Magnus is the *NEW* TNA World Heavyweight Chamipon!

It's Damn Real!

The undisputed, undefeated TNA &

Receiver of numerous Twist's of Fate.

Beneficiary of interference from ECIII, Dixie Carter herself and Chief of Staff Rockstar Spud.

World Heavyweight Champion nonetheless.

As Taz so eloquently put it, "His name, is Magnus!"

Yeah, I know... "I read it in the spoilers weeks ago!" Good for you.


It's been a long time in the making, but it sure as shit seems like TNA has finally decided to not just turn Magnus heel, but give him the title run he's needed to legitimize his status in the company. Dirty as it may be, this is often how names are born.
I read it in the spoilers this morning. Fuck the rules.

Well, good for him! I mean, here's a young guy, talented, worked his butt off, puts him in a cool position. Why not?

But that fucking TNA, man. They never push their own home grown talent over WWE rejects. Owait.
I'm glad for Magnus. I heard he had a fantastic run as champ in Ring Ka King, and I've witnessed how solid he is in the ring repeatedly. Hopefully him being the champ doesn't run out of steam like it did for Sabin. There's the possibility of another feud with Joe, plus others like Aries and dare I say James Storm. But this looks to be something good blossoming.
I'm happy for the guy. I wanted him to win.
I'm still not sure how good it is from a company standpoint but as a fan I'm cool with it.
Like Lowdown said I hope it doesn't go the way it went with Sabin.

He's been with the company for what 6 years? And he's still young. I think on loyalty and quality he has earned a chance to be the guy.

I have a legitimate interest in seeing where he goes from here and what TNA does with the main event scene.
I'm glad for Magnus. I heard he had a fantastic run as champ in Ring Ka King, and I've witnessed how solid he is in the ring repeatedly. Hopefully him being the champ doesn't run out of steam like it did for Sabin. There's the possibility of another feud with Joe, plus others like Aries and dare I say James Storm. But this looks to be something good blossoming.

Can't see that being the case at all here. Magnus may flop, but it won't be in the same manner as Sabin did for two reasons:

1. Size and look. Magnus actually looks like a World Heavyweight Champion. Sabin is diminutive, and as most diminutive champions before him will tell you, they have to work twice as hard to continue to convince the fans to believe they can be in the position they are.

2. He has backing. The Carter's and Spud. I know that's not exactly the Four Horsemen in his corner, but in terms of where this story has built to, he has the on-screen owner of the company backing him, as well as her "Chief of Staff", and her up-and-comer nephew wrestler.
While the name of the match was bad, the actual match was good. Jeff Hardy got some great spots in and Magnus looked good, Jeff looked good. A great way to cap off Final Resolution and the final supercard of the year.
I like it! Magnus' push has been a long time coming, and (on the surface, so far) the push has been very well done. His push may have started before he got the rub from The Main Event Mafia (arguably), but that's the first time I could see that IW was putting a good amount of faith in Magnus.

The heel turn was well done for Magnus, too. It wasn't done too quickly, but it was teased several times (at least) since his match with The Stinger at BFG. Every time Magnus would act heelish, it seemed he would go to the ends of the Earth to prove that he was still a "good guy". The last "important" heel turn we saw on IW was when Bully Ray blasted Jeff Hardy with the rubber hammer to win the World Title. Bully had seemingly betrayed everyone important to the company. Calfzilla turned on Hulk Hogan, Brooke Hogan, Sting, Jeff Hardy, and all the fans (there might be more I'm missing, but Hulk, Brooke & Sting were the ones who were most important for the story). Even though there are obvious similarities between Magnus & Bully's heel turns, there are subtle differences as well.

During Bully Ray's relatively short face run in 2012, his presidential reveal happened with a hammer shot to Hardy - and a World Title win. Bully's turn was executed over a decent amount of time as well, but with a lot less "teasing" than we saw from least as far as I remember; I don't recall any "big" teases from Bully (at least not in the same vein as the ones we saw from Magnus), he seemed like he had truly reformed for the sake of fighting the masked motorcyclists. From what I remember, TNA creative let Bully's past behavior and Hulk's distrust in him be the only "real" clues.

