Local News With Y 2 Jake: The Child Pictures

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
A gentleman recently was caught with some rather naughty pictures on his computer. I'm sure you can guess what type they were. Not nice ones I can assure you. There were pictures of young children. Youngest being newborn, oldest being toddlers. He was found guilt of possesing, making & distributing. 50,000 images I believe. He recieved a suspended sentence. Why? Because he was in his 70's. No other reason. He is old. Old enough to know better in my opinion. He also had to sign the sex offenders register. That is a life term. Which like ''life'' jail terms will probably be about 5 years. So should this man have gone to jail, or is it right to let him off because he's elderly?
Having them kind of picture's are wrong full stop. It would have to be one of the most disgusting thing's in the world. You would think a guy that Has been around for 70 year's Would know better. I think he deserve's a Punishment that someone in their 30's would reciave. Just becouse He is old doesnt mean anything. As you said Jake he is old enough to know better. doe's this mean that once you turn 70 you have the right to break every law invented and get away with it?. If it was something like Murder of something it could be said he did it becouse of Dementia or something like that But no matter how sain of mind you are you Still alway's know Having Illegal picture's are a big No No. It do'snt matter if he is only Expected to live for another five year's if the punishment is 10 year's Inprisonment, Then that's what he should get.
He needs to be convicted and given a proper sentence. This is like a pregnant woman getting out, of prison, because she is pregnant. It seems that people are getting caught more and more of possession of child pornography. At my university, a student was caught with pornography of the child variety. He was caught by bringing his laptop into the on campus computer store for it to be fixed. While fixing it, they stumbled upon the porn, and notified the police. The next day, his name appeared in the school paper, as well as the local paper. The student ended up being someone from my girlfriends home town, who was even in her classes. When I finally figured out who it was, it ended up being a kid that was in one of my classes. A few issues came up from this.

1.) did the people at the computer store break privacy laws?
2.) should he be punished as serverly as others, if he just had the porn, that he got from downloading, he wasnt making it.
3.) Should he have been made public, so quickly?
4.) Was I right for not wanting to work with him?
1.) did the people at the computer store break privacy laws?
The answer to that my ellow santio lover is No, there are plenty ways they could of stumbled onto it. For example whil your running an anti virus programme it says the name of the file its searching. and if it said something right they have the right to check it. Its like when you take photos to be developed. if its a picture of a young girl with a top off they will put a sticker over it covering it up. If they was to be obvious photos not used for just a snap they contact the police. When you hand something like a comp to be fixed your giving them permission to fix whatever problem there is meaning they have to check the whole computer.
2.) should he be punished as serverly as others, if he just had the porn, that he got from downloading, he wasnt making it.
It doesnt matter weather you have it or your making it they are both as bad as each other.
3.) Should he have been made public, so quickly?
Yes it should of been made public as soon as they found out especially if there was a school around you never know if he had it or made it. and if he is looking at that kind of stuff who knows what else he is doing.
4.) Was I right for not wanting to work with him?
Im not going to touch this one i will let somebody else.
While fixing it, they stumbled upon the porn, and notified the police. The next day, his name appeared in the school paper, as well as the local paper.

3.) Should he have been made public, so quickly?

If he had been charged with the crime and they got his name as a matter of public record, then yes.

If it was some employee at the computer store that gave the guys name out, then no.

4.) Was I right for not wanting to work with him?

Totally. If you felt uncomfortable being around this guy then why should you have to work with him? At that point I am surprised that he even went back to class, fuck that took some balls. But the school should look out for "your safety", and if you were female they would have your back 100%.

Now as far as the old guy is concerned, I honestly think the judge knew that if he sent a 70 year old man to prison with a sex offense that he wouldn't make 5 years, maybe not even one. I know here in the states convicts to not play nice with rapists and child molesters, their days are numbered once they become locked up. So I think the judge was trying to avoid giving this man a "death sentence" which is what almost any amount of prison time would be.

But if it was my choice on the bench... Lock his ass up and let him deal with it. Those kids didn't have a chance, why should he!
Jail time. Period. I assume the laws in England are similiar to the laws in the US- meaning that there is no ago limit on crime. I don't care if you're 18 or 70; having kiddie porn is illegal (and extremely sick) and the punishment should be the same.

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