Lockdown: TNA World Heavyweight Championship - Mick Foley vs Sting


Is hanging up the boots
Mick Foley vs. (c) "The Icon" Sting

Hmm, interesting. I don't get to see iMPACT until tomorrow night, so I really can't comment a real lot on why this match is occurring. But on paper, it looks gold. Even though both men are way past their prime, both are still capable of putting on a decent match, especially Sting. The only downfall here is that it is inside a steel cage, just like every other match at Lockdown. I mean, it's sad when you can't see Foley and Sting in a regular singles match. To my knowledge though, pinfall and submissions do occur at this pay per view. If that's the case though, then what's the point of the cage?

What makes this even more interesting, it that the match is for Sting's TNA World Title. For some reason though, I just don't believe Mick Foley should win the Title and become the face of the company. He's way past his prime and isn't he the "executive shareholder of TNA"? I know Vince McMahon has won the WWE Championship in the past, but that was a long time ago and times have changed. But this is TNA here, where anything and everything is possible, no matter whether it is a logical decision or not.

I want Sting to retain. Mainly because at the conclusion of this whole Frontline vs Main Event Mafia angle, I really want AJ Styles or even Samoa Joe to win the TNA World Title to truly solidify his status as being one of the very best in TNA, and in professional wrestling in general. Guys like Mick Foley and Kurt Angle shouldn't win the TNA Title at this point. Plus, I think Sting is definately the right man to put over a younger talent, so therefore one can only hope that Sting retains his Title here. But I seriously have no idea who will actually walk out with the Title here, it's fairly unpredictable.
Foley won't win. This match is happening because in Foley's book he wrote that Sting put him on the map and that he would love to wrestle him again- end of story. Sting won't lose the title. I'm actually not sure who he'll lose it to. Joe's title reign wasn't anything special, AJ doesn't really need the rub, Abyss has been burried ao who should Sting drop the title to? I have no idea.

As for the match itself. It should be great. Sting and Foley had great matches in WCW.
Isn't Lockdown supposed to be one of the biggest shows of the year? If so, is this really a solid main event? It's far better than putting the Dudleyz in the title match, but not by much. This was an excellent matchup seventeen years ago, but have you watched Foley lately? He's better at just being the voice of reason and the guy you remember as being great. I'm as big of a Foley fan as you'll find, but this isn't a good idea to me. I absolutely can't imagine Foley winning either, but without one of them being the full heel, there isn't much here. More based on name power than the wrestling section clearly, which the cage will help a lot.
I don't recall TNA announcing this to be a title match, is there a chance that this is going to just be a grudge match? I know sting is the champion, but I would not put it past tna to not defend the title at the PPV.

If its for the title, sting will most likely retain, but i would love to see Foley as champ, even if its just for a month.

Is there a chance that sting dose not want to drop the title to one of the "originals" and will instead drop the title to Foley, so Foley can then drop the title to the likes of A.J. or an original besides joe?
Wow if this match was 10 years ago it would of been entertaining, but now? No thankyou very much. Two old guys going at it inside a cage?? Cant see it being much good at all really.

Perhaps if this was actually Foley's in ring debut with TNA I might be a little bit interested, might be but probably not.

Cant see Sring losing here to be honest... but then were do they go from here if Sting retains?
I think Tna is doing this because they don't really have anyone else fresh or ready to fight sting for the title yet. It actually isn't abad idea as long as sting retains. What Tna should do is let sting hold the title to BFG and have him and Joe in a rematch from last year because Joe should be "re-built" if you will by then.
I think this match should be good. One thing i will say about this is its very diffrent then there past matches in wcw hopfully it will be just as good maybe better or maybe worse
This is a 100% nostalgia move by TNA. When they brought Foley in, you knew he was going to be in some kind of main event scene. What better main event for Foley to showcase than a steel cage match? I don't expect Foley to win, as I don't think he has enough left to be a legitimate World Champion. But, considering it is TNA...I guess anything is possible.
Anyone else remembering Foley tease jumping sides? This could be a good setup for it. He can settle it all with Kurt/Sting or something. Not sure how this could work. But I do remember him teasing it.
Weirdly enough, I think Foley might actually be in better match shape than Sting. Sting needs to take time out, methinks. All the same, it'll be an interesting match, if not actually, y'know, good.

