Liverpool FC bought by NESV


WZCW's Mr Excitement
So this seems set to go through.

The company behind the Boston Red Sox is buying into Liverpool FC, providing the current owners get shovelled out.

Anyone know anything about this group? The Red Sox seems to have done well since they came in, but it seems that it will not be a Abramovich-style revolution.

I'm delighted but can anyone say what these guys are like? Are they rich? Will they be able to succeed in a different sport?
Great news for liverpool.
Their spiral has really been a detirement to the EPL.

Unfortunately I ain't got too much background on them either
DirtyJosé;2493781 said:
Fuck Liverpool FC.

Yeah I still don't have a club of my own yet.

Dundee United. Current Scottish Cup Winners, Third Place Last Season and a Good Foundation for a Better Tomorrow.

As for Liverpool, this could go either way. Fans need to be cautious with another American entering the fray. He'll pay off the debt but will morale increase is the main question, and with it can they get results?
Dundee United. Current Scottish Cup Winners, Third Place Last Season and a Good Foundation for a Better Tomorrow.

A better tomorrow? In Scotland? Maybe only finishing on 10 points less than second place? Group stage of the Europa league?
Optimistically cautious would sum up my feelings about NESV. We have seen this before with the faux euphoria with the takeover of Gillett and Hicks and look how that turned out...

Henry seems to have a far better record at developing sports teams than those two cowboys but Liverpool fans should not be expecting a massive spending spree like that at Chelsea or Man City as NESV is no where near as rish as either Abramovich or the Sheik. However, most importantly it seems that Henry seems more likely to use money that he actually has rather than mortgaging the club through bank loans
DirtyJosé;2493781 said:
Fuck Liverpool FC.

Yeah I still don't have a club of my own yet.

D'Jose, I am very disappoint.

Dundee United. Current Scottish Cup Winners, Third Place Last Season and a Good Foundation for a Better Tomorrow.

As for Liverpool, this could go either way. Fans need to be cautious with another American entering the fray. He'll pay off the debt but will morale increase is the main question, and with it can they get results?

Results will only increase morale. Unfortunately I can only imagine that results won't be improving soon

Барбоса;2494025 said:
Optimistically cautious would sum up my feelings about NESV. We have seen this before with the faux euphoria with the takeover of Gillett and Hicks and look how that turned out...

They got us Torres, but we didn't understand how screwed up they were doing things by then.

Henry seems to have a far better record at developing sports teams than those two cowboys but Liverpool fans should not be expecting a massive spending spree like that at Chelsea or Man City as NESV is no where near as rish as either Abramovich or the Sheik. However, most importantly it seems that Henry seems more likely to use money that he actually has rather than mortgaging the club through bank loans

I can only hope the investment will be smart, smart manager, smart transfers, smart sales. No debt on the club is a huge thing for me.
I can only hope the investment will be smart, smart manager, smart transfers, smart sales. No debt on the club is a huge thing for me.

I think Hodgson is a good manager for the club at this time. He should be able to find players that actually have a decent work ethic. Don't think that I can complain about any of his signings so far, aside from the lack of a winger or a striker, but is hardly Woy's fault if he has not had the funds.
Sowwy Numbers. It's not their fault. It is totally an irrational personal thing.

I'm going to sit here quietly now and politely ask to hear more about these other two American interests who have purchased football clubs in the past. You guys make it seem like they suck; how so?
Tom Hicks and George Gillett, who currently own Liverpool, suck something awful.

They talked a big game on buying the club but it turns out that they have a lot less capital than they claimed. They borrowed every penny needed to buy the club, have put very little money into the club (aside from buying Fernando Torres), they have done very little in building a new stadium which was one of the major provisos of the original owners selling out and have destroyed much of the excellent reputation Liverpool have had in the board room.

They then said that they were willing to sell up in April and appointed a new board that would take care of it, including an independent chairman who would act in the best interests of the club, not Hicks and Gillett themselves. However, when a firm and apparently good offer came in from NESV for £300million, Hick and Gillett decided that that was not enough. They want to make their money back on an investment that they have nothing but damage to. The club is in a worse state that when they bought it yet they still want to break even.

Minutes before the board were to meet regarding the NESV takeover Hicks tried to have the two directors responsible for negotiations removed, something which he and Gillett are not allowed to do. Luckily, the chairman stood up to them and backed the directors, winning the vote 3-2.

Now Hicks has come out and said that he is going to fight the takeover in the courts, which I just do not understand. That is going to cost him more money still and none of the potential bidders for the club be they English, Syrian, Arab or Chinese valued the club at over £300 million in its current state; a value that is only going to drop as the turmoil continues to affect the team's performance on the pitch.

It is somewhat ironic that Hicks and Gillett, who could not see eye to eye about the running of and investment in the club, are the best of friends now that they are trying to sell. They are looking to go through the legal system in an effort the get their pound of flesh even if it destroys one of the most successful, respected and supported football teams in the world.

A shameful disgrace.
Hicks and Gillet are dicks, and this new takeover thing will hopefully be good for Liverpool

I just for the love of god cant understand why a lot Liverpool fans think it's their god given right to have £50 million plus for players, all I've been hearing now is "now we'll finally get that new stadium and at least £50 million for players that deserve to wear the Liverpool shirt"

Fair point, you were promised a stadium, but the players that lost to Blackpool all went to the World Cup, with proper teams as well. I hope they dont get the transfer money, genuinely think Roy could do an good job with the team he's got, but at least it looks like he'll get the time to try as it seems that the potential new owners have faith in him.

-EDIT- Ah, the little return for the sale of Mascherano, kinda like United and Ronaldo. I still stand by either the Stadium or the players, not both, still think Woy will do just fine with what he's got -EDIT-
Thanks and thank you, gentlemen.

Sounds like a couple of asshats who feel the world owes them their investments back. Silly. So this wasn't so much a case of "Ah, Americans are buying our teams!", but more "Ah, anyone is better than these two idiots!".

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