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Matt Morgan Looking Like A Boss


Anyone else love the way Morgan is coming across right now with this feud with Hogan? I've always been pretty high on Morgan myself, I think he's oozing with potential, he's huge yet athletic, he's no Chris Jericho on the mic but he can cut a good enough promo to make himself sound like a legit bad ass, as a package he is legitimately convincing that he could beat the shit out of pretty much anyone you stuck in front of him.

In the past they've given Morgan pushes, but never decided to really go all in on him. He's talking about wanting the world title, yet the world title picture is already so crowded, so much so that we have this triple threat ruling someone out of the title scene for the next year. But although the title scene is crowded, Morgan is very different to the rest of the guys at the top of the roster, there's no "monster" up there, Bully is the closest thing really.

So what do people see happening with Morgan here? are we heading for some sort of Hogan/Morgan match? or will we just have him and Joey ending up tag teaming (Joey seems to be going after the X Division belt), do people think we are going to see Morgan end up with a shot at the belt as a result of all this? and do you even think Morgan belongs in the world title scene?

Haven't really made any threads on WZ before but just interested in what people are thinking of Morgan currently :)
I have always seen a huge amount of potential in Matt Morgan. I like how they have had him come across lately and hopefully they continue to push him. I have wanted him at the Main Event level for a long time now. Ever since he held the Tag Team titles by himself and cut promos referring to himself as the Champions i knew he could be at that level. At the moment there isn't much for him to do considering all the Storylines going on but that be could be better for Morgan. That means they can take their time and build him up a little bit more before throwing him into the main event. I think that's always the best way to go. Since people believed there was a chance of him going to WWE, i think that brought his stock up. TNA realized there was buzz around his name and that people are interested in seeing Morgan develop to the next level. I don't think Morgan and Hogan need to have a match and i don't think it will happen. Besides the fact that Morgan has kind of bullied Hogan lately, Hogan was behind him and rooting for him. I think he will just have some irrelevant matches for a while until they figure out what to do with him. As well as be involved in the success of Joey Ryan. Which is good because they can help each other stay semi-relevant. We might see some Tag Team matches between the two, but i don't think they will chase the titles or anything. I'm interested to see how everything plays out though. I hope to god they don't drop the ball.
I think so far he's done a good job for himself. Matt Morgan definitely cuts a better promo as a heel. His face promos often came off as forced or rehearsed. He even seems more intense now than his past heel work. His pairing with Joey Ryan does seem a little odd though. It does help Ryan though since technically he's still fresh out of a "tryout" in Gut Check. I still see him on the same level as say a WWE NXT member, so he's not built up enough to legitamitely beat most of the TNA talent yet, especially RVD, who he seems to be gunning for. That at least gives their pairing some sense.

The top is crowded right now, but if they're serious about his push I would say Morgan will be built up for a little bit. He's not going to face Hulk Hogan I wouldn't think though. Most likely as this feud continues, Hulk will throw hand-picked TNA talent at Morgan for the next coming months until eventually he gets to a point where he faces Jeff Hardy. But my opinion is that if Morgan does eventually get a title shot, it won't be at any major PPV and will probably be around early to mid 2013. That's also at least a fair amount of time to see how Morgan does with his recent return. If it fizzles out, maybe he does too...
I have always been really high on MM. I've been saying for years he should be getting the "Goldberg push" not Crimson or Ryback. He can be TNA's superstar, he can be their Cena if given the opportunity. (I hate Cena, but you see my point). I think eventually the big payoff here will be Morgan turning face and running Aces and Eights out of the company.

Hogan and Morgan will have an intense conversation with Hogan saying something to the effect of "you can't be the face of a company, if that company falls". Moran will lead the charge and beat the group probably in some kind of tag match. Lethal Lockdown?

