Life After Nexus

I'm not getting why there is so much hate for Michael Tarver in this thread. Next to Wade Barrett he is easily the most complete superstar in the group. He has the look and the mic skills to main event. He hasn't been able to showcase his in ring ability that much as of yet but from what we have seen he is certainly good enough in the ring to be at the main event level. The fact remains that Tarver has two very important skills needed to be a main event player. When you look like a legit threat and have great mic skills the sky is the limit.
Here's my breakdown of what should/hopefully could happen to the gentlemen of the Nexus after the group disbands:

Wade Barrett- definitely guaranteed a spot on RAW/SD no matter what. I think that's a no brainer. He's great mix of mic and in ring work. Its just a matter of time for him to get the belt. Really that's a given to be honest.

Justin Gabriel- I can see him more likely on the Blue Brand, his aerial techniques, and risky moves, I think he'd be a great addition to their roster. They seem to be in need of some aerialists, if indeed Rey could truly be injured from speculation I've noticed.

Heath Slater-hmm..I'm not sure. He may need a little bit more time in FCW, but could work for RAW after some more in-ring work. A bit more mic skills work. But he could possibly work, may end up doing a bit of Thursday night work before getting bigger work.

Skip Sheffield- eek, with his ankle injury, that's very tricky now. VKM likes big guys. But, with ankle probs, that may be a tough call, if he recovers and can pull it off, he'll have to do rehabbing in FCW, I can guarantee it before probably getting maybe a place on SD, I would guess.

Otunga- mm..he'd have to do MAJOR training on his ring work, his finisher is very weak, and his mic skills, still not close to cutting it yet. He needs more FCW. I think they'd do that before evaluating if he's ready for WWE again.

Tarver-he's another one, I lump him that he's physically dominating, but needs more mic work. I'd say he'd be a better fit for someone's muscle, but he could work on either brand. Just with limited mic work as long as he gets training on it.

Daniel Bryan- I think he's a RAW guy. Most definitely. He's great in ring worker.

Darren Young- Sorry, but dude, I will have to future endeavor you.
Tarver-he's another one, I lump him that he's physically dominating, but needs more mic work. I'd say he'd be a better fit for someone's muscle, but he could work on either brand. Just with limited mic work as long as he gets training on it.

Have you ever even listened to Tarver on the mic? This goes out to anyone posting in this thread who is saying he needs work on the mic. Michael Tarver is easily the best on the mic in the group outside of Wade Barrett. In fact if given more opportunities to talk I'd say he could rival Barrett as the best in the group. I've still yet to see a legitimate explanation as to why people think Tarver won't do much outside of Nexus.
So, lotta Tarver haters...hmm...lets get some hatin'. :)

Wade Barrett: Well, he's the leader of the Nexus. And for what reason? He's the best one there and obviously will go the farthest. He's obviously already in the main event picture, so there? :p

Justin Gabriel: He's horseshit on the mic, oh well. Use him like Evan Bourne, in the sence that he works in the ring, and uses that as an equivelant to his mic. Evan almost never talks. Neither should Gabriel. I see upper-mid card.

Heath Slater: He does NOT have a good look. He does not have good mic skills. He is mediocre in the ring. Future endeavour him.

Darren Young: So now I'm predicting what will Haha. He will be in the very low-mid card IF he even gets to keep his job in the big leagues. Probably sent back to FCW for life. Or future endeavoured.

Michael Tarver: WHY ARE PEOPLE BASHING HIM? Have you not watched the whole Nexus storyline? He's GOOD on the mic. He's GOOD in the ring. And his character is pretty bad-ass. Not to mention his finisher REALLY caught my eye as one of the most unique finishers in years. He will be in the upper-mid card to the main event some day.

Skip Sheffield/David Otunga: I made these two go together for one reason. They're big guys, and they excel at the opposite sides of the ring. David Otunga can hold his own on the mic, while he's shit in the ring. Skip is a fucking monster in the ring, but terrible on the mic. So, my solution. Instead of putting them as a tag team, make them a team in the sence that Otunga works the mic for Skip. It would be a great way to put BOTH of them in the main event, while avoiding either of their weak spots.
So I for one am sick of all these elimination matches and can't wait for the Nexus angle to end. It was great at first and it was a great way to get some new faces in the fold quickly but it's starting to get old. The point of this thread is to see where you guys want the WWE to go from here. Obviously Cena will need something to do and same with Bryan, Morrison/RTruth, Jericho and Edge.

Personally I'd like to see Barrett, Sheamus, Edge, and Jericho all going after the title. There are some matches there that I'd love to see. Cena should get involved with Bryan and Miz with a young heel stepping in to try and even the odds (I would say Sheffield here since he looks like he could be a good monster heel but with his injury, idk). I just want to see Cena face off with some new people. Morrison and RTruth should break up with Morrison going heel and eventually winning a nice long feud that should make both of them better.

