Matt Morgan: Is It Finally Main Event [Full-]Time?

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I know a simple motioning of the belt around the waist doesn't mean much, but when you're Matt Morgan and you've been bumped back down the card the last few months after main-eventing in TNA briefly a short while back it's got to mean a lot more than a simple gesture, no?

We're talking about a guy who's 7'0, 328lbs here... if that's not a heavyweight, I don't know what is.

Frankly, I hope like hell he's getting the nod as a few of these dirt sheet reports seem to be indicating, because Morgan is a total package: he's got the look, the ability and the personality to carry gold.

The question is, how do you inject another face into the main event picture in TNA right now? You already have Sting and RVD there, as well as Anderson who's not really a full-blown heel himself, not to mention the ever presence/potential to return of AJ Styles...

Anyone else smell a little Immortal recruitment in the future for Matt Morgan?
I would love to see Morgan in the main event full time and theres always a possiblity but with TNAs shitty booking IDK how good they can handle 3 main event faces not including AJ Styles. I think Morgan needs to turn heel. Have fued with RVD since the next main event fued is Sting v. Anderson. Whoever comes up on top in that fued would be in the next championship fued.
God I hope not. Find someone else to headline Immortal. He just left them. Is Matt going to be cursed with this redundant tendency the rest of his career? To amke the idea sound worse for him, the main event is pretty crammed right now. With Sting, Anderson, RVD and now AJ Styles is back. Honestly if the bid doesn't finally lead to the TNA World title with a role he can last more than a year with then by God do it. Otherwise don't. Because I'm pretty sick of him turning more than once a year.
No, Morgan has the look but in my opinion he still has a way to go with his in ring work and his matches in general. I can't remember the last time he actually put on a decent one v one match up. If we are going to be giving the title to wrestlers that have great size and shape, then we can expect Rob Terry to have have a stint as champion in the future.

I also think Morgan is heavily overrated with his mic work. The amount of times he mentions the first names of the person he is speaking to is driving me insane. If you haven't picked up on it yet then I think you will from now on.
This is just my opinion... but every time Matt Morgan comes on the screen I want to change the channel. I just find him to be so boring. He's my least favorite big guy in wrestling and his ring work and promo skills really put me to sleep. I like the Great Khali better.
I want to see Morgan as a prime-time player, but for Thor's sake, not as part of Immortal. They have enough members as it is. Besides that, he was already in Immortal last year if I remember correctly. I believe he's ready. There's nothing wrong with a face champion(Sometimes). Also, what happened to the days when 4-6 guys would feud for a title? I know we've got that going now. Point is, Matt Morgan should be in the main event picture when his little feud(?) with Hernandez is over. He has the size, skill, and look.
I'm pretty much with Killjoy on this one. He just got out of Immortal not too long back and all the multiple face/heel turns TNA does with Morgan throughout any given year has gotten really redundant.

As has been pointed out, as of this time, the TNA WHC picture is pretty crowded right now. Morgan isn't nearly as credible as the three guys currently involved in it and runs the risk of potentially being overshadowed. I don't look for AJ Styles to be in the title picture anytime soon because I figure that they're going to have him feud with Bully Ray for a bit.

If TNA would consistently put Morgan in a role, that's a start. If they're gonna push him into a permanent fixture in the upper mid-card/main event scene, then I think it's time to do it. Either shit or get off the pot.

Unfortunately for Morgan, I have a feeling that he's going to get pushed aside for Hulk Hogan. Hogan has definitely gotten progressively more involved in the World Title picture than is usual for an authority figure character to do without it leading to a feud with the champ.
I'm shocked that anyone could even beileve that Morgan has anywhwere near the personality or ring-ability needed to be a main-eventer...

This guy should be so far from the title picture that this discussion should not even be relevant.

His persona is about as exciting as paper mache. The guy is BLAND in every sense of the word. And from a "wrestling" standpoint is just another 4-5 move, punch kick, awkward big man.

