Live Free and DIE HARD

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I used to be a big deal
So this movie comes out next week and I have to tell you I'm excited to see some good action for once in a long time. Anyone seen the previews? He blows up a helicopter with a car!!! If they show that in the preview lord only knows what they've saved for the actual movie.

I'm planning on buying the trilogy boxset (40 bucks less my 10% discount at the store I work at... good price), watching all three back to back and heading to the movie. Gonna be a violent day :D

I can't fucking wait for this movie.
Im pumped for this movie as well. Its been a while since Die Hard 3, so it will interesting to see if they can keep the series up.

Plot sounds damn good, and of course you know there is going to be a lot of action, will definately see it in the theatre.

Have the first 3, so no way, no how im missing this one.
Fuck Yeah!!!!, die Hard is one of my favorite movie trilogys of all time, can't wait to see this one, you know I'll be there on opening day, here's a trailer
nice little bonus for this movie is Kevin Smith as a role in it, his part looks pretty funny from the trailer, can't wait to see it
It's from the director of Underworld so I'm filled with dread. But on the one hand Mary Elizabeth Winstead is in it and she's an angel. So even if it's complete shit I'll be able to oogle her.

I hope it's good but I dont think it will be. I feel it's going to be incredibly average. The script isn't even an original Die Hard film. It was a vehicle for somebody else so thay adapted it. I know that's what happened with the third but that one rocked.
Haha this movie looks so over the top but it looks good anyways. I mean seriously, you blow up a helicopter with a car, and your one liner is "I ran out of bullets." who says that??

I'm more looking forward to Transformers than anything else this summer but I will definitely catch this movie.
its only got a 15 rating, so maybe they wont drop the "F-Bomb" in his infamous line. Itll be something like:

YippieKai eh motherflipper.
Should be great - zero story and lots and lots and lots and lots of insane stunts. That's fine, when you're not Tom Cruise.

Although apparently he doesn't say "motherf*cker" in this one. Shame.:(
Should be great - zero story and lots and lots and lots and lots of insane stunts. That's fine, when you're not Tom Cruise.

Although apparently he doesn't say "motherf*cker" in this one. Shame.:(

I think they tried to make it a 12A but it's ended up being a 15. Which is pointless really. They should just try and make it as adult as they can. Who cares if it's got a couple of fucks in it. If some sort of terrorist is after you your not going to say much other than shit or fuck.

Damnit I want realism to my popcorn movies.
I think kids might be a little more affected by Bruce Willis using a television to beat the limbs off a Russian terrorist than him saying motherfucker. They probably hear worse at home from their parents anyway. Unless their parents are Russian terrorists at odds with Bruce Willis of course.
Well I finally went and saw this film, and I gotta say I was very pleasantly surprised. I didn't have much expectations, but I was blown away for sure. One of the best action films I've seen in years (not counting the Transformers...that movie was badass). And surprisingly there were some great actors involved, Justin Long who I love, Timothy Olyphant is another incredibly underrated actor, of course Bruce Willis, but best of freaking all, we got KEVIN FUCKING SMITH! That right there was worth the price of admission alone for me, Kevin Smith is a God (except for Jersey Girl...eugh). Great stuff.

But man was I happy when Bruce said Yippie Ky Aye Motherfucker! I figured with a PG-13 rating they'd leave that out (which would've been heresy) but man I'm glad they left it in. Great movie, definately go see it if you have the chance, if you're a fan of great action movies or Die Hard or shit just movies in general, you'll love it.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars. And for me, that is one helluva rating.
Kevin Smith is a God (except for Jersey Girl...eugh).

that quote right there my friend is sig worthy, huge Kevin Smith fan (except Jersey Girl, and it doesn't have anything to do with the fact that Jay and Silent Bob are not in it, it was just a poor movie), anyway back to Live Free or Die Hard, I saw it a couple of weeks ago and I'm with you great fucking movie, everybody in the movie played their roles perfectly, and I love that Kevin Smith played the Uber-nerd, star wars, hacker dude, that is him to a T, his best line in the movie-"so you Down with the Fett", McClain-"No, I'm more of a Star Wars guy myself", Calssic line, had the whole theater laughing, this movie had the perfect amount of action and Comedy, and told a great story too, a must see
Well I finally went and saw this film, and I gotta say I was very pleasantly surprised. I didn't have much expectations, but I was blown away for sure. One of the best action films I've seen in years (not counting the Transformers...that movie was badass). And surprisingly there were some great actors involved, Justin Long who I love, Timothy Olyphant is another incredibly underrated actor, of course Bruce Willis, but best of freaking all, we got KEVIN FUCKING SMITH! That right there was worth the price of admission alone for me, Kevin Smith is a God (except for Jersey Girl...eugh). Great stuff.

But man was I happy when Bruce said Yippie Ky Aye Motherfucker! I figured with a PG-13 rating they'd leave that out (which would've been heresy) but man I'm glad they left it in. Great movie, definately go see it if you have the chance, if you're a fan of great action movies or Die Hard or shit just movies in general, you'll love it.

I give it 4 out of 5 stars. And for me, that is one helluva rating.

I have to agree 100%, I went to see it as well and what a great film... they dont make action films like that anymore. If you can suspend your disbelief for a while and not poke holes in the fact that he should have died on numerous occasions then you'll enjoy it. Die Hard 5 anyone?
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