Matt Morgan: Who Cares?

Matt Morgan: Should he stay or should he go?

  • Yes

  • No

  • Who Cares?

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I've been watching Morgan for a while now, as we all have, and I'm curious about this. Who really cares if he's debuting? For me, he's just another big man that can talk on the mic. What has he done to really deserve a push? He gets a good reaction from the crowd, I give him that. But since when does a look and a pop supposedly guarantee a spot on roster filled with suicidal cruiserweights? What makes him better than Tajiri or someone like that? So, now is your time to make yourself heard. Matt Morgan: should he stay or should he go?
Well, your statement of him just being another big man that can talk on the mic tells alot. Since he is a big, that can handle the stick, all he has to do is be passable in the ring, and he will be a success. It's nothing new. How did Nash get started, what really got him over? I for one was shocked that Vince would let such a big, musclar guy go, but would give the dude from the longest yard a title push. Hell, atleast Morgan can cut a promo, and looks good in a suit.
I dont think we can make any statements about Morgan yet, he hasnt even come close to reaching whatever potential he may have. His size alone gives him a head start, add in his ability to talk and you have a fairly good blueprint for a top big man, all he needs to do in my opinion now is put on some good matches in actual matches, we know he can brawl and interfere and stuff.

I also think that him being passive for so long in TNA only hypes his debut more, we have had hints for a long time that he can be huge, his brawl with Tomko and AJ, him getting in the face of Samoa Joe, threatening to take on large groups, it made you want him to fight them. I just think he needs some time.
I dont get your Poll. Should he stay or go? Yes, No?

Is the question should he stay? or is the question should he go? What am I voting for here? lol

I think Matt Morgan has good mic skills, he is big, not seen him in 1v1 yet, so cant comment much about his wrestling, but why would TNA want to get rid of him?

What did Goldberg do to deserve a push when he came in WCW? I think if someone is over with the fans and has potential then you have to milk it.

From what i have seen of him so far I like. I think if they push him and give him some great story lines, then he can turn out really good.

Also, cruiserweights? I dont think he will be in that devision to be honest, so no idea what your talking about there. Tajiri? wtf? Thats like comparing Kevin Nash with taka michinoku. lol
i think he should stay. matt morgan is good enough on the mic to be able to work the crowd well and is a big strong dude. TNA needs a bit of variety and with abyss gone at the minute, they dont really have anyone able to fill a big guy role.

a look and a pop are essential in wrestling. the likes of rob conway had a muscular look to them, but were so dead with the crowd, they never made it above jobber status. and if you want an example of what a look and a pop will get - take john cena. the guy is never going to be a talent amateur wrestler, but he has the look of one and is solid on the mic. that more than compensates for a perceived lack of ability.
I've been watching Morgan for a while now, as we all have, and I'm curious about this. Who really cares if he's debuting? For me, he's just another big man that can talk on the mic. What has he done to really deserve a push? He gets a good reaction from the crowd, I give him that. But since when does a look and a pop supposedly guarantee a spot on roster filled with suicidal cruiserweights? What makes him better than Tajiri or someone like that? So, now is your time to make yourself heard. Matt Morgan: should he stay or should he go?

Why can't we see him in an actual match for crying out loud? When you wait that long to debut him there's no possible way that he could get over because nobody ever lives up to that kind of hype.
I'm willing to give Matt Morgan a chance. I think TNA was smart to build up his character and allow him to hone his mic skills before putting him in the ring. He is a big guy that appears to be very athletic so I'm hopeful that his skills in the ring will develop as soundly as his skills on the stick.
I didnt really have a clue what your question was to be honest, but Ill share my opinions on Matt Morgan, he should stay. I think his promos are great, hes got a good cathphrase and his in ring work seems to be pretty good, he was willing to take some gnarly chair shots at Lockdown so! I think hes a promising character in TNA, nice to see someone big and new, I think he will kinda take the Nash role over. I think if TNA can give him some good storylines, I think his outlook is good! And the fact they have kept him from wrestling all this time I think is a good idea! Lets see what he has one on one!
Matt Morgan should stay because he is the man!! After that dumb ass stuttering gimmick in the WWF, he has gone above that. Also, he is not some big, flabby sack of crap like some big men, but it looks as if he takes working out seriously so that is something else in his favor. I say give him at least another month or so and then let him loose on whoever. If Samoa Joe still has the title in 6 to 12 months, let them finish what they teased us with a few months ago. Possibly money feud and someone the WWF passed on and TNA is making a star. Works for me.
Ok I don't get your poll at all, you ask the question should he stay or should he go, then for answers you give yes, no, and who cares, so if someone says yes, then what are they agreeing to, is it yes Morgan should stay or yes Morgan should go... it's got me all confused, why didn't you just put He should go, and he should stay as your choices for answers, as far as I'm concerned I think he should stay and at least be given a chance to show what he can do, keep in mind WWE didn't do shit with him, the put him on Team Brock, where he then got lost in the shuffle, then later on down the road they had him come out with a lame ass stuttering gimmick and was Carlito's body guard for all of what 3 weeks, then was let go

