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Mark Henry main event: 1 time thing?


last year mark henry started a feud with orton won the title.
and then become to top guy in smackdown.
since then he was injured.
and it seems like everyone has forgotten about him.
im not sure whether i miss him or not.
i think he would be a great choice to fight christian since he attacked christian at the wwe draft of 2011.
or even sheamus rivarly.
so my question is do you miss henry. and will he ever go back into the
main event again. or was it like great khali one time thing
so my question is do you miss henry. and will he ever go back into the
main event again. or was it like great khali one time thing

1. Do I miss Henry? Hell no, I think Henry is a washed up waste of space that should retire.
2. Do I think he will go back to the main event? I don't think so, because of his age and his repetitive injuries. Just like i think they wont put Mysterio in the main event whenever he comes back.
1. Do I miss Henry? Hell no, I think Henry is a washed up waste of space that should retire.
2. Do I think he will go back to the main event? I don't think so, because of his age and his repetitive injuries. Just like i think they wont put Mysterio in the main event whenever he comes back.

Mark Henry is one of the WWE's most loyal employees... considering how he was treated by "other wrestlers" over the years, he deserved at least ONE run in the spotlight... he is not a waste of space. Washed up? Maybe. Retire? Soon.

I do miss Mark Henry. I liked his big run with the belt. I felt like he finally got into a character that they have been trying to develop for so long.

When he comes back (if he does) he will probably not get the belt back, but we will see him in the main event soon after.
Mark Henry is one of the WWE's most loyal employees... considering how he was treated by "other wrestlers" over the years, he deserved at least ONE run in the spotlight... he is not a waste of space. Washed up? Maybe. Retire? Soon.

I do miss Mark Henry. I liked his big run with the belt. I felt like he finally got into a character that they have been trying to develop for so long.

When he comes back (if he does) he will probably not get the belt back, but we will see him in the main event soon after.

I agree that Mark Henry is loyal to the WWE, i just don't like it. I'm one of those wrestling fans that get bored to death when a slow big guy is in the ring. I agree that he deserved the run he got, but I think that putting him back in the main event is a big mistake. They need to let the younger roster shine and run with the main event scene.
Mark Henry is one of the WWE's most loyal employees... considering how he was treated by "other wrestlers" over the years, he deserved at least ONE run in the spotlight... he is not a waste of space. Washed up? Maybe. Retire? Soon.

I do miss Mark Henry. I liked his big run with the belt. I felt like he finally got into a character that they have been trying to develop for so long.

When he comes back (if he does) he will probably not get the belt back, but we will see him in the main event soon after.

This is my problem with people defending mark henry. Because he is loyal to the company so he should be given the world title as a reward. WTF? I thought the world title represent you are the best. Even to a full extent, the most mark henry shouldve received was a upper midcard - mainevent push as a reward rather than a title. From that end, let the guy work his way up to the title scene and prove himself.

But in today's wrestling the world heavyweight title has little crediblity anyway.

His run as a heel last year was great as many iwc boys like to claimn. But did it justify enough to have him win the world freaking title? i dont think so. The guy was a jobber prior his heel turn and suddenly after 3-4 months he became champion. Mark Henry should have been given a 1 year time before he can compete for the title. By then his character would have great depth and it would've allowed mark henry to move into the world title picture smoothly.

Bully Ray is a good example. The guy is arguably one of the most entertaining heel at this momment. It has been a year since his heel turn and has not been given a one on one world title shot. Its a matter of time when he ll get a shot and become a solid, not paper, champion. My point is tna is not rushing bully ray. WWE did
It was nice to see him get a decent run and a serious character after all the crap they've stuck him with for years. I don't think he'll get another though. At this point he's more or less winding down if he isn't out the door already.
Mark Henry's run as the WHC was satisfying. He actually showed how a monster heel should be. After his return, he could be the perfect choice for putting guys over big time.
Honestly I forgot he was still with WWE till this afternoon, and I wanted to post a simular thread so I thought I'd comment.

But I think you basically summed it up. He was ONE of the top guys on SMACKDOWN and feuded with ORTON.

So just from that he obviously wasn't even at the very top. I liked his run but I think it ran it's course and he still wasn't going for the WWE title, which isn't even the main event usually.

Unless he really got pushed and had a hig profile feud w/Cena or Punk, I dont see why he should even return honestly.
I don't think it will be a one time thing and hopefully it won't be. Henry actually delivered a good run with his Hall of Pain. His absence can actually prolong this rather than damage it. Henry will return and so will the Hall of Pain and with the World Title lacking in convincing challengers to Sheamus, Henry seems the ideal man to take the title off him
It very well might be, sadly enough. Mark Henry's career is currently in limbo. Mark Henry was (according to what I've gathered, this isn't a 100% reliable statement) expected to hold the World Heavyweight Championship all the way until WrestleMania 28, where he'd proceed to drop the championship to Sheamus. Mark Henry's reign was cut short unfortunately in December due to a misdiagnosis of the severity of his ankle injury. He was expected to be out for a long period of time, so WWE took the championship off of him.

Shortly after the injury in which had thwarted one of the most credible championship reigns in the last decade fell through; he remained on air whilst healing. Upon his continuation to work, the "minute" injury he'd suffered was exasperated, and subsequently may have cut his career short. Henry's been vocal saying this injury could be the end of his career, and he's awaiting the results post-rehab to see if he'll return. I believe Mark Henry was filling a void that WWE had needed to be filled ever since the unfortunate circumstances behind the release of Umaga, that led to his more so unfortunate passing. That being, a believable upper-card monster heel. Henry brought both legitimate ability, knowledge and experience to the table with a chip on his shoulder. Along with literally being deemed on of the strongest men on this planet, he oozed credibility.

I believe if Mark Henry's injury does not result in the ending of his career, he'll get another crack at the main event. Did you watch his bouts with CM Punk post-WrestleMania? PHENOMENAL matches, and I could see Mark Henry making either a short run as a WWE Champion, or he'll be given the ball to run with the World Championship for a lengthy period of time.

Furthermore, The Great Khali's World Heavyweight Championship reign was merely of circumstance. Mark Henry's run was deliberate and an office decision. The company built Henry up specifically for Randy Orton to put him over, huge. Cleanly, on multiple occasions. As for The Great Khali, I don't honestly know if he'd even still be employed if not for having been the only real heel with any luster in a pseudo-main event capacity upon Edge having torn his pectoral. The Great Khali was an easy choice to make, as he could feasibly pass Kane on by and play games with Batista until subsequently putting him over. Did I enjoy such? Absolutely not. Khali was one of the most boring champions I can recall (other than Alberto Del Rio) though of course, that's merely in hindsight with my personal bias intact.
I absolutely LOVED the Mark Henry push. I loved his chasing the title. I loved his winning the title and I loved his entire championship reign.

His injury was very ill-timed and put a premature ending to his title reign and it was a shame. Unfortunately, I do not know if they can really elevate him into that scene again. I think his injuries are going to leave him with very little time left in the ring and I don't know if they could pull off a really good Hall of Pain reboot without a decent amount of build and chasing involved.

He would be perfect to feud with Sheamus or Daniel Bryan or whomever and be in the main event scene. But I do not know if there is money to made with the title going back on his waste.
I have to say that I also loved Mark Henry's push. That is how he should have been most of his career. His title chase was done really well. I also think though his injuries will prove to be to much, and most likely keep him from getting another run. I actually have missed Mark Henry, and if possible i would like to see one more run with the World title.

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