Max_Power's Road to WrestleMania 29


Dark Match Winner

Royal Rumble 2013

The twenty-sixth annual WWE Royal Rumble provided the WWE Universe with an incredible night. The Great One, The Rock, returned for his first match since WrestleMania 28 to capture the WWE Championship from CM Punk. The Rock won his eight WWE Championship, in a win which marked his first WWE Championship reign in over ten years. CM Punk had held the title for 434 days, the longest WWE Championship reign in over 25 years.

Perhaps the WWE's most controversial superstar, John Cena, became only the fourth man to win multiple Royal Rumble Matches by last eliminating Ryback in last nights match. Cena will now go on to mainevent his 9th straight WrestleMania!


*The Rock defeated CM Punk to win the WWE Championship
*John Cena won the Royal Rumble Match by last eliminating Ryback
*Alberto Del Rio defeated Big Show to retain the World Heavyweight Championship
*Team Hell No defeated Team Rhodes Scholars to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship

This thread will document the Road to WrestleMania 29, and then beyond, and the WWE hope to provide cutting edge entertainment and action!!

First show: WWE RAW: January 28th, 2013: Las Vegas, Nevada
January 28th, 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada

Last night at the Royal Rumble, the Great One, the Brahma Bull, delivered a dose of smackdown on CM Punk, the record breaking WWE Champion. CM Punk had held the title for 434 days, but his historic run came to an end after being pinned by The Rock. The win was surrounded by controversy, after CM Punk initially had pinned The Rock following an attack by an unknown man, or men. Many, including the WWE Chairman Vince McMahon, believe that Paul Heyman had hired The Shield to attack The Rock and Vince was going to strip Punk of the title until The Rock demand he restart the match. This edition of RAW will see the NEW WWE Champion, The Rock, make his first speech as champion. CM Punk is sure to be seen on the show as he voices his ever so controversial opinion on last nights events. It's also rumoured that the WWE Chairman himself will be on RAW!!

Last night John Cena became only the fourth man in the 25+ year history of the Royal Rumble to win 2 separate Royal Rumble matches! Cena will speak on his historic win and may even make an early call on which championship he will contend for on the Grandest Stage of All, WrestleMania 29!

WWE have announced that at No Way Out, the World Heavyweight Champion, Alberto Del Rio will defend his title in an Elimination Chamber. Smackdown General Manager Booker T, who will be present on RAW, has announced 2 huge qualifying matches will take place on RAW; Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett, and Chris Jericho vs Big Show!

All of this comes to you live, this Monday night!

January 28th 2013
Las Vegas, Nevada



<<WWE RAW Opening Video>>


The opening fireworks explode as the rampant Las Vegas crowd excitedly cheers as they wait for one of the biggest Monday Night RAW shows of the year! Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler welcome us to the show!


The fans pop even louder than before as the NEW WWE Champion, The Rock, makes his way out from the back. The Brahma Bull has a grin from ear-to-ear as he straddles the title over his shoulder. The Rock greets the fans as he heads to the ring and grabs a microphone.

The music cuts as the champion removes his glasses and looks around at the raging Las Vegas crowd. The Rock goes to speak, only to pull away as ‘Rocky’ chants break out.

As the cheers continue, The Rock finally addresses the audience.

The Rock: “Ladies and gentleman, I have a few things that I want to say to tonight…but perhaps none are more important than that…FINALLY!”

The crowd roars!


The Rock: “And finally The Rock is back on RAW as the WWE Champion!”

The Rock receives a round of applause from the crowd

The Rock: “Ladies and gentleman I am glad to say that finally The Rock has saved everybody in the WWE Universe from a man known as CM Punk!”

Loud boos are muffled by a scattering of cheers for the former champion

The Rock: “CM Punk ran his big mouth for 434 days. He said you all didn’t matter, that you all didn’t count and he said that each and every one of you were nothing. He demanded respect that he didn’t deserve and cheated his way to victory on countless occasions. In fact he even tried to pull one over on The Rock last night, but to no avail!

The Rock pauses as more cheers are heard

The Rock: “CM Punk’s reign of terror is over, The People’s champ is back and The People’s title reign has begun!

*****MY TIME IS NOW*****

The Rock’s look of joy turns into a look disapproval as his former advisory, and Royal Rumble winner, John Cena interrupts. The crowd’s reaction is huge as Cena receives his usual amount of boos and cheers.

Cena has a smug smirk on his face as he salutes, before heading to the ring to confront The Rock.

The Rock points at Cena and goes to speak…

John Cena: “Up-up-uh-uh…”

Cena stops The Rock.

John Cena: “Rocky before you start…I just want to say…congratulations”

The crowd boos Cena as The Rock looks back with a suspicious look on his face

John Cena: “Trust me Rocky I sincerely congratulate you on winning the WWE Championship as it is an accolade that has evaded me for nearly 500 days.”

The Rock and Cena share intense looks.

John Cena: “But you can also trust me on something else…and that is IF you manage to be WWE Champion around about April 7th 2013, than better bet your ‘candy ass’ that I’ll be there waiting, because I am using my Royal Rumble Match victory clause, to face the WWE Champion at WrestleMania.”


The Rock and John Cena both swing around as CM Punk’s music blares. Punk gets a huge mixed reaction as he intensely walks out on stage with his hooded jacket on. Paul Heyman is by his side as Punk prepares to address The Rock and John Cena.


An angry CM Punk receives a barrage of boos as well as a scattering of cheers.

CM Punk: “Are you serious Dwayne? Are you serious? The only reason I said these people matter don’t is because they don’t!! I’m the only one that matters.”

Punk is angrily pacing the top of the stage as he continues his rant.

CM Punk: “For 434 days I returned the prestige to that title that was lost years and years ago. I went about restoring it’s tarnished reputation. Tarnished by the fact that it was handed to people like Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena and yourself!”

This receives a mixture of boos and cheers again.

CM Punk: “And for all that hard work I did, for it to be washed away by Vince McMahon is nothing short of a disgrace and an insult and I demand that you, Rock, be the bigger man and relinquish the title to me!”

The crowd loudly boos as The Rock and John Cena exchange smirks.

The Rock: “(chuckles) I’m sorry?”

Punk shakes his head in disgust.

CM Punk: “I guess it was naive of me think that either one of you or anybody else would stand up for what’s right because you’re all the same. You’re all products of Vince McMahon’s perfect universe and I find it a little coincidental that his too lovechildren are standing in the ring whilst I stand here vilified.”

Punk shakes his head as he continues.

CM Punk: “I will not compete for this company until justice is served and the WWE title is returned to me.”

Rock begins laughing as the crowd boos loudly.

The Rock: “(laughing) Are you done Punk?”

Punk sneers at Rock.

The Rock: “CM Punk if you think for one second that I will relinquish the title that I one fair and square last night, a title that I’ve trained for over the past 2 years, in fact that I’ve trained for, for my whole career, that I’ve not held since 2003, than you’ve got another thing coming.”

The Rock readjusts the title on his shoulder

The Rock: “And if you want ‘your’ title back than why don’t you shut you mouth walk your candy ass down this ramp and fight for it like a man.”

The crowd cheers as CM Punk looks on. He whispers something into the ear of Paul Heyman. They stay at the ramp for a little while before heading down to a huge roar.
Punk and Heyman stop at the edge of the ring, much to the displeasure of the crowd.

CM Punk: “Do you really think I’m that stupid? I fight on my terms. And I assure you Dwayne, you John, all of you people, Vince McMahon, and the rest of the WWE that I will stop at nothing to have that title rightfully returned to me!”

*****NO CHANCE******

The crowd roars as the tune of Vince McMahon’s theme sounds. McMahon confidently strides out to the top of the stage, playing with the crowd in his familiar fashion. McMahon has a mic in hand.

Vince McMahon: “CM Punk I don’t know who the hell you think you are but if you think you can walk into my arena, to my ring on my show and demand titles then you’ve got another thing coming.”

CM Punk sneers at the Chairman as the crowd cheers.

CM Punk: “Oh, oh, oh surprise, surprise Vince McMahon, the big hotshot chairman bullying his way around as per usual. Vince if you even had even a shred of decency in your veins before last night than it was all completely wiped away when you restarted the match after I had retained my title! I’m glad you’re out here so I can tell you that you are a corrupt disgrace and I will not compete…”

Vince McMahon: “CM Punk you better stop right there or you won’t like where things are going!”

Paul Heyman tries to calm down an irate CM Punk.

Vince McMahon: “And as far as I’m concerned Punk, if you refuse to compete, than you will not be fulfilling your contract therefore I have to right to fire your ass right now.”

A rapturous roar is heard as Punk carefully contains his anger. Paul Heyman again has words for Punk who begins to nod his head.

CM Punk: “Alright Vince, I see you’re not gonna do what’s right, that’s fine, I’m used to it. I will compete; I’ll fight for the WWE Championship because, after all, I am entitled to a rematch. I will invoke my rematch for the WWE Championship in the mainevent at WrestleMania where I belong, where I should be defending the WWE title!”

The crowd is now split as some boos foil a loud barrage of cheers from the crowd. CM Punk stares intently at Vince McMahon. The Rock and Cena look on from the ring.

Vince McMahon: “CM Punk you get a 30 day rematch-clause for the WWE Championship. WrestleMania is 10 weeks away.”

CM Punk shakes his head angrily as Vince looks at him optimistically

Vince McMahon: “I see that you’re not going to budge are you…Well I guess I could cut you a deal Punk. (Vince smiles evilly) Considering we’re in Las Vegas (loud cheer from the crowd) I guess you can count yourself lucky. John Cena has earned the right to face the champion of his choice at WrestleMania. The Rock is the WWE Champion, and as far as I can see it, the mainevent is made. But I will give you a shot at forcing your way into the WWE Championship match at WrestleMania on one condition….”

Vince smirks as CM Punk sneers at him.

Vince McMahon: “You find a partner to team with to take on John Cena and The Rock at No Way Out! (Crowd roars) And if you win, you’re in the mainevent at WrestleMania in a Triple Threat Match”

John Cena and The Rock quickly look at each other with dissatisfied looks as CM Punk looks at Paul Heyman. Vince McMahon smiles proudly as we go to commercial.


Back from commercial, JBL, Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler are frothing at the mouth after the announcement by Vince McMahon, as we get ready for the first match of the night.

The Uso Brothers stand in the ring as they wait for their opponents.


Damien Sandow and Cody Rhodes confidently stride out from the back and head to the ring. The reception from the crowd is unflattering but it doesn’t faze them as they enter the ring and prepare for the match.



