Major Presentation Changes Happening After Lockdown

Shadow of Darkness

Occasional Pre-Show
According to the Wrestling Observer, Dixie Carter spoke with Dave Meltzer and indicated that there would be a lot of changes in the next few weeks as far as the presentation of the shows after her meetings yesterday with Spike TV. She wasn't specific, only saying it would play out soon and would include format changes and new elements to the show. She said the company is making a very conscious decision to focus now on young talent.

hopefully this also means that they take IMPACT on the road. It would help the product IMO. Get real fans to watch the show and get real reactions to see what is working nationwide not just in Orlando.

Hell yeah!!!:rolleyes:
That's all well and good, but Dixie Carter has promised many, many things over the years, and failed to come through with man of them.

If TNA and Spike TV really want to expand their brand, and really want to make a dynamic change to Impact, the one thing that must be done is getting Impact out of The Impact Zone on a consistent basis.
Last nights fans were some of the best in a while for TNA. I think going on the road full time is the best thing for TNA. Some of the talent may disagree with going on the road, but I am sure they will do it. Many don't want to go on the road full time based on past reports.

But, all in all, TNA must do this to succeed.
Cheap journalism again.

WrestlingObserver hears some obscure rumor about changes in production, an already vague and arbitrary term in the eyes of about 95% of the internet crowd or wrestling fans in general, and then runs a rumor on it despite there not being a shed of evidence for any of these perceived changes?

What are we supposed to talk about here? Yay, TNA! They're gonna change... um... stuff! And then, you know... um... it'll... uhh... look better? No! Better product? Yeah, better product!

I really hate when "articles" like this get released. These things are total marketing scams to drive clicks. They provide us as fans looking for inside information with the bare minimum in terms of "information".
I'm happy hearing this, but TNA leaving the Impact Zone sounds too good to be true... at least until an official announcement is made.

I'm curious though. Young talent being the focus sounds awesome. Hopefully it'll be something more than just another colour change.
I'll fully admit it. I haven't watched Impact Wrestling in a LOOOOONG time probably 6 months or more. I hope that two things happen: They get more time for their shows (either an extra hour a week of Impact or another show) and start traveling around the southeast more... Start there and then travel out... I know they do house shows out here... (So Cal) but I never know about them until right before they happen... advertising sucks.

I've heard the show's gotten better... and a presentation change could be a new set... Lord knows Dixie likes changing shit...
my problem with presentation in TNA is that to me when a PPV comes around it just feels the same as impact if it is in the impact zone. i would be okay with still having impact in the impact zone as long EVERY PPV is out of it just to make it feel more like a PPV
If it wasn't for the fact that "Lockdown" was mentioned specifically, I would have sent a bug report to the webmaster. Otherwise, it would obviously be a case of some webscript repeatedly posting three month old articles about how TNA was about to undergo major changes in the future.

In other not news, North Korea's still crazy and Lindsay Lohan's still drunk.
Major presentation coming after LOCKDOWN? Hmmm. Sounds intriguing, but Carter always putting her foot in her mouth from time to time. If that's the case, it may happen after LOCKDOWN or it may happen down the road some time in the near future. But we can all hope this is good for the TNA product as a whole.

Although, I would like to see a UFC type of presentation. With stats and highlights of the wrestlers careers and so forth. Just food for thought.
maybe they are going to start at 5 to the hour??

seriously, Dixie Carter says a lot that doesn't pan out in the end. that's how you promote a company. the presentation isn't the biggest problem, it is the promotion of the company. spend that money on ads to get people to tune in more.
Dixie does seem to promise a lot of things that never come to pass, but maybe she was just referring to some production and set changes. One of my biggest problems is that PPV's tend to look like just another episode of Impact. They need to have more of a big feel to them. There is another thread like this where I said they need to slowly and steadily get Impact shows to a bigger group of fans live, and I think improving the look of Impact and more importantly PPV's would help their cause as well.

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