MD 66: Everest and Brad Bomb vs. Ty Burna

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Ty Burna

Getting Noticed By Management
Vance Bateman and Chuck Myles have ordered this match in lieu of Ty's attack on a defenseless referee. Will Ty get the last laugh or will Everest and Bomb gain some measure of revenge against Ty and his Apostles?

Deadline is Tuesday, December 6th at 11:59 PM EST.
“Ah. Ehhhh. Ooooo. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!” Cries of agony ring out across the air as we see Brad Bomb sat down on a doctor’s examination table. He’s clenching his left shoulder and rocking back and forth in order to deal with the pain. “Is there no easier way doc? Seriously, I’m going to pass out if you keep this up!”

“It’s ok, I just need one more attempt. You’ll thank me Mr Holm-”

“It’s Bomb and for your safety I’d keep it that way otherwise I’ll use this one good arm and ram it down your throat and tie a bow made out of your intestines around your heart!” Bomb vehemently shouts the last part, spit now litters his chin and there are visible wet patches on his shirt.

“Don’t worry Mr Hol… Mr Bomb. Just let me give it one more go and we’ll avoid any need for surgery.” The doctor asserts herself clearly as Bomb continues to writhe in pain, rocking back and forth excessively as he does so. The doctor grabs Bomb’s arm and he looks at her, rage filling his eyes. She places her hand on the top of his shoulder and goes to push the shoulder back into position.

“ARGHHHHHHHhhhhh” a short shriek of pain is cut out as Bomb passes out from the pain as the Doctor catches him and puts him down on the bed. She sighs and writes down information into the patient notes, as she leaves Bomb for a while so that the majority of the pain can pass while he’s knocked out. As soon as she leaves, the scene cuts to black.


The next thing we see is Brad Bomb, with his left arm/shoulder in a sling, walking around an overcast Chicago city centre. In his one free arm he holds a mobile phone up to his ear. He appears to be nodding along to whatever the person on the other line is saying. He manages to get back into his flat, through a careful balancing act involving putting his phone next to his ear and fishing for his keys. He walks into his kitchen and takes out two ibuprofen tablets and gets a glass of water, all the time nodding and saying the occasional ‘yep’ to the person on the other end of the phone.
He walks into his living room and takes the tablets and a sip of his drink. He continues to pace around his living room, still nodding along to the occasional word. Bomb goes to sit down and finally gets a chance to talk.

“Nope. Nope. Don’t worry that sounds absolutely wonderful,” he pauses to hear the response, “Absolutely fine. No problem. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Ok, ok, bye. Bye.” Bomb removes his sling and reclines into his chair and lets out a deep sigh before he can catch his breath again, his phone starts ringing once more. He looks down at the name on his phone and then puts it on speakerphone. He places his phone on the table next to him and reclines in the chair once again.

“Hello?” Says a familiar voice on the other end of the line.

“Hey Everest, what’s happening man? You cool?”

“Yeah I’m doing alright. I was just calling about our match this week. Are you sure you’re going to be 100%? I know you’ve had a couple problems with your shoulder recently, no thanks to the Apos-” A look of disapproval appears over Brad’s face as Everest is talking.

“Listen man, I’m going to be fine. I saw the doctor today and she popped it out and in again. I don’t know why but she said it’ll be good to prevent any surgery. I’m good, and raring, to go. Yourself?” Brad punctuates the last word of his sentence, a sense of anger building inside him can be felt.

“I’m just fine. I’m going to hit up the local gym before Meltdown this week, you alright to come train with the great one? We can test out that shoulder of yours.”

“Sounds like a plan. I got to go real quick man. I’ll see you this weekend. We’ll talk about how we’re going to beat Ty.”

“Alright. See ya.” Brad hangs up on Everest as he leans back into his chair once again, this time his deep sigh isn’t interrupted by his phone. He puts his head in his hands for a moment, before getting up and walking over to one of the doors in his flat. He thrusts it open, revealing it to be his gym room. It has standard equipment in it like a medicine ball, rowing machine, individual weights and a punching bag. Bomb puts on some boxing gloves and walks over to the bag. He starts hitting it kind of lightly and infrequently but soon after he starts punching it quicker and harder.

