Madison Square Garden's Best Moment

Which Moment

  • Hulkamania is Born

  • Wrestlemania I

  • Randy and Elizabeth Elope

  • Bret's Big Win

  • The Game Returns

  • The Celebration

  • The Champ is Here

  • Other

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The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Ah, the Garden. It's a bit outdated, te Basketball team that plays there sucks, and its constantly revered by all the clueless New Yorkers who felt a building was going to be enough to make the greatest Basketball player in the world join a team that has been mired in mediocrity after trading Patrick Chewing. I'm sorry, Ewing. Still, for wrestling fans, it is a kind of a mecca. All of the best moments in the WWE's history are tied to Madison Square Garden. It's held the most Wrestlemania, will probably always be the WWE's home, and is known for typically putting on the best shows. The the way of putting on those best shows, The Garden also has a habit of putting on memories the likes of which will never be topped. The question is, which Madison Square Garden moment stands out to you most:

Hulkamania is born- Yeah, this has to go somewhere on my poll. Granted, it happened at a house show, but it's still history, the likes of which will never be duplicated. The Garden became unglued when Hogan won the title, and that very same day, we knew this was going to be a permanent fixture in our lives. You can't have a MSG list without mentioning the Hulkster, and this is no different. This goes on the list, for obvious reasons.

The first Wrestlemania- Again, this really goes on here for the history of the matter. The show itself was nothing to write home about, but the fact that is was the first Wrestlemania was something that can't be forgotten. Watching Mr. T and Hogan coming out together was something you can't ignore, as the mega event would launch what is widely regarded as the most anticipated day for any wrestling fan. The first Wrestlemania has to wind up here somewhere.

Macho Man and Elizabeth's wedding- This one is really a sentimental favorite for me. I know, I'm a softy. As soon as I wrap this up, I gotta go watch Pretty Little Liars. Still, this moment was so damn beatiful. Mind you, it was a couple years late, and I'm sure the WWE would have issues explaining the whole "they got divorced a year later thing". Still, the grandiose nature of this event, The Match Made in Heaven, was always so touching to me. And my God, who could really forget that wedding song.


I know they parodied this years later with Trips and Steph, I believe, but this was such a wonderful song for these two.

Bret wins the World Title- Again, I'm not particularly that big a fan of this, but even I can't deny the explosion from the crowd. Watching the faces all holding up Bret after he did the impossible, and beat Yokozuna, was quite humbling in a way. Then, of course, you had the staredown between Owen and Bret, which was just epic. Bret's title win itself wasn't great, but Vince treated it like a really magical moment, and admittedly, it probably deserves the nod.

Triple H returns from his injury- Yes, I don't like Trips as much as the next guy, but I really can't deny the crowd went crazy. Whether I like to admit it or not, at this point, he was pretty damn over. My God, listen to this pop when Trips comes out.


The promo itself was really well done, and Ross and Lawler did a fantastic job hyping this up to be the special moment it was.

"The Celebration"- Yes, yes; we're likely to never see Vince highlight this moment ever again. But at the time, it was touching, if not haunting now. Watching Eddie and Chris celebrate their world title conquests would make any smark cry. Hell, it made me shed a tear or two, and I'm not afraid to admit it. I have to admit, the event has lost a lot of its luster since the events three years ago. Still, I can't deny that I marked out, just like the entire free world did.

John Cena returns- I feel compelled to put this here, because of how well it was hidden. It goes to show you, Vince still has it when he really needs it. Again, the crowd went apeshit. A crowd that usually is pretty smarky, and gives Cena a pretty bad reaction gave him the reaction of a king. It was almost like a Freudian insight, as you saw these fans mark out so hard, before they went right back to booing him. A great moment that probably may not deserve to be on the list, but I'm including it for the shock of the matter.

Other- Isn't that pretty self explanatory?

What, to you, is MSG's greatest moment?
I gotta go with a few not listed.

The 1st would be the classic Superfly splash off the steel cage onto Don Muraco. After a stellar feud that ended with a classic steel cage match where Muraco got a fluke victory after falling out of the cage and winning. When Snuka brought him back into the ring and proceeded to climb the cage, the crowd went absolutely nuts for Snuka who was one of their top faces at the time. Then the image of him jumping off the cage and splashing onto Muraco was priceless, and in turn influenced many wrestlers to join professional wrestling (most notable was Mick Foley, but of course everyone knows that). Also, the reaction of the crowd was probably one of the (if not the) best reactions that ever happened in MSG, the crowd just ate it up.

