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Downward Spiral

I'm Not From Your Country
For all those cricket fans out there, mostly the Poms and the Aussies, how many of you think Australia will win the Ashes inside 3 days in every game?

Langer will crush this Pommy attack, and as for poor old Freddie, I don't think he'll get quite the reverse swing on pitches like the 'Gabba and the WACA. Looking forward to the whole series, and I want to know your predictions, comments and if you're going to it.

BTW, if any Yanks are reading this, sorry for the BASIC cricket jargon. And please don't give crap like cricket sucks, and it's boring because you only think that because if you tried to play it, you'd get your asses kicked by Kenya. And Baseball is no better any way. As Homer Simpson once said in a sober state "I never realised how boring and stupid baseball really is!".
how dare u england will wipe the floor wth u kp is bak to his best and fred is to ur batting order is so old that is the problem wth the ausses they change nuthin martyn is 35 gilchrist is 35 langer is 36 ponting is 33 they are too old but the ausses do have a great chance on there home turf. warney will be instrumental for u.
I really don't know, I think We (England) will retain and I say that as a welsh person lol because they have been playing very well indeed I dont want to confuse anyone so i want use any BASIC cricket largo lol but to go on with what hbk fan forever said about ages but the reason the aussies kept reataing was because of the ages of their players

pastie out
England can't win anything. Australia win everything its stupid. When are New Zealand gonna win something :(
hbk fan forever said:
how dare u england will wipe the floor wth u kp is bak to his best and fred is to ur batting order is so old that is the problem wth the ausses they change nuthin martyn is 35 gilchrist is 35 langer is 36 ponting is 33 they are too old but the ausses do have a great chance on there home turf. warney will be instrumental for u.

Ignore their age. People have been saying this for years. It is not relevant when it comes to the australian side. These guys are champions. They can always keep going.

More importantly, when they need to retire, we possess the necessary depth to continue the domination of world cricket.

This ashes series will be a real lesson in cricket for England
although aussies looking great atm, after winning champions trophy. but i still think england got a good chance to win ashes series again, they're always good when playing in homeland, plus they got home crowd advantage
Roookie2 said:
although aussies looking great atm, after winning champions trophy. but i still think england got a good chance to win ashes series again, they're always good when playing in homeland, plus they got home crowd advantage

Yeah, if you've been living under a rock, you'd know that it was in Australia, where England has played disastrously in the last few series. Although the Barmy Army may be equivalent to a home crowd lol. Bunch of idiots in most of Australia's eyes. But they won't be having much to cheer about (but they still cheer and chant nonsensically over and over again anyway even if Eng. are 500 runs behind.)
Despite the fact that Englands recent form has been poor to say the least since last years Ashes and Australia have been playing some good cricket I think this series will be alot closer than a lot of people think.

I am a little worried about the ages of some of the Australian team and would like for Jaques to replace Langer at the top of the order, but doesnt look like thats going to happen.

The English r no longer scarred from having been destroyed by Australia in the past as they have a lot of players who have no fear of Australia at all and dont see them as the unbeatable monster they once were.

So Tests finished inside 3 days?? I highly doubt it.. but I do think the Aussies will regain the little Urn... I dont see them havin another poor series like they did in the last Ashes and the home pitches should help.
wotdoiput said:
I am a little worried about the ages of some of the Australian team and would like for Jaques to replace Langer at the top of the order, but doesnt look like thats going to happen.

How can you say that? Justin Langer has been the best performer for Australia against England for the past 3 series. He was the only decent batsman last series and plays his best when at home and under pressure. He said himself that he had never batted better before and if CA is going to dump him, I am going to take a real disinterest in the Ashes. That 67 he made against Queensland could and should save his career. Jaques will be opener in another 2 or 3 years but he hasn't built the career Justin has.
Yes i am very aware of how good Justin Langer played in the last Ashes series and in previous series... yes he has built a good career but is that a reason to keep him in the side? Because he was good in the past??

Granted that 67 probably will mean he is in the first test team... but personally I would prefer to see Jaques give his shot at being a Test Opener for Australia.....

Remeber Langer hs not played International cricket since Ntini nearly knocked his block off in South Africa... so id iamgine that he will be on the receiving end of a few short pitchedballs from Freddy and Harmison...

Not much of a cricket fan if you will take a disinterest in the Ashes if Langer isnt there........

