Luke Gallows


Pre-Show Stalwart
Luke Gallows recently worked a dark match tryout for TNA. Personally, I thought he had potential, but absolutely hated the Festus gimmick in WWE. I always felt he had the Anderson Family Look (Gene, Ole, and Arn) and could have been portrayed as an Anderson family descendent. But, with so many actual offspring in WWE, I can see why they wouldn't do this.

However, this brings me to the point, if TNA decided to offer him a contract how would you like to see him used? Would/Could/Should it be a good hire if TNA introduced/pushed/used him in the right fashion.

I bring up the Anderson comment because I like him in an enforcer role. WWE used him in this fashion with CM Punk, but unlike Arn Anderson was for Flair, Gallows never won. He cheated in matches and was used as the guy for the face to beat up and get wins while Punk was being pushed.

I could see Gallows as the enforcer and a partner in tag team. I don't however see him as a big time singles star. Maybe I'm wrong, but he never really came across as someone with a big time personality. I think he would be a solid addition to the roster and an improvement over guys like Dreamer, D-Von, Hardy, Murphy, Rob Terry, etc. But, this is not the type of guy that will push them forward in ratings unless he is involved in some sort of unbelievable story line.
Unless he comes in with a different gimmick, I can't see Gallows ever being a big star in singles. He just doesnt stand out to me at all, but he does suit the bodyguard/enforcer role and perhaps as a member of a tag team.

I can't see where he would fit into the mix in TNA right now though, perhaps as a bodyguard for Brian Kendrick or something like that, to protect the X-Division guys from Abyss? That may have a chance of working.

But the TNA roster is filled with plenty of guys with a better look, and more in-ring talent than Luke Gallows, so I cant see him adding much, if anything to TNA.
I don't like Gallows. I never did, and chances are - I never will. So if it was up to me, I'd keep that guy out of TNA as far as possible. Now, unlike other idiots on these forums, I'll present actual arguments as to why I dislike him.

1. He doesn't have a good look. He's so bland to me. He's a big guy, definitely, but he doesn't strike me as an intimidating force like, say, a Matt Morgan would. He looks like shit, he's got this stupid goatee going on, and is very, very generic. One reason I'm a fan of guys is their look. It's just important to me.

2. In the ring, he's no better than Matt Morgan or any big guy out there. When you have Crimson and Morgan on your roster, two dudes who can go and put on a decent match, I don't see how Gallows can bring anything new to the table.

3. I don't think he's any good on the mic. He's not horrible, but he's not too great either.

In the end, Luke Gallows doesn't belong in a mainstream company. He's bland, doesn't bring anything to the company, and I don't want to see him in TNA. If they end up signing him, then there's my piss break.
For me he just doesn't have a good enough look to make it big in any way. He looks to me like your typical generic guy to be billed as 6'6" 300lbs and TNA have enough of those as it is.

I don't really know what he's like on the mic, but seeing as he never really got the opportunity in WWE to get his charisma over I can only assume he's pretty awful. And TNA have plenty of those as it is.

Chances are he will be signed, have no idea what they will do with him, but he will undoubtedly end up in the 'former WWE talent that couldn't make it in TNA either' bin along with Trevor Murdoch/Jethro Holliday as mentioned in a previous post. (edit - and TNA have enough of those as it is)
If Gallows looked anything like any Anderson it would be Gene, that was one ugly bastard, tough but ugly. Want to go back further Lars was the ugliest man in Pro Wrestling history, and the biggest/meanest Anderson of all of them. The problem of turning Gallows into an ANderson would be simply be that nobody in the business wrestles like an Anderson today. Pick out a body part and rip it to shreds.

Nobody has that attitude that "It doesn't matter if they win or lose, someone is leaving the building on a stretcher" or "The only good win is when your opponent has a broken nose, a broken leg, a broken arm, a broken rib..." and let's face it, nobody can talk like Ole did, nobody can talk like Arn did, nobody is believable in that role.