“I will not let Ty beat me.” He grumbles as he punches the bag harder. “I will not be the weak link. We will beat Ty. We will destroy the Apostles. We will win.” Brad’s voice gets slightly louder with each point he says.

“I’ll break their damn spines if I have to. I will not let them beat me. We will win. We will not fall to their sneak attacks.” The bag begins to rock back and forth with pace, as Bomb’s punches reach their most powerful.

“We will not falter to their mind games. Ty is human like the rest of us. He will lose. He will suffer like we have suffered. We will not put up with them anymore. I will not lose to them anymore. We are the light and they are the dark that must be cast away. We are superior and now we have to prove it. WE. WILL. WIN!” Bomb lets out a huge cry of pain and anguish as he hits the punching bag one last time. He then falls towards it and puts his arms around it. He’s panting and we can see his heavily bruised left arm, although Bomb doesn’t appear to be feeling any pain coming from his left arm or shoulder.

“No stupid magic can beat me. I am impervious to it. Ty is the wall that stands between me and opportunity. Together with Everest, I will destroy him and move on. Become something… bigger… better… the bull inside of me has been unleashed and it’s time for me to re-establish myself in WZCW…”
An outside shot of the “Pinnacle Fitness” building can be seen as the camera comes into focus. It’s a large sprawling building, brand new and state of the art. The shot quickly switches to the interior of the facility. The camera whips past several weight benches and state of the art weight machines and follows the hallway down to a large training room. The doors swing open and a brand new wrestling ring can be seen in the middle of the room. Jump ropes and sparring gloves are strewn all over the floor. Quickly the camera heads toward the ring and the audience can recognize the person in the ring as WZCW’s EVEREST!

The champ is sparring with someone, going through overhead throws and runs through some reversals before dropping the sparring partner with an out of nowhere ROCKSLIDE. Just completely blindsiding the opponent. Everest hops right back up and without a hesitation reaches out a hand to help up the stunned and half conscious youngster.

About this time a young lady comes in front of the ring and Everest leans over the ring ropes to hear what she is saying. The camera can’t really pick up the questions but has no problem picking up Everest’s responses as his tone of voice is audibly louder.

EVEREST: Yes, I told you I left him directions. I assume you emailed them like I asked as well. He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer but the man should be able to follow some directions. He should be here anytime.

The young lady writes a few things into a notepad and seems to speak again

EVEREST: Yeah I heard. Basically Myles is using me and Bomb to “get revenge” on Burma because he assaulted a ref. I’m not saying what Burma did was right or anything but I’m getting sick of being used as Myles’ tool. The cheap thrill tag team matches, the roundabout ways to get me into the ring with the Apostles without really giving me a real shot at revenge. Or how bout one of my person favorites: Being a personalized “Hitman” against Burma.

I’m not an idiot Marissa, Chuckie doesn’t think I’ll beat Burma, with or without Bomb, Hell he doesn’t even want us to win. He just wants us to beat Burma up. Myles is probably not even sure we can pull that off, but he’s trying to send a message. Personally I don’t appreciate being that message.

Bomb may not feel the same way, he may even see it as a Hell of an opportunity. Whatever Bomb’s motives from what I’ve seen he seems ready and willing to fight Burma and I guess I can’t ask for much more from a teammate. At Meltdown I’m going to walk down to that ring and while the parlor tricks may scare or distract other people, my “veteran” expertise makes it surprisingly easy to see through the crap that Burma wants to use. I’m not scared of him or his pretend bodyguards.

I’m still waiting on my revenge and I’ll get it, whether it’s down the road. Whether its one on one or me against them all. Fair or unfair I’ll get what I want and I’ll enjoy exacting it.

For now though I plan on doing what I do best against whoever Myles wants to put out there and It just so happens that at Meltdown it gets to be a former World Champion who is the current puppet master to the 2 Big Bird wannabes that have been causing me some recent grief. When I pin the “Champ” it will just be a side effect that Myles gets a little bit of satisfaction that his “message” was sent.

The young lady who had been steadily writing things as Everest spoke again leans in and says something.

EVEREST: What? Seriously he can’t find the entrance? My Lord, it’s like I invited Steamboat Ricky here! That guys parrot could follow directions better…..Aargh!!! I’ll right I’ll go find him.