Sandow begins the match with Jimmy Uso. The two lock up in the middle of the ring before Sandow swiftly moves into a headlock. It’s quickly countered as Jimmy throws Sandow off the ropes and drops him with the shoulder block. Sandow jumps to his feet but Uso drops him again. Jimmy grabs Sandow quickly and twists his arm before dragging him into the corner and tagging in Jey. Jey Uso jumps into the ring and kicks Sandow. Damien is doubled over as Jey Uso elbows him in the head. Jey whips Sandow off the ropes but Sandow holds on and quickly tags Rhodes. Rhodes was not expecting it and Jey takes advantage by grabbing Cody and flipping him over the ropes. Rhodes hits the canvas with a thud and Jey makes the cover…


Rhodes powers out but Jey is quick to keep him down with an arm-bar. Rhodes reverses and whips Jey off the ropes before hitting a beautiful drop kick. Rhodes makes the cover…

Cody drags Jey by the foot to the corner and tags in Sandow. Damien hits the ring and stomps away at Jey Uso. The referee eventually pulls Sandow away. Jey tries to reach for a tag but is stopped by Sandow. Jey swings a wild punch that is ducked by Sandow. Damien grabs Jey from behind and hits a beautiful Russian Leg-Sweep! Sandow flips up out of the move in familiar fashion before positioning Jey for the Elbow of Distain. Sandow’s arrogance is met with boos from the crowd as he performs his patented theatrics, followed by the devastating elbow! He covers Jey…


The crowd lets out a small cheer as Jimmy retreats back to his corner. Rhodes and Sandow are irate at the ref and it allows Jey to lunge and make a desperate tag to Jimmy! Jimmy bursts into the ring, catching Sandow off guard with a big clothesline. He quickly follows up by throwing Sandow off the ropes and then hitting a huge Samoan Drop!! Jimmy quickly makes the cover…


Jimmy grabs Sandow and pulls him up but Sandow pokes him in the eye. Jimmy is stumbles around the ring in pain as Sandow regains himself. Sandow grabs Jimmy by the neck and hits a perfect Straight-Jacket Neckbreaker, a move known as the Terminus. Jimmy is down and out, as is Jey on the outside as Sandow makes the cover…


Sandow holds his jaw as Rhodes joins him in the ring and their hands are raised. Sandow demands a microphone from the staff at ringside.

Damien Sandow: “If I may beg your indulgence…”

Sandow cocks his head up as he cradles the mic like a glass of brandy.

Damien Sandow: “Last night was just another example of the continuous discrimination that you, the unwashed masses, and society as a whole, has shown the intellectual icons such as us, Team Rhodes Scholars.”

This is met with a loud round of boos from the Las Vegas crowd.

Damien Sandow: “Team Rhodes Scholars are the finest combination of in-ring ability and expertise combined with intellect and aptitude in the WWE, and it is criminal that we are not the WWE Tag Team Champions!”

Cody Rhodes smiles as the crowd continues to boo.

Damien Sandow: “So we are demanding that the dysfunctional and dreadful Team Hell No, that you buffoons so mindlessly cheer, give us the justice that is another match for the WWE Tag Team Championships!”

Sandow now has his head firmly perched upwards with pride and arrogance.

Damien Sandow: “That is all thank you! You may all return to your jaded and mislead lives. Thank you”

Sandow drops the mic as he and Rhodes exit the ring as the crowd gives them a peace of their mind. We head back to ringside where Cole reminds us that tonight, two World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches will take place – Randy Orton vs Wade Barrett, and Big Show vs Chris Jericho.


Backstage Josh Matthews is ready for an interview.

Josh Matthews: “Ladies and gentleman please welcome my guest at this time – the 2013 Royal Rumble winner: John Cena!”

Cena enters frame to a loud reaction of boos and cheers, as per usual.

Josh Matthews: “Now John, firstly congratulations, and secondly what have you got to say about your win last night and the match you’ve been placed in at No Way Out.”

Cena smirks at Matthews.

John Cena: “Josh, I stand here with you now having achieved one of the greatest accolades in the history of the business last night, I stand here with a guaranteed mainevent match at WrestleMania, the showcase of the immortals. But all I’ve been hearing is how ‘The Rock has is back on RAW as WWE Champion’ or how ‘CM Punk was robbed of the title’. What everybody has forgotten is that I, John Cena, have accomplished something that only 3 other men in the history of this business have done!”

Cena looks intently at Josh and then back at the camera.

John Cena: “Hulk Hogan, Stone Cold Steve Austin and Shawn Michaels, arguably the 3 greatest wrestlers of all time, are the only other men to have won 2 Royal Rumble Matches. That’s the company that I’ve worked myself to the bone to join! And as far as my match at No Way Out, well, we said never before and never again, well it’s happening again. I will team with The Rock at No Way Out, I may not enjoy it, but I will do it. I will win at No Way Out, and I’ll go on to defeat The Rock at WrestleMania for the WWE Championship.”

Cena smirks at the camera and winks before leaving.



The crowd pops for Randy Orton as the WWE’s Apex Predator comes out from the back. Orton methodically waltzes to the ring and prepares for his match.


The Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett comes out to a mild reaction. His Intercontinental Championship is wrapped around his waist as he heads to the ring and joins Orton as they prepare to go one-on-one. Orton and Barrett stare down as we go to commercial




The bell sounds and two of WWE’s finest lock-up in the middle of the ring. Orton powers Barrett into the corner of the ring before referee Mike Chioda breaks demands he release the hold. Barrett obliges before striking Orton with a cheap shot to the stomach. Orton, enraged, flies back with a flurry of right hands and eventually drops Barrett with a clothesline. Barrett jumps to his feet and is collected with a kick to the stomach. Orton whips Barrett off the ropes and hits a high back-body-drop before going straight into a cover.


Barrett powers out and Orton quickly locks in a headlock, keeping the Englishman grounded. Barrett flings his arms in an attempt to break the hold to no avail. Orton continues to apply pressure before Barrett rakes his eyes. Orton releases the hold and staggers away clutching his eye as the referee grills Barrett. Wade pushes his way past Chioda and goes on the attack. He punches Orton into the corner and then stomps him. Orton drops to the floor as Barrett pounds away. The referee eventually pulls him away. Wade quickly drags Orton to the center of the ring and makes a cover.


Orton powers the shoulder up! Barrett glances at the referee before lifting Randy to his feet and then dropping him with a scoop slam. Barrett kicks Orton again whilst he’s down before circling the ring, show-boating to the crowd. Orton slowly gets to his feet but only before Wade drops him again with a back kick. Orton is down again as Barrett makes the cover.


Orton again kicks out. Barrett is again angered as he gets to his feet and whips Orton of the ropes. Barrett is caught of guard as Orton powers off the ropes and hits a brutal clothesline!! The crowd lets out a cheer as Orton grounds the Intercontinental Champ! Randy lifts himself up by using the ropes. Barrett is up and sprints at Orton who drops the top rope and Barrett is sent flying out and over to the floor. Wade hits the mat with a vicious thud and the crowd cheers. The Viper slips out of the ring and walks over to a dazed Barrett. Orton lifts Barrett over the barricade so that Wade is now on the crowd’s side. Randy lifts Orton over into position for a hanging DDT! The crowd rises in anticipation as Orton, with a ferocious look in his eyes, drops Barrett head first to the mat with a DDT!!!

Orton has taken it out of himself as well as he clutches his back. The referee has begun counting as Orton crawls towards the ring. He slowly rolls into the ring as the count reaches 4. Barrett starts to pull himself up as the count passes 6. The Englishman slowly gets to the ring as we get to 8. Barrett just pulls himself into the ring as the count nears 10!!! Orton is as Barrett gets up and swings a wild clothesline. Orton ducks, grabs Wade and drops him with his patented back-breaker. The Intercontinental Champion gets to his feet clutching his back. Randy goes to whip him but Barrett reverses and whips Orton instead before hitting a big clothesline to send Orton to the mat. Barrett bounces off the ropes and explodes at Orton but The Viper catches him with a snap scoop slam.

Orton gets to his feet with that familiar look in his eye before dropping to the canvas as he prepares for the RKO. The crowd roars in anticipation as Barrett slowly gets to his feet. Orton goes for the RKO but Barrett reverses by dropping down and rolling Randy up from behind and grapping his tights!!

The referee stops the count! Referee Mike Chioda catches Barrett with a handful of tights and stops the count. Barrett is furious as he and Chioda argue back and forth.

Barrett irately turns his attention back to Orton, RKO!!! Randy Orton hits and RKO out of nowhere! Orton makes the cover,


Orton gets to his feet and has his hand risen by referee Mike Chioda. Orton groggily exits the ring, now the first man in the World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber!

Back in the ring, Wade Barrett picks himself up and snatches his title away from Chioda. He again starts to argue with Chioda. Barrett eventually cracks it before pushing past Chioda and demanding a microphone.

Wade Barrett: “Is this the kind of travesty that the powers that be allow?”

Barrett is aggravated and flustered as he rants on.

Wade Barrett: “I am ordering Booker T, Teddy Long or Vickie Guerrero to get Randy Orton back out here and re-start the match! I deserve to be in the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out!!”


*****RAP SHEET*****

The crowd pops for Booker T as the Smackdown General Manager comes out from the back. Barrett seems contempt with Booker’s presence.

Booker T: “Wade I saw what happened in your match with Randy Orton. All I can say is you’ve got nothing to complain about dawg, Randy Orton will be in the Elimination Chamber!”

The crowd cheers as the camera shows Barrett fuming.

Booker T: “But you know Wade there is something that I’ve been meaning to tell you. I was gonna wait until Smackdown this Friday Night on SyFy but considering you’re acting like such a punk ass I may as well tell you now! Considering there will be no WWE Championship Elimination Chamber this year, I have decided that YOU will defend your Intercontinental Championship inside the Elimination Chamber for the first time in WWE history!!!

The crowd roars as Wade screams in anger.


Booker’s music hits as the camera shows Wade Barrett, whose night has gone from bad to worse, pacing the ring furiously. The commentary team is shocked at the announcement as they hype tonight’s mainevent – a Royal Rumble Final Four Fatal-4-Way: John Cena vs Dolph Ziggler vs Sheamus vs Ryback!




Back from commercial Ricardo Rodriguez introduces the World Heavyweight Champion. Alberto receives a nice reaction as he confidently struts out from the back, having won a brutal Last Man Standing Match against Big Show the previous night at the Royal Rumble. Del Rio and Ricardo make their way to the ring and Del Rio takes a mic.

Alberto Del Rio: “Big Show, in Mexico we have a word that describes you, and that word is gordo!”

Ricardo Rodriguez and Del Rio crack up laughing.

Alberto Del Rio: “Gordo stands for fat, and that’s just what Big Show is – a big, fat slob, and a big, fat sook!”

Del Rio cheekily smiles as the crowd cheers.

Alberto Del Rio: “Big Show you thought you could bully me, but I proved to you and everyone as to why I am the campeón, the champion”

Alberto Del Rio: “And champions defend their titles and that’s exactly what I will do at No Way Out in an Elimination Chamber Match!”


The United States Champion cuts off the World Heavyweight Champion and Antonio Cesaro does not look to be in a good mood as he paces out from the back and down to the ring.

Antonio Cesaro: “Alberto I don’t always come out talk, in fact I prefer to come out and fight, but when I do I’ve got something important to say.”

Cesaro takes Del Rio aback.

Antonio Cesaro: “Is this it? Is this the best the WWE has to offer? Is this the kind of champion that you mindless Americans cheer for? A man who comes out and makes jokes with his ridiculous announcer, and a man who brags about scoring a cheap win. You call yourself campeón Alberto, but you’re nothing but a pretender. I am the best this company has to offer in this ring!”

Antonio Cesaro: “That World Heavyweight Championship will be mine when I beat you and 4 other men inside the Elimination Chamber because I am Antonio Cesaro”


The crowd erupts as Christian’s music hits!! Captain Charisma hasn’t been seen in months and Del Rio and Cesaro are in shock.

