Mark Henry: Verge of Success or Doomed to Fail?

Justin Satiable

Pre-Show Stalwart
I'm sure most of you are aware that Henry has wrestled in the WWE/WWF for a very long time. Through his career of various gimmicks (including the almost embarrassing "Sexual Chocolate" character, and his affair with... do I really have to say it?) he's never really shown a great deal of success.

He had various stints between 2002 and 2004, but never amounted to any serious levels of success. He then suffered a serious injury, and disappeared from TV again.

Coming closer to the modern day, Henry was given a push in the late 00s, "crushing" superstars as well as having a short stint in the main event as a monster heel, fueding for a short time with Batista before Batista's infamous tricep injury. Henry gained some serious momentum from "taking out" various superstars, but then suffered another serious injury, and lost TV time and credibility.

Another brief stint of success on Smackdown! saw Henry costing Undertaker the world title, attacking him after he'd retained his title in a steel cage match. A forgettable feud with the Undertaker came soon after, and Henry began to appear on ECW programming.

Eventually, he was actually drafted to ECW, where he became the ECW Champion in his first match as an ECW Superstar. Henry then began a dominant reign as champion, ultimately losing his title to Matt Hardy in the Championship Scramble match. Henry and his manager Tony Atlas then feuded with Finlay in another pretty forgettable storyline, which saw Hornswoggle destroying credibility the way that only he can.

Now we have the modern day. Henry went over Orton on his debut on Raw, then teamed with MVP to become a superface.

Now when his music hits, the fans go crazy, and Henry gets some of the biggest pops of the night. What does this mean for Henry? Raw is cluttered and there's only really one big story on the go at the moment, but is it possible for Henry to shine now?

To have only held the European and ECW championships in a career so long and crisped with main-event storylines seems unfulfilling. So what are your thoughts?

- Does Henry have a main event run and perhaps a world title reign still in him?
- Is Henry too popular to be denied another main even run?
- Is Henry's injury record just too comprehensive for him to be given another title?
- Or will Henry simply slink away into "Team Raw" in this Nexus storyline?

Any thoughts and opinions are welcome.
I read in a magazine just after his début that he signed a 10 year contract and "that seemed like how long it'd take to train him" and, to me, that seems like a fair appraisal, if not a bit short, as he's still not got it.

He can't wrestle, can't sell properly, and was only really interesting when he was being a sexual deviant which is sad. The fact that they scripted The Miz to say how crap and boring he is last year says it all about his future in the WWE.

My personal hope is that he slips lower down the card until he gets released and replaced by someone with a modicum of talent. So, no, because of his size and tenure he'll be at that level where you're seen as going places if you beat him (ala Kane) but he'll never get truly near the title scene (at any level) again and I'd say that's a good thing
My earliest memory of Mark Henry was at Summerslam 1996. And I cant remember one single memorable moment from this guy. He's been under the WWE umbrella for 14 years now. And I cant say one damn good thing about this guy.

The guy looks like the Kool Aid cartoon with that ugly red attire he's been wearing the past year. And he's still being called the Worlds strongest man?? More like the worlds fattest man. If you try to picture what the worlds strongest man looks like, you'd think he'd have actual muscle on him. But this guy is pure fat.

I remember when they put him with MVP and what that did was just take what was left of MVP's career to a lower forgettable level.

The E needs to put this man out of his misery and just let him go.
I enjoyed Mark Henry as the monster heel when he was on ECW in 2008. Atlas by his side really helped him a lot. He is doing fine putting over the younger superstars like he did with Sheamus. Everyone has talent. It's just used in different ways for different wrestlers.
- Does Henry have a main event run and perhaps a world title reign still in him?

He might have. But I don't see why WWE would give him it. He's a decent talent to put over others instead of carrying a division. I don't see Mark Henry as being the world champion WWE is looking for. Especially not surrounding the fact that WWE seems high on pushing the younger guys now.

They seem to have definite plans for the future of the WWE as well as the World Heavyweight championship. Sheamus, Wade, Jack and Evan Bourne are all people I feel would most definitely get in there before Mark Henry would even be considered.