Morgan has a great look, one of the best in the business- but absolutely nothing else. He has so far to go to be a legit, sell-able champ that I seriously doubt his ability to ever get there. Putting him back in the main-event picture is idiocy, he did nothing in that spot before and has done less than nothing to prove he should be re-elevated.

The Morgan/Hernandez fued was horrible fodder, and the match at Lockdown was unwatchable. This guy should be forced to continue to languish on the midcard.

If Morgan takes RVD's main event time, pushing Rob down the card, than TNA is shooting itself in the foot. Also, if they elevate Morgan at the expense of Joe, and keep Joe on the midcard, they are even more demonstrating that they have no idea what there company needs to do to keep it's regular fan's interested- let alone draw in new ones. :banghead:

Morgan being in the title picture, with Joe remaining seemingly miles away from it, would be proof that look is all that matters. Joe is and always will be light years ahead of Morgan in every other aspect of the business.

Every Matt Morgan promo sounds like he's delivering lines from the world's most boring script. It's amazing how someone who seems as intelligent as Morgan can come as across as so lobotomized and stale. And it seems he has made no effort to improve his appeal between the ropes either.

Morgan should be relegated to a lackey/body guard type role. That is all he is worthy of at this point.

Putting Morgan back into the world title striking distance is about the WORST thing TNA could possibly do right now.
I hope Morgan stays face and is eventually in the main event title hunt. It sounds like that is where TNA is going to put him. Obvious RVD and Anderson stand in the way, but Morgan has the ability to be in a top spot. I don't want to see him change between heel and face again though. Immortal does need a huge name to join them, but I don't see Morgan doing it.
Meh, I'd rather him than Anderson.. he's got the size to be a legit Champion. I'd like to see him use the Hellavator again, it had that Goldberg-ish power to it. Morgan needs to slow down on the mic, he talks too fast, his mouth doesn't match his size, and he needs to work on his gimmick. Refine it a bit more, and give him a squash match on Impact. I know we all hate sqashes but it would help him understand who he is meant to be in the ring.
Matt Morgan? Or Michael McGillucuty? It's the same guy, one's just taller.

And, I'll put a long elaborate post so I don't get banned.

Matt Morgan sucks. He has no potential, he's a boring as a white-wall, his facial expression's suck, he can't strike, clothesline, or even function in a ring. Seriously, this guy is terrible.

He won't become TNA Champion, trust me. Bischoff is smart enough to know that Morgan is Grade A, terrible.
I’ve been a big fan of Matt Morgan for a while now, ever since his feud with Kurt Angle and the MEM really. And I’m surprised he didn’t really do too much after that to be honest.

But he’s really stepped it up again in the last year or so and is getting some of the biggest reactions on iMPACT! IDR mentioned about another face in the main event scene, and although he does get some of the biggest reactions, I think he does a really good job as a heel as well and could easily turn.

Morgan is the kind of guy that can get whatever reaction he wants. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a match with him where he had the crowd booing him at the start, and cheering him at the end? Or did I just imagine that?

Anyway, Matt Morgan certainly belongs in the World Title picture. And I was disappointed when he kicked Jeff Hardy’s arse all those times, just to end up in a mid card feud with Hernandez.

Matt Morgan has everything, IMO, and is the best big man in the business today. The man looks like he could dominate anyone on the roster. He has great intensity (although some probably don’t like the ‘Hulking Up’). He has good mic skills, which is rare in a big man (Undertaker and Kevin Nash spring to mind as the last – not saying he’s on that level). He has the ability to get a reaction out of a crowd, whether it be them booing or cheering him. He’s athletic and has really good ring skills for a guy of his size.

Mr Anderson looks to be next in line for a run with the World Title. But why not have Anderson hold the Title for a while and then finally get beat by an unstoppable Matt Morgan? Resulting in AJ Styles being the man to slay the giant?
It would work out best if TNA put the TV belt on him. He could go on a strong run as a monster face and give the tittle and himself a strong rub. Besides, I can't even remember who the tv champ is at the moment
It would work out best if TNA put the TV belt on him. He could go on a strong run as a monster face and give the tittle and himself a strong rub. Besides, I can't even remember who the tv champ is at the moment

It's Gunner. "Who?" I know.

