MD 28 - Phoenix vs Frankie Smith

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Just before challenging for the tag team titles in a ladder match, partners and number one contenders are forced to split up and take on individual opponents in singles matches. Phoenix meets Frankie Smith in a singles bout on Meltdown.

RP Deadline is September 7, 11:59 EST.
Frankie Smith is in a room with the door locked, talking to the mystery man who he has hired to coach him. The man is wearing a black suit, and has an angry look all over his face.

?: Pathethic. Again and again you fail. You disappoint me. I'm ashamed to call you my student.

Frankie: I apologise, sir. I did it again. I'm an idiot. I let my anger and hatred blind me and I lost sight of the goal.

?: No excuses. You lost. Deal with it. Now, at All or Nothing, you have the chance for retribution. No DQ. You know what that means, right?

Frankie: It's no disqualification.

?: It means you can do whatever the fuck you want, and still win. Bludgeon his head with a hurley. Shove a ball up his arse. Anything you want.
And it's all....

Frankie: Legal. Brilliant. He won't know what him. But it rhymes with peel hair.

he laughs.

Multiple times.

?:Now, I want you to do something. I have to know you will do whatever you want to get the job done. So here, Seamus, bring him in.

Seamus Murphy walks in, dragging in a man wearing a hood over his head, who's hands are handcuffed behind his back.

?: Use your imagination. Imagine that this is your opponent at Meltdown. Phoenix.

Frankie: Like the cat food.

?: No, not felix. Phoenix. He's a dangerous wrestler, and he'll beat you if your eyes aren't on the prize and you're not focused. You have to forget Zander, he's not facing you this week.
You have to turn your brain on and focus. As the phoenix rises from the flames, you are the flood that is there to quench it, like a flood of furious anger.

Frankie: Right. What do you want me to do.

?: Show me what you will do to him this week, show me your fury.

Frankie: But who is he? I don't just hit random people. I'm no pikey. I only beat those who deserve it. Like Zander. I don't know who this...

The man interrupts.

?: Silence! You shall do what I order!

Frankie: Fine.

?: What was that?

Frankie: Fine...sir.

Frankie winds his hand back, clenches into a fist and is about to thrust forward, but stops.

?: Is this contempt I see?

Frankie doesn't answer.

?: Strike him, or I am outta here.

Frankie: I'm just... trying to decide where to punch him.

Frankie unleashes a big right hand, and then launches a furious attack. He's puching and kicking the man unrelentingly. He then stops, breathes, and pulls back.

?: Good. Good. You succeed. Your in the right frame of mind. You're focused on the task ahead. Seamus, take off the hood.

Seamus grabs the black hood and rips it off. A look of anger is stretched across Frankie.

?: Take a good look, this is your opponent at All or Nothing. Well, as close as we could get on such short notice.

Lying on his knees, is a man, covered in blood, with a Zander Young mask on.

Frankie: They make Zander Young masks?

?: They're rare.

Frankie: Why would someone.....

?: I know.

Frankie: ...want to look like Zander Young.

The scene opens with Becky Serra walking around backstage with a camera crew. She seems to be looking for someone, but is having no success. She finally runs into a couple random backstage helpers, so she decides to ask for help.

Hey, have you guys seen Phoenix?

I haven’t seen him.

Nope, me neither.

I haven’t either, but I know his locker room is right there.

He points at a door a few feet away. That door is closed, but there is something taped to the door.

Alright, I’ll go check it out. Thanks.

She goes over to the door, which is locked. She looks at the paper taped to the door. On the front, it says “To whoever comes to interview me this week.” She looks at the camera man, shrugs and opens the note. She begins reading it out loud, to the camera.

Phoenix's Letter said:
Sorry I’m not there. I wanted to get mentally prepared for my pay-per-view ladder match. I know that I’m facing Frankie Smith this week, and I’ll be there and be ready. But, when it comes down to it, the ladder match at All or Nothing is the biggest match of my career. My will nearly broke after the last loss, and I don’t know if it will hold after another one. I will give 100% against Frankie, but I will give 200% against the Daves. Smith, I know you have a match at the pay-per-view also, so let’s go out and get each other ready for All or Nothing and give the fans a great show. To everyone who wanted the chance to see me before my match, I’m sorry. But the show I will put on with Frankie at Meltdown and the show Second Coming will put on at All or Nothing will more than make up for it.

See you in the future,


Becky looks up at the camera, and the screen cuts to black.
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