

is losing his edge
Actung: This is partially in jest and partially serious.

After keeping tabs on and participating in a couple of threads, I have reached a conclusion about being a wrestling fan. That conclusion is that marks are the best fans. They are, in my opinion, superior to smarks and the other kinds of fans I will list.

The way I see it is that in the beginning(before the IWC came into being) wrestling fans lived in bliss. Then the Tree of Knowledge(IWC) was created and many fans were tempted into partaking in these wrestling forums. Those who joined them soon became tainted. They became critical and saw fault in almost everything around them. Issues such as "actual wrestling ability" begain to plauge their minds and cloud them from seeing the truthes of wrestling.

After this there came a new breed of internet fans: the enlightened smark. They were able to see past these traps and regain their ability to see wrestling as it should be. They then use the powers of intelligent posting, which they have gained in the forums, to show others the light.

Still there are others who are truly models to all: the e-mark(e stands for electronic or enlightend depending on the situation). They have forged into the darkness of the forums with their souls intact. They observe everything while keeping their markhood perserved.

In summation I have derived this formula.

In cases where
A= an e-mark
B= a mark
C= an enlightened smark
D= a smark​

Haha. Finally. I know exactly what you mean. I'm sick of people bitching about every little thing. It's like some people watch it just to hate on people.
Yeah. You just got to be careful where you place it. I'm getting it out of my system. I honestly don't feel the need to do it anymore.
get it out of your system, monkey has yet to use banned so I'll allow him to go on the list of those who've said banned to me:
Jake, Becca and Luther
I'm gonna turn that Infraction Heel, then give it a mouthpiece for a manager.

Then....Im going to give it an Infraction.

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