McMahon..The Wrestler


First Immortality..Then the Bitches
I know it seems silly but at one point Vince McMahon was considering becoming a wrestler. I can't recall where I heard this( I believe it was on the McMahon dvd where they mentioned it) So I did a bit of research and found out that he was actually thinking about it but his father was completely against the idea.

I fascinates me to know that the father of all wrestling promotions could of actually been the one delivering maybe 4 or 5 star matches had he actually pursued this ambition. This explains why McMahon was involved in some of the higher profile matches off all time(Austin,hogan,hart) and also why we keep seeing him back in the ring.

I often wonder how different the wrestling world would be if McMahon decided to become a wrestler instead of following his fathers footsteps in promoting and managing the business. I don't imagine it would of been worlds different. But I still can't help but wonder...what if?

So what do you guys think?

What would Vince McMahon have actually been like as a full time wrestler?

How different would the wwe have been like back then and now?

How would this have effected the Monday night wars?

Would it have been possible for McMahon to own the business as well as being a full time wrestler? I mean he did commentary back in the day but most people knew he was still the boss. Would it have been any different if he was an actual wrestler as well?

Might the WWE have not been as successful had this happened?

The floor is all yours.
EH, everytime you saw McMahon come to the ring as a face or a heel, you knew 2 things.
1: either a face/heel was going to interfere
2: Heel McMahon would get the beat of his life/Face McMahon would win after getting the beating of his life.

HOnestly i never really took him seriously. He was just a ploy for someone else to run in. As a wrestler, it wouldn't work.....

Vince might have been a Bob Backlund type (he doesn't have the look for any other type). When you consider his work ethic, he probably would have been a technical mat wrestler. He would have been just as successful as Jeff Jarrett or Dustin Rhodes, but there is no way to know how different the world of wrestling would be today. I honestly don't believe that WWF would have been as successful in someone else's hands.
It would be worlds different. VKM the wrestler would have made little overall impact in the wrestling world. However VKM the promoter made all the difference. It's hard to imagine where the business would be without Mcmahon, but one thing is for sure it wouldn't be anywhere near as popular.
If you ask me...this is a part of his genious. Or at least a man of great good fortune.

If he really wanted to be a wrestler, but couldnt cuz his dad forbid it...........then get the company, make sure it is stable............the get your dream.

I really dont see any arguement against on how VKM was a wrestler at one point, regardless of what he did behind the scenes. Stone Cold, HHH, HBK, Bret Hart, Royal Rumble winner......he has been in ring, and BLED enough for him to have wrestled. even if its his own company. I mean, hell........he was in a match with HBK at WRESTLEmania. His match against Stone Cold (one handed).........if that were never to have happened, then you could argue history could have changed (look up Dude Love). Anyway...........

....for years Ive considered anyone who spends the better part of a year in the ring as a wrestler. Only diffrence, he owned the company. He got the best of both worlds. He got his dream and then some. Even if you dont want to call it genius.......gotta give it to him. His dream was to wrestle...he got it. Not bad for a bastard. (fatherless son for the non informed.)

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