One of the things I don't like about Magnus' heel turn is that the cast of characters involved were Sting & Hardy. Sting was the guy who trusted both Magnus & Bully completely (almost blindly), and gave both of them the more credit than anyone else. Hardy was the guy who took the fall in both stories; it almost seems that TNA is starting to use Jeff in the same way that WWE was using guys like Kane, Jericho and/or Christian. I don't necessarily think that's a bad thing to do at this point in time, especially with TNA's UK tour looming on the horizon. Hardy will most likely be written off TV before the UK tour, because I believe he's still on probation (in the state of NC, if I've got my facts straight). If he's leaving TV anyway, why not use him to create another new star? I just don't that Hardy was used for both Bully AND Magnus to step over. Kurt Angle may have been a better choice for Magnus' final opponent in the Title Tournament, but the timing of the UK Tour made Hardy the most logical guy to put in that position...not to mention that Hardy is one of TNA's top babyfaces.

The other thing I don't love about the Magnus turn is how it's yet another heel stable starting with a brand new heel at the helm. There was Hardy turning to join Immortal, Bully turning to join A&8s, and now Magnus turning to join Team Dixie. There's also "The Band", and the original MEM to consider. Those two groups didn't create a champion (or top star), but they were still top heel groups. The Band tried to elevate EY, but the group dissolved before they could do anything with him (if I've even got that right). There are probably other dominant heel groups I'm forgetting, but we all know they were just trying to bottle some nWo lightning each time. "The Band" was the only group that didn't try to disguise the fact that they were trying to directly emulate the original nWo. Even without Hogan, it was essentially the most important original nWo members from WCW (and even the WWF/E revival in '02).

I remember an interview with Kevin Nash (and this isn't verbatim, so I'm apologizing in advance for my summary), during the time of either the original MEM or "The Band" - where he said something like this (speaking on his opinion of an what average TNA fan might be thinking at that time): "...a strong group of like-minded heels can beat a lone-wolf face (or group of faces that aren't on the same page) most of the time. That makes sense to me. Nash was probably right, but it' seems it's been done to death at this point.

I love Impact; I'm usually more excited for Thursdays than I am for Mondays...but it seems like more of the same song & dance TNA has been doing for years. Are they beating a dead horse here? That's not for me to say, at least not yet. Hopefully this story (AJ vs Magnus, at least eventually) will have enough steam to be different than the other stories. I feel that a factor a lot of people overlook during the original Monday Night Wars is that WCW had the heels winning all the time, and the WWF/E had the faces coming out on top. People (or fans) want to see the good guys succeed, and that's not what TNA has been giving us over the recent years.

I know TNA wants to be an alternative the the WWE, but they're doing a lot of things the WWE/WCW has done in the past anyway. Having the bad guys win isn't the way it works in Hollywood most of the time, and that formula has worked ever since the "moving picture" was invented. The bad guys aren't supposed to win all the time, but neither are the good guys. IMHO, TNA needs to let AJ be their Hogan - their Stone Cold - their Sting - their Goldberg - their Ultimate Warrior - their Rock (etc). I've only been a regular TNA viewer/fan since 2007ish, but IMHO they need to change their booking style to let the good guys be the focus of the show for a while.

I'll (finally) end this post paraphrasing the great Albert Einstein: The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over, while expecting different results. Wise words from a wise man.
Was it a half assed attempt at a swerve when Ethan Carter ran down to try to prevent Magnus from coming all the way down the cage? Hope Spud isnt going to be a wrestler.
That actually wasn't as overbooked as I thought it'd be(aside from EC3 going after Magnus). And it was a match that I wouldn't mind seeing more of in the future. Glad to see Magnus win the title, and turn heel in the process. Let's see if he can run with it. Even though I didn't feel surprised in the heel turn. I would have liked to see something more of an impact in a Magnus turn, like a single moment you can pin it on. something like the beer bottle shot Roode did to Storm. it was that moment you knew Roode turned. there wasn't really a singular moment where Magnus turned heel. he climbed the ladder when Hardy was down, after being pushed off the ladder by Spud. that's just a smart move, not necessarily something that automatically makes him heel.
Good for him. But i gotta say that was an alful match. Allful consept dixie land what a joke. just bad

I thought the match was good until the outside interference. If anything they should have kept EC3 backstage and have him do what Spud did. The Dixie part was bad since Jeff can't touch her. That's my only criticism, Other then that We all expected Magnus' win,good for him since he has lot of potential.
Was it a half assed attempt at a swerve when Ethan Carter ran down to try to prevent Magnus from coming all the way down the cage? Hope Spud isnt going to be a wrestler.

