Listen to this storyline idea on what could have been....

Dr. Stinger A. Zoidberg

Stay in school and don't litter.
So, remember a few weeks ago on NXT, when The Miz told Daniel Bryan if he lost one more match, he would have him kicked off of NXT? Well, I feel the WWE dropped the ball right there, it could have been a great storyline. Now, hear me out.

So, let's say Bryan DID lose a match. The Miz would have him kicked off of NXT. For weeks leading up to Wrestlemania, The Miz would come out and gloat about how he got rid of Daniel Bryan for good. While doing that, he and Big Show would also build up to their Tag Team Title match at Wrestlemania.

At Mania, ShowMiz and Morrison/Truth have a very competitive match. Which ends up going in the favor of Morrison/Truth. Big Show and Miz begin to argue about the loss ala, Masters/Carlito at Wrestlemania 22. Big Show ends up walking out on The Miz. As Big Show is walking back to the Locker Room, a WWE official, Lets say just for this purpose, Stephanie McMahon comes out. She tells Miz that even though he JUST lost the Tag Titles in a competitive match, he then would have to defend his US Title against the newest superstar acquisition for Monday Night Raw.

Steph then announces Daniel Bryan. He runs down to the ring with a referee, and he and The Miz then have a good, extremely close, 6-7 minute match where Bryan ends up winning the title from Miz.

I feel that would be a way to propel Bryan into the spotlight, not completely bury Miz, bring some credibility back to the US title, and start what would be a pretty damn good feud on Raw between Miz/Bryan.

What would your thoughts be on this?
I would have loved to see this. However, I'm not entirely sure it would have gone over as well as hoped. Daniel Bryan is, to the main WWE fanbase, an unknown. The majority of the RAW audience does not watch NXT, and would probably not have known who he was.

I believe the best thing to do is to continue building Bryan up, having him show up with Miz during RAW and video packages, expose him to the whole audience, and THEN do the title match.

Bryan will get the title eventually. Just have to be patient.
I honestly have no clue what the bookers are doing to DB he is clearly the best wrestler on NXT, and they have him going 0-5 wtf? I mean the guy has won the best technical wrestler of the year what 5-6 times straight. I am beginning to wonder if this is vinces way of saying fuck you to all of the indy promotions DB has won a title in.

I understand pairing him with the miz because his mic skills are average at best, but how do you expect fans who know nothing about him to get behind a guy that is 0-5? come on vince, we're not stupid!
I think it's gonna be one of those "he's lost but he tries hard" things until he wins NXT and "upsets" MIZ for the US title. Just watch it will happen. I do like the OP's idea as that would have been great for the people who actually watch the show. Not many do compared to RAW or SmackDown. Not saying that people don't follow it ont eh website but I can guarantee you if that happened half the people at Mania would be scratching their heads going "who is the guy in the maroon tights? Why should I cheer for him again?"
It would have been interesting to see this.I would have liked it but I would want Miz to get the title back in about a month or 2.This is because people know who Miz is,when you say "do you know Miz" people say yeah.You ask them about Daniel Bryan.......What?So yeah for a little bit this storyline could work but cause Danil isn't known by everyone not for long.
I like this idea only for one reason. Bringing some parity back to Raw and also actually having the US Title being defended.
I was watching Raw last night and one of the big things that I think it is missing is a title being defended almost every monday night. I think they should have the US Title or Intercontinetal be defended every Raw and have it switch hands frequently. Right now both titles are stagnant and need some life brought into them. I love the Miz and think he is awesome...but the title needs to be defended on a regular basis.

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