Live Discussion: Raw 4/27/09


WrestleMania Main Event


God save the king
Just days before they meet at Backlash, Triple H and Randy Orton were joined in the ring for a brawl in London that only ended when The Legend Killer took advantage of the chaos to hit The King of Kings with a RKO.

Fall out from Backlash and the new draft regulations in place. Neither Cena or HHH should be there, so aside from Batista coming out to challenge Orton, the midcarders have a chance to shine. Hoping for a first Raw promo from MVP or Miz or both.
Why shouldn't Triple H be-- oh, he was taken away in an ambulance or some shit. I predict a return by the end of the show.
If he does he makes Batista and Shane look weak from missing months over a punt. HHH Orton isn't finished, but could do with a break as it's getting stale. i don't know. We'll see.
Triple H returning doesn't make Batista and Shane look weak, it just makes him look strong. So it's definately happening.
Shane was only gone a couple weeks. Vince, maybe a month. The only people out long were old people and baptista.
Ok, maybe on Vince. But shane was not out that long. He went out the day after NWO, and came back I believe the week before wrestlemania. that would 6 weeks. Ok, just over a month. Who cares if it makes shane look weak? He's not a wrestler.
I'm doubting HHH will show, but he might be back by Judgment Day. I'd prefer HHH being away for about two months or so, to let his pre existing feuds die off and Raw develop without him, then bring him in to shake things up.

Cena might show, as he wasn't KOd, just hurt. He'll probably get into a program with the Big Show now, as if that wasn't the most obvious thing in the world. I'd expect a standard match at JD where Show goes over, then First Blood at ONS where Cena wins.
I dunno, Triple H did get dropped while sitting inside of a car from twenty feet in the air, and landed on the roof, yet showed up 3 weeks later, when a year before Austin was injured for a year by getting a glancing blow from a car. So yeah, Triple H coming back tonight is completely within the realm of possibility.
But why not?????????? HHH only got kicked in the head. Vince has died at least twice and hes still here!!!!!!!!!!
hopefully kofi gets some shine tonight..
i would love to see some kind of tag team tournament start tonight with the winner getting a title shot against the colon's @ judgement day
I said it last night and I'll say it now: there's drawing heat and there's just being annoying as fuck. She goes WAY beyond the latter of the two.
Ok someone explain this to me.

When the hell did the WWE Title start meaning life itself to the McMahons? I must have missed that.

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