Matthew's Promo Last Thursday


Best for (the Music) Business
So, when I was watching TNA, there was a three way street fight between Aj Styles, Matt Hardy, and Flair(Why??). Anyway, before the match, Matt cut a promo basically saying that he was robbed by "the system"(WWE I'm guessing) and that he came to TNA for a fresh start. He said that nobody could understand the 'miserable avenues' he's traveled down in the wrestling business. I must say, well, he's a better talker as a heel. However, did you feel that his promo was kind of selfish. He idly complains that nobody could understand what he's been threw when there are guys with as much, even more talent than him(William Regal is a prime example) and they've never seen so much a match with the reigning champion. Did anybody feel like Matthew was just still being bitter?
He is bitter and frankly he is not that great he was right where he deserved to be in WWE at the mid-card and often was upper-midcard maybe behind the scenes it was difficult but as far as his spot on the card and how he came off to the audience as his position on the roster, he has no reason to be bitter and should be thankful
I didn't watch Impact Thursday :( , but the way you re describing his promo i feel its just part of his «Cold Blooded» gimmick right now. The way i see it he is explaining his new found anger because he was screwed over many times in life. I think its awesome (no pun intended) because people can relate to what he is feeling.
The guy's a heel, and he cut a heel promo. I've read a couple Matt Hardy interviews lately, and he seems far from bitter to me. In fact, in one of those interviews he spoke in depth about how he's grateful that WWE gave him his "shot" and allowed him to live a comfortable life.

Why do so many people act as if they're turning over every stone in an attempt to find something to nitpick? Sometimes a promo is just a promo...and when that promo is cut by a heel it's supposed to be self serving or a little egotistical.
I thought that was an excellent promo. I'm a Hardy fan, but I've always found his promo work to be somewhat lacking. I think his youtube videos are really helping him find his voice.

If he were doing a shoot, i think he might have come across as bitter, however I don't believe that was his intention. Like dizzle1119 said, he was a heel cutting a heel promo. He's doing what he can to get his "Cold Blood" gimmick over, and he's using a story that everyone is familiar with. I think it was quite effective, and I hope to see more excellent promos from Hardy.
I didn't watch Impact Thursday :( , but the way you re describing his promo i feel its just part of his «Cold Blooded» gimmick right now. The way i see it he is explaining his new found anger because he was screwed over many times in life. I think its awesome (no pun intended) because people can relate to what he is feeling.

I find it funny that a guy who didn't watch impact understood the promo better than the guy who made a thread.

Matt posted on Twitter (i think it was twitter) that his gimmick will be explained in the coming weeks, and he would add new dimensions to it. This was just the start of that. I am very excited to see how it unfolds, and I hope his new found attitude is over enough for him to reach the top of the mountain.
Simple kayfabe. Don't try to read between it. This is Vince Russo's M.O. and Matt Hardy is working right with it to perfection. Complete work with enough shoot to get people talking. I was kind of skeptical on how Matt would be used in TNA, but that promo gave me a little faith in where he's going to go.
I did find the promo to be a bit whiny. I think the whole cold-blood gimmick is meant to be like a half-shoot kinda thing and i think its kinda sad. its like a watered down version of jeffs gimmick. i did kinda like the promo and its delivery but i think he's just talking to the wrong person. AJ was offered a WWE contract on more than one occasion and passed, so he knows what hes missing out on. I think the promo would've done more for a little more younger guys like MCMG, Red, LAX, etc....and be like a dream killer kinda guy.
Matt Hardy's youtube channel just got aired on Impact.
the whole time I watched the promo, it made me want to watch WWE, and I get that feeling anytime TNA does a promo bashing the "big bad company"
Or was that promo staged to make William Regal retirement party look better then ever. TNA is like WWE, they are scripted. Before wrestlers cut promos, they are giving a list to say. That was one of the things to say. Some of it might had came from the heart, but I can't think of "shoot" in a long ass time.
Yeah i dunno if he's really bitter. He had alot of air time in WWE and got alot farther then more talented people have been pushed, and if he was really pissed he woulda asked for his release along time ago.

Face it he was never gonna get the big one, he's just not entertaining enough as a face, Jeff only got it in WWE cause he's such a weirdo and a spot fest and that obviously caught on with fans and they were struggling for face's at the time.
Matt is much better as a heel and a better "wrestler" then Jeff but he lacks charisma

Anything he's been saying of late is just part of his new gimmick and though i still don't give a shit about him other than props for busting his ass all these years, the character is better suited as a heel.

Lastly if it was a shoot, i wouldn't be suprised, that's all WCW mic segments were 90% of the time "Shoots" about the politics
Don't need to look into everything to that extent, he's just doing a good promo and being a heel better than his brother Jeff I might add.
I completely agree with the posters who said it was a typical heel-promo, and not an excuse for Matt to vent about his WWE experience with "bitterness". In fact, I thought it was one of the best promos I've ever seen Matt Hardy do - definitely the best I've seen from him in a loooong time. If he came across as being bitter toward his WWE tenure, it's because that was the promo's intention. His current character works very well as a bitter ex-WWE "superstar", who came to TNA to have a better opportunity. Matt's current character also works very well as a member of "Immortal".

Anderson's promo at the top of Impact was similar to Matt's, in the sense that he "deserves" more than what he's been given (he even said "me" about 100 times!! lol!). Do you think Anderson is bitter (for real)? Or do you think it was just a promo that added a little more depth to his in-ring persona?

