Magic Moments

Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
I don't know if this thread has been started but anyway...what was your all time favourite moment in the WWE? The one that made you itching for the next show. The best one in recent memory was when DX reunited - really made me want to watch. Those are the moments that bring viewers and restore excitement in the WWE. THe controversial moments also get interest. Like the Montreal Screwjob. I can see a magic moment coming up though (Not the NWO) but Vince will have something up his sleeve.
I think pretty much everything from when Austin was originally feuding with Vince. Looking back it does'nt look anything special but at the time it was groundbraking.
This will probably sound stupid to some people but mine was when Smackdown used to have random fatal 4 ways & over the top battle royals with all the Cruiserweights that was the good old days.
anytime The Rock makes an appearance!
actually, any classic Rock moment was ... ELECTRIFYING!

there were a lot of magic moments in the Attitude Era...these days it seems they have stopped using the whole "surprise/shock value".
I kinda miss stuff like that, when out of no where, Austin would come out and stunn everyone!
Rock Vs. Stone Cold Moments ,best Promos I Have Ever Heard From Saying That He Is Going To Stick It Up Your Candy Ass To, The Classic Finger Then Stunner.
I kinda enjoyed when Jericho debuted interupting the Rock. That was classic.

there were a lot of magic moments in the Attitude Era...these days it seems they have stopped using the whole "surprise/shock value".
I kinda miss stuff like that, when out of no where, Austin would come out and stunn everyone!
I agree, like when they brought back Jeff Hardy, why did they have to tell us? Why couldn't it be a complete surprise, it would have been 10 times better, or anything like that. I always was excited when I knew that anything could happen, but now I'm not as excited, because nothing really surpising or shocking ever happens or rarely happens any more.
i would have to say the time when benoit won the whc and him and eddie celebrated in the ring. that was truly magical :headbanger:
My favorite moment is when The Undertaker is in a special match (Hell in a Cell, Buried Alive) those matches always do good for him
Doink the clown and dink. and the austin/hhh and austin/taker and austin/rock and austin/mcmahon feuds. the old dx. the attitude era. that was my favorite wwf moment(s). why? because thats when wwe was original. thats when a lot was fresh and amazing to watch. i miss it. i miss it so...
1. Lita winning the title from Trish on Dec. 4 2004 Raw. I know that match like the back of my hand and everytime I rewatch it, it just gets me excitied again. That was a great moment for me and it got me jumping out of my seat and anxiously waiting for the next show.

2. Mick Foley winning the WWF Title- I didn't watch wrestling when this happened, but I have watched the whole show and match over and over again and the crowd reaction was so amazing. You don't see stuff like that anymore.

3. Victoria debuting the widows peak- This might be a non-exsistant moment for some, but it blew me away. I'd never seen anything like that from a male wrestler, and to see a female do it was just amazing! I couldn't wait to what she was going to do next.

Flames Out
For me it has to be when Y2J debuted and got verbally ripped to pieces by the rock, that was so funny "How dare you little jagroni come out here" lol
ryanjohnson_14 said:
i would have to say the time when benoit won the whc and him and eddie celebrated in the ring. that was truly magical :headbanger:

I agree with you 100%, the best moment in the history of the company, I had the honor of being there live. Shawn Michaels return to the ring 2002, Eddie's title win, the opening segment of ECW ONS 2005, hell the entire show, are all great moments.
this post has evolved a bit, I thought it was about what made you want to watch the following week! But all of these are memorable moments, when Foley beat the Rock for the WWF title, the crowd reaction still gives me goosebumps, also 'tune in next week to see the Ministries HIGHER POWER!' was a great thing too, made me want to see who it was and what the ministry of darkness were gonna do next!
Y2J's WWE debut made me mark out big time. The single best debut EVER. Even better than Angle's in TNA. In fact, anyone who has that on their computer, hit me up.
I loved the Alliance vs WWF fued, especially the tag match Jericho/Kane against Lance Storm and Mike Awesome (I think it was those two), when a bunch of WCW guys came out and dominated Y2J and Kane, Raven, Rhyno and the Dudley Boyz come out to make the save. Only to turn on the WWF and mark the WCW/ECW Alliance.

Also that year, just before the Invasion PPV in the ring a bunch of WCW guys came out and started beating the hell out of a few WWF guys, some more WWF guys came out from the back to make the save, only to be outnumbered by more ECW alumina. Then, SMASH! Stone Cold returns and heaps WWF even out the score.

-Alotta people trash on the Alliance angle, but it was wrestlings prime in my book, even if it could've been better.
If I had to choose one moment, it would have to be the night when WCW/ECW became the Alliance. Its very rare for RAW or even a PPV to be as action packed as that RAW was. You had a heel turn by WCW to start the show, a great Booker T-Kurt Angle WCW Title match, ECW invading and then ECW merging with WCW. And to top the night off, Steph was announced ECW owner. I was at that RAW in Atlanta that night and that was a night I wont ever forget.
myn wud have to be when taker n kane had the 1st inferno match at unforgiven 98! that match gave me goosbumbs!!!
I mark out for any Stone cold or Rock moment, cant get enough of them, cant wait for Austins return next year.

A few other things stick in my mind.......

1. Mankind's fall off hell in a cell
2. Big show and Brock breaking the ring (made me jump up and yell sh*t)
3. Eddie and Benoit at the end of WM

A Magic Moment I have watched over and over again is November 14th 2005. WWE RAW. Eddie Guerrero tribute show. The whole locker room standing on the stage, and the crowd begins a deafening "Thank You Eddie" chant. That was awesome. A moment I have watched just once, because it gives me hard out goosebumps, and brings tears to my eyes. Truly Magic.

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