So give him a shot in TNA, it's not like he can be worse than anything else they got going on right now, and the guy really hasn't been given a chance to prove himself, he's wrestle one match in TNA that I've seen and that was the Lethal Lockdown match, which had 9 other guys in it, so you really couldn't focus on one guy, that match really needs to have less people it's just too cluttered
I have read all of these other posts and I thought I was the only one that thought this was a ridiculous question to ask!!! You have the nerve to compare Matt Morgan to Tajiri??? Tajiri is great don't get me wrong I'm not saying anything negative about that guy, but you decided to compare him to the Blueprint??? You're not only stupid but you're a hater!!! I am exicted to finally watch Matt in action and I can't wait to see him wrestle in a singles match! He's got all of the right tools to be a top star and the crowd loves him! So you ask the question Matt Morgan...Who Cares??? Well I do and I will continue to watch TNA because of him...How about them apples! Hater!
Yeah man you should change your poll because that dont make any sense.

Matt Morgan should stay instead of putting him in the ring right away tna has waited to build up on somthing give him just role to play.hes good on the mic and hes big.first time i saw him was abit green but i think he has got the talent to be a big player in tna.Matt Mogan in the wwe was ok with angle i think then a crap gimmick afterwards.
i have faith that he will be up against the best soon in tna.
Matt Morgan... Best financial move for TNA. If you have seen this man wrestle outside of WWE and TNA you would know that this man has strength. This man has power. He can fly from the top turnbuckle. And most importantly he can wrestle.
I am going to be very blunt Morgan should stay with TNA. He is young firstly which is what TNA needs young up and coming talent which Morgan is. Two is the guy isn't bad for a big man not at all. I would put him in the ring with abyss anyday and I promise he could put on a better match than Messias ever did with him. I take nothing away from Abyss he is a great big man but Messias didn't complement him at all. Morgan is still getting better and has a bright future ahead of him. TNA needs to keep him and develope him so that at some point he can carry the company he has the size strength and talent to do so just needs to hone his skills.
So, now is your time to make yourself heard. Matt Morgan: should he stay or should he go?

A couple of weeks ago I opted to make myself heard on this forum. I posted a couple of well constructed comments and got myself a two week ban for spamming. With that out of the way I'd like to throw in my two cents about Matt Morgan and TNA as a whole.

Matt Morgan is cookie cutter at best. There have been several dozen wrestlers just like him over the years, and none of them have amounted to a hill of beans. He's been in the WWE on two seperate occasions and nothing came of it. He's been on TNA for a while, and I'm going to go out on a limb and say that nothing is going to come from that either. I say be done with him now, because if he stays around it's only going to cause whoever he is feuding with to lose tv time when they ultimately decide to release him. To be quite honest I can't see anything noteworthy coming from TNA as long as they continue onward with their constant pushing of over the hill talent. The writers on that show seem to be moderately ******ed. All of their talented wrestlers have to take a back seat to whatever Kurt Angle, Christian, Sting, Samoa "Fatburger" Joe, Tyson "Tribal Tat Cool Daddy" Tomko or Dudley Boys storyline is being regurgitated at the present time. Where's the AJ Styles, Christopher Daniels or Alex Shelly push? I had high hopes for TNA in the first few years they were around, but the moment they stopped affiliation with the NWA titles I lost all interest. TNA is a joke. Vince should start sending out job offers to every decent wrestler on the show who isn't in the middle of a long term contract.

So there's my opinion of Matt Morgan and basically every other aspect of TNA in a nutshell. I hope it's sufficient enough that the goderators on this forum won't label it as spam. Ultimately they can do whatever they want because they won't have to worry about me posting again. I'm done with this place. Wrestling hasn't been interesting enough to bother with talking about for quite some time now...
Jim Cornette has been, for the past few years, pimping this guy as the next big thing in wrestling. He said that about Lesnar, Cena and Batista and each time he was right. The man is huge, he's got a shitload of charisma and he can talk a good game.

I think there's a lot of promise in Matt Morgan, because he's one of those guys on the TNA roster that actually have a full and complete package as far as being the next huge star. However, I have absolutely NO faith in TNA to book this guy and turn him into the next big star in wrestling. They fumbled up Joe's push and punted the ball to him late. They screwed up with Ron Killings, who is another guy that has everything you could want in a star, and he left the company. And they'll probably follow suit with Matt Morgan as well. I hope they don't, but chances are they will.
A couple of weeks ago I opted to make myself heard on this forum. I posted a couple of well constructed comments and got myself a two week ban for spamming.

