Mark Henry Retiring?

Ticked Off Texan

Pre-Show Stalwart
Source: WZ News Story

WWE superstar Mark Henry was at the Ringers Sports Lounge in Austin, TX this past Saturday night for the exclusive showing of the Winky Wright vs. Bernard Hopkins fight. Henry was telling people that he plans on wrestling for two more years then retiring for good.

... Party anyone? It's about time we get rid of Mark Henry.

I say let him do what he's doing now and if he gets injured again just don't bring him back. He's alright in the ring for what he does he just so damn fragile.

Talk about a bad investment on WWE's part. So many plans ruins, so many feuds cut short cause he can't stand the weight on his feet. And to think this guy was an amateur athlete before coming to WWE.

It really doesn't matter if he stays or goes if you think about it, lol.
I dont think it would make a difference if he goes because he isnt doing much on smackdown at the moment except squashing people like funaki. I doubt he will be put in the main event picture any time soon & he hasnt had a good match 4 a while. The last good match he had that i can remember was wen he vs'd the undertaker at a WM & undertaker carried him for most of it.
So like Prax said, it doesnt matter if he stays or goes.
I agree with Prax, he is very rarley on SD as he is pretty much always injured and when he is on people use his 2 min squash match for a toilet break.

I didnt know he was a ameture athlete, what was he a althete in?
He was an Olympian in weightlifting at the 1992 Olympics (that's how he got the World's Strongest Man title), so it's not like he can't handle the pressure. I don't know if it's the schedule that broke him down, but I guess training for the Olympics must at least come close to a WWE schedule.
I thought he got the worlds strongest man name for winning the Arnold Classic (a competition for weightlifting) I never acutally knew he were in the olympics.

You would have thought that training for an olympics was atlaest as bad as a WWE schedual
Henry retiring? Yeah baby, bring it on. In two years? What? No Mark, enjoy your free time now. Go on you deserve it.

Why does he feel the need to announce that he's retiring in 2 years? Does anyone care? Will there be a Mark Henry retirement show? Even a retirement match? I doubt it. In his 11 years on the main roster he's only spent about 5 years al together on it. Through injurys and being a worthless fat ass. If WWE cared about him wouldn't he have won the World Title? Wouldn't he have appeared on more than 1 PPV since his return? I couldn't give a shit.
Who cares? Really Henery has been a joke on the main roster forever now. He has like one world titleshot against Angle at the Rumble 2006 and it was a crapfest as Angle did what he could to make it somewhat ok. He wants to announce fine go ahead but he will no be missed all he will best be known as a guy who could never cut it yet somehow kept a job.
I think it's about time for him to go! I mean we have khali to deal with now! I don't think many would be that dissa pointed.
Good finally he might retire..I don't see why he just doesn't call its quits now within a few months he will probably be injured again. He's to injury prone and cant wrestle worth a damn Hell he can barely move around in the ring anymore its time for him to go nobody cares anyway, hes rarely on TV and when he is its just to squash Eugene and its just a waste of TV time. He wont be main eventing any time soon(at least id hope not)and there really isn't any use for him anyway. He should just retire now. I can't see him lasting another 2 years..
Mark Henry is going to retire?? Well there is a god, fianlly proof there is a good.

This fat piece of lard has done nothing more than get injured for the best part of the last decade. No one has ever really cared about him. When people did start caring with his whole feud with Angle and then Batista what did he do? Who guessed it went and got injured.

I for one wont care at all that he is gone, or going. He adds nothing. Just a big fat waste of space. World's Strongest Man? Might have to add World's Heaviest Man 2.

Mark Henry you will not be missed when your gone.
Here we go again! Another thread where everyone has a go at Mark Henry.
Fair enough he may not be a popular wrestler but he at least deserves a few title reigns before he leaves. Hes been with the WWE for over 10 years on and off and has only ever held the European title.

I say give him a reign as The IC champ. The WWE obviously dont seem to care about that title anymore.
Here we go again! Another thread where everyone has a go at Mark Henry.
Fair enough he may not be a popular wrestler but he at least deserves a few title reigns before he leaves. Hes been with the WWE for over 10 years on and off and has only ever held the European title.