With that Everest slides out under the bottom rope and heads back toward the locker room as the scene fads to black.
The scene opens to a roof of a tall building. The sun is setting in the west as the camera pans out to look at the horizon. The remaining rays of sun dance across the cold brick buildings dotting the streets below the building. The wind picks up as leaves swirl across the camera's view, dancing across the concrete before disappearing into the sky. The camera finally turns and reveals Ty Burna, sitting in a meditative stance. His legs are crossed, his body perfectly balanced on the edge of the building. His eyes are closed and his hair moves with the motions of the wind. His chest rises up and down very slowly, otherwise his body is motionless.

Fractured. Dissolving. Broken. The words spoken of frail and desperate men. No longer can they face down the horrors that haunt their every fiber, they now rely on hope, a hope that the darkness envelopes into itself, without a united following, what would the evil that plagues even the brightest of men be capable of?

The camera rotates around, facing Ty directly. Suddenly his eyes open and the usual red glowing is gone, instead replaced by the blank stare in the eyes of Ty. His irises have turned black, a void that captures every ray of light before discarding it. The wind blows Ty's hair back from his face, lifting it into the air slightly.

Ty: What will become of such a man? Can a leader of such a group cement the cracks? Or will the foundation crumble under his very feet? This is the difference between great men, and men worthy of the highest praise.

Suddenly Serafina comes running out from the entrance to the roof. Her face paints a picture of worry as she sprints to where Ty sits, unnerved by the sudden interruption. She stops and tries to catch her breath before speaking.

Serafina: Master! Chris, he has...

I already know Serafina. He shall be fine.

They have just taken to the hospital. We need to check on him immediately.

I said he shall be fine Serafina!

Serafina winces at the sudden sharp tone Ty has taken. Ty slowly stands from his position and turns towards her. He stares down into her eyes, the irises returning to normal and the red glowing returns.

Chris will realize that pain is nothing, and yet it is everything. The key difference is the ability to tune out the pain, while the weak allow it to define them.

Master, he has overdosed, this is serious.

And I am serious about this as well. A lesson to be learned, he shall now realize what it takes to drown out the pain. He shall focus on the one goal I have set forward for him, and he shall allow the static surrounding him to fade, leaving him in perfect harmony. To create chaos, one most know the harmonious effects of such a splendid power. He has taken the next step Serafina, soon he shall be equal in the eyes of Chaos!

One's soul must dive into the darkest reaches, to reach the lowest depths of humanity. In young Chris's case, he has learned what it is like to lose total control, to rely on a crutch to ease the sorrows of this life. He shall awaken anew, refreshed and in complete control of the madness he will surely bring about under my leadership.

Ty turns his back from Serafina and gazes out at the horizon again, the dying sunlight now giving way to the brisk blues of the night. He holds his arms behind his back as he breathes deeply.

Chris may feel abandoned, he may feel as if Alhazred has broken a bond he and King have developed. However, the bond the Forgotten Powers have forged in their time in WZCW has proven to be unbreakable. No matter the circumstances, however that does not harm Chris either. Chris is a man capable of taking on the very best, the same people I have conquered in my time in WZCW. As the Forgotten Powers will no doubt in time take back what is theirs, Chris will take what has never been offered. Our enemies pray this is a schism they can infiltrate. Something to shred apart the Apostles of Chaos, yet what they will find instead, is a front united like no other. Alhazred will come to realize what the power of Chaos can provide, and his mind will become in tune with the others. Saxton and Saboteur will feel the wrath of a partnership renewed, just as Kurtesy will feel crushing defeat yet again as K.O. puts him in his place.

And what about you Master? With Bateman on the war path, and Myles seemingly on board with this all, how will you handle Everest and Brad Bomb?

Ty cracks a smile and he begins laughing. He throws his head back as his laugh grows in intensity before turning towards Serafina, his eyes glowing more intently.