I would have liked the Ethan Carter vs Magnus fake-out to be clearer than what transpired on screen, but that works for me nonetheless.
I haven't watched TNA in a while because Bully Ray didn't do much for me as TNA Champion. But now I'm intrigued. I like Magnus, he's a solid all-rounder. And him as champion is certainly something that's very fresh. It reminded me of Mankind vs. The Rock when Rock first won the title, where the boss turned on the misfit and sided with the guy who seems much more like championship material.

I'm guessing he'll have a couple more matches with Jeff Hardy, then a new feud after that. And I'm guessing he'll eventually turn face again and turn on Dixie. Or they're going to start building a new face to take the title from Magnus in a few months. Either way, I'm interested to see where it's going, the first time in a long time that I've been interested in TNA.
That actually wasn't as overbooked as I thought it'd be(aside from EC3 going after Magnus). And it was a match that I wouldn't mind seeing more of in the future. Glad to see Magnus win the title, and turn heel in the process. Let's see if he can run with it. Even though I didn't feel surprised in the heel turn. I would have liked to see something more of an impact in a Magnus turn, like a single moment you can pin it on. something like the beer bottle shot Roode did to Storm. it was that moment you knew Roode turned. there wasn't really a singular moment where Magnus turned heel. he climbed the ladder when Hardy was down, after being pushed off the ladder by Spud. that's just a smart move, not necessarily something that automatically makes him heel.

I mentioned in the GDT that I wanted to see that wry smile you usually see that moment just before the turn is complete and the performer takes down the belt, or does the action. I wanted to see more hesitation in Magnus as Spud and Carter and the like were cheering him on to go take the belt, while Hardy lay prone, for him to look concerned, only to charge confidently up the ramp, climb the ladder, and then just before taking the belt down, look down at the crowd, give that wry smile we've seen so many times before, and maybe even the ol' English two-finger salute in the process.

But I'm being really nit-picky with how I'd have personally booked it. I'm quite happy with what they did.
I mentioned in the GDT that I wanted to see that wry smile you usually see that moment just before the turn is complete and the performer takes down the belt, or does the action. I wanted to see more hesitation in Magnus as Spud and Carter and the like were cheering him on to go take the belt, while Hardy lay prone, for him to look concerned, only to charge confidently up the ramp, climb the ladder, and then just before taking the belt down, look down at the crowd, give that wry smile we've seen so many times before, and maybe even the ol' English two-finger salute in the process.

But I'm being really nit-picky with how I'd have personally booked it. I'm quite happy with what they did.

I get what you're saying, but TNA did a great job of tying Magnus' journey together. His feud with Sting was about making a name for himself. He's reiterated all along that his primary goal was to be the champion of TNA and he would do whatever it takes to get there. They also tied it together earlier in the night with some irony - Magnus calling Hardy a sell-out and ultimately selling out himself. I like what they've done with Magnus. I initially thought he was bland while with the MEM, but last night on the mic, he was solid. And in the ring, he's tough. I think this is going to be a fresh and exciting run for the World championship.
The booking in TNA as of late, has been extremely solid, including this win for Magnus. Great Heel turn, and on Jeff Hardy, by no doubt, which will really anger many of the fans towards him now. I'm sure this is building up to another match with AJ Styles as we will have Champion VS Champion. I'd love to see it be a clean match between the two again, but with the way they are booking things as we speak, probably won't happen. That in itself, is really where the shame lies because I really think that Magnus VS Styles II has the potential to be an amazing match. I guess we shall see where this is headed. My prediction is that sometime here soon, we are going to end up with TNA VS Impact Wrestling. Impact being lead by Dixie Carter and TNA being lead by Jeff Jarette. If done well, it could be good and seeing as how they are lining things up, the Impact Wrestling team is already off to a good start, especially with Magnus being the Champion. Now all we need is EC3 to pick a Tag Team partner and win that title and somehow get the X-Division belt off of Aries without it looking bad, and Boom, you got a nice little stable that might actually lead to one of the best storylines for the company.
I mentioned in the GDT that I wanted to see that wry smile you usually see that moment just before the turn is complete and the performer takes down the belt, or does the action. I wanted to see more hesitation in Magnus as Spud and Carter and the like were cheering him on to go take the belt, while Hardy lay prone, for him to look concerned, only to charge confidently up the ramp, climb the ladder, and then just before taking the belt down, look down at the crowd, give that wry smile we've seen so many times before, and maybe even the ol' English two-finger salute in the process.

