[Lockdown] Fortune v. Immortal [Lethal Lockdown]

Who wins?

  • Fortune

  • Immortal

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If this is going to drag on for three or four months, then I think the heels will win. Nothing much to say about this match. If AJ were in it, you might see a cool spot from the top of the cage. Flair will get involved in this match somehow and Immortal pulls out the win.
I think Immortal will win this one. Fourtune would have the upper hand during the entire match, and then Abyss calls for the heavy artillery. Flair gets in the ring, cuts his forehead and drowns everyone in his blood. He's bi-bleeding.

Enough sarcasm. I'm split here. I want the feud to end so these guys can move the fuck on, but I also like it and I'm okay with a continuation. Perhaps a heel turn by Daniels like someone suggested could spice things up a bit. Maybe have Daniels turn on Fourtune mid-match, Immortal seems like they're winning, then AJ comes out and Fourtune gets the win. Similiar to Daniels' return.

I can smell some swerve coming. I don't know what, though.

... I'm scared ...​
God I hope Fortune wins with help from a returning Styles. Just have the faces go over for that night then have the heels come out and complain and try to get revenge on the faces.

On to match quality; with the Immortal side of the match looking the way it does, I expect a pretty bad match. Matt Hardy is the best Immortal has out there, how could I think any differently.
I am not as bothered as some about Immortals line up, although ideally I would like Flair to be replaced but Gunnar, Murphy and Big Rob are not ready or just shit.

Abyss and Bully Ray are experts with weapons and will be a real force inside the cage, they also are not afraid to take the major bumps that this match requires. Bully Ray has been impressing me both in the ring and on the mic since his progression into a key singles competitor and I look forward to see what he will do here. Matt Hardy also impressed me in his match against AJ and his new more aggressive and methodical style will work here to. Flair, well he will just bleed like bitch during her monthly cycle, I just hope he brings enough pantyliners to mop all that shit up.

Despite all that I think Fourune will win and put on an excellent match that these guys always do. Not sure if AJ or Daniels will be the forth man though.
I think Immortal needs to win this one. It then gives them a legitimate shout at getting some Title shots against Fortune (yes I know Hogan runs the show so he can just give them Title shots. It just makes for a better story if they have a legit claim). Bully Ray/Abyss (Hardcore Hell right there) or Bully Ray/Matt Hardy (two tag team legends) could go on to challenge Beer Money for the Tag Team Titles for example.

I see Fortune getting the better of this match, until the roof comes down. Bully Ray and Abyss will be in their element then. Matt Hardy’s not too bad with a weapon either. And Ric Flair is the dirtiest player in the game. With Fortune being the ‘better wrestlers’ and Immortal being the ‘tougher guys’, it makes sense for Fortune to get the better of the wrestling and Immortal the better of the brawling. And that’s how I think it will be played out.

I’m not sure who the fourth man will be, AJ or Daniels? I’m leaning towards Daniels though. Seeing as he just returned and helped Fortune, and AJ’s injuries are being sold as being pretty bad. I personally like the idea of Fortune being Fourtune, meaning only 4 members. So if Daniels does replace AJ in the Lethal Lockdown, I’d like to see Daniels turn on Fortune and go on to challenge Kaz for the X-Division Title.
I'm seeing this one going to Immortal, but I wouldn't be surprised either way. Having Daniels added to the Fortune side certainly has swung the momentum in their favor since the numbers game is even, but I suspect some sort of swerve to take place. I'm not sure what would happen, but that's a plus I suppose.

As for the match, I just don't know. It could be good since Immortal has some guys in their that are pretty well versed in matches with weapons and Fortune just kicks ass at whatever they do. Having said that, it appears that Flair has surrounded him self with the most easily gassed wrestlers in the company, so I expect a lot of rest spots, and that's never fun.
I think I would Have to give the winner of this as Fortune. I think they aren't making Immortal seem as dominant as it has been and Fortune really is the better the stable. Also with AJ being "injured" I could see them allowing the faces to get the win in some shape or form. I do want something interesting to go down in this match as with stables there is always a possibility of it. Personally I don't count Flair as being much of an Impact but basically somebody to show how gruesome Lockdown can be. O want this to be an interesting match with hopefully Kazarian getting the pinfall.
Someone mentioned Daniels turning on Fortune.. interesting.

I would like to see Daniels turn on Fortune and join Immortal. Immortal needs a World Title carrier, and Daniels joining up with Immortal would be something to see. Especially if it got him a World Title run.

