Matt Morgan Better Heel or Face?

Matt Morgan Face or heel

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Matt Morgan is way better as a heel.IMO.he is a natural heel because hes big and hes the blueprint lol what r ur thoughts?
Heel plain and simple he just plain evil and I am loving his gimmick's when he is a heel like 'WE'.

He is a blue print of the perfect heel and TNA don't change him to a face please he is good as a heel and boring as a face!

Matt Morgan is the next top heel of professional wrestling.
I guess he is a better heel but really he sucks at both roles. As a face he couldn't get over to save his life. Very few people cared about him and that is evident by his push basically stopping before it even really began after his match with Kurt Angle.

As a heel he is slightly better because he at least looks intimidating but even in that role he isn't very good. He isn't good on the mic so he can't get the fans to hate him too much that way and overall no one cares enough for him to succeed at either role.
As a heel he is slightly better because he at least looks intimidating but even in that role he isn't very good. He isn't good on the mic so he can't get the fans to hate him too much that way and overall no one cares enough for him to succeed at either role.

He is a good heel. He will never be a top tier heel like Ric Flair or Kurt Angle can be, but he is good. He will always be an upper midcard heel. If he had the right push, and the right feud to carry him, he could easily make it to main event status. Maybe even a championship run. He's certainly a more believable heel than Eric Young.
ye Matt morgan is great ur crazy if u think hes terrible on the mic because IMO I think he is one of the best in tna but how do u guys like my threads?im new at any tips?
Just as new as you are, but I think you're doing fine.
Hint though, keep to the subject.

I think Matt Morgan is good, but I definitely don't think he's one of the best in TNA. Not with the current influx of talent TNA has coming in. Morgan could have been a top tier guy a year ago, but not today. No way. He missed the boat on that one.
I have no idea what people don't see in Matt Morgan – he's confident, cocky, well-spoken and above all else has the look to be a very successful character. Factor in just how well his acting is and I'm dumbfounded how anyone could consider him anything otherwise – or worse – worst than Mike Knox?! :wtf:

But to answer the OP, heel by a mile. He's too good at playing an incredibly self-centerd and sycophantic heel to be anything otherwise.
I kinda enjoyed him more as a face. Maybe its me being biased. I do hate wrestling cliches. The jerk giant is one of them. Maybe the problem with him is how often his alignment changes. When he first appeared as Cornette's assistant he was a face and was as so until turning heel on Abyss. It lasted from April '08 to January '09. He was the arrogant heel that wanted to join the MEM from January '09 to September '09. He was face again and feuded with Kurt Angle, 3D and Rhino. This lasted until earlier this year when he, yet again, turned heel. I feel like the constant changes to him have really hurt his chances to get over or draw heat. As there barely time for the character to develop.
I really enjoy Matt Morgan as both a face or a heel. As a heel he can work a good cocky heel character (take the DNA of TNA for example) and the sort of crazy voices in his head character he is currently involved in. I have to give the edge to a tweener Matt Morgan because he was insanely over when he decided he didn't want to be in the Main Event Mafia and just bust all of their heads with an ax handle. Now that was my personal favorite Matt Morgan moment.

Is tweener an option?
I have to go with heel on this one, because he's an egomaniac and he's funnier as a heel. Whenever he talks about himself like he's two people(like he hears voices in his head...Randy Orton, anyone) cracks me up.
heel for now!!! make him the next lesnar! but i believe if used right morgan has the potential to be the next face of pro wrestling aka hulk hogan!
Morgan was getting a good reaction in the Impact zone as a face, but when he went outside the impact zone he wasn't as over. I think he has the potential to be over with both roles, but the bad thing is there is no way of telling how over a wrestler is since the impact zone either sits on their hands or makes random cheers for curse words.

I think he is better overall as a heel because he is the cocky athlete that everyone loves to hate. He probably isn't the most over heel in the impact zone, but he is one of the few credible heels left so far in TNA.

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