Regardless of whether or not you agree with his reasoning, Matt must feel at least a little bitter about his time in WWE (and the way the fans "turned on him"). He just took those feelings he had, and used it for his character. Again, I think it came across as a great promo, and sharpened his "Cold Blood" ("Cold Blooded"?) character a little bit more. That promo was a great way for Matt to use those negative feelings to add depth to his WRESTLING character.

Don't look so deep into pro-wrestling promos. The best wrestling characters are the ones that are rooted with the wrestler's "real" personality/personalities. Matt just went out there as himself, with the volume turned WAY up (as the old saying goes).
Matt Hardy from 2000-2003 was awesome. 2004-2006 was Ok (Edge helped him really) and 2006-2010 was crap! What the hell happened. WWE almost forgot what he did in those TLC Matches, Ladder Matches and Steel Cage Matches. The rivalries with Edge and Christian and The Dudley Boyz. Matt Hardy Version 1.0 was another great idea which allowed him to get singles titles (Cruiserweight Championship). His rivalry with Edge was Ok I suppose. After that, WWE took advantage of him and did nothing.

Moving to TNA was a good thing and now he does have a fresh start to do what the hell it is he wants.
First of all, please, stop the "they took a shot at WWE" paranoia. He didn't take a shot at anyone. Move on.

Second of all - I was pleasantly surprised with Hardy on Thursday. He's getting in shape, he's finding his new gimmick, he's getting better at cutting promos. Not bad. Not bad at all.
He did his job. Calling Styles "kid" and all that whiny crap he was saying made me mark out for Styles to whoop some ass.
Matt has a problem with communicating.

Whenever he talks what he says just comes out sounding stupid.

I had a real problem with how he kept calling AJ Styles "Kid". It's a good thing that they had AJ show that he can wrestle rings around Hardy and (an aged) Ric Flair before the two on one inevitably won in the end.

AJ Styles is the 4 time TNA World Heavyweight Champion and longest reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

...and TNA has him being punked by Matt Hardy...?

Hopefully at Victory Road tonight we'll see AJ make Hardy look completely irrelevant by comparison.
Matt has a problem with communicating.

Whenever he talks what he says just comes out sounding stupid.

I had a real problem with how he kept calling AJ Styles "Kid". It's a good thing that they had AJ show that he can wrestle rings around Hardy and (an aged) Ric Flair before the two on one inevitably won in the end.

AJ Styles is the 4 time TNA World Heavyweight Champion and longest reigning TNA World Heavyweight Champion.

...and TNA has him being punked by Matt Hardy...?

Hopefully at Victory Road tonight we'll see AJ make Hardy look completely irrelevant by comparison.
Well the main issue I have with your post and your interpretation of this is your basic misunderstanding of wrestling psychology.

Due to the result of the match on Impact, wrestling fans will be dying to see AJ kick Hardys ass on pay-per-view. That's exactly what I want to see. If it doesnt happen at Victory Road then it has to happen at Lockdown.
I rarely watch TNA but from what you describe, as far as i can tell he was just doing his job as a heel. He cut a heel promo and thats what he was supposed to do...nothing more nothing less
It's a wrestling heel promo...he's trying to get over as a heel who is bitter at the fans, and at wrestling in general. His videos on YouTube prior to and shortly after his release support what he said...I believe at one point, he WAS getting held back for some reason, he was getting over pretty well and working hard. But instead of redoubling his efforts and working harder, he got bitter. The effort he put forth was not what it once was. If you want to put blame on WWE for that, fine, they probably do ultimately have some responsibility in that. But Matt bears the lion's share. If he can turn that into a heel promo, all the better for him.
Here's the thing: maybe Matt Hardy is bitter at the WWE. Why wouldn't he be? In his eyes I'm sure he thought he was every bit as talented as Jeff and should have gotten his chance at the World Heavyweight Title or WWE Title.

Why is that a bad thing? Why can't Matt use that as momentum for his heel character? How many heels use their bitterness and jealousy toward another wrestler in their feuds? Answer: all of them. Heels whine. Heels bitch and moan and cry and scratch and rend their teeth because the system is unfair and life didn't hand them what they wanted. When I heard Matt's promo, I rolled eyes and literally said, "Yeah, Matt, you had it SO bad." Maybe he did, maybe he didn't, but he's using it as fuel in his promos and his character, and if that helps Matt take it to the next level, then that's great for him and great for us as wrestling fans.

I don't blame Matt if there is realism in his promos. And whether there is or not, it's something that got us talking, and something that will inevitably drive him against A.J. Styles. And I think that's a good thing.
So now, out of the freakin' blue, WWE decides that they'll HAVE a guest host, right after the Sting stuff, and of all the celebrities on this planet they choose Snooki?

I'm sorry, but whoever claims that this is not a copy/shot at TNA is either blind, ignorant, or plain stupid.

First of all, please, stop the "they took a shot at WWE" paranoia. He didn't take a shot at anyone. Move on.

Second of all - I was pleasantly surprised with Hardy on Thursday. He's getting in shape, he's finding his new gimmick, he's getting better at cutting promos. Not bad. Not bad at all.

Biggest hypocrite ever. You also mention stuff like how every suddenly loves SNooki, yet everyone does the same with Matt Hardy. Don't pretend it is a one way street of just WWE fans of being ''hypocrites'' as you mention. Biggest mark out there, you have one opinion and one mindset.... TNA rules, everything else sucks! Grow up.

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