These are just my opinions and now I want to hear yours! What do you want to see happen after Nexus ends? Who do you want Cena to face and who do you want going for the title?
I'm one of those anti-Cena WWE fans. It's not that I don't like Cena. I just really feel like there are more long-term feud and storyline possibilities for the business if he would turn HEEL again. I know he's Vince's cash cow but DAMMIT it's been like 8 years, right? Come on, Vince. I believe Cena can still push merchandise if he would have been turned heel the right way (or a right way)...
I ordered Summerslam with the lingering notion that this could be the night Cena turns. It would be greaaaat, it would come down to him and Daniel Bryan and as soon as Bryan makes the hot tag to Cena, Cena rushes in, gets the crowd riled up, and leg-drops...errr Attitude Adjusts! Bryan, joining the NEXUS. I thought, "Hey! They will rename NIGHT OF CHAMPIONS, "NIGHT OF CENA" and he would go a little corporate, shedding the baggy shorts and sweatbands for a more distinguished casual look OR even WWE could create a new line of darker merchandise for Cena's new persona. The PPV Night Of Cena would be reminiscent of character-driven PPVs of WWE past like DX and the Rock did during the Attitude era.
But of course none of this happened...and I was let down again. lol...
Here's my deal...I know plenty of people love Cena as he is. I have learned to somewhat as well because I just cannot stop watching wrestling no matter how bad and predictable I think it has become. But Cena just LOOKS TOO BIG AND INTIMIDATING to realistically have good feuds with the up and coming talent the likes of MIZ, MORRISON, BOURNE, DANIELSON. He doesn't sell moves...he just lies there until it's time to Hulk up and hit his Five-Knuckle Shuffle.
IDK...I guess I'm just being stubborn.
I'd love to see them all become singles stars, but Barrett would need to be most successful... Since he I'd having a title match already. A few of them could even be tag team wrestlers. They don't all need to be pushed to the moon, as long as they get some kind of an opportunity to be successful. Some time down the road I see them all being fairly successful Main Event/Mid Card guys. When Skip returns I see him joining Wade in the ME while Young might be the only one who ends up somewhat jobbing, but even then I think he'll get a shot at success.
I'm fairly certain life after Nexus is gonna see most of those guys wished the best in all their future endeavours. I really can't see any of them, bar maybe Barrett and Gabriel lasting more than another year.

I deally I'd like to see the Nexus angle run for another few months, but sort of pair off people to feud with. Have maybe two of the weaker guys from the group tag together, feud with Morrison and R Truth, put the others in singles feuds. Still maintain the Nexus as a group, and a loose alliance between WWE guys. It'd freshen the angle up, and allow the Nexus guys a chance to get over as individuals. Might even get them over enough to get a stay of execution on their 'future endeavours'.

I've seen a few articles saying that Jerichp could be turning face, and if this is true, it's a golden opportunity for WWE, and Wade Barrett. I know WWE are priming Barrett for a feud with Cena, but I think a feud with a face Jericho is the best way to get Barrett over enough to be considered a legitimate threat to Cena. Y2J could drag a 5 star match out of a wooden broom, and Barrett is at least marginally more talented than a broom. Give Jericho a two, maybe three month feud with Barrett, culminating in a clean Barrett victory. And shit, if WWE really have that much faith in Barrett, it'll give them time to put the belt back on Cena. A three month feud with Jericho would end just in time for Barrett to compete in the Royal Rumble. Cena vs Barrett at Wrestlemania? Not particularly a Barrett fan, but if WWE are serious about pushing him into the main event, they can't afford to go with half measures. Otherwise the whole Nexus angle is gonna fizzle out and and the Nexus member will fade into obscurity.
In all honesty, I hate the Nexus entrance music and I hate their saying "Nexus or against us." How lame is that? When they first came on scene, I was excited. Then the next week on Raw the ball was dropped. They failed the angle right there. Now it's just garbage every week with them. Almost like the Spirit Squad a few years back. Cool at first, then annoying. Repackage them. Most of them seem to have no personality with Wade Barrett as their leader. Wade simply doesn't need a team with him. He's a solo wrestler. I could see a tag-team with the rest of Nexus and maybe one mid-carder. The rest need to make their skills a little more polished.
Wade Barrett: Obvious Main Eventer. Multiple time World Champ. Could probably win at NOC.
Skip Sheffield: Main Event. This guy is a huge powerhouse, and with some work on his mic skills he's a shoo-in for the main event.
David Otunga: Upper Midcard-Main Event. He's great on the mic, and while he's not very good in the ring, John Cena isn't good in the ring, and look where he is all because of mic skills.
Justin Gabriel: Upper Midcard-Main Event. He is awful on the mic, but is really good in the ring, and look where Jeff Hardy got with awful mic skills and a flashy finisher.
Michael Tarver: Upper Midcard-Main Event. He's good on the mic, good in the ring, and has a beast finisher. He has the look and can go far is he gets a push.
Heath Slater: Midcard. This guy is terrible on the mic, and is nothing special in the ring. The only reason I think he's a midcarder is because for some reason the WWE seems to like him, having him eliminate Edge and Jericho at Summerslam and Sheamus last night on Raw.
Darren Young: Midcard. I think Darren Young is talented and has potential. I think if they team him with Percy Watson as the South Beach Boyz he can be successful.
ok, this is easy for me, first off, i dont want Nexus to end, but like Otunga said, i want them to trim the fat. I like a 4 or 5 man group. Anyways, if they do end Nexus, i WANT Otunga and Tarver to stay together and maybe even form a team, both are good on the mic and i think both could be a good tag team. Justin Gabriel NEEDS someone to team with because he cant speak, maybe Matt Hardy?? As for Heath Slater, i think he could be a decent mid carder. Skip Sheffield's gimmick annoys me, BUT i think him and Husky Harris would make a decent tag team. As for Darren Young, team him with Percy Watson and Wade Barrett will be a future WWE champion soon.
Wade Barret- He won the NXT, the guy is full package and hes the leader of Nexus, this guy will go far with the I see him winning the title at NoC, if not then hell be built up into a bad ass heel and win a World Title by next year or so...

