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Mark Henry Injured by Botched Wasteland


Is a thin rope
Main Page said:
Source: The Wrestling Observer

It's reported that WWE star Mark Henry was injured on Raw this past Monday night. The injury came when Wade Barrett awkwardly dropped Henry on his back at the end of their bout on Raw. For those who may have missed it, Barrett almost fell over when he had Henry on his shoulders to give him his finisher, and when he dropped him to the mat, Henry landed hard on his shoulder and back. It is unknown at this time how serious the injury to Henry is, but it is serious enough that he had to miss the NXT taping yesterday.

So, Wade has his first Botch on WWE TV. looking at this video:


it looks like Wade had the move but the way he executes it (i.e. how he leans them back and roars before slamming them) caused him to more or less lose his ballance (as leaning someone who weighs well over your own bodyweight will) and caused the botch. I must extend congratulations to Barrett for pulling it off though despite the pseudobotch. Even if he slammed Henty harder than was needed, planned or intended, at least he hit the move and didn't drop him.

So my questions for you:

Will this botch affect Barrett in any way?

and Who fucked up here?
I doubt it will affect Barrett in any way. Mark Henry is a big weight to take care of. The fact that he even managed to lift him enough to perform it, botched or not should be "applauded" (amazed by the strength that is).

To assume that it will affect Barrett is somewhat ridiculous in the way that Mark Henry is really nothing in WWE. There's not gonna be anybody who will have a problem having to fight Barrett. Because they all know that the finisher was tough to perform on a guy of Mark's size. Big Show and Khali might be the only ones that would have a problem fighting Barrett.

Wade has still shown a lot of potential working with talents. He can perform. It's not like he botched it on purpose. Which answers your second question - Wade fucked up. Mark can't do anything about being so heavy. But Wade could've gotten a better stand on holding him perhaps. I wouldn't know. Again, Mark is heavy. So in the end I would probably lean mostly to a "nobody fucked up" answer.
Who fucked up? The WWE.

Why use such a dangerous spot on such a meaningless match? It was a result without drama. Henry losing lends no more credibility to the Nexus than they already had. Sure, one guy can stand up for himself effectively. But am I to believe that this segment made them a more legitimate threat in the eyes of the average fan than their past attacks on real stars? No. This dangerous spot won't sell one extra PPV. Now if Henry were a credible singles star, this wouldn't be the case. A huge victory over a credible singles star with the big spot would have been worth the injury it caused. This meaningless match was not.

WWE fucked up long ago by not pushing Henry properly. If they had, this moment and many others involving him might have actually meant something.

As for Barrett, nothing will happen. He's too hot right now. The train will keep on rolling.
From watching it I thought it might have injured Barrett instead of Henry, the way he was holding his back. His finisher is not the best for using on super heavyweights. He almost fell backward, and it's a lot harder just to pull Mark Henry's arm and leg forward to slam him over your head, than a move like Cena's FU, where they are balanced on the shoulders before pushing up their backside to make them fall over sideways.
Who fucked up? The WWE.

Why use such a dangerous spot on such a meaningless match? It was a result without drama. Henry losing lends no more credibility to the Nexus than they already had. Sure, one guy can stand up for himself effectively. But am I to believe that this segment made them a more legitimate threat in the eyes of the average fan than their past attacks on real stars? No. This dangerous spot won't sell one extra PPV. Now if Henry were a credible singles star, this wouldn't be the case. A huge victory over a credible singles star with the big spot would have been worth the injury it caused. This meaningless match was not.

WWE fucked up long ago by not pushing Henry properly. If they had, this moment and many others involving him might have actually meant something.

As for Barrett, nothing will happen. He's too hot right now. The train will keep on rolling.

I wouldn't say by not "pushing " henry poperly but they did drop the ball by allowing him not to gain a single major PPV match, or hell even win a match in the last god know's how long.. You can always keep a guy relevant.. Especially if all he is going to do is job, its even more important to make sure he keeps looking somewhat strong, so the guy he jobs too actually gets over.

The direct botch was obviously Wade's fault, but I also blame WWE management for putting him in that positon. There are multiple ways to end that match without putting either superstar in danger.. You should know that type of move comes with serious risks, no matter who is performing it (espeically when that person is a rookie, with his first real WWE push).