To be honest, reading what you just said, I can see why you may have got banned. Matt Morgan is cookie cutter at best? Give the guy a chance, dont judge him on the way he was used in the WWE. Stone Cold may have been a "cookie cutter at best" in WCW back in the day, but look what they did with him in WWE.

From what I have seen of the guy in TNA so far he has everything you need to be a succesful wrestler. If nothing comes of him, I will blame TNA for not making the most out of this guy. Agreed, I still need to see this guy in a 1v1, but from what i heard he is good in that department too.
Morgan is decent, his mic skills suck, but at least he can speak which is most than about half the wrestlers in TNA can do. I've seen a couple of his matches after WWE and he's better than he was. He's probably only another mid card talent for them though and thats where the problem is. TNA has so many midcard talents its getting ridicolous- Rhino, Roode, Storm, Booker T, Tomko, AJ, Steiner etc. Morgan doesn't stand out enough from them yet to get noticed, and its too early to pass judgement. Hopefully Roode and AJ will move into the main event picture soon so it might be a bit easier for Morgan.
Matt Morgan if used right will be a very large key to success in TNA. he is new talent that is big and built. he looks as tho he is going to be able to move around the ring well also. he has the build of the Undertaker and tell me who doesnt like superstars that work like the Taker, plus there isnt many big guys that move around like the Undertaker. Matt Morgan, mark my word, will be high up on the card shortly after his first couple matches when he can show off his talent & abilities.
Firstly, spam infractions are given for spam, not differences of opinion. I didn't actually give any of the infractions in question but I'm 99% sure they were just.

Secondly, let's watch a nice video:


I wasn't sure about Morgan before that video. What am I saying? I'm still not sure of him now. However, I am sure he has the potential to be someone pretty good. Will he fulfill this potential? Who knows. I think Cornette is right to have seen something in him, and I'm pretty excited about him right now. I think he could actually be a good big guy. He may just be another underrated big guy though. Can anybody say Hernandez or Tomko? That, and TNA has a habit of overlooking potential. Seems as if they might be giving him a fairly hefty push though.
Sorry about all of the confusion about the poll. I tried to fix it but every time I did it said i was adding in another poll. I originally worte a psot to explain what happened about two weeks ago, but Captain Dafodil (Matt Moses) got me banned as soon as I was about to submit the post. So, my apologies about the confusion, i would just not worry about the poll. But, you guys made yourselves known on your opinion about Matt morgan, that was the point. Also, I have nothing against Matt Morgan, I hope he does succeed, although the point I was trying to make was why was Matt so special in the first place, especially when there are so many other guys to pick from, worldwide that is.
I think Matt Morgan has the potential to be a big star in this business. He's big with a great physique, he's agile, and he's very good on the mic. The way wwe (mis)used him with that dumb stuttering gimmick was appalling. I think if TNA really gives him a chance, he can be a big star and possibly future tna champ. I hope TNA doesn't mess him up like wwe did.
I think Matt Morgan is definitely someone to watch in TNA. I enjoyed him when he was in the WWE, and was angry when they stuck him with the stuttering gimmick. This guy is big, has a good look, has mic skills, and has in-ring skills. I could see him being in the Main Event by the end of the year if he's booked correctly. I could see TNA finally putting him in the feud with Samoa Joe that was teased earlier in the year. I think these two would put on some decent matches, and Morgan would get a pretty good rub off a feud with Joe. Either way this guy is going to be one to watch with interest.
I used to care about Morgan, but as of late, I feel like I couldn't care less about him. I think the problem is, he doesn't seem to wrestle as big as he is. I dunno if that makes sense or not. But for example, when Nash, or say even the Big Show wrestle, they do big guy shit, and everything they do seems to have great impact and more damage than the little guys. Whenever I watch Morgan, he just seems like a normal guy who happens to be tall.

His look looks pretty generic too. I dunno. It just seems like he COULD be a huge deal, but the way he's being used, and wrestles, it will never happen.
Matt Morgan to me is the "equal and opposite reaction" to Tomko...who, to "Batista watered down" Haha.

Still, I think they should keep Morgan. Why? Its not like I think he'd make it in the WWE, so he might as well have a job. His appearance on American Gladiators hasn't shown yet, so I can't say whether or not he should just stick to that instead, but its TNA...I have no expectations as it is with them. At least he's better than Burnt Goldust or whatever his current "weird ass gimmick" is nowadays.
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