Justin Gabriel- WWE needs that guy in the mid-card/upper mid card scene...the guy is very athletic and can do some good high flying moves...and he has the look... he needs to work on the package. I say he will probably go to Smackdown, and win the Intercontinental Championship

Slater....Now Slater and Gabriel look like a good mid-card team, I see them teaming up and being in the tag team division, breaking up...feuding...and also.... Slater has beat Jericho twice! and Edge twice!!

Michael Tarver- This guy improved alot since NXT, he has the look (like someone mentioned before) but i see him being someones bodyguard, or maybe jobbing out.

Skip Sheffield- I hated him in NXT, but since Nexus, this guy showed me he is the real deal, hes powerful, and his spear is extremely strong, the guy has the look, and hes decent in the ring..i see him going far (after his injury) If his injury last long...goodbye Skip

Otunga- Heres the deal...This guy has fame power, yup I said it... He's just a "celeb" in WWE, he is sh*t. I see him going far just because of his "build" and his "name".
After the Nexus I believe most of the guys will become a permanent fix in the upper mid-card and main event. Guys like Barrett, Sheffield and Tarver are built for the main event in my opinion.

I think guys like Otunga, Slater, and Gabriel will be in the upper midcard and win the midcard championships and be the guys that get put in the main event matches although if they win the championship it would only be as a transitional champ because I can't see guys like them being a permanent fix in the main event scene unless Gabriel goes to Smackdown.
IMO, the best guys in Nexus are Wade Barrett, Justin Gabriel and Skip Sheffield. I didn't watch all of the first season, but what I saw of the first two guys impressed me tremendously. I didn't think much of Skip Sheffield as the kind of "big dumb guy," but he's been pretty insane in Nexus.

Skip Skeffield may not have the microphone skills, but the guy is a freaking MONSTER!

I disagree here: I think Sheffield is actually pretty decent on the mic. I've been quite impressed every time he took the mic as part of Nexus, but admittedly that may be because he was so unimpressive to me during NXT...

I like Justin Gabriel especially his 450 splash which amazes me everytime he does it!

What I like most is how he sells it afterwards. I always found that interesting, especially considering he's supposed to be a heel. It kind of reminds of me of how Benoit sold the diving headbutt whether face or heel - that little touch of "realism" is always a plus in my book.

And honestly I won't be surprised to see him Main Eventing anytime soon either. (Will get a lot of responses to the Main Event comment)

Here's mine... :)

I don't think he'll be main eventing *that* much, but I don't think it would be unreasonable to expect him to get at least a couple of main event matches in his career.

I think he definitely be a top mid carder with the Intercontinental belt a few times (after they've merged it back with the U.S.). I think he'll be a face more often than not just because he has the look and work style that begs to be cheered (much like Rey Mysterio), plus he just doesn't look like he could be an evil, intimidating person (I'm still having trouble believing him as a bad guy in Nexus). He definitely has a very marketable image.

David Otunga... can't wrestle to save his life either...