So Flair is actually competing in this match? That should be good. Looking forward to this, defiantly will be physical.. Bully Ray and Matt Hardy are two of the most physical in the business, and Fortune.. well they can match if they need too... and they will.
Wow, I'm actually looking forward to this match. I know everyone wants it to end and for this whole thing to stop, I'm not going to argue. But what I will say is that this match is going to be better than at least some think. I really think Immortal has the upper hand here, just because of who makes up their faction. We all know what Abyss has done in the hardcore world, from the second he entered this company. Then we have Bully Ray and Matt Hardy who both pretty much invented the Tables Ladders and Chairs match! Can you ask for much more when it comes to men experienced with weapons and blood? Oh, and of course there is Ric Flair too but he'll probably hide behind his teammates for a while and then have his chance to shine, I mean bleed.

And a swerve? I'd be definitely into one but one including Daniels? Meh. Just like, he joined Fortune to avenge AJ. I just can't think of a good reason why he'd just leave for the other side so soon, and I don't even think I want to hear what TNA would come up with for his reasoning. It's easy to just choose someone and say they should change sides or whatever, but eventually, you're going to need some back up. So in the end, I'll be going for Fortune and I think the cool thing about this one is the fact that it could go either way. Immortal has been dominant lately so you want to say that Fortune will prevail but Immortal also has all the hardcore experience, which is so very valuable in something like this. I'll definitely be watching!
You know what I want out of this match? It's pretty simple, really -- no swerves, solid wrestling, and a clean finish. This is something TNA rarely gives fans, constantly beating storylines right into the ground.

Will I get what I want? Probably not. I'm guessing Immortal wins, if only to prolong this "take over" garbage.

Also, this match doesn't seem evenly matched, through the eyes of a smark that is. Bully Ray, Abyss and Matt Hardy stink. They're just not very good, at anything, outside of Bubba on the mic. And, Ric Flair is 105 years old. I understand, in kayfabe, Immortal is being booked to look as tough as Fortune, but they're not. I'm really hoping for a Fortune win here, or hell, just a clean finish either way. I'll be happy with anything besides what I think is going to happen -- 10 minute match, swerve, dirty finish.
I hoping Fortune wins. After what happened on Impact they have to.

Like everyone else said I hope the match gets some time and has a clean finish. It could be the best match of the night if booked right.
Immortal won the man advantage for Lethal Lockdown by winning a best of three series of matches by picking up victories in the first two matches. With that being said, I would have to hand the win to Fortune. Simply due to the fact that 3/4 of Fortune hold TNA Championships. Kazarian holding the X-Division Championship and Beer Money with the Tag belts. Having them lose here would make them seem weaker and I don't think TNA would want that for two of their major championships on their show. Ok, my reasoning may be stupid but I think its pretty safe to bet Fortune is winning here. Besides, losing would kill all the momentum Christopher Daniels brought with him when he returned a couple weeks ago.

Hamler's Prediction- Fortune
It's dead simple. Fortune have to win this in dominant fashion.

Much like last years match, where Team Flair had their asses handed to them, Fortune need to come off looking like stars. They have already improved on last years match by giving the heel team the advantage - this is Booking 101 straight out of the War Games book.

I hope TNA keep the dirty ending out of this match. That being said, I wouldnt be surprised if TNA balls'd this up and gave the IWC another reason never to watch TNA again.
The top face faction composed of 4 out of the 5 top homegrown talents vs a past-his-prime tag team wrestler, a 60+ bleeding machine, the embodiment of zombie inbreeding and Matt Hardy. Tell me who should win? The idea never gets old of having the faces come from behind for the win. Why would it fail this time? So the feud may continue for 6 more months. That's not enough time to re-establish the heel faction? More importantly, when has a heel team ever won this thing? Even more importantly, how is it that Fortune has never won this thing? A faction specifically designed for this match. They lost last year in the same exact scenario (I'm counting them before being named) and they lost to EV2. I thinks about time they won the match they were built for.

Fortune 4 For the win.
Excellent choice by TNA here. The future of their company (fortune) defeated the worst faction ever (immortal). I was worried that Immortal would have won, even though this was such an important match. The fans got to go home happy though because fortune got the win they needed. Honestly, it's not like anyone in Immortal needed a win. Flair's decades past his prime and some of us are still mad about the fact that he came back after RETIRING in 2008. Matt Hardy is.... Matt Hardy. Bully Ray is never getting anywhere past tag team title wins. Abyss needed a win far less than the guys in fortune. Probably the best match other than the world title match.

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