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Lockdown: Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe


SmackDown! is MY Show

TNA World Heavyweight Championship Match
(c) Kurt Angle vs Samoa Joe

I have to think that this could very well be the time that Joe gets the championship as with this damn contract storyline it only seems fitting. Thought you never know TNA could throw us a screwball and have Angle retain, but I just dont see that happening. Instead I see Joe winning, but not lasting long as champion as I think he will lose it as soon like at the annual KOTM in June. But Joe should win in a good match but we have seen it many times
How can anybody get excited about this match? Angle vs. Joe again. It's like Styles vs. Daniels. Great matches, but there's been too many. Nobody give a shit anymore. But this one is in a cage, I hear you say. So what.

Angle & Joe on PPV together. The List:


Pull apart brawl. Bound For Glory.
Singles match. Genesis.
Singles match. Turning Point.


Iron Man match. Final Resolution.
Teamed together. Lockdown.
King Of The Mountain. Slammiversary.
Teamed together. Victory Road.
Singles match. Hard Justice.
Opponents in 6-man tag. Turning Point.


Opponents in 6-man tag. Destination X.

That's not even including iMPACT matches and angles. Anyone else care to see this yet again?

They should wrestle more imo

Glenn please.
If Joe wins the title though, I think it just might be worth caring about. However, having him take this long to do it against an opponent he's faced so many times; doesn't it just make him look weak? And he might not even pick up the scrap. God forbid they make us wait even longer. I'll actually watch this PPV though, just for this match. MCMG would have given me a better reason had they been number one contenders, but hey, Joe picking up the belt? Good enough reason to tune in for me. Maybe.
Joe should have won it a year ago. Staright after the initial Angle fued. He isn't half as over now as he was then. Also him defeating somebody who he's faced plenty of times won't make it feel special. Which it should. Because Joe will be the first proper TNA talent to win the strap.
I agree with the earlier posts, that this is likely the time he finally gets the belt. TNA has messed up Joe's rise to the top worse than almost anything they have yet in my opinion. To me, the best possible thing would've been to have Joe's win streak eventually lead to a world title reign, holding it for a long time, and culminating with a huge match with Angle. Granted to not put Angle in with the top guy immediately would've made no sense, but I just think it could've been done better. THis is their fifth match on pay per view alone and its going to be watered down. They can have a great match and hopefully the cage will help it a lot, but I hope that for once TNA can let there be a clean finish. This match needs one.
A.J or Chrisitan would have been better choices for the belt, I would have booked Christian to win the title at lockdown and end the Cage/Angle feud, and had Joe face AJ in a no.1 contenders match. Instead were going to have yet another tag team match which is a complete waste of main event talent. I mean why is Nash even wrestling? Its not like there short on wrestlers or even big guys, so it just seems totaly pointless to me. Angle/Joe will either have Joe winning the title, or Cornette screwing Joe. Joe/Cornette might work, but like its already been said Joe isn't anywhere near as over as he was, Christian is out popping him now and he's not even a fully fledged face. But to be honest Joe not been over is mainly due to terrible booking over the last 4 months.
I think the way TNA is doing with Joe & PPV's is really wrong, I mean I know now
that Joe will win this match cause it was reported that the company will give him
the title, IMO it should be at Destination X : Angle vs. Joe, TNA just want to make
lock down much more important than the other PPV's.
I agree with Jake I've seen this match to much now and the ironman match was boring to me. Everybody is right that Joe should have been had the title a year ago he probaly would be much more over. I like Kurt Angle but im tired of seeing his face all the time on Impact!
Inside the 6 Sides of Steel or not, this match and feud got old and boring a year ago. Seriously, they've ran it into the ground by having them practically Main Event 3 straight Pay Per Views against each other.

I don't care what element you add to the match, I don't even give a crap if you finally let Joe win the Championship. I've never been a Samoa Joe fan, and I dread the next few monthes of having him as the World Heavyweight Champion. You know its coming, its about as forseeable as Ric Flair retiring at the hands of Shawn Michaels.

Joe might work well with a lot of other guys, but the bottomline is, it takes more than just working well with others to get you over as the Main guy in the company. Samoa Joe is shit through a character standpoint. I know people love him, and his Goldberg type appeal.. but I dispise him, almost for the same exact reasons I dispised Goldberg.

Joe has talent. I'll never disagree with that. But he lacks charisma and character. Hes bland to watch, hes plain. The only thing interesting about his matches, are the actual match. The moves. Even they are becoming repetative.

Kurt Angle won't win, I don't see how he could. Not even through screwjob standards, they've built too much of this angle (no pun intended) around Joe walking away with the Championship, to have any more direction to take Angle with the belt.

The ONLY possible solution I could see where Kurt Angle retains the Championship, is by having Karen Angle help him retain, and having them patch things up by her realizing that the World Heavyweight Championship should come first. However thats been done before, so I don't honestly think.. wait nevermind, its the same company who reruns feuds for 4 monthes straight, so its possible.
I don't agree with many of you here. I am excited to see this match again, because the past matches have been strong. Both men work stiff, and work well together. Matches tend to be close, with a lot of near falls and teases. Very athletic matches also. Both men have a high impact pinfall finisher and a submission finisher. What's not to want to see?

