’t matter who won between Ty and Dave. You weren’t number 1 contender. You wanted to position yourself in a feud with Barbosa, so if he happen to use it between say now and Lethal Lottery, you could slide your way into the title picture.

My god... that’s brilliant.

Allen please don’t interrupt.

But... that makes no difference to me. Because a win over you... will make me just as worthy of a title shot. At Meltdown 66 I will give the great Titus 5 minutes more of fame and spotlight... before I send him over the hill and onto yesterdays news.....

Clap, clap, clap, clap.

That is the sound of Allen clapping, which he started doing after Showtime stopped speaking for a while and Allen thought the right thing to do was applaud. Standing in front of Showtime is Trent Stonewall, who is also clapping. Showtime stares straight at Trent, Allen oblivious to Showtime staring off into space.

Allen please... there is no need to applaud.

Sorry... it’s just... wow. I got to go proofread these and get the next draft made. Allen shuffles the papers, vaguely hearing Showtime’s final remark.

We’ve only just begun.
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