Lets talk about the REAL best in the world today


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1st up....PAC!:


Please go to the link if u are unaware of this amazing wrestler. PAC is exactly what his name states. "The Man That Gravity Forgot" is essentially Evan Bourne to the millionth power with an British accent, which immediately spells awesome.

I've always wondered why this guy never went to major companies like the WWE, then one day i realized that u don't have to really be good at wrestling to be in the WWE, and the fact that they won't let the best high flier in the world compete with the best in the world kinda makes me wanna :banghead:

but i wonder what if PAC made it to the big leagues, what do u think would happen to this man, i imagine they'd make him get rid of his sick moves

"Corkscrew SSP"
"630 splash"
"Shooting Star Senton Slash"

i imagine these excellent always eye pleasing moves would not be allowed in the watered down world of major league pro wrestling

NEXT UP...Super dragon (if he ever comes back):


Super dragon is IMO the undertaker of the indy circuit he's just the guy u don't want to mess with, unless Ur hopelessly trying to make a name for yourself. his hits are brutal many credit him as the inventor of the curb stomp

his pile drivers are unbelievable and before i watched him wrestle i didn't know how many different ways a person could be dumped on there head

his move set is a stacked as it is brutal with several powerful drivers and dominating moves as well as some high flying moves as well

the man is definitely a dominating force and his last match was in 2008 and and many believe he retired after a concussion but if he ever did return and the WWE picked him up how do u think he'd do?

and since I'm tired and don't want to type anymore I'll do one more



This man is a legend on the Indy scene being a founder of the chikara wrestle factory and setting the bar on the Indy scene for around 15 years or so (i may have my facts screwed up). the Quackers in the chat room are either going to love that i mentioned him, or hate me for getting my facts wrong but thism an has done exceptionally well on the scene and for some reason he kinda reminds me of Chris Jericho

so like the last 2 how do u think this man would do if he went up to the big leagues. The WWE how do u think there move sets would be changed? how do u think that would affect there run with the company? do u think they'd make it far? and finally what if they didn't have to change there move sets around? how would they do then? and extra side notes are welcome and if u have any insults or whatnot to say to me I'm all ears i've noticed that allot of my reps are negatives for me being a hot head but thats not what the topic is about

PAC?, SUPER DRAGON?, MIKE QUCKENBUSH?, Ur thoughts please gentlemen?
I checked out those videos and PAC really impressed me, really clean ad elegant style. But, you're forgetting that wrestling is more than just flashy in ring moves. It's also about promo work, getting over, look and wholly entertainment. These guys mustn't have made it to the big leagues because they can't get over or don't have the rest of the skills required to being a superstar. Guys like Edge, Punk and Cena have everything so they are of course going to be or are big stars.

Great vids though, they look entertaining but I guess they haven't made it because they are lacking the remaining characteristics to make it big. Either that or they are happy on the indy scene....?

By the way, that vid of the Super Dragon. The finishing move he is using at the start looks like he's about to fuckin break the guys neck off. He would never be allowed to use that in the WWE!
Those were very impressive. You're completely wrong, but they were impressive. It's a shame you're banned. I would have had a blast picking you apart. Let's see.

Ok, number one, Quackenbush was the one most likely to get a job in the big leagues. I've never seen someone with so many ways to hit an armdrag. That's where the major flaw in this is. You're not watching professional wrestling here. You're watching acrobatics in a wrestling ring. While it's very flashy, that's all it is: flash. I watched Quackenbush and Pac and saw quite a few impressive displays. Then I saw the ends of the moves and saw that they were really quite generic. See, what you fail to realize is that at the end of a 450 splash, all you have is a splash. While the twists and flips might look cool, it really has little to do with professional wrestling.

Take a guy like Evan Bourne for example. He has what is easily one of the best looking maneuvers in wrestling today. He's barely in the midcard. Why is that? My guess would be that there is zero substance to him. Why should I care about any of these people if all they're going to do is be flashy and flipping all over the place? A huge portion of a wrestling character, actually the most important, is the emotional aspect. Let's take a look at arguably the biggest match of all time: Hulk Hogan vs. Andre the Giant. They had fought before and they would fight again, but nothing would ever touch that one time. It was built on a simple concept: Andre betrayed Hogan by siding with Hogan's archnemisis, Bobby Heenan. He tore the cross off of Hogan's neck in a move symbolic of destroying their friendship. The story wrote itself from there. What kind of story could Quackenbush and Pac tell? A feud over a flip-off gone horribly wrong?

Also, the risk of injury with acts like this is extremely high. There's a reason that only a handful of wrestlers are allowed to use big spots on a regular basis in the WWE: they're dangerous. That's as simple as it gets. Those spots are very dangerous and a single slipup can end a career and be a disaster for the company. While they certainly are exciting to look at, they're not a plausible act to have on the main cards, simply due to the risks they carry with them. When asked why he believed he was the best wrestler of all time, Bret Hart listed three things, but the most important of all was that he never injured anyone in the ring. That's a huge responsibility. You're putting your own life in the hands of another man. I for one wouldn't want my life in the hands of a man rotating three times in the air upside down, but that's just me.

