Manik Is The *NEW* X Division Champion


Lord And Master
Staff member

Following a 3-Way (duh) Ultimate X with some really scary angles, Manik was able to come back from Greg Maraciulo's Package Driver on the entrance ramp and sneak under both him and Sonjay to win his second (right?) X Division Championship. So far, it's the real one who won it. He also gets the new nifty design belt. Also, it seems that next week he will go one on one with World Champion, Chris Sabin in a non-title match.
Match was impressive, but I found myself much more impressed with Mary-chulo (I'll get it eventually) and Sonjay than Manik. I get the decision to put it on the TNA guy, though. Fact is, Dutt is headed over to ROH for more work after this, so he wasn't a realistic option, great as it'd be to finally get the title on him as often as he's shot for it, and Mary-chulo is still "the new kid".

This, of course, just resurrects the argument against the mandatory three-way stip though, because with it dropped, Mary-chulo and Manik would make for a fine X Division feud.
I'm honestly not even trying to say I called it but to me it was fairly obvious right at the end of the "tournament" that Manik would win it. Sonjay has been getting the short end of the stick for how many years now?? Ga-Maraciulo, although talented, just came out of nowhere. Handing Manik the belt was an uber-obvious continuation to the Austin Aries "screwjob" so Chris Sabin is an undeserving "expected" champion and the previously cheated Manik "TJ Perkins" (let's never forget about him because Hogan pushed him!) gets his belt without ever really REALLY earning it.
The match was okay in my view, pretty tame generally but it was wrestled smartly. I probably would have enjoyed it more had there been a reason to be invested in any of the wrestlers.

TNA kinda sorta telegraphed the ending of this match before it even began with the video package on TJ Perkins. The stuff about being homeless gave it more impact, to me at least, so that it didn't come off like a typical "I've sacrificed everything for this business" sob story like we've seen with Gut Check so often.

Perkins winning makes as much sense as anyone else right now, though I still think the Manic thing is dumber than Forest Gump after drinking a gallon of Everclear. We know who he is, we've seen his face and he's still wearing the exact same garb as the Suicide gimmick. We saw a video package only a few minutes before and Perkins comes off as more interesting than "Manic". The "alter ego" thing would be okay, kind of, if they'd have at least given him a different outfit. It'd be like renaming Superman Pookie Smurf but keeping the Superman costume. Is money really that tight that they couldn't give "Manic" a different set of duds?. During the match at one point, closer to the end when he was lying out on the ramp selling the effects of the match, Mike Tenay mistakenly called him Suicide.

The match against Sabin next week looks as though they're going to milk the very last drop the can out of Destination X. So we'll just have to see whether this means something new & fresh for the X Division or if it quickly sinks back into the status quo.
Good match I think same as normal. I much prefer Manik to Suicide as I think naming a character Suicide is horrible. Imagine a kid asking his mother for the next suicide mask or something. I like the Manik character and I quite like the new Title which is strange because in Dixie's twitter photo it looked horrible, but last night it looked nice. Fits with the blue lighting etc. The only thing about the X-Division is that Im not sure who is officialy under contract and who isn't. Little things like that bug me but oh well. I like Marichiulo and think he is a great fit for the X-Division. I wish they would get more usage out of Petey but I think Manik is the best option right now. I'm just hoping Kenny King comes out of the shadows and begins a feud with Manik as I feel that would be fun to watch
I think this Manik character has enormous potential. It's never been done in wrestling as far as I can remember. Hands down the most promising character in TNA and probaly all of wrestling.
ok, firstly the match was good, wasnt great, but wasnt bad, it was a nice fun match....the new X-Division title is actually very pretty, but it burns me up that they waste money on getting a new X-Division title and not use that money to either 1) sign talent or 2) get a NEW midcard title, but i do like the look of the X-Division title and hopefully they sign some talent in the X-Division, give them exposure and entrance music and of course let them have promo time. as for the new champion, i am a fan of the wrestler under the mask, just not the gimmick. i am GLAD the name "Suicide" is gone, but why not let him be just TJ Perkins?? why reveal who he is, then mask him up again?? and even if the reveal didnt happen and he became Manik, why have him wear the same suit that Suicide wore?? again, like the wrestler, not a fan of the gimmick.
I think this Manik character has enormous potential. It's never been done in wrestling as far as I can remember. Hands down the most promising character in TNA and probaly all of wrestling.

This has to be sarcasm.

It has been done before. His name is Suicide.
This has to be sarcasm.

It has been done before. His name is Suicide.

No it hasn't been done before. Suicide was a mysterious masked wrestler that didn't talk that nobody gave a fuck about. Having TJ play himself and this Manik alter ego adds a new dimension to the character. And it's good for TJ. Not as good as being yet another small guy from the indies that does cool moves and cuts nerdy promos I guess. Of course that's the answer to everything. :rolleyes:
I think this Manik character has enormous potential. It's never been done in wrestling as far as I can remember. Hands down the most promising character in TNA and probaly all of wrestling.

Seriously?? Because I can't seem so get over on his lame a$$ character now.
To be honest, his ring abilities aren't half bad, but for me I always pictured suicide as a crazy sob, or some wild dude that doesn't give a eff. Once Austin Aries stole his suit, and he was "unmasked", that pretty much killed his angle for me. He looks like a wuss, talks like a wuss, and now has changed his name...just like a wuss would do.

Simply put, suicide was alright, not the best, but alright, but manik is lame.
The x division has some good talent, guys like petey Williams, Kenny king, double a, and the list goes on... Why does tna, and people like this "schwhata gui" above see in a subpar lucha-esque wrestler like manik???
Here's what I think happened:

HH)Brother, we need to make changes. the only ratings are when I'm on, so maybe we need to involve me in more storylines.
dc) good idea boss. best one ever since you decided to hire yourself for me.
hh) what about this suicide guy. maybe we can do something with him
??) well there's been several people under the mask. and most of them are involved in pretty big stories now.
hh)forget that brother, we'll do a demasking. adn i'll say that it was the one guy under the mask all the time.
dc)but won't people know that it wasn't?
hh)nah, the idiots... I mean fans, believe whatever bull i tell them. i'll come out and say it was the one guy and no one will dare say other wise because i rule. i even have the right guy in mind.
??) okay, but won't that make the gimmick useless? Unless we completely change the costume.
dc)oh no, we can't due that. that costume completly identifies us, ever since we released our video game. what if we just renamed him. isn't there like, an m on the costume. maybe give him an M name.
hh) yeah bro, let's think of something a little more upbeat. I mean sure, we've all thought of suicide, but it just doesn't work. Maybe I should get my lov---I mean my daughter in here and ask for her ideas. she's been smoking hot lately. is it just me, or does she get more bangaful every show?
bp)you're sick dude. you're way too close to your daughter you egomaniacal bastard. you're going to ruin this company like you did wcw and would have done to wwe if vince hadn't wised up and let you go.
hh) bro that's it. Manic. that's do great. and the guy I know, my pj buddy- i mean my buddy TJ will do great. And it works on a few levels. Goes from suicide to manic, kind of like going from depression to mania, like those people what do you call them?
hh)don't be an idiot brother, i meant smarks. Oh bp, got news bro. you're fired.
bp)thank the lord, i'm free! i'm free from this insanity.

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