Looks like Rousey is a no go for Mania 32.


With the safety off!!
During an interview with Dana White on the Fight Network, he was asked about Ronda Rousey's appearance at Wrestlemania 31.

While he said it was great, his following comment was this “What she did was awesome. I loved it. She’s a one and done. No (matches).” So it looks like Rousey as of right now anyway will not be fighting HHH, Stephanie or the proposed tag team with the Rock at Wrestlemania 32.

Now I don't know that much about Dana White other than he's a pretty shrewd businessman and tough as nails. So I'm wondering does anyone think the WWE or Rousey will be able to get him to change his mind on letting her fight in a WWE ring? Personally I not sure really about how I feel about her appearing considering it would be an immediate squash, as that's Rousey's style. Thoughts?
Well this is about the least surprising thing I've heard in years.

Rousey is under contract to the UFC. There is zero reason for them to put Rousey in a WWE ring and let her risk a major injury that could hurt one of their top draws. UFC gets more publicity than WWE and is a far bigger deal than WWE has been in years. Rousey is one of the top stars in MMA without being in WWE and really only benefits personally from appearing. White's announcement is exactly what I was expecting and it's the only real option for him.
Well this is about the least surprising thing I've heard in years.

Rousey is under contract to the UFC. There is zero reason for them to put Rousey in a WWE ring and let her risk a major injury that could hurt one of their top draws. UFC gets more publicity than WWE and is a far bigger deal than WWE has been in years. Rousey is one of the top stars in MMA without being in WWE and really only benefits personally from appearing. White's announcement is exactly what I was expecting and it's the only real option for him.

I'm not really surprised either, but everyone was going on like a madman about her appearance at Mania 31, and she did say herself she wanted to get back into the ring the moment she stepped out. The WWE wants to put her in a match with Stephanie to get more asses in the seats, but I wasn't sure White would go for it, and it looks like he won't. So the WWE has to come up with something else to fill Cowboy Stadium. I've no doubt they will, but this was something I think they were counting on happening.
It depends.. I guess so at least. Because Ronda Rousy is a top MMA star, A dangerous women in the world! Record streak of 5 finishes in her MMA history. So it would be a great deal for WWE to have her step into the ring once again for maybe a match.

At the same time it'll be a huge publicity for UFC. On some perspective it seems like UFC relies more on publicity than in just promoting their Stars. For instance, the roped in CM Punk just because of his namesake in WWE and world wide renewed name! So they might can let Ronda to work in WWE for a match!

But like it said it depends on the situation. WWE creative and obviously Vince are monkey-brained. So their plan can change at any point! But it'll be a huge draw for both UFC and WWE if that happens!

He has to be "seen" to say no... it's part of a negotiating position, he can't say "yeah it'd be great to see" cos it devalues his product.

The key to this is how long Ronda is under contract for. If she's remotely close to resigning then this could either become a factor in her doing so or cause her not to and to switch to WWE (which I am sure is Vince's real hope) on a semi-permanent basis.

From Dana's position he holds the "cards" but he'll make a judgement based on UFC alone, he won't have Ronda's wants or best interests in mind.

Ronda might want a Mania appearance but if she signed a 5 year deal, she can be told no... that being said if she has a year left, then she can say..."stop this and there is NO WAY I resign".
Id much rather have it be Rock vs Triple H in say, being either's last match. If Rousey even did some kind of promo, it would be awful, as she's a horrible actress.
Dana White is a successful businessman. People that make a lot of money like White do so by being hard assed when it comes to negotiations. I bet whilst he's in this interview saying no about Rousey having a match his lawyers are talking to WWE lawyers at the same time.

UFC does perfectly fine without WWE and vice versa. However the chance for both promotions to make a lot of money is something that will push this deal through in my opinion.
I'm positive we'll see Rousey again WWE someday. Maybe not next year, but someday.

She's stated numerous times that there are other ventures she would like to try her hand at, that she'd like to start a family, etc. I don't see her being in the UFC by the time she's in her 30's (she's 28 now). WWE, movie/television roles... stuff like that will all pay her more than what the UFC does. UFC wasn't able to sign either Gina Carano or Brock Lesnar recently because those two had better offers and opportunities elsewhere, and I'm positive Rousey will be put in the same predicament once her contract is up.
I wish this were true. As it stands, I'm sure we see Ronda Rousey in a WWE ring in some capacity next year. If it's profitable for Dana White and UFC, keeps Ronda looking strong, and gives the promotion some more exposure (though I'm not sure they really need it), White will be all over it. The one thing about Dana White is, he's always open to negotiation if he can make some good money. He can make a lot of money off of Rousey and Wrestlemania. Although I doubt we see her in a legitimate match, I'm sure she'll have some sort of spot or whatnot.
To be perfectly honest, I didn't really expect Ronda Rousey to wrestle at WrestleMania next year. I entertained the thought that it MIGHT happen as she was allowed to appear as part of a segment at this year's show, but I didn't really expect it to go down. Much like Vince McMahon, Dana White's a pretty calculating businessman and I figured the only way he'd even consider loaning out, arguably, the biggest star in MMA today to participate in a pro wrestling match would be for an outright obscene amount of money, so much that it'd probably not be worth it to have her participate in the first place.