At any rate, I find Morgan to be much more entertaining than Anderson right now. For that reason alone I would rather have Morgan in the main event hunt while Ken goes back to the bottom until he learns how to cut a fucking promo again. I'd rather hear Morgan talk for 2 hours than hear Anderson say anything. Ever again.

I like Morgan's ring work and personality. He's definitely someone I would love to see in the main event picture.
Matt Morgan will be a change of pace than the constant barrage of Anderson, RVD, Jeff Hardy main events that we've been getting for the past two years.
Morgan was ready to full time main event long ago, as in over a year ago. I don't see why he hasn't gotten there yet. Morgan could be a good candidate to replace Hardy as one of the top faces, given that Morgan has the look of a future champion and Hardy has been acting so unprofessionally. Or he could be a heel monster type of main eventer. All he'd have to do is attack someone like Sting or RVD, suddenly you have a potential main event heel ready for pushing. TNA should give him another World Championship match push and see where it goes, we may have a new star on our hands.
I really hope TNA can keep Morgan on a steady path as a face this time around. His frequent heel and face turns over the past few years have been really ridiculous. Morgan needs a chance to get into a rhythm, and I really don't think he's been given a chance to establish himself as a good guy or bad guy yet.

We should know how far Morgan will go, once this upcoming feud with Scott Steiner ends. It looks like Steiner has turned heel again, and I hope TNA lets Morgan go over in this feud, because he could use the boost. It'll be interesting to see if Big Poppa Pump can get Morgan over.

Although, as others have said, the TNA WHC picture is pretty crowded right now. Everyone wants a shot at Sting, and there is a lengthy line of contenders. Everyone thinks they're being screwed, so Morgan might have to wait even longer for his shot at the gold. Still, I wouldn't mind seeing Morgan in the Championship picture. He could provide a spark, because I think Anderson's Rebel Asshole routine is very, very terrible.
Matt Morgan recently conducted an interview with

Most of the interview was about his physique and training regimen, but Morgan had the following to say regarding his TNA future: "It is the same thing that I have said since I joined TNA. Obviously one is to be the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and I will be someday. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. There is zero doubt that it will happen. As far as I am concerned, that isn't just smack. That is gospel. More than that, I will go down in history as the greatest giant in the history of TNA wrestling. Period."



Can't imagine he'd be running his mouth like that if there weren't in fact plans to get that belt around his waist at some point soon, no?
Wait a second... so Matt Morgan shouldn't be pushed to Main Event status cause his in ring work isn't good enough and he doesn't cut a good promo. Okay but these same people who believe this feel RVD deserves to be champion doing the same spots he has been doing for the last 10 years or more, Or Anderson who whether he is on the mic or in the ring is just plain horrible to try and sit thru. How much more can this guy try to be Stone Cold and fail at it so miserably. Now I dont think Matt Morgan is great in the ring he's not but he certainly isn't horrible no where near it. He is far better than Rob Terry, Gunner,Anderson, Murphy,Matt Hardy. But really who cares if he isn't the greatest fact is he is popular people like him he gets pops reactions and thats what matters. I dont find anything special about RVD anymore he has been doing the same old lame "Extreme" spots for a decade they arent impressive anymore they are old, but people do like him. I think AJ Styles should be in the Main Event right now but he's out. I'd even like to see Joe with the title. But to say Morgan doesnt deserve to be in the Main Event picture to me is crazy being he is on of the most popular guys TNA has right now.
Matt Morgan recently conducted an interview with

Most of the interview was about his physique and training regimen, but Morgan had the following to say regarding his TNA future: "It is the same thing that I have said since I joined TNA. Obviously one is to be the TNA World Heavyweight Champion, and I will be someday. There are no ifs, ands, or buts about it. There is zero doubt that it will happen. As far as I am concerned, that isn't just smack. That is gospel. More than that, I will go down in history as the greatest giant in the history of TNA wrestling. Period."



Can't imagine he'd be running his mouth like that if there weren't in fact plans to get that belt around his waist at some point soon, no?