But I'm being really nit-picky with how I'd have personally booked it. I'm quite happy with what they did.

See, that's the exact last way I'd go with it. Why is it that in wrestling, a turn always has to be that the guy was "in on it all along" and that he's irreparably evil........except in 6 months he'll be good again and not evil at all?

For my money, I actually kind of like DIFFERENT types of bad guys. In a sense, Magnus may not be "evil", but desperate perhaps. He made a deal with the devil to ensure a win he wasn't sure he'd get. In fact, he may be a decent guy who made an indecent decision. That sort of character can have a lot more depth that "I was always evil and like a moron I lost for months on end just to see my 'master plan' finally work!" I've always been insulted by that sort of storytelling.

This way can make more sense and it's certainly more diverse than the same type of turns we've seen for years. I'm all for it. I mean, I don't love Magnus and I'm not all for him being the champion, but for his character and the fact that he treated the "big reveal" quite differently than Bully Ray, I like that part.
See, that's the exact last way I'd go with it. Why is it that in wrestling, a turn always has to be that the guy was "in on it all along" and that he's irreparably evil........except in 6 months he'll be good again and not evil at all?

For my money, I actually kind of like DIFFERENT types of bad guys. In a sense, Magnus may not be "evil", but desperate perhaps. He made a deal with the devil to ensure a win he wasn't sure he'd get. In fact, he may be a decent guy who made an indecent decision. That sort of character can have a lot more depth that "I was always evil and like a moron I lost for months on end just to see my 'master plan' finally work!" I've always been insulted by that sort of storytelling.

This way can make more sense and it's certainly more diverse than the same type of turns we've seen for years. I'm all for it. I mean, I don't love Magnus and I'm not all for him being the champion, but for his character and the fact that he treated the "big reveal" quite differently than Bully Ray, I like that part.

Yeah I have to agree with you here.

I hate it when good guys that were VANILLA ICE good, turn bad and literally two seconds later they're like "MWAHAHAHA, I am evil now, I do evil things because I did one evil thing six point five seconds ago!"

Okay, I'm sorry but have these people heard of a TRANSITION? You know, how come we have never had a guy TRANSITION into a heel before? Maybe we have, but it was probably written ultra bad. Thanks, Vince. Or when they do it, it's so fucking obvious. C'mon, these are writers, is it that hard? That's writing 101, right?

Maybe this guy is forced into a choice to align with the bad guys. Maybe he has to do their dirty work for a while and we can SEE his struggle. Maybe he then actually starts to like it a little, maybe it CORRUPTS him. OR, it doesn't and he overcomes a moral debacle.

I mean, have you heard of a guy called HEISENBERG? Perfect example. In the end, he ended up getting 99% corrupted by meth dealing. He ended up LIKING it. The shy school teacher.

The show would've sucked if in the third episode he cooked a batch and went "MWAHAHAH I AM HEISENBERG THE GOD OF DRUGS, SAY MY NAME!"

No, fuck that, it's 2013. Television has evolved. How come characters don't? Human personality isn't a light switch. Things change, people change and it doesn't take three seconds. It takes time and occurences to twist someone into something else. We don't just snap.

I like the Magnus thing but this is one area that I really want wrestling to improve in.
I'm in agreement with the previous two posters, while I knew that Magnus would turn, I think he should have turned at the last minute. Because it's more real and organic that this guy would grab his chance at being champ at the last minute regardless of the consequences. Than him saying "i've been in cahoots all along!" cause to me i've never seen Dixie and her pals helping Magnus AT ALL during the tournament so it's illogical. Plus we've seen this kind of turn in the last 15 years or so happen time and time again and again. Why not do something different? I know that TNA have never been known for originality but at least TRY, dammit. I also hate those kind of "we were together all along!" cause it means that whatever happens when we see it, doesn't matter EVER cause it's decided behind the scene. I'm of the opinion that in wrestling things only really matter when they happen in front of the fans' eyes LIVE cause you want to say to them that what they see matters, that it's the real deal. That is why a live wrestling show is so captivating and important. Magnus taking the belt, reaching for the stars when Hardy is left laying is a great star-making moment and a good devious heel turn. But having all this being "the plan all along" turn this into a joke.
I'm in agreement with the previous two posters, while I knew that Magnus would turn, I think he should have turned at the last minute. Because it's more real and organic that this guy would grab his chance at being champ at the last minute regardless of the consequences. Than him saying "i've been in cahoots all along!" cause to me i've never seen Dixie and her pals helping Magnus AT ALL during the tournament so it's illogical. Plus we've seen this kind of turn in the last 15 years or so happen time and time again and again. Why not do something different? I know that TNA have never been known for originality but at least TRY, dammit. I also hate those kind of "we were together all along!" cause it means that whatever happens when we see it, doesn't matter EVER cause it's decided behind the scene. I'm of the opinion that in wrestling things only really matter when they happen in front of the fans' eyes LIVE cause you want to say to them that what they see matters, that it's the real deal. That is why a live wrestling show is so captivating and important. Magnus taking the belt, reaching for the stars when Hardy is left laying is a great star-making moment and a good devious heel turn. But having all this being "the plan all along" turn this into a joke.