Finally Christian makes it out from the back with a smile on his face, before walking to the ring and joining Del Rio and Cesaro.

A loud “CHRIS-TIAN” chant fills the arena!

Christian: “My eyes must be deceiving me, I must be dreaming – Antonio Cesaro in the ring and he’s talking crap!

A loud roar from the crowd angers Cesaro.

Christian: “All you do is complain and talk crap and complain and talk crap and complain and…”

Cesaro tries to speak but is stopped by Christian.

Christian: “And talk crap! Cesaro you have the personality of a cardboard box and the fact that you are the holder of the United States Championship is a slap in the face to the great people of America!

The crowd cheers as Christian continues.

Christian: “Now I haven’t been in this ring since summer last year and the last time I was here I was Intercontinental Champion. Right now I’m standing in the middle of the ring with the World Heavyweight Champion and the United States Champion and I’m feeling great, if you know what I mean.”

Christian smiles and winks at Del Rio and Cesaro.

*****RAP SHEET*****

Once again Booker T comes out from the back to a nice ovation.

Booker T: “Christian I speak on behalf of Vickie Guerrero and myself when I say that I am thrilled that you’re back in a WWE ring. Unfortunately I have already booked the 5 Elimination Chamber Qualifier Matches.

The crowd voices their displeasure.

Booker T: But Antonio Cesaro does not have a match at No Way Out…So I am making a match between you two this Friday on Smackdown, and Christian, if you can beat Antonio Cesaro you will be the #1 contender for the United States Championship!!”

The crowd roars as Cesaro looks on in anger as Christian contently smiles and we go backstage.


Backstage, Vickie Guerrero and Paul Heyman are shown discussing CM Punk, The Rock and John Cena as Team Hell No enters. Kane and Paul Heyman exchange looks.

Paul Heyman: “Well look Vickie, if it isn’t the ‘big red monster’ and his pet goat. You know I…I still struggle to comprehend how you incompetent morons are still the tag team champions.”

Daniel Bryan: “Oh, oh ha-ha Paul, you’re really funny Paul.”

Kane chuckles as holds back Daniel Bryan.

Daniel Bryan: “What the hell’s so funny?”

Kane: “Oh Daniel it’s nothing, it’s just, I’m surrounded by farm animals. A goat, a pig (looks at Heyman), and a cow (looks at Vickie). I mean, I feel like Old McDonald (laughs)”

The crowd lets out a huge roar of laughter as Kane chuckles. Vickie Guerrero and Paul Heyman look on, livid!

Vickie Guerrero: “Excuse me!! How dare you...”

Paul Heyman: “Vickie, Vickie it’s okay I got this…How dare you. How dare you disrespect the General Manager of this show and myself! Vickie Guerrero and I have more power than you could imagine so I suggest you keep your insults to yourselves, or you will pay.”

Kane and Daniel Bryan are taken back by Heyman’s outburst.

Vickie Guerrero: “Kane and Daniel Bryan (sneers), if you wanna make jokes at my expense, you are gonna pay! So next week on RAW you will take on every tag team in the WWE in a tag team open match, and Daniel Bryan, you are banned from ringside in Kane’s match tonight!”

Paul Heyman and Vickie Guerrero smile and laugh evilly as Kane and Bryan walk off, annoyed.



///////////////In the ring///////////////

Back in the ring…


*****VEIL OF FIRE*****

A huge explosion lights up the stage before the lights turn red and the agitated ‘Big Red Machine’ makes his way out from the back. Kane holds his WWE Tag Team title over his shoulder as he walks to the ring in preparation for his match.


CM Punk’s theme hits for the second time in the night as he receives a mixed reaction. CM Punk walks out from the back with Paul Heyman and then to the ring as we prepare for the 3rd match of the night.



The bell sounds as CM Punk launches himself at Kane. The two go back and forth with right hands, furiously smashing at each other, before Kane grabs CM Punk and launches him into the corner ring-post. Kane runs at Punk and hits a huge running clothesline, sending Punk over the ropes and to the outside. Kane quickly gets outside and drives Punk back first into barricade wall. The former WWE Champion writhes in pain, which is only worsened as Kane hits a giant uppercut. CM Punk clutches his jaw as Kane rolls him back into the ring. Paul Heyman momentarily distracts Kane and Punk takes advantage, hitting a baseball kick through the ropes on Kane! The big red machine flies back and hits the barricade headfirst. CM Punk quickly rolls Kane into the ring and makes the first cover of the match,


Kane powers out but CM Punk maintains control as he moves into grounded headlock. Punk wrenches away at the neck and head of Kane. The big red machine throws elbows at Punk and gets him in the head. Kane regains himself as both men get back to their feet. Punk swings a wild punch at Kane who ducks, grabs him and sidewalk slam! Kane makes the cover,


Kane moves into a head-lock as Michael Cole takes us to commercial


Back from commercial and Kane is still in control. He picks up Punk and whips him off the ropes – Punk comes back and Kane lifts him up before dropping him, back first, over his knee. CM Punk writhes in pain as Kane again lifts him and whips him hard into the corner. Punk hits the turnbuckle and falls to the mat, again clutching his back. Paul Heyman offers his desperate help for Punk who helplessly gets to his feet. Kane holds his hand up, ready for a Chokeslam, as the crowd rises. Kane grabs Punk by the throat but the former WWE Champion head-butts Kane. CM Punk throws a flurry of head-butts to stun Kane. Kane falls back to the ropes clutching his head as CM Punk runs at him. Kane recovers in time and moves, throwing CM Punk through the ropes and to the outside. The Big Red Machine gets out of the ring and goes to grab Punk but is distracted momentarily by Paul Heyman. Punk takes advantage by hitting Kane with a punch and then a kick to the stomach. Punk quickly jumps on the steel steps and waits for Kane. He jumps at the Big Red Machine but is caught with a vicious uppercut!! The crowd gasps as Punk hits the ground, dazed and confused. Kane rolls him back into the ring and again makes the cover,


Kane looks a little disgruntled as he shakes off the near fall by getting to his feet. He again sets up for the clothesline as Punk gingerly gets to his feet. Punk turns around and, like he had eyes in the back of his head, roundhouse kicks Kane in the temple!! Kane drops to the mat as Punk stumbles back. Kane clutches his head as he helps himself up using the turnbuckles. Punk runs at Kane and hits his patented High Running Knee!! Kane looks out cold as Punk plays to the crowd, receiving a mixed reaction. Punk then grabs Kane and goes for the Bulldog but it backfires as Kane lifts him up and hits a back-suplex! The crowd roars as Kane makes the cover,


The crowd groans as Kane slaps the mat. He grabs Punk lifts Punk quickly to his shoulder, about to get him into position for the Tombstone! But Punk slips out the back and then follows up with kicks to the knee of Kane, chopping him down. Punk then hits another roundhouse kick to Kane’s head! Kane stumbles around as Punk runs off the ropes, grabs Kane and drops him with a Bulldog!! Punk falls into a cover,


Punk quickly gets to his feet as Paul Heyman cheers him on. Kane is doubled over as Punk rebounds off the ropes and hits a Swinging Neck-Breaker on the monster Kane! Punk gets up quickly and runs to the ropes, knowing his opportunity is now. He climbs to the top rope. Punk has an intense look in his eyes as he stares at Kane. Punk raises his hands to the sky as the crowd murmurs in anticipation! Punk launches himself with a flying elbow but Kane moves out of the way!! The crowd cheers as Punk clutches his elbow. He gets to his feet and Kane grabs him by the throat. Chokeslam by Kane!! The crowd erupts as Kane crawls into the cover. Paul Heyman lets out a scream of distress as Kane makes the cover,

Punk reverses the cover and rolls up Kane with a small package,

CM Punk with a handful of tights pins the Big Red Machine!!


CM Punk jumps out of the ring, celebrating with Paul Heyman as they hug in joy. Kane is absolutely furious as the crowd voices their displeasure! Kane jumps out of the ring and runs at Punk, taking him down with a clothesline. The crowd roars as Heyman looks on in horror.

The monster Kane now turns his attention to Paul Heyman! Heyman has fear radiating from his eyes as he backtracks, preying for mercy. Kane stalks Heyman as they head around the ring. Paul Heyman tries to escape as he gets in the ring but is eventually grabbed by the collar. Paul Heyman gets to his knees; begging Kane to let him go, CRACK!! CM Punk smashes Kane in the back with a chair. Kane drops to the mat in a crumpled heap. CM Punk wipes the sweat off his forehead before grabbing Paul Heyman and heading to the back.

Kane is still down in the ring as, out of nowhere, the Prime Time Players come running down from the back. They hit the ring and start attacking the Big Red Machine!

Team Rhodes Scholars followed by The Uso Brothers swarm to the ring and an all in brawl ensues. Jimmy Uso sends Cody Rhodes over the top rope before Darren Young clotheslines himself and Jimmy out. Damien Sandow and Jimmy Uso are taken out by Titus O’Neil and crash to the outside. Titus O’Neil barks in the ring as he is left standing. But Kane finally gets to his feet and grabs Titus around the throat…

*****SPECIAL OP*****

Kane immediately releases his grip as The Shield’s music hits! The crowd looks around in anticipation as Dean Ambrose, Roman Reigns and Seth Rollins appear through the crowd.

The Shield gets to the ring and surrounds Kane. They stalk Kane before getting up onto the ring apron. They get into the ring and another brawl breaks out. Kane tries to fend off his would be attackers but is eventually taken down by the numbers. Reigns and Rollins hold down Kane as Ambrose hits him flush in the face with right hand, and then stomps him in the gut.


The arena explodes as Daniel Bryan comes flying out from the back and sprints to the ring. He jumps in and throws a flurry of kicks and punches to Reigns and Rollins, before ducking a clothesline from Ambrose and sending him to the outside. Bryan helps Kane to his feet as The Shield retreat through the crowd. A huge ‘YES!’ chant breaks out as Bryan and Kane celebrate in the ring and we go to a video.


Back from the video we see Michael Cole and Jerry Lawler ringside as they discuss The Rock’s win and we see a recap of what happened earlier tonight.

<<<<<VIDEO BEGINS>>>>>

**Footage of the Rock winning the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble PPV**

The Rock: “(On Monday Night RAW) FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK, TO LASSSS VEEEGAASSS, and finally The Rock is back on RAW as the WWE Champion!”

**Footage of the Rock on RAW and the crowd cheering**

**Footage of CM Punk and Paul Heyman interrupting**

CM Punk: “For 434 days I returned the prestige to that title that was lost years and years ago. I went about restoring it’s tarnished reputation. Tarnished by the fact that it was handed to people like Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena and yourself!”

**Footage of the crowd booing and The Rock looking on annoyed**

CM Punk: “And for all that hard work I did, for it to be washed away by Vince McMahon is nothing short of a disgrace and an insult and I demand that you, Rock, be the bigger man and relinquish the title to me!”

**More footage of a bewildered Rock and a vocal crowd as CM Punk looks on intently**

CM Punk: “I will not compete for this company until justice is served and the WWE title is returned to me.”

**“No Chance” is heard as footage of Vince McMahon returning is shown**

Vince McMahon: “And as far as I’m concerned Punk, if you refuse to compete, than you will not be fulfilling your contract therefore I have to right to fire your ass right now.”