I don't know, IDR. Morgan has been pushed pretty hard before, and he never got a chance to wear the gold around his waist. He feuded against the Main Event Mafia, and he had a match with Kurt Angle at Bound For Glory, but he faded out of the main event picture after that was done. He also never captured the gold during his feud with Jeff. The concussion storyline with Anderson was a pretty big deal, but TNA chose to push Anderson instead. Morgan has had a nice set of big pushes, and he has been involved in a good amount of World Championship matches, but he hasn't won the gold yet. I'll believe Morgan, when I actually see the TNA World Heavyweight Championship around his waist.
I am glad you mentioned Morgans match with Angle at BFG cause it was a very good match where Morgan I thought looked extremely good against Angle. Now no doubt Angle carried the match but Morgan did his part and looked good doing it.
I don't think Morgan gets enough credit for being as good as he is. We need to remember he's 7 FEET TALL. He should be compared to wrestlers like Kevin Nash, Undertaker, Sid Vicious, etc. and compared to how they WRESTLE, Matt Morgans definitely on par (if not better).
I don't think Morgan gets enough credit for being as good as he is. We need to remember he's 7 FEET TALL. He should be compared to wrestlers like Kevin Nash, Undertaker, Sid Vicious, etc. and compared to how they WRESTLE, Matt Morgans definitely on par (if not better).

No, Morgan should be compared to Khali, Eli Cottonwood, Giant Gonzalez.

Just becuase your tall does'nt mean your good.
No, Morgan should be compared to Khali, Eli Cottonwood, Giant Gonzalez.

Just becuase your tall does'nt mean your good.

Indeed this would be the case were he not very good, had he the mobility of an actual mobility scooter he might be eligible to join that list. Yet as he is a vastly superior talker/wrestler/total package than all of those guys, possibly combined, there isn't any reason to make such a ridiculous comparison is there?

Yes being tall doesn't make you instantly good. Well done. Everybody was still busy praising The Great Khali for his latest five star match weren't they? Matt Morgan is one of the best big guys of all time because:

1) Big guys which are booked for the sake of them being big usually aren't particularly good wrestlers. Matt Morgan isn't one of these types of guys. He has put on many the entertaining and good match with average guys despite the fact that height practically works against you when people consider how good of a wrestler you are, it's usually ideal to be closer to the 6ft mark if you are to look at some sort of correlation.

2) Big guys don't have a track record for being very good speakers for whichever reason. Kevin Nash, Big Show and Kane. These are the guys I think of as being good talkers that are in the same contingent, and none of them are even really stand out-ish. 7ft guys aren't rife in history because they aren't rife in reality but of them Matt Morgan is high on the list of at least solid talkers. Even Undertaker cannot really boast this.

Reality: - Matt Morgan is in his mid 30s now and this is already past the age of when people usually get pushed to the main event/have held a title. Now he has flirted with the main event a few times and looked good in the progress. The time to pick up the ball for him is rapidly approaching.

Now, I don't really care about the faces in the main event right now. You'd have to work pretty hard to convince me that RVD and the job he has been doing isn't easily replaceable for a younger, more deserving, more relevant guy. Even Anderson the way he has been performing recently is not really deserving of title, at least Morgan supplies you the in-ring ability and excitement for your money, and is far less injury prone.

What I now want: - Morgan to make short work of an ageless and ever-impressive Scott Steiner making him look exceptionally strong heading upwards. He then displaces Sting of the title giving us a guy who looks like he didn't lose another handful of hair that morning as champion. He really fits the bill.

NB - On a personal note I want him to stop paying everyone else more dues than they deserve when talking. He does this thing sometimes where his face almost says "fair enough". No Morgan it aint fair enough, you don't have to pretend a pratt like Eric Bischoff, get pissed off and get even. He has a very strange style on the mic but can at least speak fluently so I can often overlook some of his head-scratching promo work. In closing this all has to happen quite soon, fingers crossed.

And to the guy I quoted, phhh I know opinions are opinions but really? The fact he can lift both legs off the ground at one time immediately makes him better than all of those guys, I don't see your logic and I'm not even going to ask.

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