This moment has become part of wrestling folklore and has always been held in extremely high regard, maybe even more than when Hogan won the title (well maybe not, but its definitely close). Even though by todays standards the moment doesn't hold up with the likes of Foley getting thrown off the cell, but when it happened it was treated like the biggest moment in WWF history.

Another one I would like to add was when Austin stunned McMahon for the first time. McMahon was trying to keep Austin off the show because of his injury (right after the Owen Hart Incident when he gave him a stinger) but Austin just attacked everyone at anytime and the crowd ate it up more and more, but when he stunned the boss the crowd went absolutely nuts for the guy, it was at this moment that he became their #1 star and afterwards him getting arrested was gold. Not only that it started what was arguably the biggest feud in wrestling history (biggest one of the 90's by far). Austin already had a huge fanbase, but this moment put him over the top.

Out of the 2, probably Austin stunning McMahon was the biggest moment in MSG history as it was one of the most memorable moments that is remembered by both the hardcore and the casual fan (I have friends that haven't watched wrestling in 10 years bring up this moment, and when it happened it was talked about by almost EVERYONE for a long, long time).
I have to go wih shawn michaels winning the first ever elimination chamber! i was there on november 17th 2002 and the crowd went crazy when shawn pinned hhh! i was 13 and i still remember it like it was yesterday!
I have to go wih shawn michaels winning the first ever elimination chamber! i was there on november 17th 2002 and the crowd went crazy when shawn pinned hhh! i was 13 and i still remember it like it was yesterday!

Well fuck me, that happened there, too?

I'm going to get plenty of heat from The Hart marks on here, but that win meant far more than Bret Hart's at Wrestlemania X. However, I have to objective in saying that in the process of that match, four young, hungry superstars were somewhat buried. The moment of Shawn winning was awesome; what wasn't awesome was watching Kane, RVD, Booker T, and Chris Jericho all fall underneath the Shawn and Hunter show, which was pretty much the case. I'm all for the win, but Triple H didn't need to stay until the end. I'd have let someone like Chris Jericho, or RVD stay until the end with Shawn. That way, you could build a new, fresh feud off that exchange in the Chamber.

But, no, Trips ego just wouldn't allow it. But you are right. A great moment, and probably more meaningful than Bret Hart's win
I remember this thread a few months ago..

Anyway..I am going to pick a few at first and then see from there...

- HHH return...the crowd went crazy..coming back after what like 7 months was it??, it was a true great comeback!! (and he had to be interupted)

- Elimination Chamber 2002...I marked out when HBK won the title...he and HHH had a huge storyline going on as well at this time..and it was just brilliant...

- Scott Steiner returns...This was also Survivor Series, and one of my favourite returns...I pick this over Cenas return as well..the amount the crowd was into this guy..all WWE did was bury him...

All being said..I have to go with the Games return!!
Well my favorite moment will always be when John Cena returned at the 2008 Royal rumble. Three months prior of that I got into wrestling and wwe and when I first saw John cena being taken out by Randy Orton and thinking. He won't come back for a good six months then seeing him come out at the royal rumble and the crowds reaction was so surreal like I was shocked and it was a magical moment for me anyways.
I would probably have to go with Wrestlemania 1 since it is such an historic event. Looking back at the show now, it wasn't anything special. Back in the 80s this event really launched WWF into what it has become now. WrestleMania became a household name. I have never been to the Garden so I can't say what the best moment was considering there have been so many great moments there. I just think as far as WWE is concerned, that the first WrestleMania has to be the best moment since nothing has been accomplished of that magnitude before.
Well, the first one that comes to mind is Wrestlemania 20, Benoit winning the World Championship and Eddie Guerrero coming down and giving him a huge, with tears in his eyes. But, that's not my answer.

Tommy Dreamer is someone I perhaps admire and respect more than anyone else in the business. I don't think there's a person who ever stepped through those ropes with more love for the sport than he had.

