Make up your mind peeps!!!


First of all i just want to say to all of you. I respect and validate all your opinions as I hope you will respect and validate this opinion. I ain't trying to start nothing or talk shit but........

The only thing that bothers me about most of you people (for HBK-aholics sake - Slyfox) you people at the end of the day don't know what you want. Example, John Cena, a lot of John Cena haters out there, this is a good example because, first people hated seeing him as champ, then he lost the title and got hurt, so then people hated seeing him away and without the title. OK, so he comes back and makes one of the biggest shockers ever at the royal rumble, wins that, and its like you people still complain. Here's my point. You people don't know what you want and you complain either way.

I hear talk about people wanting to see this person as champ, or see this person get a push, or see this match etc....... and when it happens, you people still find something to complain about. Point being, it's never good enough. And just like the damn country, the WWE is in its own struggle, this ain't 97 or 2004, there is a lack in talent, so of course the matches are going to lack somewhat. Sorry we don;t have Goldbergs, Lesnars, Angles, Rocks, Austins, prime HBKs, prime Triple H's, Hogans, Stings, anymore.

Now it's, "I'm tired of CM Punk, I'm tired of Jericho, Batista, or on Smackdown, its I'm tired of Triple H, I'm tired of now seeing Jeff Hardy with a title or title shot.

Even if you people get your wishes and hopes come true, you still will complain, that's the point I'm making. Yea the WWE sucks right now and we have our rights to give our opinions on that, but we ain't gotta complain, cuz its not going to really make the WWE any better.
I dont really get your point-on a board like this opinions and complaints roll together-If i say im tired of HHH being champ because its boring its a complaint and an opinion.

But by your logic i.e. not complaining because it changes nothing, well saying nothing guareentees nothing changes. Id sooner take the chance, the slim chance, that some WWE guy reads a complaint on here and reacts to it within the company, rather than saying jack. Hell i sure no one from WWE with any stroke reads this, but im happy enough voicing my thoughts amongst other wrestling fans. Not doing something because it changes nothing, isnt a good reason not to do something. Because you never know.

I do agree with you on one point though, this aint 1999, thats for damn sure. But my frustration with WWE is that, nearly a decade on from the best era in wrestling, it has never even come close to matching it, and thats pretty sad.
Ok, I may be mistaken but this is a forum where ideas can be discussed and views can be expressed. Now those views may indeed include ones of negativity towards certain superstars, and then others are then free to debate the positives of said wrestler.
I thought that is what a forum is about
I understand what you're trying to say with your post, but I just think your perception is a bit jumbled.

What happens is that a group of people want to see a particular scenario happen, while others who don't care to comment choose not to say anything during that point in time. Then, when the storyline actually takes place, those who were opposed to it (the ones who didn't care enough to say much) begin to voice their disapproval. It's not (always) that it's the same person, or people, constantly going back and forth all the time, although in some cases, there are people who believe that a particular storyline could be better.

It seems as if you basically just clumped everyone together into a group of "Wrestling Fans", forgetting to take into account the different types of fans, who have different ideas of what they'd like to see.

In the other cases, where people do change their minds, you've just gotta understand that people change all the time. When we post on forums, we're really just expressing the way we feel at that specific point in time. Preferences are subject to change with or without notice.
While your overall point seemed to have gotten garbled in your writing, I think I get what you're saying. Unfortunately, that's one of the drawbacks of the relatively comfortable position I believe a majority of the board users live in today. When you've got everything you need to live, you start to look around for things that could be improved. This applies to our lives, our jobs and yes, our sources of entertainment among other things. It happens here, on the SvR2009 board, everywhere. That's just the way of stuff in this day and age.

But what you need to see here is that people do have differing opinions and for some, almost no matter what happens, said people will never accept Cena no matter what position he's put in basically because of his past pushes. The IWC is not as difficult to please as it sounds, just slightly more cynical due to having more knowledge of the way WWE works than most fans who I believe to some degree are marks. Okay, so I basically lost my own train of thought here but you know what I'm saying, right?
yeah i see exactly what your saying HK, good post.

For me, i remember when watching wrestling was a must for, i had to see what was going to happen-attitude era and early 90s i mean.Now, im hardly watch regulary at all, just when i have nothing else to do. Ill always check the results of shows and ppvs to see whats going on, but if the product was more entertaining i wouldnt need to because id be watching week in/week out. I used to love wrestling, and i still buy the smackdown games, but i want to love it again. But i cant because most the time, it just isnt any good-a combination of me getting older and fussier [im only 22 but thats a longtime to be a wrestling fan] about what i find entertaining, and wwe having a younger demographic to please and just general crap stories.