Well, the other problem I have is that wrestling writers treat viewers like they are stupid. I mean there were TWO talking segments where they asked about Jeff siding with Dixie which means you might as well say MAGNUS IS TURNING. For once, let actions speak louder than words!

I'll refer to Survivor Series 1998 which was brilliant. McMahon has talked of having a Corporate Champion and Mankind has been trying to be that guy. It seems like the road is easy for him and that the McMahons have chosen him given the Dwayne Gill match and the screwing of Austin in his favor. Meanwhile, he meets the Rock in the finals and the Rock is the guy that sold out all along!

But there were clues. It didn't come out of nowhere. The first match he had, Bossman (a corporate guy) ran in and got pinned in 3 seconds. Then he faced Shamrock (another corporate guy) and intercepted a hammer intended for Shamrock. Those clues were there to show he had help along the way but you'd only see it at the end.

With Magnus, you had none of that. He had to beat other guys for real. So it's not feasible to do a screwing in the final match and have it be "the plan all along" because how do you know the guy is going to get to the final match? What if he had lost before?

That's why I like this way better. Let's see how it plays out, but I wouldn't make Magnus all evil right away either.

I actually said this with 10/10/10. I would have had Angle in the group but not "evil". I would have had him win because he was desperate and didn't want his career to end so he sold his soul to the devil. For a while, he does the bidding and is the heel but reluctantly so, and eventually he leaves the group. Then maybe the group finds a "new guy" that isn't Anderson. That would have been a lot better and made a lot more sense than Jeff Hardy.
I saw this coming. When AJ Styles said something along the lines of "Dixie's paper champion isn't the real World Champion", I knew the winner had to be a heel to set up heel Champion vs AJ Styles. Jeff Hardy had already had that huge heel turn for the Championship on 10.10.10, doing it again would ruin his face status. The fans wouldn't trust him should he turn face again and he has a huge fan base. These good guy-gone bad turns are rare as well so I just couldn't see Hardy turning heel here. Magnus on the other hand is a rising star, pinned Sting at Bound For Glory (only AJ can say that) and has had that cocky smile as IDR said. Refusing to shake the Icon's hand and then apologizing days later doesn't do it for me, I knew (kayfabe wise) he would have no problem taking the easy way out.

Those saying he should have hesitated a little before pulling the belt off should think of it this way; there was an opportunity and he took it. In the match, both tore each other apart, both damaged their own bodies while executing a move on the opponent and Hardy had that little edge over the young Brit. Magnus striked EC3 when he came down to help Hardy and the Charismatic Enigma did the same. Both wanted a fair fight but when Magnus realized he couldn't beat Hardy, the last slice of Pizza was there and he ate it. This was similar to Randy Orton's heel turn in the summer, he went into match wanting to become the Champion and suddenly used assistance from the authority. That's what happened on Impact. Dixie wouldn't want Magnus to hit her nephew for show now would she?

I just hope this isn't another power control storyline. A "Corporate Champion" maybe, setting up Magnus vs AJ Styles is fine, but I just wish this isn't stable wars or something.
Magnus as a "Corporate Champion" I love it because Magnus with him as a heel champion he can essentially become more cocky and more arrogant and with Dixie by his side he can only become that much more bigger of a heel but even more bigger of a star because people will be envious of him and want to go after him with Magnus facing obstacle after obstacle

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