**Footage of the crowd cheering and CM Punk looking on, livid**

CM Punk: “Alright Vince…I will compete…I will invoke my rematch for the WWE Championship in the mainevent at WrestleMania where I belong, where I should be defending the WWE title!”

**Footage of Vince McMahon smirking**

Vince McMahon: “I see that you’re not going to budge are you…considering we’re in Las Vegas I guess you can count yourself lucky…I will give you a shot at forcing your way into the WWE Championship match at WrestleMania on one condition…. You find a partner to team with to take on John Cena and The Rock at No Way Out…if you win, you’re in the mainevent at WrestleMania in a Triple Threat Match”

**Footage of the shocked reactions of John Cena, The Rock and CM Punk as the video ends**

<<<<<VIDEO ENDS>>>>>

Before we head backstage.


Paul Heyman is shown talking on the phone before hanging up. Vince McMahon enters to a loud pop as Paul Heyman greets him nervously.

Paul Heyman: “Eh Vince, (swallows) what can I do for you?”

Vince McMahon gives Heyman a wry smile

Vince McMahon: “Paul Heyman, you slippery, pathetic joke of a man, let me tell you that you are lucky that I didn’t fire CM Punk and yourself on the spot last night at the Royal Rumble.”

Paul Heyman: “Vince let me assure you that my client CM Punk and I had nothing to do with The Shield interfering during the match last night. I can say that with my hand over my heart and I wholeheartedly apologies for the misunderstanding.”

Vince McMahon: “Paul, your word means nothing around here. I know what you and CM Punk did. But seeing as though The Rock won the WWE Title, I think justice was ironically served, if you catch my drift.

Paul Heyman: “Trust me Mr. McMahon I respect your decision, but CM Punk is the best wrestler in the world and he will do whatever it takes to regain his rightful place as WWE Champion at WrestleMania.”

Vince McMahon: “Let me tell you something Paul, I’ve been in this business all my life. Guys like you and CM Punk eventually run out of luck. So you better find someone damn good to team with CM Punk at No Way Out, because your chances of beating John Cena and The Rock are already as slim as they come. And if you dare try any funny business at No Way Out, I don’t care if it’s The Shield or Brad Maddox or whoever, I will fire both of your asses on the spot.”

Vince sneers and abruptly leaves Heyman looking upset as we head to commercial.


The crowd waits for what’s next as the camera pans through the arena.



The crowd bursts out with a rapturous roar as Y2J makes his return to RAW having returned to the WWE last night at the Royal Rumble. Jericho spins around after his vintage stage pose before heading to the ring, slapping hands with the excited fans at ringside. Jericho grabs a mic before heading into the ring with a mic.

Chris Jericho: “Ladies and gentleman, welcome to…RAW IS JERICHOOOOOOO!!”

The crowd joins in and cheers Y2J!

Chris Jericho: “Let me assure all of you Jerichoholics this is not a mirage, this is not a magic trick, this is real, Y2J is back babyyy!!”

Jericho smiles gleefully!

Chris Jericho: “I’m glad that everyone missed me so much so that Vickie Guerrero couldn’t resist in offering me new contract! But I didn’t return because Vickie Guerrero wanted me to, because let’s face it Vickie Guerrero is awful. I returned for all of you Jerichoholics. So you can strap yourselves in for one hell of a ride as Y2J proves tonight, and then at No Way Out, and then again at WrestleMania that I am the best in the world at what I do! And that the complexion of the WWE will never…(crowd “NEVER”) EEEVVVVERRRRRRR…be the same….”


*****CRANK IT UP*****

Jericho shakes his head as Big Show, who comes out from the back with a mic, interrupts him.

Big Show: “Chris Jericho I don’t care that you’re back on ‘RAW is Jericho’, all I care about is decimating you and any other person who thinks they can stop me from becoming the World Heavyweight Champion again”

Big Show is now in the ring as he stares at Chris Jericho. Jericho chuckles before clocking Big Show with the microphone!



Big Show stumbles back as the ring sounds and the match begins. Jericho runs at Big Show, jumps and clocks him with a right hand. Big Show is backed into the corner as Jericho throws a flurry of punches and kicks to the gut of Big Show. Jericho steps back and then runs at Show but the giant regains himself and swats Jericho back across the ring. Jericho springs to his feet but is clobbered by Big Show with a clothesline. Big Show is furious after Jericho’s cheap shots and throws him into the corner. Show holds Jericho in the corner. He tells the crowd to shhhh before, SLAP!! Big Show clobbers the chest of Chris Jericho with brutal slap, sending shockwaves through the arena. Jericho falls to the mat, clutching his chest before being kicked down by Show. Big Show then runs off the ropes and drops a 500 lb elbow onto Y2J! Big Show covers Jericho,


Big Show gets to his feet and stalks Jericho by pacing the ring around laying down calculated stomp after stomp!

Jericho is down in the middle of the ring as Big Show lifts him up. Show hoists him above his head in a show of brute strength before dropping him to the mat. Big Show smirks as he holds up his hand up, ready for a Chokeslam. The crowd voices their displeasure as Big Show grabs Jericho around the throat and lifts him up for the chokeslam, NO! Jericho counters into a DDT!! The crowd erupts as Jericho plants the big man into the mat.

Both men are slow to get up as but Jericho is up first and runs at Show. Jericho hits a baseball kick to the legs of Big Show, dropping the giant to one knee. Y2J steps back and then hits a step up Enzuigiri, right to the temple Big Show! The crowd are now well and truly behind Jericho as he runs off the ropes and drops Big Show to the mat with a Bulldog! Jericho gets to his feet and roars to the crowd! He runs and jumps off the ropes and hits a LIONSAULT!!


Dolph Ziggler’s music is heard around the arena as Jericho swiftly turns around and looks at the titantron. A few more seconds go by as Jericho stares suspiciously at the stage.

Finally, Dolph Ziggler, AJ and Big E Langston strut out from the back as Jericho shakes his head. Y2J has forgotten about Big Show who has gotten back to his feet. Jericho turns around, BAM!! WMD Punch!! Jericho drops to the mat and Big Show makes the cover,


Big Show qualifies for the Elimination Chamber! The crowd begins to boo as Ziggler’s music hits and he struts down to the ring.

Big Show exits and Jericho rolls out of the ring, incapacitated, as Ziggler boasts his Money in the Bank briefcase to the crowd. Ziggler seems to be ready for his match, which is up next.


Sheamus’ music cuts off Ziggler as the Great White comes out from the back and onto the stage. Sheamus makes his familiar pose and roars to the crowd as we go to commercial.


Back from commercial and Sheamus is in the ring with Dolph Ziggler as we prepare for the mainevent.


Ryback receives a nice reaction from the crowd as he intensely storms out from the back. He shouts ‘Feed Me More’, along with the crowd, before heading to the ring.

Ryback, Sheamus and Ziggler all exchange looks as they wait for John Cena.

*****MY TIME IS NOW*****

John Cena receives the largest reaction out of everyone as he comes out from the back in his familiar bubbly style. Cena winks at the camera before saluting at the top of the stage. He runs to the ring and joins his three opponents as we prepare for the match to begin.

Cena throws his merchandise into the crowd, as all 4 men stand in separate corners, ready for action!



The bell sounds as all 4 men pace around the ring, anxiously waiting for someone to make the first strike. Eventually Sheamus runs at Cena and Ryback runs at Ziggler and all for men begin to go at it. Ziggler and Ryback exchange punches in as Cena whips Sheamus hard into a corner. Ryback eventually gains control over Ziggler in the corner. Cena and Ryback whip Sheamus and Ziggler respectively; from opposite corners, and as they meet in the middle of the ring Sheamus drops Ziggler with a clothesline. Sheamus pumps himself up but turns right into a Meat hook clothesline from Ryback!! Sheamus is taken out as Ryback and Cena now stare down! The final two men from last nights Royal Rumble circle the ring before locking horns. They battle around the ring in a show of strength before Ryback gains control as he moves into a headlock. Cena is able to counter by pushing Ryback off the ropes but the big man flies right back with monster clothesline! Ryback beats his chest as Cena gets to his feet. Cena stumbles straight into a Belly-to-Belly Suplex from Ryback! Ryback makes the first cover of the match,


Cena powers out of the pin, as Ryback gets straight to his feet. Sheamus heads back into the ring and grabs Ryback from behind. The Irishman throws the first right hand before Ryback reciprocates. Ryback and Sheamus exchange big right hands, as the crowd gets right into it. Sheamus gains the upper hand as he stuns Ryback with 4 straight punches. He then runs off the ropes and hits a double axe handle to the chest of Ryback, taking him down. Ryback starts to get up and stands, doubled over, in the middle of the ring. Out of nowhere Cena flies from the top rope with a leg drop onto the back of Ryback’s head! Ryback is down and Sheamus grabs Cena before throwing him through the ropes and diving into the cover,


Dolph Ziggler is back in the ring as he breaks up the count by clubbing Sheamus. Sheamus gets to his feet and turns around as Ziggler runs at him and drops him with a Jumping DDT. Sheamus is down as Ziggler moves into a headlock. Ziggler has the former World Champion grounded as he now moves into a headstand, showing off to the crowd. Ziggler drops back as he continues to apply the headlock to Sheamus. The crowd begins to will the Irishman as he starts to power out of the submission. Sheamus finally gets to his feet and starts clubbing Ziggler in the sternum. Ziggler is forced to break the hold as Sheamus repeatedly strikes him in the stomach. Sheamus then runs off the ropes but Big E Langston grabs his legs and he drops to the mat. The referee notices and walks over to the side of the ring. Big E and AJ claim their innocence but the referee still decides to THROW THEM OUT!!! The crowd erupts as Big E and AJ angrily leave the arena under referee’s orders.

Ziggler is furious as he leans through the ropes and yells at AJ and Big E. Ziggler is stuck in the ropes as Sheamus comes from behind and grabs him. Ziggler is in perfect position, entwined through the ropes as Sheamus smirks whilst holding Ziggler. Sheamus begins to clobber Ziggler in the chest with forearms clubs. 1…2…3…4…5…6…7…8…NO! Cena comes from behind and smashes Sheamus, which sends Ziggler to the outside. Cena grabs Sheamus and whips him off the ropes. Sheamus comes back with a clothesline attempt but Cena grabs Sheamus, lifts him up, and drops him with Sit-out Powerslam after ducking the clothesline! Cena gets to his feet, staring intently into the crowd before spreading his fingers and raising his outstretched hand to the sky. The crowd rises, many booing but just as many cheering before Cena tells Sheamus “You can’t see me”! Cena runs off the ropes before dropping the 5-Knuckle-Shuffle on Sheamus! Cena makes the cover,


Sheamus powers out of the pinfall as we go to commercial.