No matter what happens, Morgan needs a consistent push to the top. I don't know why, but I really want to see him feud with James Storm, I think that could be great.
I too love Morgan as a heel. I think his best work that I saw was when he had both tag team titles himself.
I think it was unfortunate when TNA turned him face where he turned on Fortune/Immortal and then got to face Hardy for the title as a face. I think that was basically forced because Anderson received a legit concussion and everyone else was already in story lines. they needed someone to step in and face Hardy right away. they tried to use Morgan by going on and on and on about how concussions are bad. it was just boring to me.
when he was teaming with Crimson I figured one of them would eventually turn on the other, but I thought it would have been better for Morgan to turn heel on Crimson. even once Crimson turned IMO it was Morgan who looked more like the heel.
I think Morgan has been great since he's come back, a real bad ass. but I don't really buy him with Joey Ryan. I'm not against Ryan having a big "bodyguard" type guy with him, but feel that should be someone who at the moment would be all in on just helping Ryan rather than going for things himself.
I definitely enjoyed the promo he cut on Thursday. "I will eat through the roster one by one and shit you all out!" That felt real, because he can eat through them all. I'm on a wait-and-see plan with his pairing with Joey Ryan, but I see it benefiting Joey more than hindering Morgan. As long as they do this push the right way, Morgan could be paired with Hornswoggle's long lost two inches shorter cousin, and I'd still take him 100% serious. Well, not really, but anyway. The dude has the look and ability of a long-reigning main event title holder, and I'd love nothing more than to finally see him flourish in that capacity.
Morgan will not make an "Impact", he has had a few chances, but, always decides to take shortcuts. If he was as good of a wrestler as he is a promo cutter then he could be awesome. One point I would like to make is that Morgan have no actual wrestling moves. He is one dimensional, lacks speed and killer instincts. His power is good, but, power in itself will not win matches.
Oh please stop being pacified with applesauce. The only reason why Morgan is getting this so called "big push" was to keep him in TNA and not to sign with WWE. The feelers were there and even Morgan said if the money was right he would have went. TNA bending over backwards in the short term is ******ed. Hes going to get pushed then disappear back in the endless abyss known as the TNA backstage area. You know the new Bermuda Triangle; either you or your career can disappear or somehow someway you and your career can be found and seem to be more important than it ever really was cough cough chavo.
Sorry man, but all i see in Morgan now is another TNA minor league level talent trying to use some of Hogan's old memorabilia to get over (AKA, Abyss and the WWE hall of fame ring). Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the Ryback type "Eat my way through the roster" crap.
Matt Morgan will never put on a good wrestling match. well I guess lucky for him there is so much more to professional wrestling than what is done inside the ring during a wrestling match.
Hulk Hogan himself pretty much had a limited amount of wrestling, worked out pretty well for him.
I'm not suggesting Morgan is on that level, I'm just saying the "wrestling" part isn't what matters the most. on a TV show, promos and story lines can go a long way. professional wrestling is a TV show.
Morgan can do a damn good promo and he has an impressive look.
I've maintained for a while now that Matt Morgan is TNA's diamond in the rough. He has everything you need to succeed in pro wrestling — personality, size, look and gimmick. The ability to "wrestle" well, believe it or not, is not high on the list, so anyone who discredits his potential based on his ability (or lack there of) to wrestle a "technical" match can't see the forest for the trees. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the ability to wrestle is next to last on the list of things a performer needs to truly succeed and GET OVER. Funny story... you know who else couldn't "wrestle" worth a damn? Hulk Hogan. Fancy how his career turned out, eh?

Morgan doesn't take shortcuts. He has had his legs cut out from under him. There's a difference. A big difference.
It's not that great... in fact, it's the same old rehash shit we've been seeing since he was head of security for Jim Cornette. He'll get a big build up, and then out of nowhere, he'll fall back to the land of obscurity only to never be heard from again. Seriously, Morgan is a lost cause. It's sad, it really is... but after years of trying to put someone over, only for it not to work, it kind of makes him look far less admirable. That's just how I feel.
Morgan will hook up with Brooke Hogan, have a solid upper card heel run, but he will NEVER be World Champion.
His promos are pathetic, his work is so-so. As stated before, TNA only pushing hi as they re-signed him. WWE showed interest in burying him, so TNA are doing something with him. He will not have a match with Hogan thats for sure
Sorry man, but all i see in Morgan now is another TNA minor league level talent trying to use some of Hogan's old memorabilia to get over (AKA, Abyss and the WWE hall of fame ring). Oh, and I almost forgot to mention the Ryback type "Eat my way through the roster" crap.

