Main Event

Main Event of Wrestlemania 32 would be interesting for me if its?

  • Roman Reigns VS Triple H

  • Dean Ambrose VS Triple H

  • Brock Lesnar VS Triple H

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Gone. For. Good.
So we know there is a triple threat match for determining WWE World Heavyweight Title's No.1 contender between Roman Reigns, Dean Ambrose & Brock Lesnar. In less than 24 hours, We would know that who is going to face Triple H for the title at Wrestlemania 32.

My question is

Which main event out of three possible choices would interest you the most?

No need to think about where other two will go. Forget all injuries. Just think that you are the decision maker and tell what would be your choice for the main event of this Wrestlemania.

I would chose

Dean Ambrose VS Triple H for the WWE World Heavyweight Title

Because this match interests me the most. There is surely a size difference. HHH would do anything to win and Ambrose is too lunatic to be handled by cheaters. We know that he would do anything to beat Triple H. So its a really intriguing main event for me. :blush:

What about you? :suspic:
We've seen Brock vs HHH a bunch of times and while it was good, it wasn't really anything incredible.

I don't buy Ambrose as a world champion at this point, and while the moments where they've teased a run like at Elimination Chamber and then when he outlasted Roman in the Rumble felt good, I don't think he should get an actual run yet. I think he'd be better in the role of the "underdog" chasing the title than he would be as a champion, but I'm sure he'll get the title sometime down the road.

I'd go Reigns vs HHH. Heyman has referred to Reigns as a Samoan badass in his promos multiple times, so if they just let him be that and pummel guys rather than obeying the authority and having goofy promos, he can be fine. Reigns isn't even that bad in the ring, in fact he's pretty good, and I think he could have a good physical match with a vet like HHH.

Ambrose and HHH would be interesting, but of the given options, I'm going with Reigns/HHH.
You have left out the most likely outcome of Triple H vs Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns. WWE have painted themselves into a corner yet again. Without Ambrose, the crowd will shit all over Reigns and the match itself. Now Ambrose doesn't have the IC belt, the only other option for him is a one on one with Lesnar but it's looking like he will be wasted with Wyatt.
The match that interests me the most and the one I would most like to see is Ambrose against HHH. There are a couple of reasons for it. First as far as I know it's never happened yet, a one on one I mean. Yes when he was part of the Shield they took down Evolution in two straight PPV's, but we've never seen them go head to head.

Ambrose is also nuts, and could pull off anything to win, maybe even a couple of moves we've never seen before. God knows he's capable of it. With Lesnar it would be Suplex City all over again, boring. Reigns, well we've seen his arsenal and quite frankly Ambrose can do more. Ambrose is also the underdog in this fight. He might be the same height as HHH, but looks smaller because of HHH's build.

The main reason other than the fact that Ambrose is one of my favourites, is this would bring it full circle. If you remember when the Shield broke up and Rollins turned, Ambrose went after him, not Reigns. Still wondering why they did that, but anyway, the last person in the Authority for Ambrose to go after would be HHH, and this is the perfect opportunity to get some payback. Don't know why they've not built that angle up either.

If Reigns wins, and I like Reigns, I would be very surprised if the crowd doesn't crap all over it. McMahon will have another Royal Rumble scenario on his hands, and really no way out. HHH will head to Mania to get cheered, and their pick for the "face of the company" will get boo'd to hell and back.

Don't see Lesnar winning, as it looks like he's being saved for Wyatt, and I think the crowd would be okay with that. But if either he or Ambrose doesn't win tonight, I'm expecting it to get ugly. Hope if doesn't happen, but we've seen what happens in the past and it's likely to repeat itself. Fans have made their choice very clear.
You have left out the most likely outcome of Triple H vs Dean Ambrose vs Roman Reigns. WWE have painted themselves into a corner yet again. Without Ambrose, the crowd will shit all over Reigns and the match itself. Now Ambrose doesn't have the IC belt, the only other option for him is a one on one with Lesnar but it's looking like he will be wasted with Wyatt.

This guy gets it.

I read somewhere that the Fastlane event is taking place in Dean Ambrose's home town. I would really like to think that the WWE is not stupid enough to have the event go off air, with Roman Reigns standing on a turnbuckle with his arms in the air, greeted by a wave of booing that would wash away all of the babyface momentum he has clawed and fought for. Then again...

There is no way that Roman Reigns doesn't go to WrestleMania, for my money. They have built him into biggest babyface the company has in the stead of John Cena. And moreover, what would Roman do if he wasn't in the main event of Mania? His angle has been all about being the Champion. Having him lose tonight and not go to the main event at Mania would be the most idiotic move the WWE has made in recent times.

So, yeah, the WWE has painted itself into a corner. For me, I see a dusty finish on the horizon with both Reigns and Ambrose going over. Perhaps both pinning Lesnar after the Wyatt Family are done with him. Then we go down the route of the two coming undone on the road to WrestleMania.
This guy gets it.

I read somewhere that the Fastlane event is taking place in Dean Ambrose's home town. I would really like to think that the WWE is not stupid enough to have the event go off air, with Roman Reigns standing on a turnbuckle with his arms in the air, greeted by a wave of booing that would wash away all of the babyface momentum he has clawed and fought for. Then again...

There is no way that Roman Reigns doesn't go to WrestleMania, for my money. They have built him into biggest babyface the company has in the stead of John Cena. And moreover, what would Roman do if he wasn't in the main event of Mania? His angle has been all about being the Champion. Having him lose tonight and not go to the main event at Mania would be the most idiotic move the WWE has made in recent times.

So, yeah, the WWE has painted itself into a corner. For me, I see a dusty finish on the horizon with both Reigns and Ambrose going over. Perhaps both pinning Lesnar after the Wyatt Family are done with him. Then we go down the route of the two coming undone on the road to WrestleMania.
Yeah I would too like it to be triple threat but Reigns is surely gonna get boos in front of Ambrose and Triple H in the main event if it happens. But Vince wants Reigns to be cheered, right? Then why put him against one of the most over babyfaces of the roster. And Dean Ambrose had nothing to do in the main event if Reigns is gonna win. And Reigns will most probably get win it. So seeing the roster has lost some stars due to injury, why not put Ambrose or Reigns into another feud? Reigns will surely be in title scene but Ambrose would be wasted as he would be just there in the main event for doing nothing. Thats why I wouldnot want it triple threat.


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