

Too Sweet To Be Sour
Love. It's a powerful word and emotion, is it not? I personally feel it's a word tossed around way too often anymore, and you may be thinking "He's 14 he doesn't know what he is talking about when he mentions love", but love and teenagers is the main issue I am tackling here.

Personally I believe love is something that can be used to describe to different things. When you "love" someone or something, or when you are "in love" with someone or something. I believe when you "love" something/someone, you have a special feeling for it/them and would do anything for it/them and will always stick up for it/them, and while you may hate it/them at times, or all the time, you still love it/them and nothing can change it. You suually won't have a physical/sexual (they are usually the same thing, I guess lol) attraction I think that this is something you only experience with family, best friends, and pets, and can be felt at certain extents. You may love someone/something yet not do anything for it/them because you hate it/them.

Now when you are "in love" with something/someone, I think it is similar to love, where you would do anything and always stick up for it/them, but you also usually feel sexual attraction/physical attraction to them, maybe even a mental attraction, being in love with another's mind. You'll usually feel something special for this person, something you might not feel for family. You will probably argue with this person and even hate them at times, but you still feel something special about them and are still in love with them, and that's something that rarely ever changes.

Now, either way, love is something special, and I believe that it should be used rarely, as that is usually the way you feel it. But nowadays, and especially in teenagers, which I would know of since I happen to be one, love is tossed around as a word, and I usually feel that there is no true love involved, that people either think they are in love or usually are just experiencing puppy love. On rare occasions people might find someone they are in love with, but it isn't that often at an age like mine where the word is used so much. As soon as someone who is crushing on another starts a relationship with that person, they start saying "I Love You" and will always post stuff on there social profiles and the like saying things like "ily" and such. But I truly don't they are experiencing love, they just think they are in love, and it usually ends quickly and painfully, and when the word love is tossed about so much, it usually makes break-ups hurt more, because you truly thought you loved this person.

So, basically what I'm saying here, is love is a word that is used too often, when it is so rarely truly felt. So, what do you all think, what is love, is the word used too much, is it really felt by so many people, how is it described?
Love is simple. It's the willingness to do whatever you can to keep them happy, within obvious boundaries. You shouldn't say "Oh, well, I know she's cheating on me, but I won't break up with her because I love her and want her happy." Bullshit.

Anyway, yeah. Love is willing to keep the other person happy. Whatever it is, whatever it takes. If she's happy, you're good to go. However, Love isn't always easy. Sometimes you have to do shit you don't want to do, because it'll leave her happier in the end. Like, say, breaking up with her when you know you can't be there for her. For example:

NCIS said:
Dude man was on a mission, and was using Chick to get to her dad. Oh shit, they fell in love. Well, the mission falls about and Chick finds out about Dude Man's mission. Blah, blah, blah, it all falls apart. Months later, she asks him "Was any of it real?" Honestly, it was. But Dude Man knew that she needed to give it up, that it was best for her. So he said "No."

He bit the bullet to make her happier in the end. That's true love. Not the bastardized shit that high schoolers yell to each other on the playground.
Love is simple. It's the willingness to do whatever you can to keep them happy, within obvious boundaries. You shouldn't say "Oh, well, I know she's cheating on me, but I won't break up with her because I love her and want her happy." Bullshit.

Anyway, yeah. Love is willing to keep the other person happy. Whatever it is, whatever it takes. If she's happy, you're good to go. However, Love isn't always easy. Sometimes you have to do shit you don't want to do, because it'll leave her happier in the end. Like, say, breaking up with her when you know you can't be there for her. For example:

He bit the bullet to make her happier in the end. That's true love. Not the bastardized shit that high schoolers yell to each other on the playground.

I agree by saying that loving someone is being willing to do anything for someone and being willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for someone. You are willing to do stuff you don't want or have to do for the person that you do love. It's not always easy and you may have to break-up with someone, ven, to make them happy, yet you'll do it because you are in love with this person. When teenagers say that kind of stuff, saying they love someone, they wouldn't do half the stuff either you or I mention. It's definitley not love.
Love is a word most definitely thrown around by teenagers too often. I'm not going to discount your opinion based on your age Sign Guy, because I absolutely hated it when older people did the same thing to me when I was your age. But when I was a teenager, I threw around the word "love" constantly when in retrospect I only really meant it a few times. When you're a kid and you're looking for some kind of meaning because you've just started the process of becoming a mature adult you convince yourself that some girlfriend you go out with for a few months in 8th grade is some kind of love of your life, when usually this is not the case. I feel like a dick to say it, but I think I even used the L word a few times because I knew it would get me laid. I definitely regret that.

Love doesn't need a description from me though. You couldn't possibly succeed in describing what love is like to someone who's never had it. But those who do, understand.

Oh and Razor... Did you just use the show NCIS to describe love? Fail. Epic fail. Massive fail. I'm drowning in fail.
Love is a word most definitely thrown around by teenagers too often. I'm not going to discount your opinion based on your age Sign Guy, because I absolutely hated it when older people did the same thing to me when I was your age.