Well hopefully he won't start getting super powers from Hogan's gear like Abyss and the HoF ring.
Hogan can see himself in Morgan, young, big with an athletic build and having enough ability to develop him into the superstar of TNA. Who better than Hogan to push him to the top of the card, just as Vince M did with him back in the 80's turning Hogan into a worldwide superstar and making the WWF/E the company it is today. Hogan never had any technical wrestling ability, did that stop him from becoming the most recognized wrestler in history? TNA does not have a true big man at the top of the card, someone that towers above the rest, a real giant reigning with the TNA World Championship would be a big leap from their current way of doing business. What if: heel Morgan eats his way thru the current roster and becomes the World Champ and A&8's at the same time is taking control of the company but have been reluctant to attack Morgan, thinking he will join them. TNA management along with the TNA roster convince Morgan to help save TNA as he is their last hope. Now turning face, Morgan attacks the A&8's members and begins the TNA comeback culminating at a PPV with Morgan facing the unknown A&8's president in a cage, with the winner taking complete control of TNA. After the A&8's President unmasks himself and is revealed to be another giant, someone nobody ever expected, Morgan and the President stage an epic battle inside the cage with the TNA roster and the A&8's members surronding the cage but none of them have the ability to help their man in the ring, only offer moral support. After a loooong, hard fought and bloody match, the nearly defeated Morgan comesback and beats the President by making him submit. Morgan retains control of the company for TNA, completes his face turn and with that earns the status of a Superstar- The TNA World Champion.
I completely agree that Morgan is only getting a short term push. He will soon continue on his Direct insurance sells. He will have more time there than in the Impact Zone.
I don't know how this is gonna turn out for Morgan, but he's looking good in this new attitude he has. TNA could do a lot worse (Zema Ion, anyone?). But the problem I see is that there's a lot of irons in the fire with what's going on with the title picture and the A&8's. Add to it certain figures bouncing between heel and face like Austin Aries. As much as I'd think Morgan would be cool as champ, I don't see when or where he would get his shot. Unless he's gonna be the centerpiece for the A&8's, which i doubt.
I like Matt Morgan, he just hasn't really been allowed the gimmick that has been obvious for years... basically a monster Damian Sandow!

However, I'm not really seeing this massive 'push' that several have been talking about. Let's face it, there are two main storylines for the Blueprint: 1: His bullying of Hulk Hogan - this sounds brilliant, how much more of a rub can you get than having the Immortal one scared of you... That's until you look at it correctly, H2 is LETTING M2 think he's doing this because he wants him to be something (ie Hogan still doesn't think he's there yet). 2: Joey Ryan's bodyguard - this is worrying as it potentially makes him the next Robbie T unless Joey does a better job of getting over than Robbie E.

I hope Morgan succeeds in finally being viewed as a main eventer but his current storyline is well down the TNA plot totem pole. However, this could be a blessing as it reduces the pressure on him and gives him time to develop. TNA appear to have embraced slow builds recently, this could benefit both the 7 footer and the company in the long run.
Not gonna lie, I don't like Morgan in the slightest. He has bored the shit out of me for many years and I was really hoping he was gonna leave TNA. His promos, his inring work, his music, his look, everything was just so boring. The only thing I can say that stands out is that "He's big".

