
The Doctor

Great and Devious
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are a pretty awesome band. I went of a Lordi spree yesterday and was rocking out in my room to Hard Rock Hallelujah and The Devil Is A Loser.

Any other fans of Lordi, or similar bands?
Doc you wound me. I've been singing their praise since I've been on here. My personal favorite.

Always enjoyed these two as well.


Can you believe this one was meant to be a Christmas song?

I haven't listened to Lordi for ages. Lordi are a proper Rock band. Great riffs, something that makes your head go up and down, and a singer that's got a deep voice and goes as high as the heavens.
They do exactly what they say they're going to do in this song:

Ha, that's an awesome song! Strangely though, if it were an instrumental version, it'd sound like something that you'd hear on Smackdown 2 for PS1. Y'know, with the triangle shaped hell in a cell? Haha, good times. :)
Yeah I love Lordi, they were meant to play a festival over here last year but it didn't sell enough tickets or something like that and it got cancled which pissed me off greatly.
Personally I think they're terrible... Blood Red Sandman is the song of theirs I actually enjoyed...

I'm sure Norcal feels the same...
I've been a fan of Lordi ever since they won the Eurovision contest back in 2006. Hard Rock Hallelujah has been my favorite song ever since. I got their CD "The Arockalypse" before it was even released in the states. My parents had been in Sweden visiting family in the summer of 2006 and I asked them to bring me back a copy of Lordi's CD, they came back with "The Arockalypse". The states would not see an official release of the album for another couple of months. I ended up getting a copy of that one as well, since there are extra tracks. Awesome band!!!!

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