Back from commercial and Ryback is in control as he stands in the ring with John Cena locked up in a brutal bear hug. Cena writhes in pain as Ryback dares him to submit. The pain on Cena’s face is visible but Ziggler, who hits a picture perfect dropkick to Ryback, breaks the hold!! Ziggler covers Ryback,


Sheamus lifts Ziggler to his feet but Ziggler strikes him with a right hand. Sheamus stumbles as Ziggler runs off the ropes and back at him. But Sheamus is ready as he lifts Ziggler up and over his shoulders and Ziggler flies right into a big boot from Ryback!! The Show-Off is clobbered out of the ring by the boot of Ryback. Sheamus and Ryback now stand in the ring as they stare down. Sheamus makes his famous cross signal and lets out a roar so Ryback one ups him by beating his chest ferociously! The crowd cheers as Ryback throws the first big punch. Sheamus throws a punch back before following up with a knee to the stomach. Sheamus runs at Ryback but is caught with a spine buster! All of a sudden Cena, who runs straight at him and hits a big shoulder block, takes down Ryback. Ryback is doubled over as he gets up while Cena runs off the ropes and hits a flipping bulldog to the monster Ryback. The crowd begins to rise as Cena goes back to the ropes, perhaps looking for another big leg drop. He gets to the top rope but Sheamus is back up and stops him. Sheamus begins to climb the ropes as he throws right hand after right hand at Cena.

Sheamus finally gets to the top rope, joining Cena. Sheamus looks as is he’s about to hit a superplex before Ryback heads over. He grabs Sheamus and all 3 men come flying down as Sheamus hits a Superplex on Cena and Ryback hits a Powerbomb on Sheamus!!! The crowd roars in awe of the spectacular move, cheering for all men involved. Ryback is first to his feet, but he is still a little dazed. From behind comes Ziggler, ZIG ZAG!!! Ziggler hits a Zig Zag on Ryback! All other men are down as Ziggler makes the cover,


The crowd erupts as Jericho and Ziggler go toe-to-toe with right hands! Jericho drops Ziggler with a clothesline on the outside as the two begin to fight around the ring. Their brawl makes its way around the ring and towards the ramp, as Ziggler tries to escape Jericho!

Back in the ring and Ryback gingerly gets to his feet, as does Sheamus. Ryback turns around, BROGUE KICK! Sheamus flattens Ryback with a Brogue Kick and Ryback rolls out of the ring. Sheamus turns around and see’s Cena slowly getting to his feet, so he backtracks into the corner and prepares for another Brogue Kick. The anticipation in the crowd can be heard as Cena gets up and turns around. Sheamus runs at Cena but John ducks the Brogue Kick! Sheamus turns around and Cena grabs him, lifts him up, ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT!!! Cena drops Sheamus to the canvas with an AA before making the cover,


Sheamus rolls out of the ring as Cena lies on the canvas, exhausted. He gets to his feet gingerly as the referee raises his hand in victory. All of a sudden CM Punk swamps Cena from behind! Punk clubs Cena repeatedly as the music stops. Paul Heyman watches on as CM Punk brutally attacks a helpless Cena.



Punk is stunned by the sound of The Rock as he stops in his tracks. The WWE Champion comes sprinting out from the back to help his new partner. Rock hits the ring as he and Punk go back and forth with right hands. The arena is shaking as Rock ducks a clothesline and hits a spinebuster! The Rock gets Punk into position for the Peoples Elbow!

*****NEXT BIG THING*****

The crowd is stunned in their seats as Brock Lesnar’s music hits. The Rock turns around and waits. Punk quickly escapes out of the ring and up the ramp with Heyman. The Rock waits anxiously as Brock Lesnar comes out from the back. The crowd is in shock as Lesnar joins Heyman and Punk on the stage.

The Rock has a concerned look on his face as we see Lesnar shake hands with an ecstatic Paul Heyman.

John Cena is back on his feet as the camera shows him and The Rock exchanging uneasy looks as RAW goes off air.



No Way Out Mainevent Official can confirm that the main event of the up coming No Way Out Pay-Per-View event has been made official! The WWE Champion, The Rock, will team with John Cena to face the former champion CM Punk and Brock Lesnar. Lesnar returned this past Monday on RAW.

King Of The Ring is BACK can confirm that the King of the Ring Pay-Per-View will return in 2013. The tournament was last held in 2010, with Sheamus the eventual victor. It will be the first King of the Ring PPV since 2002 when Brock Lesnar defeated Rob Van dam. King of the Ring will replace the Money in the Bank PPV as the WWE has recently finalised it's full Pay-Per-View Schedule for 2013. Notable omissions along with Money in the Bank are the Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell PPV events. The full list of names, dates and locations can be seen below.

WWE No Way Out: 17th February: New Orleans, Louisiana
WWE WrestleMania 29: 7th April: East Rutherford, New Jersey
WWE Backlash: 19th May: St.Louis, Missouri
WWE Extreme Rules: June 16th: Rosemount, Illinois
WWE King of the Ring July 14th: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
WWE SummerSlam: August 18th: Los Angeles, California
WWE Over the Limit: September 15th: Detroit, Michigan
WWE Unforgiven: October 27th: Miami, Florida
WWE Survivor Series: November 24th: Boston, Massachusetts
WWE TLC: Tables, Ladders & Chairs: July 14th: Houston, Texas
Just a quick note... When you right their names.. You don't need to do put the speech marks in... For example..

Wrong -
Vince McMahon: "You're Fired"

Right -
Vince McMahon: You're Fired
WWE Smackdown Preview
February 1st 2013
San Diego, California

The World Heavyweight Champion, the Mexican Aristocrat, Alberto Del Rio will headline Smackdown as he celebrates his victory over Big Show at the Royal Rumble. Del Rio is sure to have plenty to say about his successful title win as well as his upcoming title defence at the No Way Out Pay-Per-View inside the torturous Elimination Chamber.

Smackdown General Manager Booker T has confirmed two Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches for this weeks show. Following victories to Big Show and Randy Orton on Monday Night RAW, 2 more qualifying matches will take place this Friday; Ryback will face Dolph Ziggler whilst Sheamus goes one-on-one with Kofi Kingston! The final spot in the chamber is said to come from an announcement from Booker T.

As announced on Monday Night RAW, Antonio Cesaro will face Christian in Captain Charisma's first match since returning from injury. Christian is sure to put himself in the hunt for a WWE United States Championship Match should he defeat the Swiss Superstar.
Intercontinental Champion Wade Barrett will learn the opponents for his Elimination Chamber title defence at No Way Out. It is the first Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber in WWE history.

Tune in this Friday!


WWE Smackdown
February 1st 2013
San Diego, California



&#8220;Born 2 Run&#8221; by 7 Lions blasts through the arena as Josh Matthews and JBL welcome us to the first Smackdown since the Royal Rumble. Matthews and JBL discuss the Elimination Chamber Qualifying Matches tonight: Ryback vs Dolph Ziggler as well as Sheamus vs Kofi Kingston. They also talk about the match between Antonio Cesaro and Christian, which was made on Monday Night RAW by General Manager Booker T.


Christian receives a nice ovation from the crowd as he comes out from the back for his first match in the WWE in months. He is pumped up as he slaps hands with the fans before getting in the ring.


The WWE United States Champion makes his way out from the back to a poor reaction. Cesaro confident displays his championship around his waist before entering the ring, his eyes fixed on Christian.



Cesaro sneers at Captain Charisma as they circle the ring and square up. The lock horns before Christian swiftly moves into a waist-lock. Cesaro tries to break free before elbowing Christian in the side of the head. Christian is stunned momentarily and Cesaro grabs him in a side headlock. The United States Champion wrenches at the neck of Christian, but Captain Charisma breaks free and pushes Cesaro to the ropes. Cesaro bounces off the ropes before charging at Christian. Christian is ready and helps Cesaro on his way over the top rope and to the outside. Antonio hits the mat with a vicious thud! Christian then runs off the ropes and tries a baseball slide but Cesaro avoids it! Christian turns around and runs into a knee from Cesaro, right in the mid-section. Christian clutches his stomach as Cesaro whips him into the steel steps with a brutal thud!! Cesaro angrily throws Christian into the ring before making the cover,

Cesaro quickly grabs Christian, giving him no time to recover, and applies a hard chin-lock. Cesaro perfectly positions himself in the middle of the ring as Christian tries to find a way to fight out of it. The crowd gets right behind Christian as he starts to fight out. Christian gets to his feet and elbows Cesaro, causing him to break the hold.

Christian swings a punch but Cesaro ducks and then forearms him in the back! Christian is down as Cesaro grabs him, lifts him and then drops him with a perfect Gut-Wrench suplex. Cesaro makes another cover,

Christian again gets the shoulder up again. Cesaro stays on the attack by lifting Christian up and whipping him into the corner. Cesaro grabs Christian by the throat and chokes him. The referee furiously counts Cesaro, 1&#8230;2&#8230;3&#8230;4, before Cesaro arrogantly breaks the hold. The champ stays on the attack with a brutal uppercut. Christian drops to the mat as the referee continues to lecture Antonio about his earlier choking tactics. Christian is down on the mat as Cesaro makes his way up to the middle rope. Cesaro jumps off and drops both of his boots over the chest of Christian. Cesaro gets up quickly and signals that the end is near. He lifts Christian up in position for the Neutralizer, but Christian counters with a back-body drop!! Cesaro flies up and over into the mat, and then clutches his back. Christian shakes himself off before laying into Cesaro with a flurry of right hands. The crowd now firmly shows their support for Captain Charisma.

Christian whips Cesaro, who reverses it and whips Christian instead, but Christian comes back with a forearm to the face. Christian makes his way to the side of the ring and gets to the outside of the ropes and onto the apron. He turns and gets the crowds support as Cesaro gets up and runs at Christian. Captain Charisma is ready and hits Cesaro with a knee to the gut. Cesaro is doubled over as Christian flips over him with a sunset-flip into a cover,

Christian quickly gets up and goes to the corner. He climbs the ropes, looking for a cross-body. Cesaro gets to his feet as Christian launches himself. Christian catches nothing but air and slams into the mat as Cesaro moves out of the way. Cesaro quickly grabs Christian from behind, as he gets to his feet, before dropping him with a German Suplex, straight into a bridging pin combination,

Both men get to their feet as Cesaro throws a big right hand, catching Christian in the jaw. Christian reciprocates before both men trade more and more punches. Eventually Christian ducks a wild right hand from Cesaro and looks for the Killswitch. Cesaro pushes him away before grabbing him and pounding him with head-butts! Cesaro kicks Christian in the gut and goes for another Gut-Wrench but Christian counters into a DDT!! Christian gets to his feet before moving into the corner. The crowd rises in anticipation, knowing that Christian is looking for a spear! Christian waits for Cesaro to stagger to his feet before pouncing. Christian runs at Cesaro but the Swiss Sensation counters by springing Christian into the air and smashing him with his patented European Uppercut!! A vicious sound is heard through the arena as the crowd gasps! Cesaro grabs Christian and again looks for the Neutralizer. He lifts Christian up but the veteran slips back down before rolling Cesaro up from in front into a quick pin,

The crowd erupts as Christian surprises Cesaro with a pinfall. Captain Charisma bursts out of the ring and celebrates whilst a stunned and irate Cesaro slams the mat and argues vigorously with referee Charles Robinson!

Christian backs up the ramp with a cheeky grin on his face as Cesaro sneers at him, whilst clutching his title.

Christian signals that he will have the title around his waist after Elimination Chamber as we go to commercial.


Back from commercial and backstage, Booker T and Teddy Long are discussing the Elimination Chamber Match at No Way Out. Dolph Ziggler enters with AJ and Big E Langston.