I wish TNA hadn't gone down the "if I lose I will not wrestle in an Impact ring ever again" crap. That's like a give away in most instances. Now, smart fans will be going in expecting Joe to win the title. Either way, though, I am looking forward to the match, and I am in no way sick of the feud.
Exactly. Whats wrong with TNA trying to build a signature fued for 07 and 08? Joe and Angle havent had a bad match yet. THink about it. They werent as insane as joe-daniels-styles, but nothing has been since. THE REMATCH was by far the best match they had. But theyve all been good. The booking for Victory Road pissed alot of people off, but go watch Angle/Joe vs 3D. Great match. HardJustice, the swerve pissed me off, but the acting and execution was phenomenal for what it was. Samoa Joe and Angle locking up at Dest-X last weekend was OFF THE F'N HOOK! IT reminded me how hard these guys actually hit eachother. Its just sick! In a good way.

Ive seen Joe cut so many great promos, I HAVE NO IDEA WHERE THE WHOLE "JOE CANT TALK" THING COMES FROM! His "character" is perfect for this era. An athlete, who excels in judo, shootfighting, lucha libre, strong style, american style. Who carrys himself as a legit bad*ss, and a cool guy. TNA had every right to hold off on putting the belt on him. The people know who he is now, more than ever. Now its up to him to show everyone why he deserves to have the gold.

The fact that Joe has a realistic chance of winning the belt this time makes Lockdown a cant miss.
I don't agree with many of you here. I am excited to see this match again, because the past matches have been strong. Both men work stiff, and work well together. Matches tend to be close, with a lot of near falls and teases. Very athletic matches also. Both men have a high impact pinfall finisher and a submission finisher. What's not to want to see?

Come on IC. In a few years time maybe you can look back and say. Yeah those were some great matches. But if you're paying for a PPV don't you want a bit of variety? TNA has plenty of wrestlers to feud with Angle. Yet over and over again they promote this match. That's bad booking. People get on WWE's back because they have Cena vs. HHH at several Mania's. But at least they haven't promoted that feud for 18 months and counting.
I want to say that having Angle Vs. Joe again is a great idea, I'm not talking about
that "I saw these men wrestled befor" No, these guys are awesome, but the build up of
the match made the result so obvious, the whole "if i lose i will leave tna" crap is
a spoiler for the match it self, come on everyone knows tna is not stupid to make him
lose and lose him too, I mean didn't you ask your self that question why Destination X
is without TNA title match cause they want joe to win it at lock down, they don't want
it to happen at Dest-X cause they wanna make Lock Down the Big PPV.
Man TNA has done a lackluster job of building of what could have been the biggest rivarly in not only recent wrestling history but in TNAs history. The thing is, weve seen Angle Joe millions of times it doesnt't excite the fans, they shouldnt have rushed the feud between them but ah well. I see this one as obviously Joe gets title, he said that if he doesnt win he will quit TNA and that obviously isn't going to happen. They make the outcome of this match way to obvious. It has been a great feud but this could have been so much more of a draw than it is already. So yeah Joe wins title and I hope so much that he keeps it so that TNA can buld thier brand round him.
I am looking forward to this match, not because of the action or the storytelling or the drama or whatever, but because of the result. It's way too obvious that Joe is gonna win.

Yes, they have had some great matches, but if you have seen one, you have seen them all, IMO. I hope that they do something that makes this match the be-all, end-all between the two, something that makes it stand out. Like an Angle Slam off the top rope or Muscle Buster standing from the corner. Something!

Joe is gonna win, and it's gonna be special, but we have all seen it coming from a mile away...
i for one CAN NOT WAIT for this match! Kurt Angle was on Between The Ropes last night and said that it will be an MMA-style fight. He and Joe will go in with their feet and hands taped and kick the crap out of each other in a (worked) MMA fight. He said their plan is to put on a better match than anything WWE will have on the WM24 card. Something makes me believe him. These two have what it takes to put on a 5 Star Match, the likes of which i haven't seen since Hart-Michaels (WM12)
This is such a great concept. Its so great, in fact, it will be buried by every single wrestling columnist, contributor, and website. Its so great that its threatening.

How many predictable matches have we seen become bigtime headliners? Wrestlemania 21? Batista and Cena winning the belts, oohhh, big shock. John Cena retaining at mania all these years in a row? Ooohh, big shock. There are always predictable main events, but Angle/Joe is gonna benefit from this. Cuz deep down people arent sure if Joe is really gonna win. TNA isnt afraid to go the other direction. And Joe leaving the company isnt an official stipulation. Its a personal choice.

