Matt Morgan What Now?


The man who thought he had a plan
Not too long ago, Matt Morgan was somewhat involved in the big picture. He was gaining dominant victories, admittedly over not so relevant opponents, but dominant victories nonetheless. He had been involved in a program with the big man himself, Hulk Hogan. From stealing memorabilia to litterally getting in Hogan's face and mocking him. He was made to look dangerous, relatively important and a serious thorn in the side of the man in charge.

Now, a month ago, he was even looking to get involved in the company's most important business i.e. The Aces and Eights. Asking for a title shot, even, hinting that otherwise Hogan would simply be handing over yet another title shot to an arguably undeserving Sting. And he eventually got an opportunity to get an opportunity in the way of a number one contender's match against aforementioned Sting. Usually, that would serve to acknowledge Morgan's place in the main event but things were handled... poorly, in my opinion.

Morgan went on to dominate Sting for a good portion of the match only to lose precipitously by passing out to a sloppy submission hold. The week after? Nothing. Barely a comment on the actual match, not even a promo from a frustrated Morgan. It HAS been a month now and... nothing. Not an appearance from Morgan, barely even a mention of him. The man has simply disappeared off the face of the earth. As far as I know, no injury (kayfabe or real), no outside involvement in another project. So, there you go.

That brings me to the crux of my post. What happened and more importantly, what is to happen? The man went from flirting with the main event scene and getting a scent of the HW title to basically, a man missing in action. No updates, no promos, no mentions, no action. Has TNA creative had yet another change of heart concerning Morgan? Did they put him there just to pull the rug out from under him? The whole thing only served to make someone who didn't really need it look strong and someone else who could have used the rub look weak. I'm not saying that Morgan should have won or that the finish should even have been different but to give some guy you have been pushing a contender match and then not even acknowledge his existence for a whole month after that match, that is questionable.

So, what does the future even hold for Morgan, now? The title picture is likely to be crowded in the near future with Hardy and possibly Styles plus the usual suspects, so where does Morgan even fit? Go back into obscurity as though nothing happened? Come right back and act as though nothing happened? I would find it difficult to continue his push now, after recent events. The only somewhat acceptable option I can see is that Morgan comes back to really dominate the BFG series but that is highly unlikely. Otherwise, he might come back as a face, after having been "taught a lesson in humility" which would be a terrible continuity.

Love him or hate him, he is serviceable in and out of the ring. And as dominant giants go, TNA could definitely use him. So, while I am not overly anxious to find out what's coming, I admit that I am at least curious and that this whole thing bugs me right now, as it stinks of poor management. Any thoughts?
In my opinion Matt Morgan and AJ Styles are the leading candidates to win the Bound For Glory series. I am an AJ Styles fan and maybe this new version of Styles will be what TNA needs but I have doubts he has the ability to be the face of a company. I really think it's time Matt Morgan got a chance. He is solid on the mic and a skilled big man. I would love to see what Morgan could do as a main event player for TNA. That being said, I think AJ is going to get the call to Main Event BFG for the title.
I respect Matt Morgan i really do! He is very agile for someone his size and is the blueprint for what a big man should be in wrestling. He is though limited on the mic and for some reason just cant get over with the crowd. His latest rant on the IWC probably didnt do him any favors (Although he did have points to his argument). I also think AJ will get the call to head the BFG series. I also would love to see what Morgan could do in a main event setting.
Matt Morgan in TNA is like watching Sid in the WWE/F. Get's a little push then is pulled away before given a real chance. The only difference is at least Sid won the belt. It really is much the same, Matt Morgan has a lot more backing from the fan base than the higher powers realise. I hope Morgan gets a proper push soon I think he has developed from his early career.
He's booked for Triplemania 21 teaming with Jeff Jarrett, is it a one night only or is he now with Jarrett as paid by TNA to work in AAA?
Morgan could easily be the number one good in the company if he was given the chance, But for some reason TNA refuse to pull the trigger and in my opinion that is a mistake, Matt has a fantastic look and his in ring abilitie has inproved no end since his WWE days and while I still think his mic skills could still do with some work, He still has enough abilitie to dominate the World Title scene for years to come. As far as whats next for the blueprint, I'm sure your see Morgan in the Bound for glory series and I have a feeling that after the match with Sting, We might see Morgan return as a face this time around.
I actually liked the way they have kept him off TV. When he comes back - perhaps this Thursday - he will seem much more fresh again, just for that little bit of time off.

What's next for him? I can see him being a major player in the BFG series this year. A Matt Morgan vs. AJ Styles final wouldn't surprise me at all
I've liked Morgan overall. Generally speaking, he stands out from the vast majority of wrestlers we've seen over the years who are in his general area of physical size. He has a good look, he's athletic, he's shown genuine ability on the mic and he's pretty solid overall inside the ring.