I know it was his dream to headline a big match at Madison Square Garden, and when that dream came true for him (in a IC/Hardcore Title Unification match against Rob Van Dam pn Raw).... I was just so happy for the guy. And not only did his dream come true, but he absolutely put on a superb match, with the crowd completely in support of him and RVD (plus the original ECW). I will always love that match , and it has to be my favorite MSG moment, as such a massive fan of Tommy Dreamer and the original ECW.

Hey, hey, hey. What about shawn michaels vs razor ramon? tgat was pretty big, because i certainly didnt remember anything about bret hart at wrestlemania X. all i can remember is that epic ladder match, one of my favorite matches to this day. so i dont get how this is not listed. just saying.
I had to go with Hulkamania being born. Really, what is bigger than that looking at the history of wrestling? All the others were definitely worthy of mention but nowhere near on the scale of what ended up being Hulkamania. I guess Wrestlemania 1 would be, but that was also only as big as it was partially due to Hulkamania. I'm pretty torn on it really.
When I was a kid I remember going to a house show at MSG. I don't remember shit else about the event except that The Ultimate Warrior beat Andre the Giant in like 8 seconds. I never ever saw the big man get dominated like that before or since then.

Fast forward to like 2000 or '01..I went to a smackdown taping and on the same show we had McMahon asking Linda for a divorce and Kurt freakin' Angle put his World Wrestling Federation Championship on the line against The Rock, Stone Cold Steve Austin and the Undertaker in a Fatal Fourway match. Talk about best match ever up to that point. The Game left all five men lying in the ring as SmackDown! went off the air.. Who knew I'd get to see 2 important pieces of WWF history live. That was like the best smackdown ever up to that point and I couldn't believe that I had tickets to another show that week.

good times... goooood times
I'd have to go with Wrestlemania I.

The Garden had already gained its significance through boxing matches and such, became the Mecca, the place where everyone wanted to be. For Vince to begi his global attack there was smart. Very pro WWF crowd, great atmosphere.. made for a huge spectacle that launched the WWF, a long with Rock and Wrestling, into our homes.
For history sake, I have to say Wrestlemania 1.

But everyone seems to have forgotten one of the best ladder matches of all time was at MSG, and Im not talking about Razor vs HBK. Summerslam 98, Triple H beat The Rock for the IC title

Well fuck me, that happened there, too?

I'm going to get plenty of heat from The Hart marks on here, but that win meant far more than Bret Hart's at Wrestlemania X. However, I have to objective in saying that in the process of that match, four young, hungry superstars were somewhat buried. The moment of Shawn winning was awesome; what wasn't awesome was watching Kane, RVD, Booker T, and Chris Jericho all fall underneath the Shawn and Hunter show, which was pretty much the case. I'm all for the win, but Triple H didn't need to stay until the end. I'd have let someone like Chris Jericho, or RVD stay until the end with Shawn. That way, you could build a new, fresh feud off that exchange in the Chamber.

But, no, Trips ego just wouldn't allow it. But you are right. A great moment, and probably more meaningful than Bret Hart's win

I agree in what you're saying in that young talent getting buried in the Chamber was bad, but I don't think we can all solely blame this on Triple H's ego. That man gets far more shit put on him than seems fair, and while we all know that he was in the title picture for what seems like the length of the Mezosoic era, I think we should cut him a bit of slack at least in this situation. I swear that on these forums that man gets slammed more times than a prisoner with a pretty pucker some days.

If this is going off on a tangent I apologize, but the fact of the matter is, this was the first ever elimination chamber, and not only that, they figured since it was the first, they should stack the shit out of it. With 6 headlining guys in it like that, it's hard for some to not seem like they're getting buried. All 6 guys were feasible as champions and had a right to be there, and someone had to take the pins. You didn't have Chris Masters or Big Daddy V in there to take a few finishers for the most popular guys. The fact that Shawn finally got the win over HHH and took his title from him gave a sense of vindication that you wouldnt get if he pinned say, RVD. It meant so much more this way, and if no matter what wuibbles you have with HHH, you can't argue that it is good seeing him lose.

Which (insert incredible segue) leads me to what I believe was the Garden's best moment, being Chris Benoit's victory over HHH and HBK at WMXX. This was such a great emotional moment, and the embrace with Eddie with the confetti falling has got to be one of the greatest moments in MSG and Wrestlemania history.

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