Main event scene.


Getting Noticed By Management
Ever since Lesnar was suspended, it got me thinking about the main event scene right now. Let me state that I'm not a Reigns hater, neither a fan. I want to see him get good and be successful but I'm neutral at this point, since he doesn't really do it for me at the momemt.

We have a heel champion with Rollins. With Cena and Bryan holding the other two titles, the top two faces of the company can't enter the main event scene. Wyatt, Ambrose, Ziggler etc seem that they won't enter the title scene either. So that only leaves Reigns and Orton.

Really? First of all, I am a huge Orton fan, but I don't feel like he should feud with Rollins. He got attacked 5 months ago, he came back, got his revenge, destroyed Rollins on Raw, defeated him at Mania, that's it. He got his revenge, this case is closed. Sure, they will use his victory as a means to give him a title shot, but I'm just not feeling it. I feel this feud is over.

So, if we leave Orton out, we only have Reigns, who apparently isn't the most loveable face at the moment, neither does he get a big reaction the way Cena or Bryan were / are getting. The main event scene will now be dominated by a face that people don't really connect with? It seems weird to me and very weak booking going forward.
TBH we don't know how long Cena and Bryan will be US and IC champions, they might say they will bring legitimacy to the belts but Rusev and Ziggler for all we know could walk out with the belts.... leaving superman and the yes man as possible contenders.

As far as a Rollins right now? I guess a triple threat match at Extreme rules. He needs to pin Reigns there and then move on to the rubber match against Orton at Payback. IMO reigns needs feuds to improve himself and since he shouldn't get anywhere near the title while rollins holds it he should wrap up the program within the next 2 ppvs.

After Rollins retains against Reigns and Orton. I see him taking on Cena at MITB and Battleground. Then Brock at Summerslam. Then run into a Ziggler or Ambrose for Night of Champions and Hell in a Cell. SS is a biggish pp. so maybe Bryan? if he retains there and at TLC you need a fresh challenger when he gets to the road to WM....

who am I kidding I want Bryan to beat him for the belt but the Royal Rumble has taught that WWE doesn't grant wishes even when a whole building tells them that
That was my problem with Rollins cashing in. Yes, it created that nice swerve moment, but long-term it'll likely be pretty detrimental to the main event product. Bryan and Cena should've only won the minor titles if Lesnar won the World Championship, that way they could co-headline each PPV that Lesnar wasn't on. Though both of their programs are going to be great, it'll really hurts Rollins' reign.

Rollins only has Orton and Reigns to feud with. Though Orton/Rollins will be a good match (and potentially a good feud), you should not run it as much as they'd need to leading up to Summerslam. Reigns/Rollins would be a lose/lose feud. Reigns can't lose, but also can't win. They'd have to end it with a screwy finish each time to keep him protected, which will get pretty tiresome considering the amount of times it'd likely be needed to be done, it really did no favors to the Bryan/Orton feud in 2013.

The only other guys they have really are Ambrose and Ziggler. Ambrose has no real momentum, lost multiple times in a row to Bray (which, inevitably, led to Bray losing to 'Taker, causing him to lose all momentum as well, another WM31 booking flaw) and Ziggler is neither here or there and likely wouldn't be a good Main Event program after losing to Bryan clean on RAW.

The whole situation is pretty fucked long-term if you ask me, but oh well.
The only other guys they have really are Ambrose and Ziggler. Ambrose has no real momentum, lost multiple times in a row to Bray (which, inevitably, led to Bray losing to 'Taker, causing him to lose all momentum as well, another WM31 booking flaw) and Ziggler is neither here or there and likely wouldn't be a good Main Event program after losing to Bryan clean on RAW.