WWF/E was a part of my childhood, and even as i grew up and got into women and drink and other stuff, i still had time for WWF. Now, id be hard pressed to be bored enough to watch a show. And its a shame really. Thats why i bitch and give my opinions, because something that i grew up on, is now crap, or at best, ok.
First of all, I hope you realize the incredible irony in your opening post. You're complaining about complainers who complain about something they can't change, while at the same time complaining about something you can't change. Irony at it's finest.

Anyways, to actually address your point, I think Swift did a fine job answering. It's not really the same people who complain everytime. It's not like I'm at one moment screaming for a Shelton Benjamin push, and then bitching about it when he gets it. Usually it's the OTHER side of the fence that causes the problems.

If Shelton is getting a push, I have no reason to bitch about anything right? Maybe his push isn't as satisfactory as I would like, but I'm content. Well, Random Poster A, who doesn't like him getting pushed, will complain incessantly until that push ends. When the push ends, and Shelton is demoted, Random Poster A will quit complaining, but suddenly I will start to bitch.

That's generally how it works on message boards. If you look closer at it, you'll see it's not the same people who flip flop.
yeah i see exactly what your saying HK, good post.

For me, i remember when watching wrestling was a must for, i had to see what was going to happen-attitude era and early 90s i mean.Now, im hardly watch regulary at all, just when i have nothing else to do. Ill always check the results of shows and ppvs to see whats going on, but if the product was more entertaining i wouldnt need to because id be watching week in/week out. I used to love wrestling, and i still buy the smackdown games, but i want to love it again. But i cant because most the time, it just isnt any good-a combination of me getting older and fussier [im only 22 but thats a longtime to be a wrestling fan] about what i find entertaining, and wwe having a younger demographic to please and just general crap stories.

WWF/E was a part of my childhood, and even as i grew up and got into women and drink and other stuff, i still had time for WWF. Now, id be hard pressed to be bored enough to watch a show. And its a shame really. Thats why i bitch and give my opinions, because something that i grew up on, is now crap, or at best, ok.

hmm, naw hk i get what your saying, get what all of you's are saying. Im aware that there our different fans and different opinions out there, and that people including me want to see different things happen in the wwe. Actually i guess what i was trying to say was, we just need to realize that its not 1997-2005 anymore(even though we are still stuck on that era and spoiled off of it, i am too). Like i hear people and me too reflect on the past and wrestlers like the rock, goldberg, austin, and a prime hbk, and i do to. but i kinda just hate hearing when people just bash a wrestler like john cena, orton, or cm punk for not being an austin or a rock. basically just complaining that its somehow cena's or orton's fault that they are not the rock and steve austin, i dunno. WWE isnt good right now, so yea we do have a right to give opinions or even complain, it just isnt the good days no more, talent has fallen, the wwe has gone in a wrong direction(for now). but bump my post, it was lackluster.
Sadly Summerslam v Batista is why Cena gets booed. I dont like to say it because i have alot of respect for anyone who goes into this business and puts their body on the line to entertain us armchair experts, but Cena is booed because he is lacklustre in the ring. I didnt always see it, but his match with Tista showed it to me-the stfu was so poorly executed-he didnt even have a hold on Batista's chin, nor did he apply pressure.

And Cenas 'fake punches' look exacly what they are-fake. But, they are supposed to look real!Cena is booed because of things like that, not because he isnt Rock or Austin.

Goldberg had a prime?

Why people complain about Orton is beyond me, he is easily the most gifted guy in WWE id say. So would he probably lol but he plays a very good heel and is very good in the ring-total package material.

2005 was a good year? I missed the majority of wwe in 05.

I would say the biggest problem is that people bitch without backing it up in someway, thats what gets me. I dont pretend to know everything about wrestling, all i know is what entertains me, and i base my opinions on that, aswell as what id do if i ran a multi-billion dollar business. I think everybody is entitled to their opinions, but we should all have some respect for the guys who are busting their bodies for to try and entertain us, whether they succeed or not.

Let me tell you, im big football fan [im U.K., it aint soccer] Liverpool as it happens. Some of these players are getting paid tens of thousands a week, and if they play shit, they dont get vilified anywhere near the amount wrestlers get, who earn less and do a hell of alot more to earn it.

I think we can all accept that WWE will never reach the heights of the Attitude era again, largely because TNA will never reach the competitive level needed to push WWE. Whilst the WWE lockeroom is ruled by politics and selfishness, it wont improve. Whilst TNA is ran [storywise and booking wise] the way it is, it will never compete with WWE in the way WCW did, which forced the Attitude Era into being.

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