People think the cage will make this a better match. Not true. With Foley not able to get out of the ring and get weapons, it won't be particularly good. May I suggest Foley ramming Sting through the cage during the first third of the match?
Ewww, see this is juicy and something I wouldn't mind watching. Are these two out of their primes, hell yeah. Will Mick Foley bump like crazy and make this match great, hell yes. This match could simply be an all out war, and I'm looking forward to it. I can't remember the last truly bad Mick Foley match, especially involving a gimmick. The man has been in and out of retirement all decade, but yet is able to come back for the short term and have a decent run. Now should Foley win the title is a completely different situation which Id on't hink should be the case.
Wow, this really is a weak Main Event.

Sting can't possibly lose. The idea of Foley with another World Title at this stage of his career is ludicrous. He's been a bit part wrestler since 2000, and he's only been drawn into matches so he can have a hardcore/no holds barred match against a young guy that WWE wanted to put over (HHH before the retirement, Orton, Edge). This guy is not the face of a company, he's not what he was, and there is little credibility in a young guy going over him for the title, which must surely be the long term goal here.

In Sting you have an Icon, who still can put on some good matches, and has insane credibility.

It's a no brainer who wins, and with a night of cages, I can see there being better bumps that what's left of foley
Lockdown is really TNA's biggest show of the year. So I'm not surprised they've got Foley headlining. Just like Joe/Angle last year, they'll book this match well, then fuck up again for another year.

This match shouldn't be about quality, it should be more of a spectacle. If TNA can get it right that is.
Lockdown is really TNA's biggest show of the year. So I'm not surprised they've got Foley headlining. Just like Joe/Angle last year, they'll book this match well, then fuck up again for another year.

This match shouldn't be about quality, it should be more of a spectacle. If TNA can get it right that is.

I agree bro, except the fucking up part, anyways, at first when they released the Lockdown poster, I wasn't looking forward to this match, I knew I'll enjoy it alot, but didn't really care for it... now on the other hand, after seeing iMPACT! and the direction its taking, I starting watching my old ECW DVD's, and remember exactly who Mick Foley is. Seconds later, I remembered where exactly TNA so brilliantly decided to host Lockdown 2009... Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the heart of ECW and probably Foley's biggest fan base.

There are going to be so many people that would get excited just to catch a glimpse of The Hardcore Legend, let alone meet him the day before, as well as see him compete in the Main Event, inside a cage, against possibly the greatest wrestler of all time, Sting.

For the people that are trying to bring down the Cage, saying that its going to limit the match and there's no point to have a cage if its pin and submission, I disagree. Does anyone remember Joe vs Booker T at Hard Justice, it was like a full metal mayhem inside the cage, and that's not even needed. Just the psychology of a cage is enough, listen to the way Foley said it on iMPACT! "And now he wants to lock me up in a cage", that line said it all.

Also for the people that said they have no idea why this is going to happen, that it doesn't make sense storyline wise, that's not true. For months Mick has begged Sting to put an end to all this, he has been frustrated and didnt understand why Sting is acting this way. And then at the last iMPACT! he heard the way Sting spoke about him during the match, "He's had enough Kurt, just pin him Kurt" and, earlier, "Mick's wrestling days are over", that's almost more disrespectful than what Kurt says to Mick, especially considering that Mick would never expect to hear those words come out of Sting's mouth. Its as if Sting views Mick as a beat up-has been-guinea pig that should be treated like a baby, not a threat or hardcore legend.

This is Mick's night to prove to himself, and everyone else, that he still has it, and could raise hell on anyone including the world champ. And not just storyline wise, but thats also his goal in real life, to prove to us, that he still has it. Expect his wife to be mad at him, and his kids to be crying from all the beatings and bumps he will endure, and expect the crowd to be cheering for both Sting and Mick, this watch would go down in history, cant wait.

EDIT!!: forgot to mention that TNA has a chance to break their personal attendance records in this venue :)
This looks to be a good match but not a great one. It seems that Foley will be the heel as he has hit Sting twice with a steel chair now. I would have been more excited if it was Angle v. Foley but this will be a decent match. I see Sting winning without any interference from the Main Event Mania or Jeff Jarrett.
Isn't Lockdown supposed to be one of the biggest shows of the year? If so, is this really a solid main event? It's far better than putting the Dudleyz in the title match, but not by much. This was an excellent matchup seventeen years ago, but have you watched Foley lately? He's better at just being the voice of reason and the guy you remember as being great. I'm as big of a Foley fan as you'll find, but this isn't a good idea to me. I absolutely can't imagine Foley winning either, but without one of them being the full heel, there isn't much here. More based on name power than the wrestling section clearly, which the cage will help a lot.
this is absolutely 100% true. not a solid main event and would've been much better even five years ago with foley in better and more recent working shape. the true main event is going to be the ever gimmicky lethal lockdown match and the captains will be determined next week. it'll end up being jarrett v. angle in my opinion and the typical frontline mid carders and whatever mem guys are around with the mcmgs.
I can't see how anyone believes Lockdown is T.N.A's biggest, or one of their bigger shows of the year. It's a single gimmick (or rather, multiple gimmicks wrapped up inside a single gimmick) show. It's basically "One Night Stand/Extreme Rules".

