Lightweight or Junior


arrogant bastard
ok so after watching Global Impact 2 and seeing the MCMG win the jr titles in IWGP it got me thinking....what do you think WWE could benefit more from? Actually not just WWE but any federation....a lightweight division or a junior division. By leightweight i mean a certain weight like 200. OR would a jr division be better and by jr i mean 25 and under for instance. Obviously the two may overlap however they are not related, the x-division and samoa joe are an example of this. Which do you think WWE would do better with...its a great way to push the new younger guys to have a jr title, but a lightweight may have more exciting which do u think would be the better belt?????
well, yeh, what they could do, is run a program, once a year with fcw, and match fcw developing talent with talent like kofi kingston, the miz, morrison, evan bourne, shelton benjamin, sheamus, all these young and new guys and in this process it would build up new stars. as for lightweight division, they already took away the cruiserweight belt, but they could revive it and get lots of contenders for it, e.g jimmy wang yang - (this guy has a lot of talent, in tna he was great!) so underused. they could have chavo, funaki, tyler reks, and others
I really feel that the cruiserweight (or lightweight as you suggested) title would be more beneficial. It would give that audience who loves the old school high flying wrestling a solid chance to actually do something other than job to the giants.

The Jr. Title would be a solid way for young performers to get over. Randy Orton for example rode the coat tails of being the youngest champion for a long time, and well...being the best of the lower class of WWE has to count for something...

So both have their advantages but overall I want the cruiserweights back waaay more.

Just My Opinion
Its a really good idea for the WWE to bring back a junior title, think about this they have the fued going on right now to get it back into the program. If i remember right hornswaggle was the final crusierweight champ, have chavo call him out on it and win the title from him. U have Evan Bourne, Chavo, who can fued on the raw roster for this title for a while until maybe a few new faces are brought up to raw from FCW to create a cruiserweight type division on raw.
I hate the idea of weight or age classes in any federation. Instead i would rather a big company bring back the T.V. title so anyone could wear it and we would be guaranteed to have it defended every week on television.
A cruiserweight division would make more sense than a junior division. Fans don'tcare how old wrestlers are, and are often lied to anyway, it's only recently that they've stopped calling Batista, aged 40, a "young man".

A light heavyweight division would offer different matches that could be entertaining, and it also gives a healthy supply of jobbers for the bigger guys without them being seen as completely hopeless, kind of like guys like Amazing Red in TNA.

The real demonstration would be in the roster strength. A Light heavyweight division could feature Carlito, Chavo, Cody Rhodes, Evan Bourne, Jamie Noble, Primo, Ziggler, Jimmy Wang Yang, JTG, Funaki, Rey Mysterio, Tyson Kidd, Hurricane, Yoshi Tatsu and Zack Ryder.

An under 25s division would consist of Cody Rhodes, Festus, Hornswoggle, DH Smith, Drew McIntyre, JTG and Zack Ryder, which hardly gets the pulse racing.

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