- Is Henry too popular to be denied another main even run?

Mark Henry, popular? Where did that come from? Mark Henry is slightly popular. But he is nowhere near to even be considered a potential top face. Mark Henry is the bland kind of over. The worst thing to drag him down is that he's not incredibly good on the microphone. So it would be hard for him to get properly over without a valet or manager.

- Is Henry's injury record just too comprehensive for him to be given another title?

If Mark Henry was over enough for a championship reign the fact that he's injury prone would do absolutely nothing for him. John Cena has been injured a few times. Edge is one hell of an injury prone guy. As well as Batista was injury prone.

A lot of the wrestlers are injury prone from time to time. But the fact that they are over. The fact that they proved their worth before. That makes up for it more than enough to give them another reign.

- Or will Henry simply slink away into "Team Raw" in this Nexus storyline?

Most likely. Mark just isn't cut to be a main event guy. He doesn't have the drawing ability much less the charisma to interest people enough to become more than a mid-carder. Probably nothing more than a glorified jobber with occasional victories.
- Does Henry have a main event run and perhaps a world title reign still in him?
- Is Henry too popular to be denied another main even run?
- Is Henry's injury record just too comprehensive for him to be given another title?
- Or will Henry simply slink away into "Team Raw" in this Nexus storyline?

1. Do I think he has a main event run in him? NO...not when pigs fly or hell freezes over. Their is no chance for that man. He is a God awful wrestler who injures people left and right. Lets not forget the infamous Batista injury in '05 or '06. And with the WWE pushing young, fresh guys like Swagger and Bourne, he wouldn't stand a chance in the main event scene.

2. :wtf: WHAT!!!!!!!!....When did MARK FREAKIN Henry become popular. The only time I've heard of him being popular was when i was reading the house show results from Rockford, IL. From what I read he had the biggest pop of the night. So in my eyes he's not popular enough to be granted a main event run. When he was put in a tag team with MVP that was the iceberg that sunk MVP's career. Now that MVP is on SD! hopefully he'll get a better chance.

3. YEAH! from the Batista injury back in 2006 like I stated before to injuring himself at Saturday Night's Main Event. If I can remember correctly he almost injured Tommy Dreamer in a match on ECW in I think 2008. Correct me if I'm wrong.

4. I think so. He'll just slowly move lower and lower down the card until he gets fired. Other than that he'll just be another back-up to "Team Raw" whenever they come out to save Cena or whoever else it is from The Nexus.

Those are my thoughts on a Mark Henry main event run.
Mark Henry...... This guy is a monster and can probably beat up half the Raw roster, but he has no real wrestling ability. Plus, his mic skills are atrocious.

Does he have another title run in him? Probably not. I don't think he is what the WWE is looking for. He doesn't have that "it" factor.

Is he too popular? What kind of a question is this? Sure the fans like him but he doesn't sell any murchandise and he gets half the pop of a Cena or Orton.

As far as his injuries go, this could have an affect on how the WWE looks at him. They don't want to give him a title run that will just become ruined with another one of his injuries.

Now Mark Henry is probably doomed to fade away into Team Raw in the Nexus storyline. He has a bit of potential but he is still going to be stuck in the mid-card matches and then he will start running the dark matches and eventually become released. He's an older talent so he probably doesn't have much left in him.
I can see him going really far down the card. I think he would be better off as an enforcer. Not to much wrestling, but loads of ass kicking. I actually like Mark Henry, but dont really see him going far. Maybe get a tag title run with someone, but thats it.
Henry is vet enhancement talent. He's a vet, but being used much like Kane.
Henry is about as ..ahem..good..cough, cough, as Henry is gonna get. Not too great, but not a complete shit pile either.
He's super huge (seen him in person, he a biggun) and looks like the Kool-Aid guy when he wears red. Just a tick....he shoulda been Percy Watson's pro "Oh YEAH!" ..sorry, couldn't resist.
I see Henry being mid card. Working with younger talent and only touching the main event if a story line requires it, or they really need someone.
Not a bust. They guy gets a paycheck every week. Decent PPV appearences and such he'll be alright.
Henry doesn't bother me as much as he once did. I still wouldn't pay to see him though.
Doomed to fail. No one cares about the Kool-Aid man for a reason - he's incredibly bland and boring. I don't care how strong he is in real life – in the world of professional wrestling, Mark Henry doesn't sell tickets, or t-shirts, and because of that fact, he's useless to the main event. He has no cult following or loyal fanbase to speak of, regardless of the fact he may get cheered when his music hits, and his personality is pathetic.