I can't blame White whatsoever, however, as there's no real reason for him to agree to it. Even if WWE was willing to pay whatever amount White would demand for renting out Rousey for WrestleMania, White also has to consider Rousey's reputation. We all know Rousey's a big wrestling fan and has been all her life, so MAYBE she'd be up for almost anything if it meant being a central part of WrestleMania; it'd not only be one helluva sweet payday for her, but it'd probably also be a lotta fun. But, I don't see White risking that WWE does an angle or sets the match up in a way that, in White's eyes or even in the eyes some MMA fans, makes Rousey look bad. A lot of MMA fans just don't like pro wrestling all that much to begin with, so White has to consider the possibility of some fans turning on Rousey for being part of "fake wrestling", which could lead to the gravy train that is Ronda Rousey being derailed.
White's announcement is exactly what I was expecting and it's the only real option for him.

Understood, yet Rousey and WWE were aware of all this from the start, so why make premature announcements of her participation?

Naturally, the first thing that occurs is that Dana White is looking to up whatever fee UFC (or himself) will receive from WWE to sanction Ronda's appearance next year. By all indications so far, she's anxious to do WM32 and White's flat refusal to allow it might leave him with a very unhappy employee.

As to the possibility of injury, I would think she has a much greater chance of getting hurt in her daily workout than a pro wrestling match, in which performers know how to protect their opponent, especially when the participants are guests, rather than full-time employees.

My guess is that it will work out if it's something Ronda and Vince McMahon really intended.....and Dana White knows it. His sport will receive greater exposure because of it.....and essentially, everyone wins.

Plus, as far as guests go, Ronda Rousey is probably tougher than Florence Henderson.
I'm all for a Ronda Rousey match in the WWE if they could make it work but I just don't see it happening & I'm completely okay with it. Her appearances at Summerslam & WM 31 were enough for me & from the sound of things she will probably be at Hell in a Cell this year even if she doesn't end up wrestling at Mania 32. Also like others mentioned the match would pretty much have to be a complete squash since that's Rousey's style & it going any other way could make her look a little ridiculous. So really what are we missing that we didn't get a really fun mini-version of at WM this year? Rousey can't talk so it'd just be Steph carrying the weekly feud until Rousey showed up & did whatever few moves they'd okay her to do. I also don't see her name value really making that much of a difference to WWE & the WM sales. If they want to break the attendance record I think they'll need more than Steph coming out of retirement again to have a one off match with Ronda Rousey. In the end I'd just say watch her UFC fights if your that big of a fan of hers.
During an interview with Dana White on the Fight Network, he was asked about Ronda Rousey's appearance at Wrestlemania 31.

While he said it was great, his following comment was this “What she did was awesome. I loved it. She’s a one and done. No (matches).” So it looks like Rousey as of right now anyway will not be fighting HHH, Stephanie or the proposed tag team with the Rock at Wrestlemania 32.

Now I don't know that much about Dana White other than he's a pretty shrewd businessman and tough as nails. So I'm wondering does anyone think the WWE or Rousey will be able to get him to change his mind on letting her fight in a WWE ring? Personally I not sure really about how I feel about her appearing considering it would be an immediate squash, as that's Rousey's style. Thoughts?

I don't think he'll change his mind about her having a match but I wouldn't be surprise to see her escort The Rock to the ring if he was to face HHH at WM 32.

I don't blame White for not allowing her. It's not like WWE is doing him a favor by letting him have Brock for a UFC PPV etc.
Don't forget that he has a former WWE guy he has to sell PPV's for, so he may need some help from WWE on that score. So the cross promotion of WWE and UFC is NOT that crazy an idea if Punk's first fight is later this year/Mania time next year.

Dana knows that stopping Ronda outright will piss a lot of the fans off that he is hoping will buy Punk's fight... He's not a stupid man. But he's not gonna just say "sure, off ya go..."
Dana White needs Ronda Rousey a lot more than Rousey needs Dana White or indeed the UFC. She is a big-time celebrity who can go do movies. She can also get more involved with the WWE. It doesn't have to be this year because she will be a big name for a long time.

The thing about UFC is you just can't create stars. You can barely position people to be big stars either. People just naturally rise to the top and Rousey is a perfect example. She is one of UFC's biggest draws if not the biggest. Silva is getting on and had problems after his most recent fight. GSP is nowhere to be found and Brock is doing something far more valuable with his time. Punk? Sure he will draw but if he loses his first two fights that particular experiment will fail. Plus the age-factor. There are only so many times Jones can fight in a year. Also, WWE are showing what they think of the PPV market by only charging 9.99.

Rousey is valuable to the UFC and I can't imagine they intentionally piss her off. She can make a lot of money doing movies and working with the WWE so that is hardly an issue. Rousey appearing at a Wrestlemania is great publicity for her and the UFC. It just seems like her appearing at WM32 is likely.
I wouldn't rule out seeing her at next years Mania. It's still a year away and it is possible for them to work out a deal for Rosey to make an appearance. However as far as her wrestling goes I think we are going to have to wait until she cut ties with UFC and she is a free agent and is able to sign a deal with WWE. I could see her accompanying The Rock to the ring if the rumoured Rock vs Triple H match takes place. Or maybe she beats up The Bella Twins or some other heel diva in a segment.
After seeing what happened with Jon Jones. MMA needs Rhonda Rousey more than ever. Pretty sad to want to see 2 women beating the crap out of each other rather than the men (not to be sexist). It just goes to show how much talent is gone due to steroid and out of ring issues.
My guess is that it will work out if it's something Ronda and Vince McMahon really intended.....and Dana White knows it. His sport will receive greater exposure because of it.....and essentially, everyone wins.

That's a bunch of bullshit and you know it.. UFC will not gain anymore exposure by having Rousey in WWE.. UFC is already bigger than WWE, the last thing White needs is to get involved with phony pro wrestling. It helps nobody except Vince.

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