Booker T: &#8220;How can I help you Dolph?&#8221;

Dolph Ziggler: &#8220;I&#8217;m sorry Booker but I&#8217;m just here to ask why I&#8217;m in an Elimination Chamber Qualifier Match against Ryback?&#8221;

Teddy Long and Booker T look at each other, confused.

Booker T: &#8220;Dolph you know I think you&#8217;re an extremely talented performer, and someone who I&#8217;d love to see represent Smackdown in the Elimination Chamber. So considering that Smackdown is the #1 place for the best in-ring action in the world, why wouldn&#8217;t I put you in a big match against Ryback?&#8221;

Dolph is angry at Booker&#8217;s reply

Dolph Ziggler: &#8220;Booker I&#8217;m talking about why I&#8217;m in a qualifying match in the first place!? I&#8217;m Mr. Money in the Bank! I don&#8217;t need the Elimination Chamber to win the World Heavyweight Championship because, as far as I&#8217;m concerned, I could become the champion at any time I want.

AJ Lee and Big E nod their heads as Booker and Teddy exchange looks. From the side, Chris Jericho enters to a roar from the crowd.

Jericho smiles at Dolph before turning to Booker.

Dolph Ziggler: &#8220;Well if it isn&#8217;t another washed-up hack. I thought we had enough on this show, but clearly not. How many comebacks have you made Jericho? 3?&#8221;

Jericho smirks at Ziggler before ignoring him.

Chris Jericho: &#8220;Booker you wanted to see me?&#8221;

Booker T: &#8220;That&#8217;s right Chris. After you were distracted by Dolph Ziggler and lost your Elimination Chamber Match Qualifier on Monday night RAW, I&#8217;ve decided give you a reprieve, and put you in the Elimination Chamber Match.

Jericho nods his head in approval and shakes Bookers hand.

Chris Jericho: &#8220;Alright! Thank you Booker that&#8217;s what I&#8217;m talking about.&#8221;

Dolph Ziggler: &#8220;Woah, woah, woah, woah you&#8217;re just gonna put him in the match like that? I was going to have to face Ryback but Jericho just gets to walk in after losing his match!?

Booker T: &#8220;You bet your ass I am Dolph. And to be honest I don&#8217;t know why you care so much? You want nothing to do with the match so as far as I&#8217;m concerned you can leave.&#8221;

Ziggler angrily steps closer to Booker.

AJ Lee: &#8220;Oh we&#8217;ll leave, it&#8217;s clear how little you value a great performer like Dolph Ziggler! Come on boys, let&#8217;s go.

Dolph Ziggler: &#8220;You&#8217;re right AJ. (Looks at Jericho) Jericho, good luck in the Elimination Chamber. Because after seeing you at the Royal Rumble and on RAW, you clearly need it now days.&#8221;

Dolph, AJ and Big E laugh as they turn to go, but Booker grabs Dolph by the arm.

Booker T: &#8220;Oh I didn&#8217;t mean leave the building, you&#8217;re still competing. You may not have a Qualifying Match with Ryback, but your match with him is still on!

The crowd roars as Ziggler stares Booker down in disgust. Jericho chuckles in the background before leaning into Ziggler:

Chris Jericho: &#8220;Good luck Dolph&#8230;(turns away before turning back)&#8230;you clearly need it.&#8221;

Jericho, Booker T and Teddy Long exit, leaving Ziggler, Big E and AJ fuming.

///////////////In the ring///////////////

Primo and Epico wait in the ring with Rosa Mendes.

*****SO CLOSE NOW*****

Jimmy and Jey Uso get a warm reception as they burst out from the back and head to the ring for their tag team match.



Jimmy Uso starts off the action with Primo as they circle the ring. Jimmy swings a clothesline but Primo ducks and drop kicks Jimmy in the back, sending him into the corner. Primo grabs Jimmy and twists his arm around before kicking him in the side of the leg, and then running off the ropes and hitting a big clothesline! Jimmy hits the mat as Primo makes the cover,

Jimmy quickly kicks out but Primo grabs him straight away. Primo tags in Epico before lifting Jimmy up and dropping him with a Suplex. Epico completes the tag team combination with a beautiful slingshot somersault Senton on Jimmy Uso! Rosa Mendes claps and cheers at ringside as Epico covers Jimmy,

Epico applies a headlock to the grounded Jimmy Uso. Epico wrenches at the neck of Jimmy, who reverses by hitting a back suplex! A small cheer is heard as Jimmy springs to his feet. He hits a running clothesline followed up by a big dropkick, taking down Epico. Jimmy runs over and tags in Jey, who bursts into the ring! Jimmy whips Epico and Jey hits a flying uppercut. The brothers work together as they both run off opposite sides off the ring and hit simultaneous diving head-butts! Referee John Cone struggles to contain the Usos, as he tells Jimmy he must exit the ring. Jimmy finally agrees and retreats to the corner. Cone and Jimmy distract Jey and this allows Primo to sneak into the ring and hit a Backstabber! Jey clutches his back in pain as Epico makes the cover. The ref turns around and makes the pin,

Jey Uso gets the shoulder up, much to the dismay of Epico. Rosa and Primo are livid on the side of the ring as Epico tries to argue with the ref. Epico turns around and runs at Jey but he&#8217;s too late and Jey lifts him up and drops him with a Samoan Drop! Jey lunges and tags in Jimmy who climbs to the top rope. He moves swiftly up top, plays to the crowd and then launches himself with a big Splash!! Jimmy makes the cover, 1&#8230;

Rosa and Primo furiously help Epico out of the ring as Jimmy and Jey celebrate their victory.


Backstage, Dolph Ziggler, AJ and Big E Langston are shown having a heated discussion as Josh Matthews hypes Ziggler&#8217;s match with Ryback, which is next!



Back from commercial and Mr. Money in the Bank, the Showoff, Dolph Ziggler, accompanied by AJ Lee and Big E Langston, makes his way out from the back for his match versus Ryback. Ziggler arrogantly wiggles his backside on the stage before intensely powering to the ring and waiting for Ryback.


&#8220;Feed Me More&#8221; rings through the arena as Ryback storms out from the back to the ring. Ryback screams to the crowd as they respond with a cheer.



The bell sounds and the two competitors bounce around the ring. Ryback moves towards Ziggler and tries to grab him but Ziggler ducks and arrogantly plays to the crowd, toying with Ryback. The two again circle the ring, Ziggler with a smirk on his face. Ryback goes at Ziggler again who ducks and moves into a waist-lock but Ryback reverses around into his own waist-lock. Ryback lifts Dolph up and drops him with onto the mat, face first, with brute strength. Ziggler shakes it off and gets to his feet before Ryback grabs him from behind and throws him down again. Ryback yells at Ziggler before lifting him up off the mat before throwing him back down. Ziggler hits the mat and clutches his stomach. Ryback turns to the crowd before going after Ziggler, who&#8217;s now in the corner. Ziggler is ready and kicks him in the leg, before dropkicking him to the mat. Ziggler jumps into the cover,

Ryback throws Ziggler out of the cover with power. Ziggler gets to his feet and quickly runs back over to Ryback, who&#8217;s still on the mat, and hits him with a flurry of right hands. Ziggler tries to keep Ryback down by kicking him in the stomach and then quickly moving into a front face-lock. Ziggler keeps Ryback on the mat for a little while with a hard face-lock but eventually Ryback begins to power out. Ryback eventually shoves Ziggler away. Ryback hits a big shoulder block as Dolph rebounds off the ropes. Ryback runs off the ropes, jumps over Ziggler and comes back off the opposite ropes. Ziggler tries to leap frog Ryback but the big man catches him and drops him with a falling powerslam!! Ziggler tries to escape out of the ring but Ryback grabs him, takes him to the corner and slams his head into the top turnbuckle! Ryback follows up with a hard backhand to the chest! The crowd let out a loud &#8220;WOOO&#8221;. Ziggler clutches his chest in pain as he tries to crawl away from Ryback. The monster Ryback stalks him into the opposite corner before picking him up and chopping his chest again! The crowd lets out another &#8220;WOOOO&#8221; as Ryback again picks up Ziggler, this time whipping him off the ropes, except Ziggler grabs onto them. Ryback now runs at Ziggler who ducks and pulls the top rope down, sending Ryback over and to the outside. Ziggler picks himself up and distracts the referee as Big E Langston walks over, grabs Ryback and throws him into the barricade wall. The crowd voices their displeasure as the referee, oblivious to what has happened, starts a 10 count on Ryback.
Ryback starts picking himself up
Ryback is up and gets back in the ring as the count reaches 7

Ziggler runs and jumps at Ryback and drops him with the Name-Dropper! Ziggler makes the cover,

Ziggler punches the mat before getting to his feet and kicking Ryback. The monster is down as Ziggler calculatedly circles the ring, laying boots into Ryback. The referee pulls him back but Ziggler pushes through him and then jumps and hits an elbow drop on Ryback. Dolph gets back to his feet, jumps and hits another! AJ and Big E applaud at ringside as Ziggler hits a 3rd and 4th jumping elbow drop to Ryback! Dolph, nearly exhausted, gets to his feet and plays to the crowd. A scattering of cheers is muffled by loud boos as Ziggler shows off in familiar fashion. Ryback finally picks himself up and staggers back into Ziggler who jumps and wraps himself around Ryback with a sleeper hold! Ziggler clutches the neck of Ryback as the big man tries to break the hold.

Ziggler continues to apply the pressure as the crowd begins to will Ryback back into the contest. Ryback eventually bursts out with an impressive show of strength by driving Ziggler back into the corner. Ryback stumbles but then turns around and runs at Ziggler. Dolph is ready though and catches him with an elbow to the face. Ryback again stumbles back as Ziggler scales up to the second rope. Ryback turns around and Ziggler launches himself, only to get caught by Ryback. Ryback lifts Ziggler up and over his head, holding him up with brute strength, before slamming him into the mat. Ziggler is down as Ryback regains his composure in the corner. Ziggler slowly gets up as Ryback pumps himself up. The crowd gets behind him as he looks for the Meathook Clothesline. Dolph turns around, only to be hit by the steam train that is Ryback! Dolph drops to the mat as the crowd cheers. Ryback makes the cover,

Ziggler just gets his shoulder up to break the count. Ryback looks at the ref, then at Ziggler, before getting to his feet and walking over to the side of the ring. He looks at the crowd before shouting, &#8220;finish him&#8221;, signaling that the end is near. As Ryback is about to turn around, AJ catches his eye as she trash talks him from the side of the ring pron. Ryback, angry and confused looks on. The referee notices and comes over to tell AJ to get away from the side of the ring. Ryback, finally, turns around, BAM!! Nobody saw it coming as Dolph Ziggler hits a perfect SuperKick to take down Ryback!! The crowd begins to voice their displeasure as Dolph makes the cover, adamant that he has won,

The crowd roars as Ziggler furiously punches the mat and argues with the ref. Ziggler gets to his feet as Ryback picks himself up. Ziggler jumps from behind, looking for the Zig Zag, but Ryback notices and flings him back. Ziggler hits the mat with a thud. Ryback quickly moves over and, as Ziggler gets up, grabs him and lifts him up, looking for the Shellshock! Ryback hoists Ziggler above his head but Dolph weasels his way out and slips out of the ring. Dolph seems to be taking a breather as Big E Langston and AJ Lee move around and try to offer him words of advice. The referee begins to count to 10 as Ziggler stays on the outside. Ryback stands annoyed in the ring as the count reaches 3.