He's enhancement talent at this point in his career. Nothing more.
Meh. . . He's neither talented, entertaining, nor charismatic. Every year that passes with him having employment is a year that shocks the hell out of me. It takes a lot for me to say that because I'm a "see the worth in every worker" type of individual. I've searched and searched for worth in this guy and. . . I'd rather see one of the Bella Twins on the Main Event scene before him.

So to recap, because I fear my point was lost in me being a bit of a douche. Mark Henry is not made to be the top guy in WWE. His lack of both talent and that intangible quality that makes the "WWE Universe" care about him as an individual would never allow a World Title run to fly.

On top of him being boring, untalented, and uninteresting he really isn't all that good a putting people over. He's a big guy, which works in his opponents favor, but he sells like crap and isn't really versed enough in psychology to make his opponent look good. They just end up pinning him in what appears to be a lucky three seconds instead of a calculated/strategic/skill-based win.
The only highlight of Mark Henry's career was when he was a victim of the Undertakers undefeated streak at WM22. Since then its been downhill for him. Maybe he instead of Great Khali could have been a World Champion back in 07. He's a great henchman but thats all he is. Cannon fodder for the more charismatic wrestler. Fat and strong as he is, he really can't wrestle and chose the wrong career altogether. Should have stayed a weight lifter with his build.
Mark Henry is going to retire from professional wrestling in the same state he's been for years. 10 years from now people will think back to things like Mae Young giving birth to a hand...and...maybe Teddy Long's faction. Henry's been around for a very long time, but he's not going to be remembered for very long. "Out of sight, out of mind" is something that applies to every WWE Superstar in history, with the exception of Hulk Hogan, Steve Austin, and the Rock.
Mark Henry is just going to end up as a mid card wrestler for life. He isn't really charismatic, nor is he good on the microphone. The thing with Henry, though, is he is consistent. Every match you see the same thing. He doesn't really have good matches or bad matches. They are all pretty much the same.
to me when i see him, he is no threat whatsoever to whoever is in the ring. guy is like a joke. as much as they want us to think he is some badass monster, he isnt even believable in that. they either need to make him start whipping some serious ass, or just let him linger in the midcards forever. no sense in releasing him as he can still serve a purpose in jobbing or comic relief.
Does Henry have a main event run and perhaps a world title reign still in him?

No. He will not have a WWE championship match anytime soon or in the future. Henry's time as ECW champion was the closest he will ever come to being in the main event.

- Is Henry too popular to be denied another main even run?

Henry? Popular? Where did this come from? Henry did enjoy some success during the attitude era, when he was a part of the Nation, and he did have that disgusting storyline with Mae Young, but bedsides that, Henry has never been a popular guy like a John Cena, or Randy Orton.

- Is Henry's injury record just too comprehensive for him to be given another title?

That could be part of the reason why he hasn't received a title run, but you also have to remember, Henry is just not a main event guy. He has a nice gimmick as the World's Strongest man, but he won't become the WWE or World Heavyweight Champion because of it.

- Or will Henry simply slink away into "Team Raw" in this Nexus storyline?

Yes. Henry will not be major player in this storyline, and once this whole Nexus thing is over, he will fade away into the mid card again.