Bray Wyatt losing to Undertaker was a flaw? What is it with the IWC and wanting all veteran talent to be NOTHING but stepping stones for every young guy to annihilate? You don't build the future at the EXPENSE of the past. The flaw was The Streak being broken by Brock Lesnar, to the benefit of...nobody. It was the worst business decision and the worst kayfabe decision in WWE history. If The Streak was intact, THEN it might have made sense for Wyatt to win (even though I personally would have despised it, I think seeing a midcard nobody like Wyatt be handed that honor might have given me a stroke). Wyatt losing to Undertaker was 100% the right call. WWE would have been absolute fools to have Wyatt win.
If brocks reign as champion taught us nothing it's that the world title doesn`t need to be the focus of every show or ppv for the product to be relevant. Imo they should keep this trend up keeping Rollins defenses to a minimum whil using the two new high profile champions they have to step up and somewhat take place of the main event. In the end it protects Rollins reign as well as elevates the mid card championships to meaning something again not just the cast offs of the main event picture. Cena and Bryan being champions gives them great fallback matches and Rollins can keep playing the chickenshit heel maybe everytime he's scheduled for a title defense he pulls a muscle or some other reason to always weasel out of putting the belt on the line.
I think you need to calm down and be patient. The landscape can change in WWE on just one Raw episode. Orton going after Rollins makes perfect sense. They have only had one match and big feuds like this usually go for at least 3 PPV's. The added incentive for the Title is logical for Orton to continue his feud given he just beat him at Mania. I expect Reigns could become involved at some stage further down the line. When Rollins is finished with Orton and possibly Reigns then Daniel Bryan could well have dropped the IC Title and he can move on to be the next challenger. When all this is done Lesnar wil probably be back at Summerslam which is just over 4 months away!
As of right now, I've got no real problem with Rollins vs. Orton as it's a strong feud that can only build credibility for Rollins as champion. While a lot of people aren't too keen on the idea of Orton becoming champion again, a lot of those same people don't mind Orton chasing the title held by a young, fresh, over heel that brings a lot to the table; provided that the feud ultimately results in high quality matches and said young, fresh, over heel retaining the title.

As for Cena and Bryan, it's true that they might wind up in the title scene before long, though I've got no complaints right now as to where they currently are. It can't be said any plainer: they're probably the two most likely candidates to elevate WWE's mid-card titles to another level. Cena's guaranteed to be booked as a strong champion, WWE isn't going to take the legit face of the company for a decade and start jobbing him out as US champ. Reportedly, WWE is designing a new US title belt, though I don't know if it's a new standard design or a custom job for Cena but, either way, it's likely Cena's champion for a while. While Bryan isn't as guaranteed to be booked to look like a million bucks s Cena, he's the most over babyface the company's had in years and he's their best shot of elevating the Intercontinental Championship if they're serious about doing so. While I think it's also safe to say that a hefty number of fans are bored with Cena in the main event picture altogether, a strong run by Bryan as Intercontinental Champion could be an ideal way to propel him back into the title picture. If officials are concerned about Bryan's neck issues in the long run, then using him to elevate the title in a long, strong run as champion can give them a better idea of how he's going to hold up. If WWE follows through on reported plans for Cena & Bryan as champs, then it could be a couple of epic runs that raise the mid-card titles to levels that are at or very close to all time highs.

As for the rest of the main event picture, it's fairly wide open at this point. WWE can squeeze another couple of ppv matches from Orton & Rollins and by that time, it'll be time for Money in the Bank. I don't know if there'll be a title ladder match and a traditional MITB ladder match like they went with last year but, either way, it's pretty open at this point. Reigns is a definite favorite to win, or it could well be Dean Ambrose. I've read reports suggesting that Ambrose is going to get a big push this summer, so Ambrose winning MITB could be a good way to elevate him and eventually restart his feud with Rollins.

However, I agree with rge2010: give it a little time. I mean, for God's sake, we're not even a week removed from WrestleMania, which is a show that usually sees the entire landscape of WWE turned upside down.
We have a heel champion with Rollins. With Cena and Bryan holding the other two titles, the top two faces of the company can't enter the main event scene. Wyatt, Ambrose, Ziggler etc seem that they won't enter the title scene either. So that only leaves Reigns and Orton.

I think you've forgotten someone, and that someone is Dean Ambrose. Now admittedly his booking so far as been abysmal or is that for a good reason. The reason being, he's not seen as a threat anymore, when he in all actuality is. He is more than capable of taking on Rollins, and I would venture to say, it would be one hell of a feud. Well if Rollins doesn't run away like he always does around Ambrose.

They never really finished their feud last year, having only one real match, and that was interrupted by Wyatt at the end. So when fans say Rollins won, he didn't really. I think Ambrose is the dark horse in the field here, and once the Rollins/Orton feud is over, he'll step up. Rumours are out there that Ambrose will be getting a huge push this year, and I don't see him going for the US title that was a one of deal last week, and his business with the IC title is over. It's onto Rollins now. I personally am looking forward to it.
Woahhhh let's just calm down now folks. We are, what, almost two weeks out of Wrestlemania and you're worried about what's going to happen 3-4 months down the road? Many things can shape the WWE landscape from now until the time the Seth Rollins/Roman Reigns feud ends... who knows, maybe Reigns and Rollins feud for 3+ months... maybe Rollins and Orton feud past ER... or maybe Cena and Bryan lose their titles rather quickly... maybe Owens comes up and is an automatic hit or maybe Samoa Joe debuts against Rollins... or maybe a new star gets pushed into legit contendership a couple months down the road such as Dean Ambrose or Bray Wyatt... or... well the point is, there are MANY things that can happen between now and MITB/SS.