However, I just don't know anymore. TNA has this stop & go mentality when it comes to pushing Matt Morgan. They've done it so many times, with the most recent being his loss against Sting, that part of me can't help but feel the guy is damaged goods. As far as Morgan's various main event pushes, I kind of think this latest one is probably the weakest I've seen. After all, he didn't even make it to the main event feud this time around. He was built up for a while, though not nearly as strong as in past pushes, was given a marquee match against a top star in the company rather than the champ, lost said match and he's currently MIA. Whenever Morgan returns, I won't be at all surprised if he's somewhere back down on the undercard as that's where he's wound up after his big pushes have ended. That's where TNA has put him in the past just to ultimately start the same sort of scenario with him all over again.

With the BFG Series coming up soon, it's likely Morgan could be part of it. As to whether or not he actually wins the thing, I dunno. While I think it could be potentially interesting to see Morgan ultimately win the BFG Series, I think it MIGHT be hard for me to be excited about it. As I alluded to, we've seen Morgan put into the spot of having a main event title feud only for it to just go up in smoke. Granted, BFG is a big event for TNA where big happenings are expected.
They've done it so many times, with the most recent being his loss against Sting, that part of me can't help but feel the guy is damaged goods.

Yes! That's hitting the nail on the head. I'm quite willing to be positive and give creative the benefit of the doubt and that would simply mean that the real problem resides with Morgan, backstage. I say backstage because in the ring, he's not unpopular and that would justify using him. So, either creative unjustly dislikes him or he makes himself unlikeable.

I don't make myself sick over it but I still have a problem with how that match with Sting, and the aftermath, went. If that was an attempt at a rub to make Morgan look badass by never tapping out to the Deathlock, they absolutely failed to capitalize on it because they've let casual fans forget about it. Otherwise, they've just decided to bury him by feeding him to an aged main-eventer and seemingly deemed him not worth the smallest effort. Either way, they've just done him a disservice, I'll just assume he did something to deserve that.
Personally I think it's time for Matt Morgan and TNA to part ways. It's obvious their not really behind him and I he's never winning the world title.

I could be wrong but if Morgan isn't world champion by the end of the year he should just leave.
I imagine that he will be the guy that eventually becomes Sting's ally. Sting's twitter message that he was all alone and the fall out from that could lead Sting down the tweener to heel role he had been in years ago. I could see Morgan giving "props" to Sting for making him Tap and then joining up.

I always thought when he was doing his "invader" gimmick showing up at house shows and then on impact, that he could have been used as better than a pairing with Joey Ryan. At the time, he and Anderson had been off TV for a while. I thought putting Morgan and Anderson together could have been a great invasion angle...similar to the shield. Even calling themselves The Insiders as a tip of the cap to the NWO, but this time attacking from the inside. And, instead of having a inside man, Hogan, turn on the company, bring in an outsider to be the leader. Maybe a guy from WWE like Morrison.
Well, with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN teasing a title match with Bully Ray, Matt Morgan might step in and take the title from HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN shortly there after. Morgan is one of those guys who has always had all the tools but always failed to get to that next level. Beating HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN for the title (especially if it is quick and decisive) might help him finally get over that bump (no pun intended).
Well, with HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN teasing a title match with Bully Ray, Matt Morgan might step in and take the title from HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN shortly there after. Morgan is one of those guys who has always had all the tools but always failed to get to that next level. Beating HOLLYWOOD HULK HOGAN for the title (especially if it is quick and decisive) might help him finally get over that bump (no pun intended).

I would be immensely surprised to see Hogan actually drop the belt to Morgan, even if he does like him. If he gave a damn, they probably would have pushed Morgan better from the get-go. It WOULD be a huge push for Morgan if TNA were to prepare properly but they have that tendency to botch storylines and bookings so...

But in the end, Hogan should not even be in the title picture to begin with so for me, this is all moot.
I respect Matt Morgan and what he does, but I have never really been a fan of his. He has the size and the athletic ability to go along with it. He is decent to good on the mic, but something about him never clicked for me. I am not sure why they keep pushing him on to pull the rug right out from under him shortly after the push began. I thought when he got into the program with Hogan and took his cape that that was going to be the start of Matt Morgan in the main event, but it never happened. That being said, I look for him to be in the Bound for Glory series, and I think he will be near the top the whole time. Not sure if he will win it because AJ will also probably be in it, but I guess we will see if they stick to his push if or when he gets into the series.
I think the combination of Morgan's losing his BFG series chance and Sting's announcement that he is forming a new MEM gave us our answer on The Blueprint's immediate future.

Joining the group is the only way I see that Morgan can be kept in a relevant position through the summer. It does seem to fit with Morgan's current motives, and he also has a history with Sting and the MEM. He also was not booked at Slammiversary when Sting was left to fend for himself.

This makes a lot of sense to me anyway.

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