Lucha Underground Exec On It's Future


Lord And Master
Staff member
AAA executive vice president and Lucha Underground executive producer, Dorian Roldan, did an interview yesterday with MLW's Court Bauer to promote the upcoming Lucha Libre World Cup iPPV this Sunday. But the true highlight of the interview was his discussion of the Lucha Underground product.

Court asked him season 2 and his response was (I'm paraphrasing here):
"We are hoping to start season 2 in June. We have some kinks and logistics to work on but our relation with Robert and Mark Burnett is strong."
From my understanding, season 2 has not been greenlit because they want to make it more cost productive. So they're working on shooting in a location where they can sell tickets, what can be cut and how they can minimize costs. There's also the case that they're trying to sell season 1 to Televisa. The largest TV station in Mexico, which would mean a huge money boost to keep the income high. But from his words, Burnett and Rodriguez are high on continuing LU. Them being the ones who approached AAA with the concept initially.

Another point they touched was on the potential of AAA & LU merging in order to get the AAA product into the U.S. But Dorian says otherwise to that idea. Not to mention, they both might air in the same channel with different stories and character interpretations. (again, I'm paraphrasing)
To me both brands are separate universes. AAA is just wrestling. Yes we want to expand it and modernize. But it's a wrestling promotion. With Lucha Underground, we want more of an action series approach. We want to create more merchandise for it. Box sets, Netflix, action figures. I want this to be the next big action franchise. Like Power Rangers. Or Mortal Kombat.
The part about Power Rangers and Mortal Kombat were explicit examples from him. And......


Not so farfetched.

So yeah. You can imagine "Lucha Underground: The Movie" being something they'd pitch as an idea. Or "Lucha Underground: The Videogame". Hell, "Lucha Underground: The Flamethrower"! Kid's love that.

This also cements the fact that Lucha Underground will remain under it's seasonal format and will likely film on one specific location per season. And you know what? I want it that way. This a completely different, radical approach to professional wrestling that is fresh, exciting and very entertaining. There is nothing about the product I would change. Would you?
Nope. Seems like an interesting way to keep their talent fresh and their ideas from running out. I don't mind waiting for more content. Lucha Underground has been decent thus far.
He said they will probably make an announcement on season 2 in June. They probably won't film until September.

Who is the soccer owner he's talking about helping with finance?

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