Look, I like Mark, but he's just not a main event guy. When he came to Raw, and beat up Orton, it seemed like he might be on his way to a push, but he's done NOTHING ever since. All I can remember from Henry recently is the beat down that was given to him by Batista, and losing to Sheamus. So that should tell you all you need to know about Henry's status on Raw.
I think the ECW Championship is the highest world title Mark Henry will receive in his career. It's nothing to knock against Henry because he is a wrestler that will do his best and remain consistent. He has the type of build and the fact that he is billed as the "World's Strongest man" gives you some sort of a rub when you defeat him. He isn't even that popular neither. He is a guy that is just there and the people will cheer/boo for him because of this. He doesn't have the wrestling skills to get any higher than he is, nor does he have the required charisma.

The WWE already have a huge wrestler that can be a World Champion in Big Show, so they don't need Mark Henry for the job. But, at least is higher on the card and much better than the Great Khali... who has previously won a World Title... :suspic:
Ok, so Mark Henry has had a great couple of yeas in the WWE/WWF. I used to think that he was going to have success, but now, he is bound to fail.

I want Mark Henry back as the monster heel he used to be, not some childrens magnet guy who wears red wrestling attire. By the way, what is with that? Ok, off-topic, but He's an entertainer for the children right now, and that is sad for somebody who has had a great run in this businees as of 2008, which could be his best year.He is guaranteed to fail, and unless the WWE finally chooses to turn him into a heel, im not gonna see anything out of this guy.

And one more thing, why are all the big guys heels? I want to know that
Sorry, i never have been a fan of Mark Henry and him being the WSM doesnt make him capable of wrestling..He is a Life long mid carder at best..
Mark Henry is a great utility man for the WWE and that is as far as I ever see him going within the WWE.

Mark Henry is the man who is introduced to feuds and angles that require a dominating personality and he has never stuck with anything because the WWE are happy to just shuffle him around and hope that something sticks. The problem exists because the WWE are not writing anything for him. He is just being entered into other people’s feuds to get them over and he is getting nothing for himself. I try to think to myself the last time that Mark Henry was actually relevant and was having things written for him and the closest thing I have to that is his run as ECW Champion. Sure, he has had runs with MVP at the Tag Team titles but it never came to anything and he was just part of a thrown together team. When he was the ECW Champion, he actually meant something and had some responsibility therein.

Since then, he seems to have petered out and I don’t think that he will get a Championship reign, at least not on Raw. To make it simple, there is no way that I would buy him going over the likes of Randy Orton or John Cena. I know that he had a match with Sheamus recently but this only reinforces the belief that he is a glorified utility man for the WWE. They needed someone big and imposing to make Sheamus look good with a win and that seems to be the story of Mark Henry’s recent WWE career. I don’t think that the WWE have enough confidence in him right now to give him any sort of push and I think they are probably right to do that.

Mark Henry is doing a good job in his role right now and he gets people over, much like he did for Sheamus. He will continue to do that for the foreseeable future and I don’t think that is too out of the ordinary for him.
Mark Henry is well just there to make the kids go happy but before that when he was a heel he was great he had a undefeated streak and had taken down many of the top stars in the business.

He was way better as a heel but as Vince is all about the money he had made him a face to make all the kids go mad.
I think that mark henry's role now has become simple. He's the big guy jobber. That seems to be the only reason he is around on raw these days. There's very little marketability to him and his character, so I really don't see him getting any title runs. Okay he had the ecw title, but I don't see that demonstrating an ability to run with either the wwe or world titles when there are better big men like Kane and big show.
But he does his job well and makes people look good, just as he did on past nights raw against barrett.
So to answer the post question, I don't see him as being n the verge of success or doomed to fail. He is someone who is always going to be useful to put over others, but never gonna have the great matches or scintillating mic skills to be a huge star.
I dont think Mark Henry has anything left, he has been in the WWF/E for 14 years now, and the WWE has given him nothing but a European and ECW Title. And if the WWE never really gave him anything to begin with...why would they give him anything now?
He is doomed to fail,he's been jobbing for the past few weeks to people like Wade Barret.I like Henry,he's entertaining and ok in the ring but hate when he is called 'worlds strongest man because that isn't (and never was) true.Is see him being used as a jobber for the rest of his career because when was the last time he won an important match? I think he deserves one more title reign by winning the US title,he deserves it.

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