Finally, when I see these videos, all I see is offense. Why are people like Bret Hart, Cena, Hogan and Michaels considered some of the best of all time? Well a large part of it in my eyes is their ability to sell. Wrestling is based on emotion. A performer has to get the fans to buy into the story that they're trying to tell in the ring, much like an actor in a play or a movie. The audience knows that what they're seeing is fake, but a truly talented actor is capable of drawing the audience into believing that it's real, and becoming emotionally attached to it. In wrestling, the face wins in the end. That's a way of life. Now if the face dominated the entire time, things get boring and the fans lose interest. It happened to everyone, including the biggest face of all time in Hulk Hogan. However, think of Hogan's four year reign and any feud that he had in it. The formula would go as follows: Hogan has just beaten another evildoer and is celebrating when Hogan is attacked, usually being injured in the rib area. He would then come back for the big match during which he would usually be injured again. Look at the children's eyes during those moments. They're on the edge of tears, but Hogan would come back and win the day, bringing smiles back to their faces. It's the time where the hero is down that makes the win all worth the ride it took to get there. Without that time where the face is down and selling, the fans have no emotional connection to them, and therefore don't care. When the fans don't care, there's no point to having the wrestlers there.

I could go on, but I think I've made my point.
I would need to see Pac in a full match and on the mic before I could judge. Cool spots but that doesn't always turn into a good match.

As for Dragon his piledriver looks cool but that is not enough to sell me on him.

That last guy had some unique offense. I like him, although not all that over on his look.

I would book midcard spots for all three, maybe a little higher if Pac can tell a story in the ring and on the mic.
Okay i didnt have time to check out the last two put PAC is like a mixture of evan bourne, RVD ,Jeff Hardy, and Rey Mysterio. he might have all these sick moves but be horrible on the mic. but hey he might be happy where he is
I can't believe you guys don't know the goodness that is Super Dragon. If you wanna see GREAT Super Dragon, check out his early stuff. He used to do a Pheonix Buster that was awesome.

But, while he is a GOD among Indy wrestlers, he wouldn't last in the fed. He is too stiff, too dangerous, and he treats the fans with little recourse-that is to say he doesnt care what happens to them when he is wrestling. Case in Point- He was a big part of the CZW vs. ROH feud (he gave Jimmy Jacobs a Psycho Driver from the apron to the floor, through a table). He was fired unceremoniously from CZW in the latter stages of that feud because he chopped a fan in CZW (or something, i;m not sure what he DID to the fan, but he did something).

That is the last thing Vince wants. Not to mention his knees are blown. that's why he doesn't use too much of the arial offense anymore.

Haven't seen the PAC vid, but i have seen Quack before. He is just another cruiserweight on the indy scene who has more flips in his moves than ring psychology. If he, or half of the rest of the spot monkeys, has an iota of ring psychology, they'd realize they don't need crazy flips or head bumps to get fans attention. The sad fact is, the market is flooded, as it were, with these guys who have ZERO ring psychology, but can have a classic "you've been served" break dance off- see Jack Evans.

Vince knows what he is doing, he can see those who have the ring psychology, and those that don't. Mick Foley said it best in one of his books (and i'm paraphrasing here): Why bother throwing yourself off of cages/scaffolding when you can get just as big of a pop from saying the name of a town?
Ohh my goodness i have never seen or heard of pac til i watched that video absolutely unbelievable spots could you imagine him in a the x division. My only problem is neither of the big to would know how to use his talent look at wwe and what they diid with bourne i mean he is teaming with hornswoggle.. and tna look what there doing with red he is an amazing in ring talent and is barely ever used in tna except big gimmick matches so looks like a winner but dont know where...
I saw Bryan Danielson live this past weekend, and I have to say he is better at wrestling than all the guys mentioned above. I can't wait to see him in a WWE ring. Major props to the ROH roster for an awesome show. Austin Aries is the next big thing. He did a top rope brain buster followed by a version of the chin lock submission that I have never seen before.

I stand by Bryan Danielson being the best in the world right now. I'm praying he's not a jobber in the big time, because his skills are beyond jobbing.
i wonder why i was banned for spamming? this was a serious a serious thread that i wanted to discuss? sadly i totally realized that when i say wrestle i actually mean the in ring work and not the promo skills but i overlooked those facts thanx for the helping me figure that out
The best in the world today is already in the WWE. He's half of the Undsiputed Tag Champions, and his name is Chris Jericho. Since his return to the WWE, and his heel turn to feud with HBK he's been nothing but gold. I don't care who you bring into the arguement, and what you show me. I've seen Jericho weekend and week out for the past two years and he's been the most entertaining Pro Wrestler of the past 5 years.

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