Matt Morgan Interview: Talks His Departure From TNA

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

I just can't thank TNA enough for allowing me the maturation process of growing into the wrestler I am today. From starting off as having to prove myself as Jim Cornette's swearing bodyguard, to a singles baby face, and to learning to be a tag team wrestler for a while with Hernandez, to moving on to work in main event storylines. To being able to headline six or seven pay per views is a complete honor for me, something that I take very seriously and I'm very proud of. I'm very, very happy for the fact that TNA allowed me those opportunities. I can't say enough good things about the company.

I know a lot of people want to bury the company and talk down about it, which makes no sense to me when they're the only competition there is out there for WWE. I think people out there need to support, not just TNA], but all wrestling. Indy wrestling, Ring of Honor, you name it wrestling, my grandma's backyard wrestling for crying out loud. Fans should support it just because if you're a true wrestling fan, you really shouldn't give two craps too much about the backstage politics and who did this to this guy. And I understand how sexy and what kind of headline news that that makes on wrestling sites. I understand that wholeheartedly. I 'm a fan, but I was a fan growing up seeing those same headlines when I was younger when WCW was going around at the time. At the end of the day, whatever you think about the company [TNA], at least show your support of it, because that wrestling roster that they have there, I've never been on a better wrestling roster in my career, from top to bottom. The talent that the company had while I was there was insane. It's really rare to get a bad matchup. So again, just very, very blessed and very honored that I had the opportunity that Dixie Carter, Eric [Bischoff] and Hulk Hogan afforded me.

On a possible return to TNA in the future:

I've never burned a single bridge there so I don't see why not. And yes, I would assume so. We shall see.


He also speaks candidly about his feud with Hulk Hogan and why it never really went anywhere, his tag team with Joey Ryan and the rationale behind it, Dixie Carter, why TNA took him off television for a few months, etc.

Very good read IMO, and the positivity he speaks of TNA with is quite reassuring versus the amount of vitriol that usually inundates this forum. Take note, RVD — this is how you handle speaking of your former employer. Especially one that took as good of care of you as TNA did.
I don't know if it's from the same interview but the main page posted part of an interview a day or so ago.

Just judging by the interviews I've seen with him he's a very humble guy without an axe to grind like so many others who leave companies. I can totally respect him.

While I don't ever see him being a guy to build a company around he's a solid big man with a good look. Hopefully he ends up back in one of the big two.
I always thought Matt Morgan could be a "top" guy for TNA. He just needed a cool gimmick, he was always kind of thrown around into different storylines or in the shadow. I would like to see him back in TNA and be given a run at the top. I can see why a lot of people would love for him to go back to WWE, but WWE is pretty jacked as far as rosters go and he will only be swept under the rug after a while.

At least in TNA he had the chance to grow, he has potential. I was not sold on austin aries as a "Top" guy for TNA, but he shined... even though short lived. Look at Bobby Roode, The guy is now a personal Favorite of mine. I mean he was a tag team guy for years and to see him finally capture the belt and have a successful title run really made me a Roode fan.

Matt Morgan has a lot going for him and I hope he gets another run in TNA.
I never really liked Matt Morgan. Personal preference, I just thought he never reached that "something" to make him cool. Which is why I didn't care much when he left. To each their own.

However, this interview shows what a class act he is. He could have easily buried TNA, spouting off all the washed up bullshit everyone does and get himself some sweet, sweet Internet attention and standing applause from vile WWE fans. But he didn't. He kept it civil.

Good for him, he's smart. I doubt he feels THAT positive about the company, he's just trying not to rub someone the wrong way because if he did - he might be out of job. Wrestlers should take him as an exampe. Why in the world would you trash WWE or TNA or even ROH once you're out of there? You're a wrestler, chances are there's not much else you can do and you only have two employment options that WILL pay well and one that won't but it's better than nothing. And you'll burn your bridges with either one, or all?

It's plain stupid. Matt Morgan isn't stupid which is why you'll see him on one of the two big company shows, unlike a slew of other sharp tongued people. Hi, Jim Cornette! You "genius" you.
Very classy thing for Morgan to say. I have never really liked him as a wrestler, but he has shown to be very humble outside of the ring. His points are true, why bash any company out there? Wrestling is not as popular as it used to be, so him saying what he said is classy. Morgan did the right thing by not burning any bridges with his interview. He left the bridge down so a welcome back to WWE/TNA can always be open. I am glad he said what he said, an if he ever comes back to TNA, I hope his character is allowed to progress for once.

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