Major Problem with the DID YOU KNOW posts on


Now I know full well that this forum has nothing to do with the main news site, but I had no other place to sound off and I am sure that the editor would accept criticism with open arms (Sarcasm). Besides, I am sure their life is busy enough as it is with managing the site.

But I am starting to have a major problem with the Did You Know weekly post on the main site. The latest one can be found here.

Now it is a pretty good concept on paper. Have a weekly post that would put some interesting and maybe some little know facts about the industry online. And it started off well enough for the first couple of weeks. But then I noticed they started repeating facts about a month into it. Now for anyone who has followed the industry for more then a few years, coming up with random facts is not that hard. But I understand these guys are a bit busy, so I gave the benefit of the doubt. But then as time went on, the lists started repeating themselves more and more until I realized that they have been posting the same 2 or 3 lists of facts every week for the last few months. Check the archives from the last few weeks. They have even been almost in the same order. I have read about Roddy Piper's match with Bad News Brown, Austin's 13 million dollar year, or the fact that Smackdown was supposed to be an all women's show at least 6 times this year.

I can only attribute this to one of two things. Either the staff is too busy or too lazy. Either way, if that was the case, then just don't do it. Why do something which would be an interesting read, and just half ass it. It's like WCW in 2000!

Seriously though, if it is because they are just to lazy, then why not let the forums submit these facts. Put together an official thread for facts and/or trivia, pick 10 random posts each week, verify their accuracy, and post them. Or grab a volunteer at random to come up with the 10 facts each week. I'm sure there are people here that wouldn't mind doing it for free. As a matter of fact, I will help the cause by submitting the first list myself. So, free of charge, I present:

DID YOU KNOW - Pro wrestling facts and info that has not been repeated on a million times

1) Tatanka was undeafeated in the WWF for roughly two years before losing his first match to Ludvig Borga (who used a chair to incapacitate Tatanka).

2) In it's 25 year history, there have only been 3 Wrestlemania events that were not headlined by a World Title match as the final match of the evening. (Wrestlemania 1 featured Hogan and Mr. T vs Piper and Wonderful; Wrestlemania 8 closed with Hogan vs Sid and Wrestlemania 11 saw Lawrence Taylor vs Bam Bam Bigelow in the final match)

3) Speaking of Wrestlemania, the World Heavyweight Champion has not performed well at the event. Since Triple H successfully defended the title for the first time at Wrestlemania 19, the title has changed hands at every event since, leading to the overall record for defending World Heavyweight Champions 1-6.

4) The first three triple crown champions in WWE History were Pedro Morales, Bret Hart, and Kevin Nash (Diesel). Of those three, Nash achieved the accomplishment quicker then the other two men, capturing those titles within 17 months of joining the company.

5) Kurt Angle is the only man in history to main event both TNA's Bound for Glory and WWE's Wrestlemania.

6) There are only two men in history to win the King of the Ring tournament, The Royal Rumble Match, and compete in the championship main event of Wrestlemania within a 12 month span. Bret Hart won the 93 King of the Ring, was the co-winner of the 94 Royal Rumble, and won the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania 10 in 94. Brock Lesnar did the same thing at the 02 KotR, the 03 RR, and Wrestlemania 19 in 03.

7) Only two men have ever beaten Hulk Hogan at a Wrestlemania. The Ultimate Warrior at WM7 and The Rock at WM18. Overall, Hogan's Wrestlemania record stands at 9-2 and 1 draw. (Double DQ at WM 4 and he won two matches at WM 9.
Wow, what do you know. It looks like they actually listened to me. Or it could be a coincidence. Either way, cool.
If people are this bothered by Wrestlezone's "Did You Know" lists just don't read the fucking post. There's no need for a thread to be created everytime they put out a list.

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