Let's have some patience and not overthink everything.
I don't believe Orton vs. Rollins is over and done. WWE likes these main event clashes to last a few months.....and these guys have had only one official match.

At the same time, I think WWE management wants to keep Roman Reigns hot, but not challenge for the world title for a spell. How long is "a spell?"..... be damned if I know, yet I feel they'll be matching him with upper midcard opponents for a few months, allowing him to get the experience and maturity they hoped he'd have by WM31.

One guy that might qualify to meet either Rollins and/or Reigns could be Rusev. After he's finished with his Cena program, he'll be looking for other game. Imo, the entire reason for his multi-match plan with John Cena was to boost Rusev to a higher level.....and I believe it's working.

When he's done with Cena, he'll be at main event level, eligible to go after Rollins and the championship......or battle Reigns for the right to shoot for the top spot.

Many folks on this forum figured that once Rusev was defeated by Cena, he'd be busted down to the midcard. I think the opposite; Cena is Rusev's springboard to competing at the top.
I don't believe Orton vs. Rollins is over and done. WWE likes these main event clashes to last a few months.....and these guys have had only one official match.

At the same time, I think WWE management wants to keep Roman Reigns hot, but not challenge for the world title for a spell. How long is "a spell?"..... be damned if I know, yet I feel they'll be matching him with upper midcard opponents for a few months, allowing him to get the experience and maturity they hoped he'd have by WM31.

One guy that might qualify to meet either Rollins and/or Reigns could be Rusev. After he's finished with his Cena program, he'll be looking for other game. Imo, the entire reason for his multi-match plan with John Cena was to boost Rusev to a higher level.....and I believe it's working.

When he's done with Cena, he'll be at main event level, eligible to go after Rollins and the championship......or battle Reigns for the right to shoot for the top spot.

Many folks on this forum figured that once Rusev was defeated by Cena, he'd be busted down to the midcard. I think the opposite; Cena is Rusev's springboard to competing at the top.

Holy crap :lol:

Stop being such a mark for Cena. I read several posts about how much Rusev will be "elevated" by Cena.. seriously.. I'm sure it won't really hurt him to lose to Cena, but its not like a feud with Cena automatically leads to main event status; thats just not how it works. You don't lose two times in a row for a mid card title, and then become a credible contender for the WWEWHC..
They have many options over the next six months.

Randy Orton is the obvious one. And I really liked the Rollins/Orton match at 'Mania and would like to see them have a rematch with even more time since it'll be the main event.

Roman Reigns is the next obvious challenger. I'm not sure if they will go with him right off the bat, since I imagine they'd prefer him chase the title until SummerSlam or Night of Champions. But he can easily be added to a Rollins/Orton match in a triple threat.

Daniel Bryan is another guy. Who knows how long he will hold the Intercontinental Championship. Maybe he drops it to Dean Ambrose or Sheamus and then moves onto a feud with Rollins. Or maybe they use the IC title as the "#1 contender" or "next in line" angle and have a champion vs champion match.

John Cena I agree should stay out of the title picture for as long as possible. If holding the US Championship accomplishes this, he can stay US Champ all year for all I care.

Another interesting choice for a contender is Bray Wyatt. They are both heels, but it's not inconceivable to see one of them (likely Bray) turn babyface and challenge for the title either.

Dean Ambrose has a claim for a title shot as well, even though he's lost a lot lately. He can rekindle their feud from last year and the breakup of The Shield. Though, I don't necessarily think Ambrose is ready for the World Championship, he can fill a spot.

And finally, we have Brock Lesnar. I'm not sure what they have planned for Lesnar when he returns. But last week they all but setup a big time match with Rollins for the title at SummerSlam. I doubt they put the title back on Lesnar though, so they'd have to find a way to beat him again.

Extreme Rules: Seth Rollins 'C' vs Randy Orton
Payback: Seth Rollins 'C' vs Randy Orton vs Roman Reigns
Money In The Bank: Seth Rollins 'C' vs Daniel Bryan
Battleground: Seth Rollins 'C' vs Daniel Bryan - some kind of gimmick match
SummerSlam: Seth Rollins 'C' vs Brock Lesnar
Night of Champions: Seth Rollins 'C' vs Roman Reigns
Yeah, we could see all those matches with Rollins as champion over the next year or even 6 months....or Orton could politic his way to another title reign next month and throw all those decent matches out the window and we'd be in store for Orton vs. Cena for the next few months again. I'm only half-kidding, by the way. I think we will see Orton vs. Rollins until June, then likely Reigns will get a shot, and Lesnar for SummerSlam.

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