I say give him a reign as The IC champ. The WWE obviously dont seem to care about that title anymore.

He's unpopular because he sucks. It litterally took WWE 10 years to get him over. And that's only because the fans didn't have a monster heel to embrace.

Why would they give him a title? It doesn't make sence. Big monster heels shouldn't need titles to get over. The fact that Henry would need a title to show how dominant he is, is a testiment to how much he sucks.
seriously Mark why do you even bother you suck and I havent me anyone that likes you why are waiting two years just retire now and spare wrestling fans from watching you suck ass in the ring even batista is better than you and that is saying something
Does it help you guys sleep at night to bash wrestlers? For god sake the World Heavyweight Champion is the biggest example of a monter heel that cant wrestle or even move. Yet we have the damn Khali fan club here. Mark Henry has at least been loyal to the company whether he is hurt or not and he has had some good feuds. I think Mark Henry does deserve a title run because he is so dominant. In case people havent caught on yet, the big fat wrestlers arent going to do shooting star presses or fly around the ring reversing moves flawlessly. They are supposed to look slow and powerful. Not technically quick. So stop bashing on good ol "Sexual Chocolate" he does his job and i hope he earns a title before he leaves.
I don't bash Mark Henry because everyone else is doing it. I bash Mark Henry because he sucks his matches are boring,he cant get over,he draws no heat, at least Khali gets over with the crowd..He gets more heat than anyone on SD!..

Henry stays injured and yet you say well hes been here for 10 years well for most of the 10 years he was staying injured and not even being used, hes a waste of time and I don't see why he just doesn't call it quits nobody cares..He deserves no title reigns IMO hes not even close to championship worthy..He dropped the ball back in 06 and he could have had a feud with Batista just last year but then he goes and gets injured again..the guys a waste i wouldn't be surprised if hes released before his 2 years is up...

And no I don't expect for Henry to go flipping around the ring and doing circus stunts but he should at least try and put on a decent match but he can't and WWE knows it so they stick him in 2 minute squashes each week against Eugene and the Jobber crew to keep him from getting injured or catching an asthma attack...Hes a waste on the roster and should never be Champ
Ouch some of you are ruthless. How do you expect to get over if you get the sexual choclote gimmick. He's done well enough to recover from that. The man carries alot of weight and I guess you expect him to wrestle like Alex Shelly. Get real people. Since you hate people who are always hurt then you must hate Edge, Kennedy, HBK, Batista, Rey, and HHH. Lighten up folks. I'm not gonna say he's my favorite, but he plays the monster heel role well. Mark Henry good luck to you in your future endevours.
How does he play the monster heel role well? By fluffing every big move he's told to do? He was a monster heel several years ago when he was on Raw. And yet nobody gave a shit about him. He was pushed really heavily on Smackdown last year, and yet it took 6 months for people to take him seriously. So how does he do his job well?
Why does he feel the need to announce that he's retiring in 2 years? Does anyone care? Will there be a Mark Henry retirement show? Even a retirement match? I doubt it. In his 11 years on the main roster he's only spent about 5 years al together on it. Through injurys and being a worthless fat ass. If WWE cared about him wouldn't he have won the World Title? Wouldn't he have appeared on more than 1 PPV since his return? I couldn't give a shit.

good for mark henry he is a worthless wrestler he is a terrible wrestler, he is always injured he has never held like any titles....eww wow he is the worlds strongest brother i will go find a 6ft 1 400 pound roid addict i can make him become huge...he goes on smackdown wrestles no names and acts like he accomplishes something....whose his next victim hornswoggle,o wow that is something for the fans to he can attack a "midget"they call him.....o wow what a hard fought battle.....nottttttt.he has had one world title opportunity and i believe it was against angle and the only reason why it was able to watch is because angle did his best to carry the match.........and the only title i believe he ever one was the european title in the european title so he can join the likes of perry saturn, d-lo brown, spike dudley, val venis, and mideon...ew wow what a "big" accomplishment henry......not............... retire no one will miss you

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