I hope they remove the ropes for this match. Make it real cage fighting. Wow, its gonna be interesting.
Wow there is way too much whining and complaining about this match. When two of the best step into the ring a true wrestling fan would want to see it. Nothing between these two has been drawn out, every match they have had has had some different type of angle behind it. Joe and Angle are the best out right now and this match should be classic. Them fighting so much is what has helped to build the best fued in wrestling today. There is no other fued in wrestling as good as theirs and that is partly because fueds change almost each and every month.

Some people just hate TNA as brand and wont give them full credit for anything. WWE simply cant put on a fued like this right now because they dont have two of the best wrestlers in the world who are at the top of the game.
This would be interesting to watch, too bad I am not going to waste my money and buy another TNA PPV. I mean it would have been better if Joe hadn't made the stipulation that he would leave the company if he lost. There is no way he will lose now, so it makes it too predictable. I would also rather see a wrestling match because thats what these two are wrestlers.
I am positive that it still will be a wrestling match. I mean wrestling is part of MMA. This will liklely be just a great wrestling match that uses MMA style more. I mean there basically expanding what a wrestling match can be.
I also have no problem with the stipulation. TNA fans have wanted to see Joe win the belt for a very long time and if this makes people sure that he will win than thats more incentive to buy it. I dont think many wrestling fans want to miss when Joe gets his due and finally, and i mean FINALLY, wins the belt. Basically this match will be an alternative to things were use to seing just like tna is an alternative.
Things like this are tna's plans to step there game up. They are constantly trying new things for PPV and sometimes they fail miserably but effort is effort. WWE only cares if its wrestlemania or summerslam (maybe RR) and every other PPV is complete crap will a lack of any effort.
Well, I just got done watching Impact and I have to say, Kurt Angle's "public sparring session" with 4 MMA fighters has intrigued me a little more about this matchup. TNA should be proud he is holding their World Title, he is an amzing athlete. Plus, when he got on the mic afterward and told Joe "It's real...It's damn real" with the blood on his taped fist, that was very well done.

Plus, I like the fact that Joe is nowhere to be seen, and they are doing the "training" angle...it worked for Sting before Bound For Glory 2006, why wouldn't it work for Joe? I for one have had enough of Joe being rammed down my throat, let him go away for a while, as absence makes the heart grow fonder.

All in all, I just wish they hadn't thrown in the stip that Joe leaves TNA if he loses. Just makes it too obvious he gets the win...maybe they'll have him get his ass handed to him during the match, and say that "everything is riding on the win"...but who knows....
A message for negative detractors-

If your mad about the Joe leaves TNA if he loses angle, then u should be mad at the Joe character. Its his personal decree. If HE loses, He is gone. TNA management didnt come up with this. Its Joe's character. I would stop calling it a stipulation. Its not sanctioned by TNA Wrestling Entertainment. He just wont sign his contract unless he's the champ. If anybody loves Joe, they should be behind him more than ever before. This is every pissed off fans chance to finaly have one thrown there way. Enjoy this classic scenario and quit b*tching FOR ONCE!

TNA is transending pro wrestling and sports entertainment and its driving everyone crazy! If your all sick of Joe vs Angle again and again and again, wah wah, its the same match, wah wah weve seen it before, wah wah, THEN YOU SHOULD BE STOKED THAT ITS UNDER A NEW CONCEPT LIKE MMA RULES! Its new and its fresh. What the hell is wrong with you people!
Ithink TNA have kinda missed a point here really. I mean think about it, they have been adding this MMA enthasis which I really like, because its the obviously fastets growing sport at the moment and the fact its something fresh and original for TNA despite the fact it is kinda a take from WWE and this boxing Mayweather stuff. But anyway the point is missing is that they had the chance to make this match supersonic. Why didnt they hire someone like Chuck Liddell as special referee for the match? Everyone knows Angles and his real heat so that would create a bit of tension and stuff, and then have Angle get in his face or something in the match, Chuck knocks him out, Joe pins him and wins. Joe gets a new belt and Angle gets a new feaud for a bit. But I geuss its the money factor that holds TNA back on that, but woulda been sweet. But yeah SamoaJoe will win and get the belt! Hooray!
Thats a good idea. Im suprised TNA hasnt called out to Tito Ortiz again. Its been awhile since he's been involved. What was it, BFG 06, special ref in the main event. That was fantastic. Especially when he knocked out Chris Harris on the apon. I think it would be fantastic for TNA to get Ortiz involved with there promotion. Make him a heel, and have him run with Angle. Angle should be surrounded with MMA fighters, forget the Alliance.

This sounds weird, but they should bring in Ken Shamrock. Hes got tons of pro wrestling experience. He was TNA's first promoted champion. Seriously, how much does this sell itself?

The two biggest fueds in Pro Wrestling and Mixed Martial Arts history!:
Kurt Angle and Tito Ortiz versus Samoa Joe and Ken Shamrock

Total babyface vs the heels. As much as smarks would predict it to be a stinker, they would be totaly intrigued, and I guaruntee it would capture the imaginations of a lot of MMA fans who used to LOVE wrestling during the late 90's. Which is basically half of the mma viewing audience. DAMMIT THAT HAS MONEY WRITTEN ALL OVER IT!

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