Maria Menounos as a wrestler?


And That's The Truth
This week on monday night raw, i was delightfully happy to see that Maria Menounos in all her sexyness, could in fact wrestle decently. My question is do you think she did good enough to become a diva, if she wanted to?
I'm pretty sure that's she's attractive enough to earn a contract, whether she can wrestle or not. I didn't think she was awful, but it's not like there's a whole lot to expect when watching the Divas. She'd probably start off as an interviewer or "GM", and then move into the ring, facing the likes of Maria or the Bellas, before getting any real matches, and even then, what can she really do?

For her sake, she's better off avoiding the WWE.
Let's put it this way... she's a beautiful woman and she's in shape. Oh, and she has some notoriety in the pop culture world. That basically exceeds today's criteria to be a WWE Diva.

The WWE has been taking on nothing more than eye candy and fitness models to be trained and put into a WWE ring. From the looks of matches over the past 12 months, it really doesn't matter is they're coordinated enough to work matches, just as long as they look good in their lingerie, football outfits, and swinmsuits while they do it.

I was happy to see Maria Menounos get into a wrestling ring because she really is a fan of the sport. I think she looked hot in a wrestling outfit and she held her own. And I also discovered that she has a very tight body and looks great in spandex... and I'd like to do her... in the butt, preferably :lmao:
Although she was in a 6-diva tag match and didn't have to do a whole lot, she did look good doing what she did. None of it really came off sloppy.

But there's a couple things that bother me about it though:

Too many times already, they've put celebrity guest hosts in the ring. They're making it look as if just anybody can get in a ring and wrestle no problem, killing whatever little mystique wrestling has left. They are booked as guest hosts after all, so leave the hosting to them, and leave the wrestling to the wrestlers (or entertainment to the Superstars, lol).

And this was a just a small thing that didn't make sense to me. During the backstage skit where Beth Phoenix got in Maria's face and Santino just kind of thrust her into a match, Maria gave the notion that she didn't want to wrestle. However, she just happens to have legit ring gear when she comes out? People usually have to wait a couple weeks for their gear to be made and what not, so either she had a top, tights, and boots made in like 10 minutes, or there's this pleather store she shops at. :p
She wasn't bad on Raw. Hell compared to some of the other "divas" that the WWE employs she was practically Dean Malenko in the ring. She has the look, she's comfortable talking on a microphone, she might actually make a good wrestler and addition to the roster. I doubt it will happen though, atleast if Maria is intelligent enough to realize that going to the WWE right now would be the death of her "Hollywood" career (if you ca call it that). She's better off staying on the tabloid shows honestly, but if she were to receive some training and be employed by the WWE, I wouldn't be upset. She'd atleast be more attractive than several of the "divas" currently are.
any women hot enough and with a bit of athleticness could be a diva. its not like TNA where they actually need to wrestle and actually know what the hell there doing.
First of all X, thank you! I thought I was the only that thought some of the current divas are somewhat lacking in the looks department. Secondly, I didn't actually see RAW but I read the results on Wrestlezone and they made it sound like she wasn't completely awful. Which is I guess standard for most of the divas. I was also impressed during a radio interview she did to promote the show that she seemed to know what she was talking about, or at least did some research before hosting the show. Saying her favorite superstar was Randy Orton.
I definitely think that Maria Menounos could be a Diva if she so chose.

Want more? Here's why...

Firstly, as D-Man said, she has all the character traits that are needed to become a Diva and a successful one at that. She is fit, popular, good looking and has some wrestling experience. She is also a huge wrestling fan to my knowledge ant his puts her a cut above half of the half-assed Divas that currently clog up the airtime with shitty matches and a lack of interest in anything tht doesn't mean taking their kit off.