When Ric started he was a "Cousin" to Gene and Ole (To get the rub), with Arn they brought him in and he was a nephew, what would Gallows be? Lars and Ole's Great Great Love Child? He's ugly enough.

You want to bring someone into that legacy you better be positive that he will produce and have the look in said way. Gallows just isnt in that group of elite talent or does he have the makeup. Arn was the last great Anderson, let sleeping dogs lie.
Really, what can they do with him? He has the benefit that WWE played him up pretty well as a brick wall type character. I can honestly see them pairing him with Anderson in a backup role, similar to what he did with Punk. But I don't know how long that will last, as TNA can't make up their minds on whether Anderson will be a face or heel sometimes. Outside of a backup role for a major player in TNA, they really would have to search to find something for him.

Then again, they could go back to one of his old gimmicks and have him come out as a fake Abyss.

And if TNA does that, they are worse off than I thought.
Meh, thats my feeling on Gallows. As said earlier, he is nothing that special that TNA doesn't already have and thats sad because he could be good. Yeah he is big, but so is Morgan. If TNA does sign him, and thats a big if they could make him the bodyguard of Mr. Anderson.
Can't see why TNA need Gallows, just another big guy that didn't make the grade in the WWE, that just makes him one of many. If this is what TNA are looking for then they will be better off waiting a few months until Mason Ryan is inevitably released.
Luke Gallows is nothing special. I can see him going the Gunner or Murphy route and taking a back seat to Immortal or Bischoff and Hogan. Luke will not be anything huge in TNA. He really doesn't have the skills to be a main event player in TNA so I don't see the point of them hiring someone like Luke Gallows when he will have very little to do in a month or so. I don't understand the point in bringing in someone as untalented as Luke Gallows.

Unless he dusts off his 'Freakin Deacon' gimmick, I won't care to see him on my television or iMPACT Wrestling.
I think I seen Jimmy Gallows working at AM/PM. Don't ya'll have something better to talk how R Truth is the next WWE CHAMP. If a white boy like the Miz was wrestling Cena ya'll be lighting up the boards..

You're 9, you have access to the Internet, you don't know the difference between being silly and being straight up ******ed and you're not contributing to this thread (or all the other threads) with ... this. Acting like R-Truth on a wrestling forum? Really? REALLY? REALLY? REALLY?
Luke Gallows is a fantastic wrestler who can put on a solid match with just about anyone. He's shown how versatile it is with all his different gimmicks but he really does need to settle down with a gimmick that suits him. He'd done all he could as Festus and I always felt he didn't look comfortable as Punk's enforcer.
I dont think comparing Gallows and his situation to Gunner is a good thing. Gunner was the longest reigning NWA National Heavyweight Champion in history (2 year reign), he had held and defended all over the country before dropping the belt to sign with TNA. Gunner has far more to go off of than Gallows and in my opinion is far more well rounded as a performer. Gunner is also proficient in actual hand to hand combat being an Iraqi War Veteran, that comes in handy in the ring.

Gallows may be good but he is not in the same league as the 28 year old rising star Gunner.
Gallows showed promise in his match as Fesstus against the Undertaker. Taker really made Festus look dominant. For some reason the Luke Gallows SES character didn't look as big or intimidating as "Festus". There is potential with him, but then again, if they are looking for big guys there is bigger more agile guys like Mike Knox floating around and didn't they just get rid of Murphy who is even bigger than Gallows??