All of a sudden the crowd roars as Chris Jericho comes running out from the back! Jericho grabs Ziggler and throws him back into the ring. Big E Langston is furious and throws a swing at Jericho, but the former World Champ ducks before dropping Big E with a Codebreaker! Ziggler picks himself up and turns around to an awaiting Ryback. Ryback grabs Ziggler and lifts him up again looking for the Shellshock! Ryback marches around the ring and this time connects as he drops Ziggler to the mat with fury! Ryback makes the cover,

Ryback picks himself off, shakes off his sore spots and then screams for the fans who cheer his victory. Big E Langston picks himself up, angrily, and heads to the ring to join AJ in helping Dolph.

Chris Jericho is shown at the top of the stage smiling sassily as the camera cuts back to Josh Matthews and JBL who discuss the match. JBL questions Jericho&#8217;s reason for interfering in the match and Matthews reminds him that Dolph did the same thing on Monday Night RAW.

They remind us that the mainevent includes the final Elimination Chamber Qualifier between Sheamus and Kofi Kingston, as well as Alberto Del Rio speaking after his victory at the Royal Rumble. Matthews reminds us of the shocking announcement by Vince McMahon, and the return of Brock Lesnar, from Monday Night RAW!

<<<<<VIDEO BEGINS>>>>>

**Footage of the Rock winning the WWE Championship at the Royal Rumble PPV**

The Rock: &#8220;(On Monday Night RAW) FINALLY THE ROCK HAS COME BACK, TO LASSSS VEEEGAASSS, and finally The Rock is back on RAW as the WWE Champion!&#8221;

**Footage of the Rock on RAW and the crowd cheering**

**Footage of CM Punk and Paul Heyman interrupting**

CM Punk: &#8220;For 434 days I returned the prestige to that title that was lost years and years ago. I went about restoring it&#8217;s tarnished reputation. Tarnished by the fact that it was handed to people like Triple H, Randy Orton, John Cena and yourself!&#8221;

**Footage of the crowd booing and The Rock looking on annoyed**

CM Punk: &#8220;And for all that hard work I did, for it to be washed away by Vince McMahon is nothing short of a disgrace and an insult and I demand that you, Rock, be the bigger man and relinquish the title to me!&#8221;

**More footage of a bewildered Rock and a vocal crowd as CM Punk looks on intently**

CM Punk: &#8220;I will not compete for this company until justice is served and the WWE title is returned to me.&#8221;

**&#8220;No Chance&#8221; is heard as footage of Vince McMahon returning is shown**

Vince McMahon: &#8220;And as far as I&#8217;m concerned Punk, if you refuse to compete, than you will not be fulfilling your contract therefore I have to right to fire your ass right now.&#8221;

**Footage of the crowd cheering and CM Punk looking on, livid**

CM Punk: &#8220;Alright Vince&#8230;I will compete&#8230;I will invoke my rematch for the WWE Championship in the mainevent at WrestleMania where I belong, where I should be defending the WWE title!&#8221;

**Footage of Vince McMahon smirking**

Vince McMahon: &#8220;I see that you&#8217;re not going to budge are you&#8230;considering we&#8217;re in Las Vegas I guess you can count yourself lucky&#8230;I will give you a shot at forcing your way into the WWE Championship match at WrestleMania on one condition&#8230;. You find a partner to team with to take on John Cena and The Rock at No Way Out&#8230;if you win, you&#8217;re in the mainevent at WrestleMania in a Triple Threat Match&#8221;

**Footage of the shocked reactions of John Cena, The Rock and CM Punk as the video ends**

<<<<<VIDEO ENDS>>>>>

The video ends and Josh Matthews announces that the match has been made official! The Rock and John Cena will team up to face CM Punk and Brock Lesnar at No Way Out. JBL barely contains his excitement as we go to commercial.


Back from commercial and we go straight to ringside where Wade Barrett has joined Josh Matthews and JBL as he displays his Intercontinental Championship on the announce table. Barrett states that he believes Booker T has a personal issue with him after choosing to make an Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber Match. JBL agrees with him.


The theme song of 3MB rings through the arena as Drew McIntyre, backed up by Jinder Mahal and Heath Slater, makes his way out from the back. The trio performs their usual theatrics before settling down as McIntyre prepares for action.

*****U SUCK*****

The fan favorite R-Truth dances out from the back, mic in hand, as he raps his theme song whilst embracing the fans. R-Truth enters the ring as Wade Barrett, on commentary, questions his mental state.



R-Truth appears to talk to ‘Little Jimmy’, which McIntyre, Slater and Mahal find humorous. McIntyre laughs at R-Truth, who then whispers into his imaginary friend’s ear. McIntyre sees his opportunity and runs with a clothesline which flattens ‘Truth. McIntyre picks up R-Truth and tries to whip him but R-Truth reverses and whips McIntyre instead. McIntyre bounces off the ropes and rebounds back with a huge running Big Boot. Heath Slater and Jinder Mahal applaud from ringside. McIntyre arrogantly makes the cover,


R-Truth powers out just after two but McIntyre wastes no time as he moves into a chin lock, keeping R-Truth grounded. Slater and Jinder heap praise onto McIntyre as he wrenches at the chin of R-Truth. The crowd starts to get behind R-Truth as the former Tag Team Champion begins elbowing McIntyre in the side of the head. McIntyre eventually releases the hold and Truth pops up to his feet. R-Truth kicks McIntyre, doubling him over. R-Truth runs off the ropes but McIntyre is ready and catches him with an Overhead Belly-to-Belly Suplex! McIntyre again makes the cover,


McIntyre gets to his feet as replays are shown of his last move. McIntyre throws a viscous punch to the stomach of R-Truth to stun him. McIntyre pushes R-Truth back into the corner before whipping him across the ring to the other corner. McIntyre runs at R-Truth who catches him with an elbow! McIntyre stumbles back as Truth runs at him and hits a jumping corkscrew forearm! McIntyre drops to the mat as R-Truth runs off the ropes, performs his quirky dance before hitting a huge leg drop on Drew! The crowd begins to get into the match as R-Truth riles them up. He waits for Drew to get to his feet, perhaps looking for the What’s Up! Drew gets to his feet and catches R-Truth with a Tilt-a-Whirl Backbreaker!! Slater and Mahal applaud at ringside as Drew walks over to make the cover. But before he can R-Truth rolls him up,


R-Truth caught McIntyre but couldn’t quite get the three count! Drew gets to his feet and runs at Truth with a clothesline but Truth ducks, turns and nails Drew with the What’s Up!! The crowd cheers as R-Truth makes the cover,


Only seconds after pinning McIntyre, R-Truth is swamped by the other members of 3MB! Mahal and Slater gang-bash R-Truth with viscous boots as McIntyre picks himself up. R-Truth is incapacitated as Mahal and Slater pick him up. The shove him over to McIntyre who kicks him and then drops him with the Future-Shock DDT!!

3MB leave as the devastated crowd voices their disapproval. R-Truth is laid out in the ring as Wade Barrett gets to his feet at ringside, with a wry smile on his face. He heads to the ring and stands over R-Truth and holds up his Intercontinental Championship as we go to a video.


Back from the video Josh Matthews and JBL discuss the WWE Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber at No Way Out. They tell us that Booker T will announce the participants later in the show.


The quirky tune of Kofi Kingston lifts the crowd off their feet as the African superstar comes out from the back exuberantly before doing his normal fireworks display and heading to the ring.


A bigger cheer is heard for the Celtic Warrior Sheamus as he comes out from the back, beats his chest and then screams ‘FELLAAAA’ before walking down the ramp and to the ring.



Kofi and Sheamus exchange nods of respect as the bell sounds and they go at it, trading right hands before Sheamus powers Kofi to the corner. Kofi responds as he unloads an outburst of kicks but Sheamus eventually catches one and knocks him down in the corner and kicks him. Sheamus picks Kingston up onto his feet and whips him but Kofi grabs onto the ropes. Sheamus runs at him but is caught by a big boot from Kofi, who lifts his feet up to catch Sheamus. Kingston now runs at Sheamus and hits a flying forearm smash! Kingston makes the quick cover,


Sheamus throws his shoulder up after just the one count as both men get quickly to their feet. Sheamus swings a clothesline at Kofi who ducks, runs and jumps off the ropes before dropping Sheamus with a springboard cross-body. Sheamus rolls out the ring after being taken down. Sheamus has a wry smile on his face as he realizes that Kofi is no pushover. Kofi waits for Sheamus back in the ring, ready to fight. The Celtic Warrior gets back in the ring and the two men circle the ring. They lock horns before Sheamus moves into a headlock. He wrenches around the neck of Kofi before Kingston pushes him off the ropes. Sheamus counters back with a running shoulder block. Kofi gets up quickly as Sheamus again bursts off the ropes with a double axe-handle to drop Kofi again. Sheamus now makes a cover,


Sheamus swiftly grabs Kofi by the legs as he looks to lock in the Cloverleaf. Kofi reverses as he flips Sheamus over with his legs. Both men get to their feet as Sheamus again looks for a clothesline but it is countered by Kingston who grabs him into a backslide pin,


Sheamus kicks out of the quick roll up! He and Kofi stare each other down as we go to a commercial.


Both men again get to their feet as the frenetic pace continues. Kofi runs and jumps at Sheamus, looking for a hurricanrunna, but Sheamus catches him and powerbombs him into the corner turnbuckle. Kingston’s back cracks on the turnbuckle. Kingston staggers towards the big Irishman holding his back, but it is only made worse as Sheamus drops him with the Irish Curse Backbreaker! Kofi’s spine contorts over the knee of Sheamus. Sheamus makes the cover again,


Sheamus is now in control as he picks up Kofi and forces him back into the corner with punches. Sheamus whips Kofi across the ring and follows up with a big clothesline in the corner. Sheamus backtracks before going for another clothesline. Kofi ducks it and Sheamus crashes into the corner. Sheamus turns around and gets dropped with a beautiful dropkick by Kofi Kingston! Sheamus drops to feet, seemingly out-cold as Kofi looks to take advantage. Kingston goes towards the corner and climbs the ropes. He waits on the top turnbuckle, poised, as Sheamus staggers to his feet. Kofi launches himself and flies into Sheamus with a Cross-Body! The crowd, in awe of the height Kofi achieved, applauds as Kofi makes the cover, an upset just 3 seconds away,


Sheamus gets the shoulder up at two and a half! The crowd lets out a groan but applaud both men as the match continues! Kofi pleads with the ref before getting to his feet. With the crowd firmly behind him, Kofi sets up for Trouble in Paradise! He claps his hands as Sheamus gets to his feet. Kofi runs at Sheamus and spins with his kick but the former World Champ ducks it! Kingston crashes and burns to the mat before Sheamus grabs him and drives him shoulder first into the corner! Kingston is stunned, clutching his shoulder as Sheamus regains his composure. Sheamus grabs Kofi and positions him on the ring apron, outside the ropes, and smiles as he looks for his patented clubs to the chest. The crowd rises as Sheamus begins to clobber Kofi in the chest,


