"Masked" Diva - Something New!!


Dark Match Jobber
I was thinking and I don't remember seeing a "luchadora"!
So I would like to know if you think that this "character" would work in the E' nowadays...

She could bring excitement to the Divas Division and who knows maybe form a stable with other masked luchadores like Sin Cara and Hunico, maybe a a mouth-piece for those two.
Well, I don't really know anything about AAA or CMLL, so I don't know any women in these feds!!
If there are, would you like to see some in the WWE?

Eh, currently two masked luchadores running around already. Don't really need another one. I do suppose that since it's never been done before in the WWE the novelty of it would help for a little while, but ultimately she would be just asking to get compared to THE masked luchadore, Rey Mysterio. Ask Sin Cara if that's an enviable position.

And a stable consisting of masked people would immediately jump to the very top of my shitlist. "Hey, you've got a mask, I've got a mask. We have so much in common! Let's team up." :glare:

So, yeah, I guess I'm far from sold on the idea.
There are some very talented luchadoras currently performing in Mexico (and Japan too I think, though I'm not hugely up to date on the scene there) but I don't think the 'E would ever bring in a masked diva for the simple reason that Vinny Mac has a very specific idea of what he thinks a diva should be as well as their place in the company and a masked diva wouldn't fit that mould.

If and when Kharma returns, and if she can get over, maybe she will change the perception of divas in general. If that happens then maybe, just maybe, we could see a masked diva. Until then, I don't think so.
I remember hearing that WWE were interested in in signing Sexy Star from Mexico, but nothing ever came of it. Vince could always decide to sign an American female wrestler who wears a mask, would save him the hassle of waiting for the Mexican one to learn English (if she didn't know any that is). Jamilia Craft wears a mask and wrestles for Shimmer Women's Athletes, but she only graduated from the Shimmer wrestling school about a year ago so she might be too green for Vince's liking.
I wouldn't mind the idea. I could see it leading to a mask vs hair match. I wouldn't mind seeing a heel diva cheating to win the match. Then the emotion unmasking of the diva. Rey will be gone soon. So having a masked male and female wrestler on separate brands wouldn't seem like over kill. This link http://diva-adikt.com/2010/08/19/sexy-star-flops-in-wwe-tryout/ claims Sexy Star had a tryout match but it didn't go over well. Also Jamilia Craft wrestles under a mask in SHIMMER. But I would rather see WWE make there own masked star then take one from someplace else.
I was thinking and I don't remember seeing a "luchadora"!
So I would like to know if you think that this "character" would work in the E' nowadays...

Absolutely not. And I say this not because it is a bad idea, but there is no way that the "models" who know only a few moves and how to take some bumps and not actually wrestle (which is most of the diva roster) would be able to work well with a high flying luchadora. Which would probably mean that the other divas or the luchadora would end up getting hurt--REALLY hurt--at some point, which would not be good for anyone.

Maybe if WWE switched its focus away from pure eye candy to folks who can actually work matches, then maybe this idea could work someday.
That could be very interesting to see something like that!! I wouldnt mind that one at all. But Vinnie Mac wont let it happen i dont think. We already Have Rey Rey and Sin Cara number 2 running aroudn with masks on three IMO be too much. Creative and Vinnie Mac already have ideas on what diva should look like, behave, and act a certain way. Creative and Vinnie Mac want eye candy until they decide to change their focus on that we wont see a masked diva but i do like the idea of maybe having one someday
I think WWE would hesitate to pull a trigger on masking a diva, because so much of their appeal comes from how beautiful they are. You never... well, rarely ever (Candice Michelle post-op comes to mind) see a butterface diva, and that's not an accident. Putting a mask on a beautiful woman would not fit in with the WWE diva's division current landscape, whether we like it or not.
While it's not a bad idea, it isn't good either. The Divas are there to be eye candy and put on a good match once or twice a year if you're lucky. And since they aren't the focus of the WWE... who really cares? I mean... name one Diva out there where you say "Oh man I really hope (insert name here) has a match tonight." You don't. While I love looking at Kelly Kelly, I couldn't care less if she's on the show each week or not.

Masks or not, the Divas aren't enough of a focus to even put an ounce worth of thought into a storyline involving a masked Diva.
never ever gonna happen as much as we want to deny it wwe brings in women for sex appeal (yes even khrama some people find her good looking) and the masked woman would end up being compared to rey mysterio like sin cara was after his 1st match in wwe and a stable of masked people...just sounds like 1 of the worst if not the very worst stable idea i ever heard
I think a female luchadore might not a be a bad idea. If the girl's face is covered by a mask, just put her in an outfit which draws attention someplace else. Her moves should be simple; just have her perform a couple of hurricanrana's, some planchas, and the occasional submission. These are basic moves that any of the women can do.

As for the storyline, just have it center around the mask. In lucha libre the mask is sacred... it like gives them superpowers. Just have one of the heel divas take offense to the mask and tries to remove it, eventually challenging said luchadora to a series of matches which accumilates to either a mask vs title or a mask vs hair match at some random PPV. Something as simple as that would be sure to bring attention to the division, at least for a few months anyway.

never ever gonna happen as much as we want to deny it wwe brings in women for sex appeal (yes even khrama some people find her good looking) and the masked woman would end up being compared to rey mysterio like sin cara was after his 1st match in wwe and a stable of masked people...just sounds like 1 of the worst if not the very worst stable idea i ever heard

And being a luchadore and being compared to Rey Mysterio is a bad thing how? Rey Mysterio is the most popular and successful luchdore in WWE history, and most likely in the Top 5 in lucha libre history. In fact any luchadore [male or female] not related to Santo, Blue Demon, or Macaras would probably consider it an honor to be compared to Rey Mysterio, especially in the States.

I also don't understand why there has to be a stable of masked luchadores... just because enough of them compete in a company doesn't mean they to automatically form a stable.
The only way I could see it would be if they put a mask on a returning Diva with some name recognition and then play up the mystery angle of "who is it?" Right now, though, I can't think of a single one they could pull it off with. Who would the audience even care about when the reveal was made? Not unless Trish or Lita was coming back for the long-term, and that ain't gonna happen.

Put a mask on Karma when she returns. No one would be able to guess who it was, right?
Eh......I think that the whole Diva's Division needs to be revamped entirely. Bring in a little less flash and some more story lines and also wait for Kharma to get back before we start throwing Lucha Lisa Ray's in the mix.
I think it good idea to go this direction because help division an something new other than samething. I think WWE won't use this idea until they revamp the diva division.
I don't think it could work today for the fact that the Diva Division is a joke and if they can't push Natalya or Beth Phoenix they couldn't push this...
That is an idea worth trying. The problem is, who would play the character? The entire division sucks other than Beth and Natalya who both need to remain unmasked. If they could find someone skilled enough to play the character then I think a masked woman could be interesting because it would be fresh and new, especially amongst the divas. Perhaps WWE could secretly recruit one of TNA's girls and have them play the character. At least most of them can work a match. Sarita would be perfect for it, for example.

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