I guess much like what the the Pope did, unless he creates a really good character, TNA "creatively" wont have anything for him.
He'd easily fit as someone's bodyguard/tag team partner or even being yet another security guard with an attitude problem. He really isn't that big a name. He doesn't really have a look that makes him stand out. He would be as expendable as Murphy. Speaking of which, here has he been? Nowhere. Which would be how Luke would end up. TNA is a bit too filled right now and with them having extra workers for their Destination X PPV, that limits even more the need to have him. He's not needed and if he is indeed hired, I don't expect to see him anywhere that would matter.
I like Gallows & enjoyed his character during the SES storyline. In my opinion, he could thrive if given the right role. Maybe they could have him come in & feud with RVD or something, Gallows could be a similar straight edge type character & the story would write itself. The only problem I have, which some others have stated, is that IW already has a packed roster with people that rarely get used on TV. Personally, I'd rather see Brian Kendrick & Shannon Moore on TV regularly than Gallows.
i like luke gallows, was upset when he left the wwe. i think he could do some big things, plus he is still fairly young, he has some time left with him and could easily be main event status. hopefully luke gets onto the tna roster and i hope to see him do big things.
Normally I’d complain at the prospect of TNA hiring another WWE reject, but Gallows is so irrelevant that I doubt the majority of TNA’s audience will even recognize him as such. Really, there’s no reason to hire him; whatever role TNA could possibly have in mind for him could be filled by a fresh face that at least has some talent or potential.

Actually, on second thought, they should bring him in and have him feud with a returning Brian Lee. That’d be funny.
[QUOTE="Stone Cold" John Hogan;3203128]Actually, on second thought, they should bring him in and have him feud with a returning Brian Lee. That’d be funny.[/QUOTE]

Ahh Brian Lee, I remember him from the early days of TNA at the Asylum in Nashville, as part of the new Church

I always thought it was pretty strange that you had guys with all these evil sounding names like Slash, Sinn, Vampiro, Malice, and then there was a guy called Brian Lee with a boring sounding regular name. That always made me smile :)
You thread made me realise something. SES Gallows looked like Bully Ray to me. They could have AJ or the person feuding with Ray (could be Crimson) go crazy and violent on Bully Ray so he bring his dominant bodyguard from the neighborhood or whoever he would be, that is kind of dress like Bully Ray, and help him until he break free and go on his own.
You thread made me realise something. SES Gallows looked like Bully Ray to me. They could have AJ or the person feuding with Ray (could be Crimson) go crazy and violent on Bully Ray so he bring his dominant bodyguard from the neighborhood or whoever he would be, that is kind of dress like Bully Ray, and help him until he break free and go on his own.

Good idea, but it would add yet another member to Immortal. Luke Gallows could be good in TNA, but why hire him when Murphy and Rob Terry are stiil there? Thats the real problem that i have with Gallow in TNA.
Good idea, but it would add yet another member to Immortal. Luke Gallows could be good in TNA, but why hire him when Murphy and Rob Terry are stiil there? Thats the real problem that i have with Gallow in TNA.

Last time I checked those 2 were both out of Immortals or did they let them back in without notice? And Jarrett is gone for a while in Mexico, or suppose to be. So Immortals are basically Gunner and Bully Ray management agency now.
I feel like Luke Gallows has the potential to be a big star in TNA. Sadly, in WWE he was just a forgetable midcarder at best. I would definately like to see him and someone like Matt Morgan in a nice series of matches, culminating in a potential tagteam or heck, even vice versa. The potential with him and other big men like Abyss, Hernadez or gulp, even Rob Terry could be quite interesting and refreshing.
Last time I checked those 2 were both out of Immortals or did they let them back in without notice? And Jarrett is gone for a while in Mexico, or suppose to be. So Immortals are basically Gunner and Bully Ray management agency now.

Well Jarrett is still part of Immortal technically. I know Terry and Murphy are out of Immortal, what i meant was why add him (Gallows) to Immortal when you could just re add one or both of them (Murphy and Terry) back.
Impact should refrain from this.

As Naitch said, there big men in TNA who have a better look and work better matches than him. Rather than adding another generic big guy just work on what you have coz it is one of the best around. Seriously, Crimson needs a lot of work and attention. So focus on that Impact. Luke Gallows, unfortunately, isn't gonna make it in any capacity.

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