The WWE fans in the building chant along with each vicious blow as Kofi falls into a crumpled heap before a content Sheamus rolls him into the middle of the ring and makes the cover,


Sheamus shakes his head in disbelief as he gets back up, looking to finish off Kofi. He grabs Kingston and lifts him onto his shoulders, looking for the White Noise. The crowd rises again as Kingston tries to squirm out. He does as he slips around and kicks Sheamus in the gut. Kofi grabs Sheamus, SOS!! Kofi flips Sheamus with an SOS out of nowhere and makes the cover,


Kofi can’t believe it as he grabs his hair in disbelief. The crowd will him on as he realizes he has the chance to pull off an upset but must move fast. Sheamus is flat on his back as Kofi gets to his feet. He looks around, runs off the ropes and back at Sheamus, “BOOM”, “BOOM”, Boom Drop!! Kingston hits his huge Boom Drop on Sheamus as he again makes the cover,

Sheamus rolls through into a cover of his own,


Both men burst to their feet as Kingston runs at Sheamus with a clothesline but misses. He turns around and Sheamus grabs him and lifts him up. Without waiting around this time he drops Kofi with the White Noise! Sheamus makes another cover,


Kofi somehow kicks out as the fans and commentators watch on in disbelief. Josh Matthews and JBL cannot fathom what they’re seeing as the crowd applauds Kofi! Sheamus has a look of steel on his face as gets to his feet. Kofi is struggling to get up as a “KO-FI” chant rings through the arena. Sheamus is taken back as he looks around vulnerably! Sheamus can’t believe the support Kofi is getting and nearly costs him as Kofi rolls him up from behind,


Both men burst to their feet as they make their way to opposite corners. Kofi turns around first and runs at Sheamus looking for the Trouble in Paradise but crashes and burns!!! Sheamus smartly ducked the flying Kingston and then looks to take advantage. Kingston gets up and turns around, BROGUE KICK!! The crowd gasps as Sheamus drives his boot into the skull of Kingston. Sheamus makes the cover, surely this it,



The crowd applauds both men as they lie in the ring, exhausted. The cheer for Sheamus is seemingly less then that of Kofi but the fans still appreciate the Irishman. He gets to his feet and has his hand risen by referee Chad Patton. Sheamus beats his chest and screams ‘FELLA’, now relieved that he is in the World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber.

JBL and Josh Matthews are stunned at the quality match they just witnessed as they commend both men on their efforts. They mention that the World Heavyweight Championship Elimination Chamber is now set for No Way Out!
They mention that Booker T is ready to announce the participants in the WWE Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber and we are shown Booker T walking backstage, his announcement is next!



*****RAP SHEET*****

Booker T receives a nice ovation as he comes out from the back. He thanks the crowd with a wave of appreciation as he holds a mic.

Booker T: “Thank you ladies and gentleman!”

Booker T: “Now as you know, this past Monday on RAW I announced that there will be the first ever Intercontinental Championship Elimination Chamber Match at the up coming No Way Out Pay-Per-View!”

The crowd cheers the announcement!

Booker T: “So I am out here right now to announce the participants in this historic and barbaric match. Firstly, the current Intercontinental Champion – Wade Barrett!”

The champ’s name garners some mild heat from the fans.

Booker T: “Kofi Kingston!”

Kingston receives a great reception as his face appears on the screen.

Booker T: “Cody Rhodes!”

Cody Rhodes’ picture appears on the big screen as he receives some boos from the crowd.

Booker T: “R-Truth!”

The crowd cheers again for ‘Truth.

Booker T: “The Miz!”

The Miz gets a mild ovation as Booker continues.

Booker T: “And Damien Sandow!!”

There’s another loud boo for Sandow but a scattering of cheers as Booker T smiles.

Booker T: “And now ladies and gentleman, let me introduce to you, the World Heavyweight Champion, Alberto Del Rioooo!”


The World Heavyweight Champion receives a nice reception as he and Ricardo Rodriguez come out from the back and past Booker T. Del Rio proudly has his World Heavyweight Championship draped around his waist whilst Ricardo plays to the crowd. They get into the ring as Del Rio grabs a microphone.

Alberto Del Rio: “Damas y caballeros, ladies and gentlemen, I stand here before you still World Heavyweight Champion!”

Ricardo Rodriguez claps his hands as the crowd cheers.

Alberto Del Rio: “Last night at the Rroyal Rrumble I proved all the doubters wrong when I defeated that giant oaf, the Big Show!”

The large Mexican contingent in the San Diego crowd makes Del Rio smile as he continues.

Alberto Del Rio: “I can no longer say that it is my destiny to become the World Heavyweight Champion, because it is now my reality. I am not only the heavyweight champion of the WWE, but the heavyweight champion of this mundo entero…this whole world!”

The camera shows the crowd, clapping and cheering.

Alberto Del Rio: “Every thing I’ve promised you great fans, every match I’ve said I’d win, has come to fruition! And I will continue to promise you that I will be the greatest World Heavyweight Champion of all time. I’ve already beaten a 500lb monster in a Last Man Standing Match not only once, but twice. If I can do that, then I know that I can beat 5 other men in the Elimination Chamber.

Del Rio’s look of joy has turned to a serious stare.

Alberto Del Rio: “I will not only win the Elimination Chamber at No Way Out, but I will go on to the grandest stage of all, WrestleMania 29, and end the night, like great Mexican wrestlers Eddie Guerrero and Rey Mysterio, and like all the other greats of this company, holding my World Heavyweight Championship.


*****CRANK IT UP*****

Del Rio shakes his head as the crowd boos the entrance of the former World Heavyweight Champion. Big Show has a mic in hand as his music hits and he heads to the ring.

Big Show: “Do you people really believe this?”

Big Show has a disgusted look on his face as he points at Del Rio.

Big Show: “Alberto you are phony! You’re a cheap, cheating bastard and I’ll be damned if I stand in the back while you preach to these idiots about how great you are! How dare you compare yourselves to greats like Eddie Guerrero!”

Big Show is now in the ring as confronts an unmoved Alberto.

Big Show: “(Snarls) You know you cheated last night, you know that that World Heavyweight Championship belongs to me and most importantly, regardless of what you say, you know that I will win the Elimination Chamber!”


The crowd pops as Randy Orton comes out from the back, mic in hand. Orton strides to the ring and then joins Show and Del Rio.

Randy Orton: “Now I’m a man who dislikes coming out here to riddle off accomplishments or make promises and accusations about things, in fact I hate doing it. But it’s been over 18 months since I held a World Heavyweight Championship. I will let my actions do the talking at No Way Out in the Elimination Chamber because that title…”

*****SPECIAL OP*****

Orton drops his mic as he, Del Rio and Big Show turn around, looking through the crowd for The Shield.

Finally, the camera zooms on a section of crowd as Dean Ambrose, Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns come down the stairs through the crowd.

The Shield circles the ring, waiting to strike. But all of a sudden Big Show grabs Orton and throws him into Del Rio. The two hit crash to the mat as Big Show exits the ring, as if to say to The Shield – “You can have them”.

Ambrose, Rollins and Reigns swamp the ring as they beat down Del Rio and Orton! The camera shows Big Show, smiling, retreating up the ramp.

Back in the ring and the commotion continues as Del Rio grabs Roman Reigns and throws him through the ropes and out of the ring. Ambrose and Rollins turn around, and Del Rio drops the former with a roundhouse kick. Randy Orton has got to his feet and stands in the corner. Dean Ambrose grabs Del Rio and drives him back into Orton! Del Rio’s elbow flies around and catches Orton in the side of the head! Orton angrily grabs his head as Del Rio fights back. He hits a flurry of right hands to stun Ambrose. All of a sudden Orton grabs Del Rio and turns him around, RKO!!!

The crowd gasps in absolute shock as Orton drops the World Champion with an RKO! Orton gets to his feet and angrily storms out of the ring, leaving behind Del Rio on his own. The three members of The Shield are now back in the ring and ready for destruction. Ambrose directs traffic as he and Rollins pick up Del Rio. They set him up in position as Reigns comes in. The trio slams Del Rio to the mat with a triple Powerbomb!!

The Shield then stand over the lifeless World Champ as the show ends.


February 7th, 2013
New Orleans, Louisianna



Brock Lesnar & CM Punk vs The Rock & John Cena


Alberto Del Rio (c) vs Big Show vs Randy Orton vs Sheamus vs Ryback vs Chris Jericho


Wade Barrett (c) vs Kofi Kingston vs R-Truth vs Cody Rhodes vs Damien Sandow vs The Miz


More matches to be announced!


First off, the opening segment was a bit off to me. I think Rock would&#8217;ve said a lot more and he just didn&#8217;t sound like himself in some of the sentences you wrote for him. I know I&#8217;m not even doing full shows but hey, I commend you on taking on such a task. The opening segment seemed a bit crowded if I&#8217;m honest. I would&#8217;ve had Rock have his championship address only for Punk to come out and interrupt him. Also, having Vince come out and make a match that quickly was sort of boring. I think he would&#8217;ve made a bigger deal out of it because hell, it&#8217;s Cena and Rock teaming up.

You write Sandow really well here. I would&#8217;ve liked for Rhodes to have said something but Sandow&#8217;s promo was more than enough for me. It&#8217;s a good thing you have a grasp on Sandow&#8217;s character because some people may find it difficult to write for him. However, the promo didn&#8217;t really have much substance. They demanded for a title shot, so what? They should&#8217;ve bashed Team Hell No even more and put themselves over more. And after that, we hear from Cena again. Might be too soon. He said some good things but again, I think more could&#8217;ve been added. He&#8217;s teaming with the Rock and well, to add more spice to the feud they&#8217;re gonna have, Cena should&#8217;ve said more.

IC Title in an EC Match? I&#8217;m liking this decision man. Not only has it never been done, but it does wonders for the IC Title, making it seem like a big deal belt like it was back in the day. Good job on that. Hmm, I see you did the route of someone interrupting the champion and making themselves known that they&#8217;re a threat. I think this route is good for just once in a show man, you did it again here with the WHC. Also, Del Rio&#8217;s promo was pretty heelish so you might wanna pay attention to that. Lots of messy segments so far in the show. That Team Hell No segment had me laughing though :lmao The tag team stuff was pretty smart imo, letting every team be exposed next week.

I&#8217;ll just fast forward to the ending now. But wow, what a partner! Brock and Punk teaming vs. Cena and Rock? That&#8217;s one hell of a match. I like how you&#8217;ve already done a lot of things different than the WWE did. Right away, this project is already going in the direction that you want it to go. Usually that takes a few shows, but you&#8217;ve managed to do it in one show, good job. Overall, good show. Some stuff that needs to be worked on but nothing too major.

As for Smackdown, nothing really to complain about. There&#8217;s just some segments that need to be better. Also, I think your commercial breaks may be all over the place, but that&#8217;s just me. Break up your shows a little better. You clearly do well in match writing but it&#8217;s the promos where you need to improve. Again, I commend you on doing full shows, but right now, it&#8217;s kind of hard for me to get into your shows. Maybe recaps may suit your better? Also, your formatting looks to be pretty hard to do, I suggest going a more simple route. Also, the graphics are fine but then, it could prolong how fast you get a show up. I suggest only using the match cards for PPVs and special episodes. But overall man, you&#8217;re doing a fine job. I&#8217;ll keep reading!

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