This one's on whoever ok'd the end of that match. Hands down
First off, Botched Wasteland would be a great name for a finisher. He should change that immeadiately.

Secondly, you can't blame Barrett for not being able to lift a 400 pound guy perfectly. Perhaps Henry is to blame for being such a fucking fatass? Or maybe whoever set up the match should've checked beforehand to make sure the move was possible to complete, eh?

In the end, the move came off looking pretty freakin' sick, certainly better than if he would've hit it properly.
I don't blame Wade or Mark for this one. That was a hell of a hard spot and it was botched. This one is on the WWE, they set up the end of this match... and it was just a bad move. This won't effect Wade's career in anyway because most fans that don't go onto websites like this won't know it was a botch, they'll think it just looked really cool or painful. I hope Mark isn't injured badly, and I hope that the WWE can avoid future injuries like this.
Wade Barrett will not be affected by this in anyway, shape, or form. He is the leader of the hottest stable going in the WWE right now, why would he face major consequences for not being able to perform his finisher properly on the big, worthless filler known as Mark Henry? That to me would make no logical sense.

Mark Henry is just midcard filler. That's what he been for his whole career, and that is what he will be known for when he finally leaves WWE. Henry hasn't been relevant in the over decade time span he has spent with the WWE so why should anyone be worried about Wade accidentally hurting big, old Mark. The man is a bore, and should be lucky he gets that teeny bit of a crowd reaction he does. And in my mind Makr Henry should always be thankful that somehow he has kept his job with the WWE for this long.

Wade Barrett will not face any consequences for this accident, as he shouldn't. Simply because it was an accident, accidents happen in professional wrestling. They asked poor Wade to perform his finisher which includes lifting his opponents on his shoulders and then slamming them frontward over his head. That would be a hard task to ask anyone to perform that move on the size of man like big Mark. It was a simple accident and i'm sure it will get shrugged off just like everything else that is irrelevant.
The blame goes to whoever told them to do the spot.

When the match started, I immediately thought that there was no way that this was ending with a finisher. I knew Barrett wasnt going to be able to lift Henry. Not only was he not going to be able to lift him, there is absolutely no way he was going to be able to throw him over his head. They're lucky Barrett wasnt injured. He could have easily got hurt from basically rolling a 400-pound man on his head and neck.

They should have just came up with another way to end the match. I understand that they wanted to display the power that Barrett has, but there was definitely more risk than reward in the outcome of this finish.
I wouldn't blame either Henry or Barrett for this botched move. It was an accident and just so happened that it hurt Henry. This won't effect Wade's carrer at all well at least in my mind anyway most fans think Wade meant to do that so they will probably just think it was meant to happen. I hope for a speedy recovery for Mark and hope that the move didn't hurt him to bad. Mark is simply known as a mid carder and thats all he is so for Barrett this won't effect anything.

Wade is still a very talented and very skilled competitor. This was an accident and thats all i see it as. This won't harm Barrett's career at all. For me Barrett is still a great superstar.
It looks worse everytime I see it.

Will the botch affect Barrett? No, shit happens. Botches happen. I'm sure Henry would see it that way. Its not like he dropped him on his neck (coughmrkennedycough). Plus, Barrett is just too good and too important at the moment to have sanctions placed upon him.

Wade Barrett fucked up. It looked like Mark Henry was too heavy for him and if that was the case, Barrett shouldn't have attempted to hit Wasteland. It's cases like these where the wrestlers have to use their own judgement and be sure of their capabilities.
I think it's fair to say Wade fucked up here. That said, that fuck up was almost inevitable. A quick consultation of Wikipedia tells me that Mark Henry weighs exactly - hang on a second - 392 pounds. I tend to deal in metric, but even I know that's a fucking lot. It wouldn't really be fair to punish Wade for failing to complete a nigh on impossible task. At least the spot looked impressive.

I'm amazed they even had someone that's not built like a brick shithouse - i.e. Cena, Sheamus - attempt a move like that. If they wanted to put Barrett over, they should have given him someone who wasn't impossible to slam.