Yeah, it sucks. But most teenagers honestly don't know what the fuck they're speaking of.

But when I was a teenager, I threw around the word "love" constantly when in retrospect I only really meant it a few times.


When you're a kid and you're looking for some kind of meaning because you've just started the process of becoming a mature adult you convince yourself that some girlfriend you go out with for a few months in 8th grade is some kind of love of your life, when usually this is not the case. I feel like a dick to say it, but I think I even used the L word a few times because I knew it would get me laid. I definitely regret that.

Yeah...don't feel bad. You're a dude. We're allowed to be dicks. As long as we admit it afterward. :lmao:

Love doesn't need a description from me though. You couldn't possibly succeed in describing what love is like to someone who's never had it. But those who do, understand.

That is a very tactful way to say you don't know to describe it. ;)

All kidding aside, yes. People who know love don't need a description, and those who haven't had it won't really understand what you're saying.

Oh and Razor... Did you just use the show NCIS to describe love? Fail. Epic fail. Massive fail. I'm drowning in fail.

Never said the show was any good. That one scene was exactly what Love is though. Suck it Xfear, suck it indeed. :p
Razor, you missed an opportunity to tell him that you would love it if he would suck it.

I think that in high school, love is a word used way too often by girls. High school girls fall in and out of love like they change underwear. Guys say it to get laid. You may be completely infatuated with a girl, but the truest tests usually fail. When it comes time to pick colleges, do you worry about the other person's feelings?

I remember my first real high school girlfriend. We would tell each other we loved each other, but honestly, I just liked that she let me touch her boobs. I like that she let me have sex with her. I loved that she let me have sex with her.

I am not saying that younger kids aren't capable of the real emotion of love, but I would argue that 90% of the kids who think they are in love aren't.
Since I never have really experienced love, I just describe it as how it feels for me in my "love" for my family, pets, and best friends, and what I think I will feel like when I fall "in love" someday. But I personally don't feel that way about anyone, so I don't date. I get ridiculed alot because I'm 14 and have never had a girlfriend, but I personally don't view as that big of a deal, because I don't feel what I feel like love is torwards anybody, and I doubt I will for a while. Now, Xfear says that you can't really describe love to those who never had it, and those who do understand, and that kind of gets at my whole idea, that love is something special, and is a rare feeling, sometimes in describable, yet the word is tossed around too much by those who usually don't even feel it.
To love something/someone and be in love with someone is different in my eyes. I love my friends and to me that states I will always be there for them when they are in need of help, won't bullshit them around and would miss them if they went out of my life but I wouldn't miss them to the point of it getting in the way of my everyday life.

Being "in" love is the stage where you will do whatever you can, with no limit, for that person. You would rather put yourself in harms way than see them hurt and any plans that could possibly be re-arranged to accommodate that person would be re-arranged. That person going out of your life would crush you to the point you may take a few days off work to sort your head out or try and get over it.

Love is definitely a word that is overused, as is the word hate. There is infact a whole new word related to love that does not mean the same and that is "luv". That is the word I believe that is being tossed around by youngsters in which it means I like you, I may even think I love you but in later life I will find out exactly what the true meaning of the word love is.
I think it's important to recognise that you can 'love' someone, without being 'in love' with them. I mean, you love your family, but it's different than the way you'd love your husband/wife. I tell my friends I love them at the end of conversations on the phone/msn, as they do. It's just something we do. But yes, everyone uses the word love too much. Everyone I know has done it, myself included. You just get caught up in the moment, and think those good feelings are automatically love. But when you sit down and really think about it, it wasn't.
I was speaking about this with a French girl friend of mine and she was saying that she generally told someone she loved them within a week or two and she found it really strange dating a friend of mine that it took months and months for him to say it, and she had to manipulate it out of him. She saw it as completely natural though, in my mind she really likes him, but in her mind that is love. She see's no difference in terminology between the feelings she has for someone after a month and after two years, though the strength of feelings may have vastly increased.

Now the point I am making here (it actually is a point, rather than taking another topic off along French lines.....), is really that I think you guys are all being a little harsh on teenagers here, and guilty of acting a little superior. "Teenagers don't know what they are talking about- they've never been in love and yet they shout about it" (not an actual quote- more of a summary- probably unjust, but what I seemed to gather from some of the comments)

While I agree that teenagers for the most part aren't feeling the unselfish, sacrifice yourself for another style love which was so vigorously described above, they do (or at least I did) feel a feeling (mix of affection coupled with lots of desire) which is completely overpowering and unlike anything else. What’s to say this isn't love for teenagers? That it doesn't change as they grow older? Barely escaped from teenagerhood I haven’t quite grasped the concepts of not being selfish sometimes :p And yes it is mostly quite transitory, but so are most things when you are teenager.

As my friend (the French girl at the beginning), I firmly believe that I was in love as a teenager, (though most would call it a crush)- just a different kind of love that I would (maybe) feel now.

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