MD 24: Rush vs Milenko

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Sic Semper Tyrannosaurus

Though impressive, Rush couldn't pull off the victory in the EurAsian tournament. This week, he faces fellow tournament loser and former Mayhem Champion, the twisted Milenko.

Deadline is Monday, June 15, 11:59 PM EST.
The camera turns on and we see Becky Serra standing in front of the boiler room of the arena where meltdown will be held. She whispers to the camera man as she is about ot knock on the door.

: Why is he all the way down here in the bottom of the building when he has his own locker room? I hate it down here.

Her hand barely touches the door when all of a sudden she hears voices in the room one of which belongs to Milenko.

Milenko: Last week did not go the way we planned. I had Murfish beat but the idiotic ref decided to restart our match. this week is going to be different, just remember everything I told you and we'll be fine.

????: Don't worry about it everything will work out the way it's supposed to this week.

Becky finishes knocking on the door and it opens all on it's own and Becky walks in to see Milenko standing by himself in the shadows. Becky looks around but there is no one else there and it doesn't look like he was talking on a cell phone.

Becky: Who were you talking to? I swear I heard 2 voices in here but there's only you in here.

Milenko looks up at Becky with a sly smile on his face as he answers her question.

Milenko: Who I was talking to is none of your concern, all will be revealed in time.

Becky gets a look of curiosity on her face as she moves on to her next question.

Becky: OK last week you lost ot the returning Murfish and this week you face fellow tournament loser Rush, how does that make you feel?

A look of anger quickly flashes through Milenko's eyes right before he answers the question.

Milenko: Last week I had Murfish beat 1, 2, 3 in the ring but for some reason the biased official decided to start the match over after I had used up all my energy beating Murfish. As for Rush he lost his first 1-on-1 match and he will damn sure lose his second.

When it looks like Milenko is done Becky asks a follow up question.

Becky: Is there anything you would like to say to Rush before you match next week?

A look of fire appears in Milenko's eyes as he looks right at the camera.

Milenko: Rush I know you're new here in WZCW so let me tell you exactly who I am. I am the most ruthless, hardcore wrestler you will ever step in the ring with. I am the best mayhem Champion this company has ever seen and I will make the beating your brother gave you in japan look like you guys were holding hands.

Becky face turns white as Milenko says these things. When he is done she looks down at her notepad and quickly gets ot her next question.

Becky: What do you think of the rule that states whenever The Mayhem Champion is in a singles match he must defend whenever he is in a singles match with your Mayhem title shot at Civil Revolution. I assume you getting ready to face Drake Callahan, but what if he loses his title before then?

Milenko has to stop and think about it like he's never even thought about that possibility before.

Milenko: It doesn't matter who's Mayhem Champion by the time Civil Revolution gets here I will win The Mayhem title for a second time and it will be in a Juggalo Death Match.

Becky looks down at her notepad and realizes she's all out of questions.

: Well do you have anything else to say?

Milenko looks at her with a tinge of contempt in his eyes and says just one word.

Milenko: No

With that Milenko turns around and walks into the shadows. As the camera fades to black it looks like he is walking next to someone but the camera shuts off completely before the camera can zoom in.

Rush emerges from the curtain after a long fought match at a house show. He politely nods and waves his appreciation to the countless supply ‘pat on the backs’ as his peers and coworkers show their support. Rush grabs his towel off of a railing and uses it to wipe the sweat off of this face and neck. He then grabs a WZCW t-shirt puts it on. He drapes his towel over his shoulder to complete his look as he begins to walk over to the catering table. Rush grabs a bottle of water, twists of the cap and begins to drink it like it was going out of style. Without looking, he manages to toss the empty bottle in the garbage. He grabs his second bottle and begins to head to the lockerroom. As he turns around he bumps into Rebecca Serra.

Jeez! Oh Becky. I’m so sorry; I didn’t realize you were standing there.

No worries Rush. I’ve been working in my new sneakers! Do you like them?


Yep! My favorite colour! Oh, by the way, nice match out there.

Thanks Becky. I’m finally getting use to the WZCW crowd. They have to be some of the most intense people out there.

Yeah, they know what they like and don’t like. You got to appreciate it. They seemed really into your match with Celeste last week. It was a good match!

Celeste and I both just went out and did what we do best. She’s one of the most talented person that I have ever stepped into the ring with and last week she was the better man…well…you know. But like she said, the EurAsian title isn’t the grand-daddy of titles around here. Sure it would’ve been a solid stepping stone for me, and being the champion of anything never hurts the resume. But I’m destined to so much more than a consolation prize like the EurAsian championship. And I plan on proving that this week at Meltdown.

That’s right, you will be going one on one with the deranged Milenko. How do you feel about facing him in your second singles match here. He can be very dangerous and unpredictable.

Becky dear, things could be a lot worse. I mean, I head him when he was talking to you earlier. And I realized he’s stuck in the past. Not even focusing on what should worrying about most. And that is stepping into the ring with me. Instead he’s too worked up over losing last week to Murfish, and how he WAS WZCW’s best Mayhem champion of all time blah blah blah.

And when he’s not crying over spilt milk, he’s talking about how he will be the Mayhem champ again at Civil Revolution when he wins the Juggilo Death Match. At that puts me in the perfect position to be in Becky. Not the past, not the future, but the present. I’m Milenko’s current problem and if he doesn’t want to face his fear of being my opponent, that’s fine by me. Makes my job around easier.

Maybe it’s because I’m one of the new guys around here but Milenko, I promise you I am NOT someone you want to look past. I AM however, someone who is so hungry for his first win in WZCW that I can already taste it. I guess it’s a good thing that he faces me before his Death Match, because Milenko after I am finished with you. After you feel the rush of the Rushing Powerbomb. After you have been laying on your back, staring at the lights, completely unaware as the ref’s hand crashes to the mat 1, 2, 3. After I have my hand raised. It will be the closest to death you have ever been.

Anyways Becky, I got to get back to the locker room and shower up. Sorry again about bumping into you. Might I suggest putting a bell around your neck next time you are wearing those puppies.
Rush said with a playful smile. Becky laughed awkwardly, clearly missing the joke.

Ha, Ha. Yeah. Thanks Rush.

Rush began his walk down the hallway, turning a corner and vanishing out of Becky’s sight.
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