Secondly, she is a better wrestler than half of the Divas on the roster. I mean sure, she did only play a small part in the match and the other Divas did most of the work but for all the time she was in the ring, she looked like she belonged there and she did very well. She may not be fully trained yet but she is definitely coming along nicely in my opinion. You also look at some of the other Divas and you see why that particular oart of the promotion is in trouble. I have never seen so many noticeable botches in my life as I do when I watch any Diva match. Mickie James is the worst perpetrator and really should be sat down and told to work on her technique I think.

Yes, I do believe that Maria Menounos could become a Diva with ease.
I was surprised that she agreed to allow beth push her against that wall with so much force. Of course she is pretty enough and The few moves she did and bumps she took were by far better than everything kelly kelly does, she clearly has a future in the biz, maybe can get too the top like melina
With what Maria did on RAW, she did a very excellent job for someone who has never stepped into the ring or gone through professional wrestling segments. Although she was the special guest of the special guest host, she did a much better job. Her interview segment with Legacy was solid enough for someone like Grisham or Maria would have done. The backstage segments played out into a good face character of the show and added something that the other host that escapes me name-wise could not.

In the ring, she was actually given some time to attack the diva's and wrestle them without help... I was suprised. Although I could see the match limiting it so Maria would look strong and not be squashed at all, she shocked me at how well she did for her first time, albeit the simplicity of her moves. If the E would put her through training with someone as a fan of the business who would be willing to give it a shot, Maria could do well enough to be featured weekly and would attract more population to the demographics and possibly more people watching the diva's matches.
I didn't watch, but I have seen her, so she is good enough already. It's not really that hard to make it into the WWE if you're hot and aren't a moron. I'm sure if she worked at it for awhile she could become a decent wrestler and hang around for awhile.

That being said, I don't know why she would even consider doing that. She'd be less famous and have to put in more work if she joined the WWE. She has no reason to make that jump, her current gig is great for her.
I will give her this much she could be a diva if she wanted however I don't see that happening she has more skill then a lot of the divas in WWE but lets face it the diva's division is not what it used to be or what it should be. So yes she could be a diva. She has the look and the skills and over time could be a good wrestler but i don't see why a diva would join WWE right now it is using talent badly so she would never sign a contract.
I have literally no idea who the woman is, but in all honesty if she is some sort of z-list actor in teen movies, she is probably earning more, gaining more exposure, and probably even has more longevity than she would as a diva. There is literally no point in her pursuing a wrestling career if her acting/presenting career is still existant. If I was her, I'd wait for the money and movies to dry up, then try and make it in wrestling, in a reverse Stone Cold situation, but obviously not as good.
Well, from the looks of it ( I mean the match), she was good with two little moves, the WWE didn't pushed the envelop and it was good. Compared to other matches on any company (Jenna Morasca comes to mind) she held her ground really well.

Now on the techique department, yes , Mickie James need to refocus a little there since she is becoming a little sloopy but still one of the best, thing is she has faced crap lately (and the only match with no justification is the Gail Kim one, they both sucked that day), sorry but Rosa and Alicia suck in the ring and know who ever is there as heel (poor Jilllian) will have to deal with the Bella's crap too like Katie Leah did.

So if Maria wrestles like that I woul like see her in the ring rather than Alicia, Rosa or the Bellas.
Come on guys, she is just another pretty face. We have been watching such bad women's wrestling in WWE for so long we think Maria was good because she was better than some Divas we have had. This is the one area that TNA blows WWE out of the water is the women's wrestling in ring product. It is far superior. WWE needs to stop thinking only about image, and consider the wrestling talent level of the women.
Well maybe I misunderstood the topic because my answer was more into the light of She becoming a diva, sorry but for that she does not need a lot of expirience like 80% of the divas. Now as wrestler in general is a whole different issue, event as a knockout she will need a lot of work.

But unfortunately the WWE does not need that, TNA has a great division but the WWE doesn't give a crap about it and what better way to prove ithan taking thier best element in Gail Kim and put her on the bench most of the time to give their time to Kelly Kelly vs Rosa or Alicia.

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