Bateman may believe himself in control of the situation, while in fact he is merely walking into my realm. He can send the whole damn roster at me for all I give a damn. Brad Bomb is nothing. Everest has become an after thought. It's a shame really Serafina, watching the man who put everything he had into what could be his final world title shot at Meltdown 50, now becoming nothing more than the attack dog for those that seem to be in power. Bateman will be put in his place, his power neutered and relegated to nothing. He may sit in a position of power, but he has become complacent. He does not realize the changes he could bring about. Meanwhile I have brought forth a following, those that believe in the Gospel of Chaos and what I shall mold WZCW into. I change the very threads that weave the fabric. While Dave walks around with the World Title, he knows that he is in a game he has no control over. Just as I said before, he tried to be a hero, and he paid dearly for it. I left him lying unconscious in the middle of the ring, but just as Dave's decision began the ripple in his own fate, so too did he refocus his opponent at All or Nothing. It is because of us, it is because of Chaos that these two will destroy one another, leaving the pieces to be picked up by the next person. And whether that will be me, Barbosa, Showtime, it matters not! The fact that Chaos has wrought upon such a change shall be further proof of my exponential power! Do you not see it Serafina? Do you not see the canvas that has been woven? The threads are ever changing, yet it is by my hands that they change. I will let Bateman believe that I am playing his game, but after I destroy Everest and Bomb on my own, no one will question me, Bateman's wish for punishment will go unfulfilled, and that will be my greatest victory at Meltdown. To walk up to Bateman and watch the desperation flicker in his eyes, to see him tremble yet angered that he cannot stop Chaos from enveloping his precious company. It shall be glorious Serafina!

Ty reaches out and places his hand on Serafina's hip. He pulls her close as the two gaze into each other's eyes. Silence envelopes the scene, except for the sound of the wind blowing around them. Serafina closes her eyes and rests her head against his chest. She smiles wickedly for a brief moment before the innocent naive look returns to her face.


You shall always be my side Serafina. But for now, I need you to check on Chris, James, and Alhazred. Get Chris flowers if you wish, not for sympathy sake, but so he knows the support surrounding him. He will question it, do not let him dwell upon it long. I have no interest in such materialistic well wishing. Now go my dear.

Serafina opens her eyes and looks up at Ty longingly for a moment before nodding her head and reluctantly leaving his embrace. She makes her way back to door, but stops momentarily to look back at Ty before opening the door and disappearing down the stairs. Ty watches her leave before looking up at the night sky, clouds begin to roll in from the south.

Everest and Brad Bomb, both have been defeated by the Apostles in multiple match ups. They desire revenge against the vicious assaults delivered upon them. They have grown blind in rage against the Apostles, but they have forgotten the one who pulls the strings behind the Apostles' actions. An opportunity to slay the leader of the group, will they take advantage, or will there will be a repeat of their crushing defeats? How will it feel to have the edge going into the match, only to realize that it is merely a comforting thought, and the crushing reality that I am simply a force. Not a man, not human, a relentless force that obliterates everything in its path? There is no pressure upon myself. After all, I am facing two men, I walk into this match, with all expectations on me to lose. You are expected to win, yet you will disappoint them all. Your fans, the locker room, and of course Vance Bateman. You stand in a dangerous position, I have everything to gain, to regain my dominance over all in WZCW, and yet a loss would accomplish nothing in regards to a downward spiral. Both will falter, and the one standing strong, will be the King of Darkness.

Handicapped, it is a word that means nothing to me. Yet that is how they will all see me. In my life I have been always been the lone man, standing up against the army of thugs that have been sent after me. The men that send the numbers is the one that grows jealous of my imminent ascension to power. I left entire gangs bleeding on the concrete, their employers' minds further falling into madness. Meltdown will prove no different, and very soon, WZCW will be wrapped around my finger, my grip slowly crushing the very life out of it. Chaos will reign supreme, and the King of Darkness will once more sit upon his Obsidian throne, beckoning the groveling masses to pay their respects to the man who holds their fates in the palm of his hand.

Snow begins falling down around Ty as the clouds continue to cover the night sky. Ty holds his hand out as the flakes fall down into his palm. He smirks and encloses his hand around the flakes, his eyes stop glowing and the black voids return.

No matter how unique, they all share the same destiny, to be crushed under such immense pressure. And just as the snow will cover everything, so too will my fingerprints across the landscape of WZCW once more. It begins anew.....

The scene fades out.
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