Now then, can anyone truly explain to me why the Heavyweight title is being put up? Does T.N.A not understand that even if someone is a Champion, sometimes just a common match or feud can spark someone's interest without the title fucking everything up?

I say that, because I can't in good faith believe or come to think Mick Foley would ever win the Heavyweight title, if to not just drop it to say, Kurt Angle, that following iMPACT! And I personally think because of that, this match went from being a really great idea.. to a really bad one.

Will Foley be awkward and bumble around the ring? Yes. Will Sting half-ass this match, like he's done every other one since becoming Heavyweight Champion? Most likely. However, will this match be worth the price of this Pay per view, alone? Absolutely. Sting/Foley, is a contest in which it's never going to die down. It's never going to get old. And it's always, in some manner, sell.

Foley is playing the role of a heel, currently, which has me interested more than anything else. Because of that alone, I want to see how this plays out and where it leads everyone. So I'll definitely be looking forward to this contest.
I can't see how anyone believes Lockdown is T.N.A's biggest, or one of their bigger shows of the year. It's a single gimmick (or rather, multiple gimmicks wrapped up inside a single gimmick) show. It's basically "One Night Stand/Extreme Rules".

Because the build for the Lethal Lockdown matches and last years Joe vs. Angle is better than anything they do throughout the year. Along with the fact that their big show is Bound For Gloruy, yet it's exactly the same as any of the other shows, bar Lockdown, that they put on.
Because the build for the Lethal Lockdown matches and last years Joe vs. Angle is better than anything they do throughout the year. Along with the fact that their big show is Bound For Gloruy, yet it's exactly the same as any of the other shows, bar Lockdown, that they put on.

By that note, wouldn't "Night of Champions" then be the biggest event the W.W.E's put on, since its unlike all the other Pay per views they do? Uhm, no.

Now clearly T.N.A puts build into Lockdown, but I still don't believe its because its one of their biggest shows. I believe its because its the one show set to attempt matching up against WrestleMania. So they have to put as many great matches in it, as possible. Oddly enough, each of them are just done inside a Steel Cage. Lockdown is like Fall Brawl for W.C.W, only the entire show is done inside the "Main Event attraction". No Way Out will be that way before it's over, with the Elimination Chamber.

As far as the Sting/Foley match, this past Thursday Foley seemed to cut an odd promo. I think he's confused on whether he's meant to be a face, tweener, or a heel. He's trying to come off as being a face, and doing the right thing.. but he's doing it in a cocky, heelish manner.

I think they could've built to this match a bit better, with each individual being face. Albeit Foley as a sadistic heel is more believable as standing a chance.
By that note, wouldn't "Night of Champions" then be the biggest event the W.W.E's put on, since its unlike all the other Pay per views they do? Uhm, no.

Nope. Because WWE has WrestleMania, Night Of Champions, No Way Out, Royal Rumble, Survivor Series, One Night Stand and several others.

Now clearly T.N.A puts build into Lockdown, but I still don't believe its because its one of their biggest shows.

It is their biggest show. How is it not? They say Bound For Glory is, but that's about it.

It's like WWE claiming that The Great American Bash is the biggest show of the year. When in fact nobody is more intrested in that card than they are Judgment Day.
Right, I'm going to call this right now.

Foley fucks himself and Sting up. He hits that elbow from the top of the cage and everything. Obviously, they never bust out of the cage. TNA saves such tiresome antics for matches between Christian and Rhino on iMPACT!. Probably not going to be seeing them for a while.

Well anyway, Sting and Foley are both incredibly fucked up. Sting somehow manages to pull himself over Foley and gets the win. But OH NOES! What's this? Oh yeah, it's Hernandez. Was this Foley's plan all along? Probably. Hernandez wins the title.

If I'm right, I want that obscure box set you promised me, Jake.

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