Either way Jaques or Langer... or anyone opening... i cant wait for the first test
Well that 51 off 28 he made in the FRC makes me think that Justin Langer should have been in the One Day side as well. And BTW, I never said that the most underrated player in recent memory should play because he was good in the past, I said that he should play because he said his current form was better than he has ever played before. I guess I also didn't really mean that I wouldn't watch if he wasn't there, he's just my favourite player, and I like him because of his gritty attitude (and he shares my first name - that's why I liked him as a kid.) Him being there makes Test cricket a lot more enjoyable for me and I'm thankful they put their faith in him for what could be his last Ashes series.
i don't really care about the ashes. I only watch the world cup.
nickybo said:
i don't really care about the ashes. I only watch the world cup.

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Not long until the first abll is bowled!! Stuart Clark in and Johnson 12th man i believe i heard... not a bad call would of liked Mitchell to get a game.

But the English made the choice that I think the Aussies wanted.. playing Giles in front of Monty... be interesting to see...

Cant Wait
Well great first day so far for the Aussies with the last session to go..... 3/291

Langer made me eat my words on not selecting him... but I dont mind at all... hey perhaps i motivated him... lol

Punter is batting amazingly atm.. and my fav batsman Hussey is in with him... hope they can bat for a long long time yet...

England need a few quick wickets... despite Giles getting a wicket picking him imo was a mistake.... someone has to help FLintoff.. he cant do it all!!! Harmison bowled absoulte crap... i laughed so hard at the first ball he bowled!!
Well here we go again...maybe. England look already in trouble in the series and the first day isn't over!! Another Ponting hundred. God when will he stop? And yes, Langer is performing YET AGAIN!! Damn he deserved that hundred. All the shit from so called 'cricketing greats' have been cast away. BTW, wasn't Steve Waugh in this position in the last Ashes in Aust? Maybe Langer could score a memorable hundred in Perth with all the critics on his back, just like Waugh...AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE!!
Yeah was annoyed that Langer got out.. think e got carried away and just played a silly shot when the ton was there for the taking...

And Punter? Is there no better batmen... at least when he is on song....

Yeah the English performance today is a huge worry... but I cast my mind back to Lords in the last Ashes where we smashed them but they came back stong... hoping that happens here.. at least to make it interesting
End of play: Australia 3/346. What a start! it feels like what the poms did to us last year. Scored a big opening day and made us fight to get in the match. Yeah it would be a shame if it was over in the first three tests...or this first day. This should be turned into an Ashes coverage thread.
yes it should lol erm we (poms) are in a ok positon freddie took two wikets on an ok pitch ponting even i have to admit he was really good and having giles in the team will be proven to be good he took a wicket which was a great catch from collingwood the problem is wen u bowl u dont have shane watson and that puts more heat on glenn ( i think we will 5-0 wen actually we lost 2-1 ) magrath
I think thats very optimistic of u to say England are in an ok position... cos frankly they are in anything but that.... they will need to break the partnership very early... and then get at least 2 maybe 3 other wickets in the first session to be going ok... the big wicket is Ponting though.. if they dont get him in the first hour... well things may get ugly for the English.....

You say Giles will prove to be a good call? Well to me its not...England beat Australia last time because they were aggressive and wouldnt take a backwards step... having Giles play was nothing but a defensive tactic... yes he played last time.. but Enlgand had no other spinners then .. and plus he hasnt played for so long...

And why did it take the English so long to bowl a bouncer at Langer? Do they remember that in his last test Ntini nearly killed him??ust poor play from the English....

Yes Glenn will be under pressur and he isnt the bowler he was though he is still one of the best going around.... have you forgotten a couple of guys called Warne (if Peterson can spin it on that pitch imagine what Shane is going to do and the English have nightmares about him) and Brett Lee who has imporved dramtically from the last Ashes series... throw in Clark (even though i would of picked Johnson) and the attack looks ok... not having Watson will hurt.. but if they make enough runs in the first innings then all the pressure is on the English... the pitch will turn and Warne will be in his element....

Definately not going to write the English off yet and I hope they have a better day.... I want thosae Ashes back... but I also wana see another great series
It's continuing on the second day. Australia are 8/578 after tea, with Stuart Clark nearing a half century and hitting several sixes (yes you read right.) England look despondent and Australia look confident. Very unlucky that Ponting was out for 196 - again! Not looking good for England.
602/9 in reply eng 52/3 i think we need to bat to survive this one to at least we get enough to survive the follow on a draw is hopefully the outcome but i think we have really played badly harmy bowled pathetic
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