So really, refuting my earlier statement, it was the fault of whoever planned the spot/let it go ahead. On a related note, I'd be amazed if Wade holding his back afterwards wasn't real. That shit'll rip your back up.
Who messed up here? Simple the wwe, Barrett would botch it because Mark Henry is a lot heavier than what someone of his weight etc. could carry.

Also Wade Barrett will not get punished due to the fact he is the biggest thing on raw atm (in my opinion) and a simple accident won't do anything to affect that.
The spot should have never been done, but at the same time I understand it. Wade hitting that move showed how strong he is, and by beating Henry(who is getting a decent push) solidified him as a force on RAW.

As for who's fault it is. My first instinct says neither, but if you watch the video, Henry grabs the rope right before the botch which may have cause Wade to get off-balance. I do applaud Barrett for completing the move and making it look strong though.
Who F*ck'ed Up..........EVERYONE!

- Barrett should have practiced the move first to make sure it would work.
- "E" should have NEVER told him to do it without making sure the test run went right.
- Henry should have let go of the rope sooner (it was more his fault than anyones)

He will not get any heat b/c from what I heard, he is very respectful back stage and I would like to think he went right over to Henry and apologized the moment he got back there.

The move was STUPID and DANGEROUS. A little more to the left on the fall, and Henry is a cripple. This was "E" as usual, being reckless.
I think the blame goes to Barrett and Henry. If this was practiced enough and Barrett and Henry both knew Barrett couldn't lift Henry's whale sized fat body, this match should have ended much differently. In another case the blame belongs to the people who booked this match. Barrett is a ground and pound guy. I'm not familiar with Barrett from FCW, but I believe in this type of match with a man that Barrett clearly cannot lift, this should have been a submission victory for him. Barrett would be taken more legitimately if he had another way to defeat his opponents instead of having to lift a near 400 lbs of muscle and fat on his shoulders. If the man can't lift anymore than that, he needs to try something different. This should have been realized by the booking crew and handled much better. So, in all, the blame goes to pretty much everyone. Will this effect Barrett? Maybe a little. Obviously, people in the upper weight range will not want to work with him but thats bound to happen with a lot of performers. Its interesting to see how the SummerSlam match will pan out. I don't see Khali beening brought off the ground by anyone unless its Otunga or Sheffield.
It's just a botch,it happens all the time,and noone really gets punished unless said botch ends up ending said person's career or severly injures them.To my knowledge,i think wade barrett's safe enough to work with.After all,VKM wouldnt push someone who has quite a rep for screwing up a lot,or at least id hope not.
What people are missing here is that, yes, it was a botch. However, the spot could have ended a lot worse. Wade could have dropped Mark on his head, which would have led to a very serious injury and could damn near paralyze him. The fact that Wade had the wherewithal to protect Henry there should be commended.

The spot never should have been attempted in the first place. It's not exactly easy to put a 420 lb. guy on your shoulders and then drop him to the mat. Wade's built, but I'm sure he doesn't have the pure strength a guy like John Cena has to lift a guy that big on his shoulders and safely slam him to the mat. I bet Cena would have had a hard time with that spot as well. Don't forget that Henry was holding onto the rope, which I'm sure made the spot harder to pull off in the first place.

The fact that Wade seemed to be alright from the spot, and that Henry didn't suffer anything worse than the injuries he sustained should be a blessing. The WWE should just move on from it and never put either man in a position like that again.
I highly doubt there will be any consequences. I'm not even sure why this is a topic. Accidents happen in professional wrestling. This isn't the first botched move we've seen and it won't be the last. I agree with those that say the move shouldn't have been attempted in the first place. I wouldn't be surprised if the did practice the move earlier in the day and it went fine. Throughout the course of the match Barrett probably lost a bit of stamina and couldn't execute it like he would if he were fresh. This is not a big deal and no real harm was done.

SpoodBeest™;2243343 said:
Wade Barrett will not be affected by this in anyway, shape, or form. He is the leader of the hottest stable going in the WWE right now, why would he face major consequences for not being able to perform his finisher properly on the big, worthless filler known as Mark Henry? That to me would make no logical sense.