However I will say this, I am more interested in him now than I can remember him being. That robe gave him more charisma than he's ever had! Haha but seriously I am very surprised that Hogan is actually backing down from Morgan, treating him as a real threat. I mean you wouldn't see Hogan back down from Roode, or Bully Ray.
I'd like to see this Morgan push stretched out. don't rush it. let Morgan go through the roster as he says it. keep putting people in front of him, keep having him win, and keep having him talk about how he will continue to destroy people.
seeing as how I don't watch WWE anymore I don't really know how this guy is being used lately, but couldn't Morgan be like the Big Show? or as he was like as the Giant in WCW?
I think that i may just be drinking haterade when it comes to Matt Morgan because i have never found him entertaining, actually i take that back i thought he had potential when he was Jim Cornet's enforcer but when he started wrestling and doing promo's on his own he just started to annoy me. I don't think he has any charisma and imo he's bringing Joey Ryan down, hes either playing one character or another The angry dumb giant who thinks TNA/Dixie/Hogan owe him something that they try to make a maineventer, which has failed before when they tried it near the end of the MEM run in late 09, or hes The Gentle Dumb Giant who's usually thrown in the midcard or in a tag team with no relevance and neither character is entertaining for me or the people i watch Impact with. I'v been saying for years that he needs to go back to the smackdown midcard and disappear... so maybe i am drinking haterade.
Ive never been a Morgan fan. As a face he is boring and while he has a great look he has nothing in the ring.

However, as of late, Ive been really impressed by him. He is cutting great heel promos and he is doing what a big man should do in the ring. Big, hard hitting moves and looking dominant.

Im interested to see where TNA take this, perhaps putting him in the TV title scene, start having run ins during Samoa Joe's matches. Joe looks phenomenal at the moment and is dominating the division so they could have one hell of a blow off match.
So what do people see happening with Morgan here? are we heading for some sort of Hogan/Morgan match? or will we just have him and Joey ending up tag teaming (Joey seems to be going after the X Division belt), do people think we are going to see Morgan end up with a shot at the belt as a result of all this? and do you even think Morgan belongs in the world title scene?

I can't see Morgan and Hogan having a match here, but I could see Hogan recruiting someone to have a match with Morgan. To be honest I never really liked Morgan despite him having a good look. I have however, enjoyed him since his return. I really liked his promo with Hogan on Thursday. I do think if they would let him run with the gimmick he could be a good addition to the world title scene, and I could definitely see him getting a title shot from this. I wish they would draw out this push though as it seems anytime in the past he got some steam TNA stalled the push. I want to see how far he can go this time.
So what do people see happening with Morgan here? are we heading for some sort of Hogan/Morgan match? or will we just have him and Joey ending up tag teaming (Joey seems to be going after the X Division belt), do people think we are going to see Morgan end up with a shot at the belt as a result of all this? and do you even think Morgan belongs in the world title scene?

I can't see Morgan and Hogan having a match here, but I could see Hogan recruiting someone to have a match with Morgan. To be honest I never really liked Morgan despite him having a good look. I have however, enjoyed him since his return. I really liked his promo with Hogan on Thursday. I do think if they would let him run with the gimmick he could be a good addition to the world title scene, and I could definitely see him getting a title shot from this. I wish they would draw out this push though as it seems anytime in the past he got some steam TNA stalled the push. I want to see how far he can go this time.

This isn't about Morgan/Hogan. It's about Morgan/TNA, where TNA, at this current moment in time, is being spearheaded by Hogan. What this is about is Morgan "making a statement" by wanting to eat through the TNA roster—a roster that competes/exists on some level for Hogan, the man who he feels held him down most. The culmination here is for him to ignore the rules, and dominate and injure performers until he's taken seriously, and until he's forced his way into the title picture.

That's how I see it, at least. Hogan is a part of this, but he's not the focal point. He's only the focal point right now.
I like the direction they took with Morgan. What I don't like that much is Morgan himself.

Look, he does look badass now, he's good at acting badass. But then he disappoints. Whether in the ring or not, we've seen it happen before. Either way, maybe he'll prove me wrong. I hope so.

What I wanna ask is ... what the fuck is the deal with that damn cape?! It's like putting a pink mini skirt on Kratos. Who thought of that? That also goes for Roode and his bath robe. Just ... no!

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