I kind of agree here, as much as I didn't want to. I didn't see much of Otunga in the little bit of NXT Season 1 I actually watched. The most exposure was when he hosted RAW and turned on Cena. I thought that was pretty good. I also thought he had a good look. I still think he does although I'm not a fan of the "more hair" look... I kind of liked him with the REALLY buzzed hair with all the designs cut in.

I'm kind of hoping he can step up his ring work a bit as I think he could be great if he only tried a bit harder. If not, well, he always has that career as a lawyer to fall back on...

I honestly don't know what to make of Heath Slater

Neither do I. I personally don't think he's all that great, at least not right now, but I could see where someone of his type could make it into the upper levels of the mid-card. I just think he needs some sort of interesting gimmick, even if that means mooching off of Southerner gimmicks of the past.

I believe Michael Tarver after Nexus would just be one of them guys in the back who pick up a few victories and vanish... And then come back pick up a few victories and vanish again.

I think you're being way too generous. The guy is unmemorable on the mic. The guy has an unmemorable look - he isn't really big, he isn't really small and he looks ridiculous in that stupid get-up (and that's not even considering the silly Wild Wild West bank robber mask). The guy is unmemorable in the ring. What is he even supposed to be? A brawler? An MMA guy? I believed Kama as a boxer type because he was big like Balrog in Street Fighter. Tarver? He's just your run of the mill, average-sized JTTS type.

This guy has just got the short end of the stick. I can see him gone within the next month or so.

I think Darren Young is better than Tarver. Tarver was the weakest link of Nexus IMO. At least Darren Young could be a Rock-type mid-carder. Anybody ever notice how his body type, his mannerisms, his style, etc. when he was wrestling John Cena one-on-one right before he was exiled from Nexus was very reminiscent of The Rock? Everything from the look of his thighs to the way he delivered his stomps looked very much like Mr. Johnson.

How can you go wrong with John Cena's head, Buckwheat's hair and The Rock's body? LOL

So that is my thoughts... Let me see what you guys think will happen with Nexus IF/WHEN they break up![/QUOTE]
I think you're being way too generous. The guy is unmemorable on the mic. The guy has an unmemorable look - he isn't really big, he isn't really small and he looks ridiculous in that stupid get-up (and that's not even considering the silly Wild Wild West bank robber mask). The guy is unmemorable in the ring. What is he even supposed to be? A brawler? An MMA guy? I believed Kama as a boxer type because he was big like Balrog in Street Fighter. Tarver? He's just your run of the mill, average-sized JTTS type.

I think Darren Young is better than Tarver. Tarver was the weakest link of Nexus IMO. At least Darren Young could be a Rock-type mid-carder. Anybody ever notice how his body type, his mannerisms, his style, etc. when he was wrestling John Cena one-on-one right before he was exiled from Nexus was very reminiscent of The Rock? Everything from the look of his thighs to the way he delivered his stomps looked very much like Mr. Johnson.

Are you serious here? Michael Tarver is EASILY the best on the mic in the group outside of Barrett. If given more rime he could even rival Barrett as he best in the group. As far as his look goes, he definitely has a main event look. He's 6'2 256 and looks like a legit bad ass. There are differing opinions on the bandanna but I believe it's a positive add to his look. We haven't been able to see much of him in the ring but from what has been seen he is certainly good enough to get the job done. I see Tarver as the second best superstar in Nexus behind Wade Barrett.

As far as you comparing Darren Young to the Rock goes. That is possibly the most hilarious thing I have ever heard. Nothing about Darren Young is reminiscent of the Rock. Absolutely nothing. That comparison should really make your opinion null and void.
Ive posted on other posts what I feel about the nexus members future, and the only one that changed is Darren Young.

I feel that Percy And Darren will eventually make the tag team they had in FCW, Now that they've united the tag titles, I assume they want the tag teams to become more prominent in the company. So this is a great way to get him back on the roster and away from Nexus as a whole.

Wade is obviously going to be HUGE as he is already in the main event picture.

Slater is not interesting to me

Skip when he comes back can be an impact player, since he is huge, he can be a great monster character. I would love to see him against Sheamus.

Gabriel, MAY be good, we have to see if he can assimilate into a character.
the best thing to happen to the Nexus is the ankle break of Skip Sheffield. He is a horrible performer and has a dumb gimmick. The only marketable people are Justin Gabriel, Heath and Wade. These three guys could be amazing. IMO, it would be a great feat if Heath and Justin became a Tag Team and Wade Barrett just continued as a solo performer. He would definitely have a change to make it and there would be something worth watching a Justin and Heath team...could shake up the system a bit. Oh and Tarver - he can just go back to FCW or wherever he came from...horrible...

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