Lets take A look on seasons 5's nxt roster and what It shoud have been.


The Corre
"Lets take A look on seasons 5's NXT roster and what It shoud have been."

Ok so I was looking at NXT roster and was thinking :wtf: 1ST off they have a wwe superstar in Darren Young( Not really a star but he was already used for the main roster in superstars) :wtf: IS HE DOING ON NXT ? Then Bryon Saxtion serisley ? this guy was on NXT with that Brian guy -_-.

So here's NXT's Roster with there pros.

Byron Saxton
Pro: Yoshi Tatsu
Problem: Bryon was on NXT already last season -_-. Yoshi Tatsu should not even be a pro he's even worse than A nxt rookie.

Conor O'Brian
Pro: Vladmir Koslov
Problem: Again this guy was already here last season he should not be back so soon.

Darren Young:
PRO:Chavo Guerrero
Problem: What the ****. Dude's Darren Young was already being used on superstars WTF:wtf: and chavo he is a great wrestler but at the postion he is in with wwe right now he should not even be on NXT.

Jacob Novak
Problem: Who the hell is Jacob Novak ? I thought JTG was gone already oh well now we know this team is the team of future endeavor's.

Lucky Cannon
Pro: Tyson Kidd
Problem: Nothing really I have no problem with these two I just hope wwe uses Tyson Kidd right here like give him time on the mic to work out any problems he has talking -_-.

Titus O'Neil
Pro:wtf: Hornswoggle
Problem: I love titus but.......... ARE YOU FREAKING KIDDING ME ! Hornswoggle as A pro oh my god what the fuck did Titus do down on FCW to deserve this. I will vote every damn week for him because I feel horrible SERISLEY FUCKING HORNSWOGGLE???? This is shit all over NXT

Now let me show you the roster I would have put.

Brett Dibiase
Pro: Ted Dibiase
Reason: I think you can figure out on your own.

Percy Watson
Pro: Booker T
Reason: It's not because they both Black. I just feel that Percy would relate more to Booker.

Titus O'neil
Pro: John Cena
Reason: That speach he gave last time on NXT. John Cena never gives up neither those titus so it could be like a super hero duo here :shrug:

Tony Smith:
Pro: Matt Striker
Reason: Referee being teacher by a guy talking on a head set....:lol:

Pro: Daniel Bryan
Reason: I want to see this guy back already and do not get me wrong here Daniel Bryan would be good for this guy.

Pro: Cm Punk
Reason: Tarver has been on the main roster but he hasn't been used like a superstar he was just there because Of Nexus. I think with Cm Punk being his pro if Punk can do a storyline with him where if Tarver wins he can be on the nexus and then whenever they are done Tarver is a singles wrestler if he loses he needs to figure out a way in wwe.

I know somethings here don't make sense but im usually not a good poster here so Yeah this is the longest post I had here to so leave your thoughts and whatever.
NXT has officially gone to shit. Hornswoggle? Fucking really? Might as well stamp the entire damn show with a "DO NOT WATCH" label. Who the fuck finds this fat midget entertaining needs to go outside. Seriously, what the fuck. I might have been somewhat willing to watch this season, but with Hornswoggle now a pro I have better things to do, like pull my fingernails off.
I haven't watched NXT since it got removed from TV, but the roster sounds terrible. IMO the winner should get tag title shots like last season. Forget the redemption crap. It should be guys that would be good tag teams. Also the pros should get more air time on Raw and Smackdown to show off their rookies and get them over more as tag teams. Even some of the loosing teams should stay together to revitalize the tag division. Here are the guys I would pick.

Rookie: Xavier Woods
Pro: R-Truth
Reason: Have Truth return again, this time with a man he held the TNA tag team titles with. I think these two could have great chemistry, and could make an exciting tag team.

Rookie: Seth Rollins
Pro: CM Punk
Reason: CM Punk can say he is recruiting for the Nu Nexus, and he hand picked this rookie because they are a lot alike.

Rookie: Tito Colon
Pro: Primo Colon
Reason: They are family and if they win they can pick up where Carlito and Primo left off.

Rookie: Brett DiBiase
Pro: Ted DiBiase
Reason: I was never a fan of the rumored Fortunate Sons group, but I would like to see this tag team happen.

Rookie: Abraham Washington
Pro: Tony Atlas
Reason: I don't think Atlas is under contract anymore, but I would resign him for this gig. If you never seen their skits on ECW look them up because they were great.

Rookie: Jackson Andrews
Pro: Tyson Kidd
Reason: They already teased this group, but it fell through, so see what happens with it on NXT. If it fails, have Kidd verbally destroy Andrews and reunite with DH Smith.

On a side note, I completely understand the last few shitty seasons, because WWE is trying to get a TV deal for the show, so they want to save the good stars for that. If that is indeed the case, I hope they use my idea for that show. :icon_biggrin: :icon_biggrin:
I wish they'd do one with future endeavored stars. Like NXT SECOND CHANCE...it would be awesome. WWE has fired so much fringe talent over the last 7 years they could find 7-9 guys for the show.
First off.... they need to send Hornswaggle back to Ringling Bros. or whatever circus/carnival he came from....

On to the topic.... I think they should just do away with NXT and try to get FCW a better TV deal. After the first season of NXT, the show was done. I don't think it matters who you put on NXT, it just won't work. They could spend their effort on something much more worth while.
I honestly don't see any useful talent on this roster except for maybe Byron Saxton. I always liked him for some reason and hes got charisma. I thought they weren't even gonna do a season 5 cause nobody even watches it plus they have tough enough now. why make a fake win a contract show while your starting the real win a contract show? doesn't make much sense

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