Mark Henry is just midcard filler. That's what he been for his whole career, and that is what he will be known for when he finally leaves WWE. Henry hasn't been relevant in the over decade time span he has spent with the WWE so why should anyone be worried about Wade accidentally hurting big, old Mark. The man is a bore, and should be lucky he gets that teeny bit of a crowd reaction he does. And in my mind Makr Henry should always be thankful that somehow he has kept his job with the WWE for this long.

I guess we don't care if mid card guys get hurt. I mean they are human beings who have lives and families, but who cares? They're not main eventers so no big deal if they get hurt.:disappointed:
I guess we don't care if mid card guys get hurt. I mean they are human beings who have lives and families, but who cares? They're not main eventers so no big deal if they get hurt.:disappointed:

Oh don't get me wrong I feel bad for Mark getting hurt, I would have definitely felt a lot worse if he broke his damn neck or something. I think he just is little shaken up in the head and back, since I guess that is where his pain is at. He will be back in a few weeks. I was just giving my reasons as to why Barrett wouldn't suffer consequences for injuring someone with the irrelevance level that Mark Henry is at.
It could have been far worse than it was. The move wasn't even a complete botch. Henry could have fallen with all his immense weight on the head and neck of Barrett making him a paraplegic (I hate to even think of that). The move was executed and, even though it was awkward, everybody should be happy that nobody wasn't seriously hurt. I would suggest to Barrett to change that move up a bit so all the pressure doesn't go to his head and neck. He's just asking for a broken neck or, at the very least, neck surgery in the future.

If you want to think of real fucked-up botches, remember when the Giant (The Big Show) got dropped on his head after a Nash powerbomb? This is nothing compared to that.
Clear as day it was Henry's direct fault. I suppose blame could be placed on Barrett for going forward with the move anyway after Henry pulled him off balance but with such a spilt second decision to be made I think he is in the clear with regards to his share of the blame. I don't believe Barrett will suffer any career repercussions worth mentioning.
Who fucked up? The WWE.

Why use such a dangerous spot on such a meaningless match? It was a result without drama. Henry losing lends no more credibility to the Nexus than they already had. Sure, one guy can stand up for himself effectively. But am I to believe that this segment made them a more legitimate threat in the eyes of the average fan than their past attacks on real stars? No. This dangerous spot won't sell one extra PPV. Now if Henry were a credible singles star, this wouldn't be the case. A huge victory over a credible singles star with the big spot would have been worth the injury it caused. This meaningless match was not.

I agree with what you're saying to a point. The point I agree with here is the fact that you mentioned that this lends no more credibility to the Nexus than wrestling say, Evan Borune. Mark Henry doesn't really do much for the Nexus as far as beating him goes. He's not a champion, hasn't been in title contention for a while and overall, men like Mark, Kahli and Bourne, among a few others are to be the ones standing up for the WWE and more so John Cena? Is this 1996 all over again when the mid-card guys in WCW were trying to stand up to the nWo?

But to answer the question of the orginial poster, I don't see anything happening to Wade which is somewhat more fuel for one Ken Anderson to use in his war of words against Randy Orton. If Anderson could botch a move and subsequently get fired, then he could protest (probably to no avail though) that Wade should get the same treatment. I doubt the WWE would do anything because it would completely destroy the Nexus, the storyline and everything they've been building, however...If they really wanted to sell the Nexus as a bad ass group, they could re-make his image as this unstopable force (ala Chris Benoit in Brock Lesner's body) where he's just destroying guys and injurying them making people more fearful of him and the only person who MAY be able to stop him is Cena. The WWE needs to capitalize on this asap.
That was the fault of Barrett and WWE Management. Flat out Barrett wasn't strong enough to pul off that move on Henry. When asked by WWE to do it he should have told them NO. Everytime I see it I think Barrett's leg is gonna snap in two. will he be in the dog house? unlikely.
Meh, it's no biggie. Henrys fat ass is hard to lift up, and Barrett still performed the move well. Like Dissary said, they should have made sure this spot could have been performed beforehand, so that no one got injured, obviously they didn't do that, and this happened.

Like I said, it's no biggie, no one gives half a shit about Mark Henry anyway, and I don't mind not having to watch him on my TV for a few weeks.

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